
2024-09-05 更新

AdaNAT: Exploring Adaptive Policy for Token-Based Image Generation

Authors:Zanlin Ni, Yulin Wang, Renping Zhou, Rui Lu, Jiayi Guo, Jinyi Hu, Zhiyuan Liu, Yuan Yao, Gao Huang

Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of token-based methods for visual content generation. As a representative work, non-autoregressive Transformers (NATs) are able to synthesize images with decent quality in a small number of steps. However, NATs usually necessitate configuring a complicated generation policy comprising multiple manually-designed scheduling rules. These heuristic-driven rules are prone to sub-optimality and come with the requirements of expert knowledge and labor-intensive efforts. Moreover, their one-size-fits-all nature cannot flexibly adapt to the diverse characteristics of each individual sample. To address these issues, we propose AdaNAT, a learnable approach that automatically configures a suitable policy tailored for every sample to be generated. In specific, we formulate the determination of generation policies as a Markov decision process. Under this framework, a lightweight policy network for generation can be learned via reinforcement learning. Importantly, we demonstrate that simple reward designs such as FID or pre-trained reward models, may not reliably guarantee the desired quality or diversity of generated samples. Therefore, we propose an adversarial reward design to guide the training of policy networks effectively. Comprehensive experiments on four benchmark datasets, i.e., ImageNet-256 & 512, MS-COCO, and CC3M, validate the effectiveness of AdaNAT. Code and pre-trained models will be released at https://github.com/LeapLabTHU/AdaNAT.
PDF Accepted by ECCV2024


Accurate Compression of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models via Vector Quantization

Authors:Vage Egiazarian, Denis Kuznedelev, Anton Voronov, Ruslan Svirschevski, Michael Goin, Daniil Pavlov, Dan Alistarh, Dmitry Baranchuk

Text-to-image diffusion models have emerged as a powerful framework for high-quality image generation given textual prompts. Their success has driven the rapid development of production-grade diffusion models that consistently increase in size and already contain billions of parameters. As a result, state-of-the-art text-to-image models are becoming less accessible in practice, especially in resource-limited environments. Post-training quantization (PTQ) tackles this issue by compressing the pretrained model weights into lower-bit representations. Recent diffusion quantization techniques primarily rely on uniform scalar quantization, providing decent performance for the models compressed to 4 bits. This work demonstrates that more versatile vector quantization (VQ) may achieve higher compression rates for large-scale text-to-image diffusion models. Specifically, we tailor vector-based PTQ methods to recent billion-scale text-to-image models (SDXL and SDXL-Turbo), and show that the diffusion models of 2B+ parameters compressed to around 3 bits using VQ exhibit the similar image quality and textual alignment as previous 4-bit compression techniques.
PDF project page: https://yandex-research.github.io/vqdm


ReMOVE: A Reference-free Metric for Object Erasure

Authors:Aditya Chandrasekar, Goirik Chakrabarty, Jai Bardhan, Ramya Hebbalaguppe, Prathosh AP

We introduce $\texttt{ReMOVE}$, a novel reference-free metric for assessing object erasure efficacy in diffusion-based image editing models post-generation. Unlike existing measures such as LPIPS and CLIPScore, $\texttt{ReMOVE}$ addresses the challenge of evaluating inpainting without a reference image, common in practical scenarios. It effectively distinguishes between object removal and replacement. This is a key issue in diffusion models due to stochastic nature of image generation. Traditional metrics fail to align with the intuitive definition of inpainting, which aims for (1) seamless object removal within masked regions (2) while preserving the background continuity. $\texttt{ReMOVE}$ not only correlates with state-of-the-art metrics and aligns with human perception but also captures the nuanced aspects of the inpainting process, providing a finer-grained evaluation of the generated outputs.
PDF Accepted at The First Workshop on the Evaluation of Generative Foundation Models (EvGENFM) at CVPR 2024


DPDEdit: Detail-Preserved Diffusion Models for Multimodal Fashion Image Editing

Authors:Xiaolong Wang, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Jue Wang, Xiaojiang Peng

