2022-08-02 更新

Distilled Low Rank Neural Radiance Field with Quantization for Light Field Compression

Authors:Jinglei Shi, Christine Guillemot

In this paper, we propose a novel light field compression method based on a Quantized Distilled Low Rank Neural Radiance Field (QDLR-NeRF) representation. While existing compression methods encode the set of light field sub-aperture images, our proposed method instead learns an implicit scene representation in the form of a Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), which also enables view synthesis. For reducing its size, the model is first learned under a Low Rank (LR) constraint using a Tensor Train (TT) decomposition in an Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) optimization framework. To further reduce the model size, the components of the tensor train decomposition need to be quantized. However, performing the optimization of the NeRF model by simultaneously taking the low rank constraint and the rate-constrained weight quantization into consideration is challenging. To deal with this difficulty, we introduce a network distillation operation that separates the low rank approximation and the weight quantization in the network training. The information from the initial LR constrained NeRF (LR-NeRF) is distilled to a model of a much smaller dimension (DLR-NeRF) based on the TT decomposition of the LR-NeRF. An optimized global codebook is then learned to quantize all TT components, producing the final QDLRNeRF. Experimental results show that our proposed method yields better compression efficiency compared with state-of-the-art methods, and it additionally has the advantage of allowing the synthesis of any light field view with a high quality.


End-to-end View Synthesis via NeRF Attention

Authors:Zelin Zhao, Jiaya Jia

In this paper, we present a simple seq2seq formulation for view synthesis where we take a set of ray points as input and output colors corresponding to the rays. Directly applying a standard transformer on this seq2seq formulation has two limitations. First, the standard attention cannot successfully fit the volumetric rendering procedure, and therefore high-frequency components are missing in the synthesized views. Second, applying global attention to all rays and pixels is extremely inefficient. Inspired by the neural radiance field (NeRF), we propose the NeRF attention (NeRFA) to address the above problems. On the one hand, NeRFA considers the volumetric rendering equation as a soft feature modulation procedure. In this way, the feature modulation enhances the transformers with the NeRF-like inductive bias. On the other hand, NeRFA performs multi-stage attention to reduce the computational overhead. Furthermore, the NeRFA model adopts the ray and pixel transformers to learn the interactions between rays and pixels. NeRFA demonstrates superior performance over NeRF and NerFormer on four datasets: DeepVoxels, Blender, LLFF, and CO3D. Besides, NeRFA establishes a new state-of-the-art under two settings: the single-scene view synthesis and the category-centric novel view synthesis. The code will be made publicly available.
PDF Fixed reference formatting issues


DoF-NeRF: Depth-of-Field Meets Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Zijin Wu, Xingyi Li, Juewen Peng, Hao Lu, Zhiguo Cao, Weicai Zhong

Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) and its variants have exhibited great success on representing 3D scenes and synthesizing photo-realistic novel views. However, they are generally based on the pinhole camera model and assume all-in-focus inputs. This limits their applicability as images captured from the real world often have finite depth-of-field (DoF). To mitigate this issue, we introduce DoF-NeRF, a novel neural rendering approach that can deal with shallow DoF inputs and can simulate DoF effect. In particular, it extends NeRF to simulate the aperture of lens following the principles of geometric optics. Such a physical guarantee allows DoF-NeRF to operate views with different focus configurations. Benefiting from explicit aperture modeling, DoF-NeRF also enables direct manipulation of DoF effect by adjusting virtual aperture and focus parameters. It is plug-and-play and can be inserted into NeRF-based frameworks. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that, DoF-NeRF not only performs comparably with NeRF in the all-in-focus setting, but also can synthesize all-in-focus novel views conditioned on shallow DoF inputs. An interesting application of DoF-NeRF to DoF rendering is also demonstrated. The source code will be made available at
PDF Accepted by ACMMM 2022


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