
2024-09-10 更新

DriveScape: Towards High-Resolution Controllable Multi-View Driving Video Generation

Authors:Wei Wu, Xi Guo, Weixuan Tang, Tingxuan Huang, Chiyu Wang, Dongyue Chen, Chenjing Ding

Recent advancements in generative models have provided promising solutions for synthesizing realistic driving videos, which are crucial for training autonomous driving perception models. However, existing approaches often struggle with multi-view video generation due to the challenges of integrating 3D information while maintaining spatial-temporal consistency and effectively learning from a unified model. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end framework named DriveScape for multi-view, 3D condition-guided video generation. DriveScape not only streamlines the process by integrating camera data to ensure comprehensive spatial-temporal coverage, but also introduces a Bi-Directional Modulated Transformer module to effectively align 3D road structural information. As a result, our approach enables precise control over video generation, significantly enhancing realism and providing a robust solution for generating multi-view driving videos. Our framework achieves state-of-the-art results on the nuScenes dataset, demonstrating impressive generative quality metrics with an FID score of 8.34 and an FVD score of 76.39, as well as superior performance across various perception tasks. This paves the way for more accurate environmental simulations in autonomous driving. Code will be available at our project homepage.


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