Fashion image editing is a crucial tool for designers to convey their creative ideas by visualizing design concepts interactively. Current fashion image editing techniques, though advanced with multimodal prompts and powerful diffusion models, often struggle to accurately identify editing regions and preserve the desired garment texture detail. To address these challenges, we introduce a new multimodal fashion image editing architecture based on latent diffusion models, called Detail-Preserved Diffusion Models (DPDEdit). DPDEdit guides the fashion image generation of diffusion models by integrating text prompts, region masks, human pose images, and garment texture images. To precisely locate the editing region, we first introduce Grounded-SAM to predict the editing region based on the user’s textual description, and then combine it with other conditions to perform local editing. To transfer the detail of the given garment texture into the target fashion image, we propose a texture injection and refinement mechanism. Specifically, this mechanism employs a decoupled cross-attention layer to integrate textual descriptions and texture images, and incorporates an auxiliary U-Net to preserve the high-frequency details of generated garment texture. Additionally, we extend the VITON-HD dataset using a multimodal large language model to generate paired samples with texture images and textual descriptions. Extensive experiments show that our DPDEdit outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of image fidelity and coherence with the given multimodal inputs.
PDF 13 pages,12 figures


Guide-and-Rescale: Self-Guidance Mechanism for Effective Tuning-Free Real Image Editing

Authors:Vadim Titov, Madina Khalmatova, Alexandra Ivanova, Dmitry Vetrov, Aibek Alanov

Despite recent advances in large-scale text-to-image generative models, manipulating real images with these models remains a challenging problem. The main limitations of existing editing methods are that they either fail to perform with consistent quality on a wide range of image edits or require time-consuming hyperparameter tuning or fine-tuning of the diffusion model to preserve the image-specific appearance of the input image. We propose a novel approach that is built upon a modified diffusion sampling process via the guidance mechanism. In this work, we explore the self-guidance technique to preserve the overall structure of the input image and its local regions appearance that should not be edited. In particular, we explicitly introduce layout-preserving energy functions that are aimed to save local and global structures of the source image. Additionally, we propose a noise rescaling mechanism that allows to preserve noise distribution by balancing the norms of classifier-free guidance and our proposed guiders during generation. Such a guiding approach does not require fine-tuning the diffusion model and exact inversion process. As a result, the proposed method provides a fast and high-quality editing mechanism. In our experiments, we show through human evaluation and quantitative analysis that the proposed method allows to produce desired editing which is more preferable by humans and also achieves a better trade-off between editing quality and preservation of the original image. Our code is available at https://github.com/FusionBrainLab/Guide-and-Rescale.


SPDiffusion: Semantic Protection Diffusion for Multi-concept Text-to-image Generation

Authors:Yang Zhang, Rui Zhang, Xuecheng Nie, Haochen Li, Jikun Chen, Yifan Hao, Xin Zhang, Luoqi Liu, Ling Li

Recent text-to-image models have achieved remarkable success in generating high-quality images. However, when tasked with multi-concept generation which creates images containing multiple characters or objects, existing methods often suffer from attribute confusion, resulting in severe text-image inconsistency. We found that attribute confusion occurs when a certain region of the latent features attend to multiple or incorrect prompt tokens. In this work, we propose novel Semantic Protection Diffusion (SPDiffusion) to protect the semantics of regions from the influence of irrelevant tokens, eliminating the confusion of non-corresponding attributes. In the SPDiffusion framework, we design a Semantic Protection Mask (SP-Mask) to represent the relevance of the regions and the tokens, and propose a Semantic Protection Cross-Attention (SP-Attn) to shield the influence of irrelevant tokens on specific regions in the generation process. To evaluate our method, we created a diverse multi-concept benchmark, and SPDiffusion achieves state-of-the-art results on this benchmark, proving its effectiveness. Our method can be combined with many other application methods or backbones, such as ControlNet, Story Diffusion, PhotoMaker and PixArt-alpha to enhance their multi-concept capabilities, demonstrating strong compatibility and scalability.


