I2I Translation

2022-06-26 更新

Review Neural Networks about Image Transformation Based on IGC Learning Framework with Annotated Information

Authors:Yuanjie Yan, Suorong Yang, Yan Wang, Jian Zhao, Furao Shen

Image transformation, a class of vision and graphics problems whose goal is to learn the mapping between an input image and an output image, develops rapidly in the context of deep neural networks. In Computer Vision (CV), many problems can be regarded as the image transformation task, e.g., semantic segmentation and style transfer. These works have different topics and motivations, making the image transformation task flourishing. Some surveys only review the research on style transfer or image-to-image translation, all of which are just a branch of image transformation. However, none of the surveys summarize those works together in a unified framework to our best knowledge. This paper proposes a novel learning framework including Independent learning, Guided learning, and Cooperative learning, called the IGC learning framework. The image transformation we discuss mainly involves the general image-to-image translation and style transfer about deep neural networks. From the perspective of this framework, we review those subtasks and give a unified interpretation of various scenarios. We categorize related subtasks about the image transformation according to similar development trends. Furthermore, experiments have been performed to verify the effectiveness of IGC learning. Finally, new research directions and open problems are discussed for future research.


Colonoscopy 3D Video Dataset with Paired Depth from 2D-3D Registration

Authors:Taylor L. Bobrow, Mayank Golhar, Rohan Vijayan, Venkata S. Akshintala, Juan R. Garcia, Nicholas J. Durr

Screening colonoscopy is an important clinical application for several 3D computer vision techniques, including depth estimation, surface reconstruction, and missing region detection. However, the development, evaluation, and comparison of these techniques in real colonoscopy videos remain largely qualitative due to the difficulty of acquiring ground truth data. In this work, we present a Colonoscopy 3D Video Dataset (C3VD) acquired with a high definition clinical colonoscope and high-fidelity colon models for benchmarking computer vision methods in colonoscopy. We introduce a novel multimodal 2D-3D registration technique to register optical video sequences with ground truth rendered views of a known 3D model. The different modalities are registered by transforming optical images to depth maps with a Generative Adversarial Network and aligning edge features with an evolutionary optimizer. This registration method achieves an average translation error of 0.321 millimeters and an average rotation error of 0.159 degrees in simulation experiments where error-free ground truth is available. The method also leverages video information, improving registration accuracy by 55.6% for translation and 60.4% for rotation compared to single frame registration. 22 short video sequences were registered to generate 10,015 total frames with paired ground truth depth, surface normals, optical flow, occlusion, six degree-of-freedom pose, coverage maps, and 3D models. The dataset also includes screening videos acquired by a gastroenterologist with paired ground truth pose and 3D surface models. The dataset and registration source code are available at durr.jhu.edu/C3VD.


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