
2024-09-10 更新

SSFam: Scribble Supervised Salient Object Detection Family

Authors:Zhengyi Liu, Sheng Deng, Xinrui Wang, Linbo Wang, Xianyong Fang, Bin Tang

Scribble supervised salient object detection (SSSOD) constructs segmentation ability of attractive objects from surroundings under the supervision of sparse scribble labels. For the better segmentation, depth and thermal infrared modalities serve as the supplement to RGB images in the complex scenes. Existing methods specifically design various feature extraction and multi-modal fusion strategies for RGB, RGB-Depth, RGB-Thermal, and Visual-Depth-Thermal image input respectively, leading to similar model flood. As the recently proposed Segment Anything Model (SAM) possesses extraordinary segmentation and prompt interactive capability, we propose an SSSOD family based on SAM, named SSFam, for the combination input with different modalities. Firstly, different modal-aware modulators are designed to attain modal-specific knowledge which cooperates with modal-agnostic information extracted from the frozen SAM encoder for the better feature ensemble. Secondly, a siamese decoder is tailored to bridge the gap between the training with scribble prompt and the testing with no prompt for the stronger decoding ability. Our model demonstrates the remarkable performance among combinations of different modalities and refreshes the highest level of scribble supervised methods and comes close to the ones of fully supervised methods. https://github.com/liuzywen/SSFam
PDF Accepted by TMM 2024


LEROjD: Lidar Extended Radar-Only Object Detection

Authors:Patrick Palmer, Martin Krüger, Stefan Schütte, Richard Altendorfer, Ganesh Adam, Torsten Bertram

Accurate 3D object detection is vital for automated driving. While lidar sensors are well suited for this task, they are expensive and have limitations in adverse weather conditions. 3+1D imaging radar sensors offer a cost-effective, robust alternative but face challenges due to their low resolution and high measurement noise. Existing 3+1D imaging radar datasets include radar and lidar data, enabling cross-modal model improvements. Although lidar should not be used during inference, it can aid the training of radar-only object detectors. We explore two strategies to transfer knowledge from the lidar to the radar domain and radar-only object detectors: 1. multi-stage training with sequential lidar point cloud thin-out, and 2. cross-modal knowledge distillation. In the multi-stage process, three thin-out methods are examined. Our results show significant performance gains of up to 4.2 percentage points in mean Average Precision with multi-stage training and up to 3.9 percentage points with knowledge distillation by initializing the student with the teacher’s weights. The main benefit of these approaches is their applicability to other 3D object detection networks without altering their architecture, as we show by analyzing it on two different object detectors. Our code is available at https://github.com/rst-tu-dortmund/lerojd
PDF Accepted for publication as ECCV 2024


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