Pediatric brain tumor classification using digital histopathology and deep learning: evaluation of SOTA methods on a multi-center Swedish cohort

Authors:Iulian Emil Tampu, Per Nyman, Christoforos Spyretos, Ida Blystad, Alia Shamikh, Gabriela Prochazka, Teresita Díaz de Ståhl, Johanna Sandgren, Peter Lundberg, Neda Haj-Hosseini

Brain tumors are the most common solid tumors in children and young adults, but the scarcity of large histopathology datasets has limited the application of computational pathology in this group. This study implements two weakly supervised multiple-instance learning (MIL) approaches on patch-features obtained from state-of-the-art histology-specific foundation models to classify pediatric brain tumors in hematoxylin and eosin whole slide images (WSIs) from a multi-center Swedish cohort. WSIs from 540 subjects (age 8.5$\pm$4.9 years) diagnosed with brain tumor were gathered from the six Swedish university hospitals. Instance (patch)-level features were obtained from WSIs using three pre-trained feature extractors: ResNet50, UNI and CONCH. Instances were aggregated using attention-based MIL (ABMIL) or clustering-constrained attention MIL (CLAM) for patient-level classification. Models were evaluated on three classification tasks based on the hierarchical classification of pediatric brain tumors: tumor category, family and type. Model generalization was assessed by training on data from two of the centers and testing on data from four other centers. Model interpretability was evaluated through attention-mapping. The highest classification performance was achieved using UNI features and AMBIL aggregation, with Matthew’s correlation coefficient of 0.86$\pm$0.04, 0.63$\pm$0.04, and 0.53$\pm$0.05, for tumor category, family and type classification, respectively. When evaluating generalization, models utilizing UNI and CONCH features outperformed those using ResNet50. However, the drop in performance from the in-site to out-of-site testing was similar across feature extractors. These results show the potential of state-of-the-art computational pathology methods in diagnosing pediatric brain tumors at different hierarchical levels with fair generalizability on a multi-center national dataset.


Towards Generative Class Prompt Learning for Few-shot Visual Recognition

Authors:Soumitri Chattopadhyay, Sanket Biswas, Emanuele Vivoli, Josep Lladós

Although foundational vision-language models (VLMs) have proven to be very successful for various semantic discrimination tasks, they still struggle to perform faithfully for fine-grained categorization. Moreover, foundational models trained on one domain do not generalize well on a different domain without fine-tuning. We attribute these to the limitations of the VLM’s semantic representations and attempt to improve their fine-grained visual awareness using generative modeling. Specifically, we propose two novel methods: Generative Class Prompt Learning (GCPL) and Contrastive Multi-class Prompt Learning (CoMPLe). Utilizing text-to-image diffusion models, GCPL significantly improves the visio-linguistic synergy in class embeddings by conditioning on few-shot exemplars with learnable class prompts. CoMPLe builds on this foundation by introducing a contrastive learning component that encourages inter-class separation during the generative optimization process. Our empirical results demonstrate that such a generative class prompt learning approach substantially outperform existing methods, offering a better alternative to few shot image recognition challenges. The source code will be made available at: https://github.com/soumitri2001/GCPL.
PDF Accepted at BMVC 2024


Map-Assisted Remote-Sensing Image Compression at Extremely Low Bitrates

Authors:Yixuan Ye, Ce Wang, Wanjie Sun, Zhenzhong Chen

Remote-sensing (RS) image compression at extremely low bitrates has always been a challenging task in practical scenarios like edge device storage and narrow bandwidth transmission. Generative models including VAEs and GANs have been explored to compress RS images into extremely low-bitrate streams. However, these generative models struggle to reconstruct visually plausible images due to the highly ill-posed nature of extremely low-bitrate image compression. To this end, we propose an image compression framework that utilizes a pre-trained diffusion model with powerful natural image priors to achieve high-realism reconstructions. However, diffusion models tend to hallucinate small structures and textures due to the significant information loss at limited bitrates. Thus, we introduce vector maps as semantic and structural guidance and propose a novel image compression approach named Map-Assisted Generative Compression (MAGC). MAGC employs a two-stage pipeline to compress and decompress RS images at extremely low bitrates. The first stage maps an image into a latent representation, which is then further compressed in a VAE architecture to save bitrates and serves as implicit guidance in the subsequent diffusion process. The second stage conducts a conditional diffusion model to generate a visually pleasing and semantically accurate result using implicit guidance and explicit semantic guidance. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons show that our method outperforms standard codecs and other learning-based methods in terms of perceptual quality and semantic accuracy. The dataset and code will be publicly available at https://github.com/WHUyyx/MAGC.


