2024-09-06 更新

mPLUG-DocOwl2: High-resolution Compressing for OCR-free Multi-page Document Understanding

Authors:Anwen Hu, Haiyang Xu, Liang Zhang, Jiabo Ye, Ming Yan, Ji Zhang, Qin Jin, Fei Huang, Jingren Zhou

Multimodel Large Language Models(MLLMs) have achieved promising OCR-free Document Understanding performance by increasing the supported resolution of document images. However, this comes at the cost of generating thousands of visual tokens for a single document image, leading to excessive GPU memory and slower inference times, particularly in multi-page document comprehension. In this work, to address these challenges, we propose a High-resolution DocCompressor module to compress each high-resolution document image into 324 tokens, guided by low-resolution global visual features. With this compression module, to strengthen multi-page document comprehension ability and balance both token efficiency and question-answering performance, we develop the DocOwl2 under a three-stage training framework: Single-image Pretraining, Multi-image Continue-pretraining, and Multi-task Finetuning. DocOwl2 sets a new state-of-the-art across multi-page document understanding benchmarks and reduces first token latency by more than 50%, demonstrating advanced capabilities in multi-page questioning answering, explanation with evidence pages, and cross-page structure understanding. Additionally, compared to single-image MLLMs trained on similar data, our DocOwl2 achieves comparable single-page understanding performance with less than 20% of the visual tokens. Our codes, models, and data are publicly available at https://github.com/X-PLUG/mPLUG-DocOwl/tree/main/DocOwl2.
PDF 15 pages, 7 figures


Text-Guided Mixup Towards Long-Tailed Image Categorization

Authors:Richard Franklin, Jiawei Yao, Deyang Zhong, Qi Qian, Juhua Hu

In many real-world applications, the frequency distribution of class labels for training data can exhibit a long-tailed distribution, which challenges traditional approaches of training deep neural networks that require heavy amounts of balanced data. Gathering and labeling data to balance out the class label distribution can be both costly and time-consuming. Many existing solutions that enable ensemble learning, re-balancing strategies, or fine-tuning applied to deep neural networks are limited by the inert problem of few class samples across a subset of classes. Recently, vision-language models like CLIP have been observed as effective solutions to zero-shot or few-shot learning by grasping a similarity between vision and language features for image and text pairs. Considering that large pre-trained vision-language models may contain valuable side textual information for minor classes, we propose to leverage text supervision to tackle the challenge of long-tailed learning. Concretely, we propose a novel text-guided mixup technique that takes advantage of the semantic relations between classes recognized by the pre-trained text encoder to help alleviate the long-tailed problem. Our empirical study on benchmark long-tailed tasks demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposal with a theoretical guarantee. Our code is available at https://github.com/rsamf/text-guided-mixup.
PDF Accepted by BMVC’24, code is available at https://github.com/rsamf/text-guided-mixup


RAG based Question-Answering for Contextual Response Prediction System

Authors:Sriram Veturi, Saurabh Vaichal, Nafis Irtiza Tripto, Reshma Lal Jagadheesh, Nian Yan

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown versatility in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, including their potential as effective question-answering systems. However, to provide precise and relevant information in response to specific customer queries in industry settings, LLMs require access to a comprehensive knowledge base to avoid hallucinations. Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) emerges as a promising technique to address this challenge. Yet, developing an accurate question-answering framework for real-world applications using RAG entails several challenges: 1) data availability issues, 2) evaluating the quality of generated content, and 3) the costly nature of human evaluation. In this paper, we introduce an end-to-end framework that employs LLMs with RAG capabilities for industry use cases. Given a customer query, the proposed system retrieves relevant knowledge documents and leverages them, along with previous chat history, to generate response suggestions for customer service agents in the contact centers of a major retail company. Through comprehensive automated and human evaluations, we show that this solution outperforms the current BERT-based algorithms in accuracy and relevance. Our findings suggest that RAG-based LLMs can be an excellent support to human customer service representatives by lightening their workload.
PDF Accepted at the 1st Workshop on GenAI and RAG Systems for Enterprise, CIKM’24. 6 pages


Planning In Natural Language Improves LLM Search For Code Generation

Authors:Evan Wang, Federico Cassano, Catherine Wu, Yunfeng Bai, Will Song, Vaskar Nath, Ziwen Han, Sean Hendryx, Summer Yue, Hugh Zhang

While scaling training compute has led to remarkable improvements in large language models (LLMs), scaling inference compute has not yet yielded analogous gains. We hypothesize that a core missing component is a lack of diverse LLM outputs, leading to inefficient search due to models repeatedly sampling highly similar, yet incorrect generations. We empirically demonstrate that this lack of diversity can be mitigated by searching over candidate plans for solving a problem in natural language. Based on this insight, we propose PLANSEARCH, a novel search algorithm which shows strong results across HumanEval+, MBPP+, and LiveCodeBench (a contamination-free benchmark for competitive coding). PLANSEARCH generates a diverse set of observations about the problem and then uses these observations to construct plans for solving the problem. By searching over plans in natural language rather than directly over code solutions, PLANSEARCH explores a significantly more diverse range of potential solutions compared to baseline search methods. Using PLANSEARCH on top of Claude 3.5 Sonnet achieves a state-of-the-art pass@200 of 77.0% on LiveCodeBench, outperforming both the best score achieved without search (pass@1 = 41.4%) and using standard repeated sampling (pass@200 = 60.6%). Finally, we show that, across all models, search algorithms, and benchmarks analyzed, we can accurately predict performance gains due to search as a direct function of the diversity over generated ideas.


Attention Heads of Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors:Zifan Zheng, Yezhaohui Wang, Yuxin Huang, Shichao Song, Bo Tang, Feiyu Xiong, Zhiyu Li

Since the advent of ChatGPT, Large Language Models (LLMs) have excelled in various tasks but remain largely as black-box systems. Consequently, their development relies heavily on data-driven approaches, limiting performance enhancement through changes in internal architecture and reasoning pathways. As a result, many researchers have begun exploring the potential internal mechanisms of LLMs, aiming to identify the essence of their reasoning bottlenecks, with most studies focusing on attention heads. Our survey aims to shed light on the internal reasoning processes of LLMs by concentrating on the interpretability and underlying mechanisms of attention heads. We first distill the human thought process into a four-stage framework: Knowledge Recalling, In-Context Identification, Latent Reasoning, and Expression Preparation. Using this framework, we systematically review existing research to identify and categorize the functions of specific attention heads. Furthermore, we summarize the experimental methodologies used to discover these special heads, dividing them into two categories: Modeling-Free methods and Modeling-Required methods. Also, we outline relevant evaluation methods and benchmarks. Finally, we discuss the limitations of current research and propose several potential future directions. Our reference list is open-sourced at \url{https://github.com/IAAR-Shanghai/Awesome-Attention-Heads}.
PDF 20 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables


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