2024-09-10 更新

SCARF: Scalable Continual Learning Framework for Memory-efficient Multiple Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Yuze Wang, Junyi Wang, Chen Wang, Wantong Duan, Yongtang Bao, Yue Qi

This paper introduces a novel continual learning framework for synthesising novel views of multiple scenes, learning multiple 3D scenes incrementally, and updating the network parameters only with the training data of the upcoming new scene. We build on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), which uses multi-layer perceptron to model the density and radiance field of a scene as the implicit function. While NeRF and its extensions have shown a powerful capability of rendering photo-realistic novel views in a single 3D scene, managing these growing 3D NeRF assets efficiently is a new scientific problem. Very few works focus on the efficient representation or continuous learning capability of multiple scenes, which is crucial for the practical applications of NeRF. To achieve these goals, our key idea is to represent multiple scenes as the linear combination of a cross-scene weight matrix and a set of scene-specific weight matrices generated from a global parameter generator. Furthermore, we propose an uncertain surface knowledge distillation strategy to transfer the radiance field knowledge of previous scenes to the new model. Representing multiple 3D scenes with such weight matrices significantly reduces memory requirements. At the same time, the uncertain surface distillation strategy greatly overcomes the catastrophic forgetting problem and maintains the photo-realistic rendering quality of previous scenes. Experiments show that the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art rendering quality of continual learning NeRF on NeRF-Synthetic, LLFF, and TanksAndTemples datasets while preserving extra low storage cost.


GS-PT: Exploiting 3D Gaussian Splatting for Comprehensive Point Cloud Understanding via Self-supervised Learning

Authors:Keyi Liu, Yeqi Luo, Weidong Yang, Jingyi Xu, Zhijun Li, Wen-Ming Chen, Ben Fei

Self-supervised learning of point cloud aims to leverage unlabeled 3D data to learn meaningful representations without reliance on manual annotations. However, current approaches face challenges such as limited data diversity and inadequate augmentation for effective feature learning. To address these challenges, we propose GS-PT, which integrates 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) into point cloud self-supervised learning for the first time. Our pipeline utilizes transformers as the backbone for self-supervised pre-training and introduces novel contrastive learning tasks through 3DGS. Specifically, the transformers aim to reconstruct the masked point cloud. 3DGS utilizes multi-view rendered images as input to generate enhanced point cloud distributions and novel view images, facilitating data augmentation and cross-modal contrastive learning. Additionally, we incorporate features from depth maps. By optimizing these tasks collectively, our method enriches the tri-modal self-supervised learning process, enabling the model to leverage the correlation across 3D point clouds and 2D images from various modalities. We freeze the encoder after pre-training and test the model’s performance on multiple downstream tasks. Experimental results indicate that GS-PT outperforms the off-the-shelf self-supervised learning methods on various downstream tasks including 3D object classification, real-world classifications, and few-shot learning and segmentation.


G-NeLF: Memory- and Data-Efficient Hybrid Neural Light Field for Novel View Synthesis

Authors:Lutao Jiang, Lin Wang

Following the burgeoning interest in implicit neural representation, Neural Light Field (NeLF) has been introduced to predict the color of a ray directly. Unlike Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), NeLF does not create a point-wise representation by predicting color and volume density for each point in space. However, the current NeLF methods face a challenge as they need to train a NeRF model first and then synthesize over 10K views to train NeLF for improved performance. Additionally, the rendering quality of NeLF methods is lower compared to NeRF methods. In this paper, we propose G-NeLF, a versatile grid-based NeLF approach that utilizes spatial-aware features to unleash the potential of the neural network’s inference capability, and consequently overcome the difficulties of NeLF training. Specifically, we employ a spatial-aware feature sequence derived from a meticulously crafted grid as the ray’s representation. Drawing from our empirical studies on the adaptability of multi-resolution hash tables, we introduce a novel grid-based ray representation for NeLF that can represent the entire space with a very limited number of parameters. To better utilize the sequence feature, we design a lightweight ray color decoder that simulates the ray propagation process, enabling a more efficient inference of the ray’s color. G-NeLF can be trained without necessitating significant storage overhead and with the model size of only 0.95 MB to surpass previous state-of-the-art NeLF. Moreover, compared with grid-based NeRF methods, e.g., Instant-NGP, we only utilize one-tenth of its parameters to achieve higher performance. Our code will be released upon acceptance.


GASP: Gaussian Splatting for Physic-Based Simulations

Authors:Piotr Borycki, Weronika Smolak, Joanna Waczyńska, Marcin Mazur, Sławomir Tadeja, Przemysław Spurek

Physics simulation is paramount for modeling and utilization of 3D scenes in various real-world applications. However, its integration with state-of-the-art 3D scene rendering techniques such as Gaussian Splatting (GS) remains challenging. Existing models use additional meshing mechanisms, including triangle or tetrahedron meshing, marching cubes, or cage meshes. As an alternative, we can modify the physics grounded Newtonian dynamics to align with 3D Gaussian components. Current models take the first-order approximation of a deformation map, which locally approximates the dynamics by linear transformations. In contrast, our Gaussian Splatting for Physics-Based Simulations (GASP) model uses such a map (without any modifications) and flat Gaussian distributions, which are parameterized by three points (mesh faces). Subsequently, each 3D point (mesh face node) is treated as a discrete entity within a 3D space. Consequently, the problem of modeling Gaussian components is reduced to working with 3D points. Additionally, the information on mesh faces can be used to incorporate further properties into the physics model, facilitating the use of triangles. Resulting solution can be integrated into any physics engine that can be treated as a black box. As demonstrated in our studies, the proposed model exhibits superior performance on a diverse range of benchmark datasets designed for 3D object rendering.


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