DepthCrafter: Generating Consistent Long Depth Sequences for Open-world Videos

Authors:Wenbo Hu, Xiangjun Gao, Xiaoyu Li, Sijie Zhao, Xiaodong Cun, Yong Zhang, Long Quan, Ying Shan

Despite significant advancements in monocular depth estimation for static images, estimating video depth in the open world remains challenging, since open-world videos are extremely diverse in content, motion, camera movement, and length. We present DepthCrafter, an innovative method for generating temporally consistent long depth sequences with intricate details for open-world videos, without requiring any supplementary information such as camera poses or optical flow. DepthCrafter achieves generalization ability to open-world videos by training a video-to-depth model from a pre-trained image-to-video diffusion model, through our meticulously designed three-stage training strategy with the compiled paired video-depth datasets. Our training approach enables the model to generate depth sequences with variable lengths at one time, up to 110 frames, and harvest both precise depth details and rich content diversity from realistic and synthetic datasets. We also propose an inference strategy that processes extremely long videos through segment-wise estimation and seamless stitching. Comprehensive evaluations on multiple datasets reveal that DepthCrafter achieves state-of-the-art performance in open-world video depth estimation under zero-shot settings. Furthermore, DepthCrafter facilitates various downstream applications, including depth-based visual effects and conditional video generation.
PDF Project webpage: https://depthcrafter.github.io


LinFusion: 1 GPU, 1 Minute, 16K Image

Authors:Songhua Liu, Weihao Yu, Zhenxiong Tan, Xinchao Wang

Modern diffusion models, particularly those utilizing a Transformer-based UNet for denoising, rely heavily on self-attention operations to manage complex spatial relationships, thus achieving impressive generation performance. However, this existing paradigm faces significant challenges in generating high-resolution visual content due to its quadratic time and memory complexity with respect to the number of spatial tokens. To address this limitation, we aim at a novel linear attention mechanism as an alternative in this paper. Specifically, we begin our exploration from recently introduced models with linear complexity, e.g., Mamba, Mamba2, and Gated Linear Attention, and identify two key features-attention normalization and non-causal inference-that enhance high-resolution visual generation performance. Building on these insights, we introduce a generalized linear attention paradigm, which serves as a low-rank approximation of a wide spectrum of popular linear token mixers. To save the training cost and better leverage pre-trained models, we initialize our models and distill the knowledge from pre-trained StableDiffusion (SD). We find that the distilled model, termed LinFusion, achieves performance on par with or superior to the original SD after only modest training, while significantly reducing time and memory complexity. Extensive experiments on SD-v1.5, SD-v2.1, and SD-XL demonstrate that LinFusion delivers satisfactory zero-shot cross-resolution generation performance, generating high-resolution images like 16K resolution. Moreover, it is highly compatible with pre-trained SD components, such as ControlNet and IP-Adapter, requiring no adaptation efforts. Codes are available at https://github.com/Huage001/LinFusion.
PDF Work in Progress. Codes are available at https://github.com/Huage001/LinFusion


Exploring Low-Dimensional Subspaces in Diffusion Models for Controllable Image Editing

Authors:Siyi Chen, Huijie Zhang, Minzhe Guo, Yifu Lu, Peng Wang, Qing Qu

Recently, diffusion models have emerged as a powerful class of generative models. Despite their success, there is still limited understanding of their semantic spaces. This makes it challenging to achieve precise and disentangled image generation without additional training, especially in an unsupervised way. In this work, we improve the understanding of their semantic spaces from intriguing observations: among a certain range of noise levels, (1) the learned posterior mean predictor (PMP) in the diffusion model is locally linear, and (2) the singular vectors of its Jacobian lie in low-dimensional semantic subspaces. We provide a solid theoretical basis to justify the linearity and low-rankness in the PMP. These insights allow us to propose an unsupervised, single-step, training-free LOw-rank COntrollable image editing (LOCO Edit) method for precise local editing in diffusion models. LOCO Edit identified editing directions with nice properties: homogeneity, transferability, composability, and linearity. These properties of LOCO Edit benefit greatly from the low-dimensional semantic subspace. Our method can further be extended to unsupervised or text-supervised editing in various text-to-image diffusion models (T-LOCO Edit). Finally, extensive empirical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of LOCO Edit. The codes will be released at https://github.com/ChicyChen/LOCO-Edit.


Coral Model Generation from Single Images for Virtual Reality Applications

Authors:Jie Fu, Shun Fu, Mick Grierson

With the rapid development of VR technology, the demand for high-quality 3D models is increasing. Traditional methods struggle with efficiency and quality in large-scale customization. This paper introduces a deep-learning framework that generates high-precision 3D coral models from a single image. Using the Coral dataset, the framework extracts geometric and texture features, performs 3D reconstruction, and optimizes design and material blending. Advanced optimization and polygon count control ensure shape accuracy, detail retention, and flexible output for various complexities, catering to high-quality rendering and real-time interaction needs.The project incorporates Explainable AI (XAI) to transform AI-generated models into interactive “artworks,” best viewed in VR and XR. This enhances model interpretability and human-machine collaboration. Real-time feedback in VR interactions displays information like coral species and habitat, enriching user experience. The generated models surpass traditional methods in detail, visual quality, and efficiency. This research offers an intelligent approach to 3D content creation for VR, lowering production barriers, and promoting widespread VR applications. Additionally, integrating XAI provides new insights into AI-generated visual content and advances research in 3D vision interpretability.
PDF In Proceedings of Explainable AI for the Arts Workshop 2024 (XAIxArts 2024) arXiv:2406.14485


Continual Diffuser (CoD): Mastering Continual Offline Reinforcement Learning with Experience Rehearsal

Authors:Jifeng Hu, Li Shen, Sili Huang, Zhejian Yang, Hechang Chen, Lichao Sun, Yi Chang, Dacheng Tao

Artificial neural networks, especially recent diffusion-based models, have shown remarkable superiority in gaming, control, and QA systems, where the training tasks’ datasets are usually static. However, in real-world applications, such as robotic control of reinforcement learning (RL), the tasks are changing, and new tasks arise in a sequential order. This situation poses the new challenge of plasticity-stability trade-off for training an agent who can adapt to task changes and retain acquired knowledge. In view of this, we propose a rehearsal-based continual diffusion model, called Continual Diffuser (CoD), to endow the diffuser with the capabilities of quick adaptation (plasticity) and lasting retention (stability). Specifically, we first construct an offline benchmark that contains 90 tasks from multiple domains. Then, we train the CoD on each task with sequential modeling and conditional generation for making decisions. Next, we preserve a small portion of previous datasets as the rehearsal buffer and replay it to retain the acquired knowledge. Extensive experiments on a series of tasks show CoD can achieve a promising plasticity-stability trade-off and outperform existing diffusion-based methods and other representative baselines on most tasks.


Sample what you cant compress

Authors:Vighnesh Birodkar, Gabriel Barcik, James Lyon, Sergey Ioffe, David Minnen, Joshua V. Dillon

For learned image representations, basic autoencoders often produce blurry results. Reconstruction quality can be improved by incorporating additional penalties such as adversarial (GAN) and perceptual losses. Arguably, these approaches lack a principled interpretation. Concurrently, in generative settings diffusion has demonstrated a remarkable ability to create crisp, high quality results and has solid theoretical underpinnings (from variational inference to direct study as the Fisher Divergence). Our work combines autoencoder representation learning with diffusion and is, to our knowledge, the first to demonstrate the efficacy of jointly learning a continuous encoder and decoder under a diffusion-based loss. We demonstrate that this approach yields better reconstruction quality as compared to GAN-based autoencoders while being easier to tune. We also show that the resulting representation is easier to model with a latent diffusion model as compared to the representation obtained from a state-of-the-art GAN-based loss. Since our decoder is stochastic, it can generate details not encoded in the otherwise deterministic latent representation; we therefore name our approach “Sample what you can’t compress”, or SWYCC for short.


StyleTokenizer: Defining Image Style by a Single Instance for Controlling Diffusion Models

Authors:Wen Li, Muyuan Fang, Cheng Zou, Biao Gong, Ruobing Zheng, Meng Wang, Jingdong Chen, Ming Yang

Despite the burst of innovative methods for controlling the diffusion process, effectively controlling image styles in text-to-image generation remains a challenging task. Many adapter-based methods impose image representation conditions on the denoising process to accomplish image control. However these conditions are not aligned with the word embedding space, leading to interference between image and text control conditions and the potential loss of semantic information from the text prompt. Addressing this issue involves two key challenges. Firstly, how to inject the style representation without compromising the effectiveness of text representation in control. Secondly, how to obtain the accurate style representation from a single reference image. To tackle these challenges, we introduce StyleTokenizer, a zero-shot style control image generation method that aligns style representation with text representation using a style tokenizer. This alignment effectively minimizes the impact on the effectiveness of text prompts. Furthermore, we collect a well-labeled style dataset named Style30k to train a style feature extractor capable of accurately representing style while excluding other content information. Experimental results demonstrate that our method fully grasps the style characteristics of the reference image, generating appealing images that are consistent with both the target image style and text prompt. The code and dataset are available at https://github.com/alipay/style-tokenizer.
PDF Accepted by ECCV2024


Solving Video Inverse Problems Using Image Diffusion Models

Authors:Taesung Kwon, Jong Chul Ye

Recently, diffusion model-based inverse problem solvers (DIS) have emerged as state-of-the-art approaches for addressing inverse problems, including image super-resolution, deblurring, inpainting, etc. However, their application to video inverse problems arising from spatio-temporal degradation remains largely unexplored due to the challenges in training video diffusion models. To address this issue, here we introduce an innovative video inverse solver that leverages only image diffusion models. Specifically, by drawing inspiration from the success of the recent decomposed diffusion sampler (DDS), our method treats the time dimension of a video as the batch dimension of image diffusion models and solves spatio-temporal optimization problems within denoised spatio-temporal batches derived from each image diffusion model. Moreover, we introduce a batch-consistent diffusion sampling strategy that encourages consistency across batches by synchronizing the stochastic noise components in image diffusion models. Our approach synergistically combines batch-consistent sampling with simultaneous optimization of denoised spatio-temporal batches at each reverse diffusion step, resulting in a novel and efficient diffusion sampling strategy for video inverse problems. Experimental results demonstrate that our method effectively addresses various spatio-temporal degradations in video inverse problems, achieving state-of-the-art reconstructions. Project page: https://solving-video-inverse.github.io/main/
PDF 22 pages, 16 figures


Loopy: Taming Audio-Driven Portrait Avatar with Long-Term Motion Dependency

Authors:Jianwen Jiang, Chao Liang, Jiaqi Yang, Gaojie Lin, Tianyun Zhong, Yanbo Zheng

With the introduction of diffusion-based video generation techniques, audio-conditioned human video generation has recently achieved significant breakthroughs in both the naturalness of motion and the synthesis of portrait details. Due to the limited control of audio signals in driving human motion, existing methods often add auxiliary spatial signals to stabilize movements, which may compromise the naturalness and freedom of motion. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end audio-only conditioned video diffusion model named Loopy. Specifically, we designed an inter- and intra-clip temporal module and an audio-to-latents module, enabling the model to leverage long-term motion information from the data to learn natural motion patterns and improving audio-portrait movement correlation. This method removes the need for manually specified spatial motion templates used in existing methods to constrain motion during inference. Extensive experiments show that Loopy outperforms recent audio-driven portrait diffusion models, delivering more lifelike and high-quality results across various scenarios.


MADiff: Motion-Aware Mamba Diffusion Models for Hand Trajectory Prediction on Egocentric Videos

Authors:Junyi Ma, Xieyuanli Chen, Wentao Bao, Jingyi Xu, Hesheng Wang

Understanding human intentions and actions through egocentric videos is important on the path to embodied artificial intelligence. As a branch of egocentric vision techniques, hand trajectory prediction plays a vital role in comprehending human motion patterns, benefiting downstream tasks in extended reality and robot manipulation. However, capturing high-level human intentions consistent with reasonable temporal causality is challenging when only egocentric videos are available. This difficulty is exacerbated under camera egomotion interference and the absence of affordance labels to explicitly guide the optimization of hand waypoint distribution. In this work, we propose a novel hand trajectory prediction method dubbed MADiff, which forecasts future hand waypoints with diffusion models. The devised denoising operation in the latent space is achieved by our proposed motion-aware Mamba, where the camera wearer’s egomotion is integrated to achieve motion-driven selective scan (MDSS). To discern the relationship between hands and scenarios without explicit affordance supervision, we leverage a foundation model that fuses visual and language features to capture high-level semantics from video clips. Comprehensive experiments conducted on five public datasets with the existing and our proposed new evaluation metrics demonstrate that MADiff predicts comparably reasonable hand trajectories compared to the state-of-the-art baselines, and achieves real-time performance. We will release our code and pretrained models of MADiff at the project page: https://irmvlab.github.io/madiff.github.io.


Skip-and-Play: Depth-Driven Pose-Preserved Image Generation for Any Objects

Authors:Kyungmin Jo, Jaegul Choo

The emergence of diffusion models has enabled the generation of diverse high-quality images solely from text, prompting subsequent efforts to enhance the controllability of these models. Despite the improvement in controllability, pose control remains limited to specific objects (e.g., humans) or poses (e.g., frontal view) due to the fact that pose is generally controlled via camera parameters (e.g., rotation angle) or keypoints (e.g., eyes, nose). Specifically, camera parameters-conditional pose control models generate unrealistic images depending on the object, owing to the small size of 3D datasets for training. Also, keypoint-based approaches encounter challenges in acquiring reliable keypoints for various objects (e.g., church) or poses (e.g., back view). To address these limitations, we propose depth-based pose control, as depth maps are easily obtainable from a single depth estimation model regardless of objects and poses, unlike camera parameters and keypoints. However, depth-based pose control confronts issues of shape dependency, as depth maps influence not only the pose but also the shape of the generated images. To tackle this issue, we propose Skip-and-Play (SnP), designed via analysis of the impact of three components of depth-conditional ControlNet on the pose and the shape of the generated images. To be specific, based on the analysis, we selectively skip parts of the components to mitigate shape dependency on the depth map while preserving the pose. Through various experiments, we demonstrate the superiority of SnP over baselines and showcase the ability of SnP to generate images of diverse objects and poses. Remarkably, SnP exhibits the ability to generate images even when the objects in the condition (e.g., a horse) and the prompt (e.g., a hedgehog) differ from each other.


PoseTalk: Text-and-Audio-based Pose Control and Motion Refinement for One-Shot Talking Head Generation

Authors:Jun Ling, Yiwen Wang, Han Xue, Rong Xie, Li Song

While previous audio-driven talking head generation (THG) methods generate head poses from driving audio, the generated poses or lips cannot match the audio well or are not editable. In this study, we propose \textbf{PoseTalk}, a THG system that can freely generate lip-synchronized talking head videos with free head poses conditioned on text prompts and audio. The core insight of our method is using head pose to connect visual, linguistic, and audio signals. First, we propose to generate poses from both audio and text prompts, where the audio offers short-term variations and rhythm correspondence of the head movements and the text prompts describe the long-term semantics of head motions. To achieve this goal, we devise a Pose Latent Diffusion (PLD) model to generate motion latent from text prompts and audio cues in a pose latent space. Second, we observe a loss-imbalance problem: the loss for the lip region contributes less than 4\% of the total reconstruction loss caused by both pose and lip, making optimization lean towards head movements rather than lip shapes. To address this issue, we propose a refinement-based learning strategy to synthesize natural talking videos using two cascaded networks, i.e., CoarseNet, and RefineNet. The CoarseNet estimates coarse motions to produce animated images in novel poses and the RefineNet focuses on learning finer lip motions by progressively estimating lip motions from low-to-high resolutions, yielding improved lip-synchronization performance. Experiments demonstrate our pose prediction strategy achieves better pose diversity and realness compared to text-only or audio-only, and our video generator model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in synthesizing talking videos with natural head motions. Project: https://junleen.github.io/projects/posetalk.
PDF 7+5 pages, 15 figures


Rethinking HTG Evaluation: Bridging Generation and Recognition

Authors:Konstantina Nikolaidou, George Retsinas, Giorgos Sfikas, Marcus Liwicki

The evaluation of generative models for natural image tasks has been extensively studied. Similar protocols and metrics are used in cases with unique particularities, such as Handwriting Generation, even if they might not be completely appropriate. In this work, we introduce three measures tailored for HTG evaluation, $ \text{HTG}{\text{HTR}} $, $ \text{HTG}{\text{style}} $, and $ \text{HTG}_{\text{OOV}} $, and argue that they are more expedient to evaluate the quality of generated handwritten images. The metrics rely on the recognition error/accuracy of Handwriting Text Recognition and Writer Identification models and emphasize writing style, textual content, and diversity as the main aspects that adhere to the content of handwritten images. We conduct comprehensive experiments on the IAM handwriting database, showcasing that widely used metrics such as FID fail to properly quantify the diversity and the practical utility of generated handwriting samples. Our findings show that our metrics are richer in information and underscore the necessity of standardized evaluation protocols in HTG. The proposed metrics provide a more robust and informative protocol for assessing HTG quality, contributing to improved performance in HTR. Code for the evaluation protocol is available at: https://github.com/koninik/HTG_evaluation.


Human-VDM: Learning Single-Image 3D Human Gaussian Splatting from Video Diffusion Models

Authors:Zhibin Liu, Haoye Dong, Aviral Chharia, Hefeng Wu

Generating lifelike 3D humans from a single RGB image remains a challenging task in computer vision, as it requires accurate modeling of geometry, high-quality texture, and plausible unseen parts. Existing methods typically use multi-view diffusion models for 3D generation, but they often face inconsistent view issues, which hinder high-quality 3D human generation. To address this, we propose Human-VDM, a novel method for generating 3D human from a single RGB image using Video Diffusion Models. Human-VDM provides temporally consistent views for 3D human generation using Gaussian Splatting. It consists of three modules: a view-consistent human video diffusion module, a video augmentation module, and a Gaussian Splatting module. First, a single image is fed into a human video diffusion module to generate a coherent human video. Next, the video augmentation module applies super-resolution and video interpolation to enhance the textures and geometric smoothness of the generated video. Finally, the 3D Human Gaussian Splatting module learns lifelike humans under the guidance of these high-resolution and view-consistent images. Experiments demonstrate that Human-VDM achieves high-quality 3D human from a single image, outperforming state-of-the-art methods in both generation quality and quantity. Project page: https://human-vdm.github.io/Human-VDM/
PDF 14 Pages, 8 figures, Project page: https://human-vdm.github.io/Human-VDM/


HiPrompt: Tuning-free Higher-Resolution Generation with Hierarchical MLLM Prompts

Authors:Xinyu Liu, Yingqing He, Lanqing Guo, Xiang Li, Bu Jin, Peng Li, Yan Li, Chi-Min Chan, Qifeng Chen, Wei Xue, Wenhan Luo, Qingfeng Liu, Yike Guo

The potential for higher-resolution image generation using pretrained diffusion models is immense, yet these models often struggle with issues of object repetition and structural artifacts especially when scaling to 4K resolution and higher. We figure out that the problem is caused by that, a single prompt for the generation of multiple scales provides insufficient efficacy. In response, we propose HiPrompt, a new tuning-free solution that tackles the above problems by introducing hierarchical prompts. The hierarchical prompts offer both global and local guidance. Specifically, the global guidance comes from the user input that describes the overall content, while the local guidance utilizes patch-wise descriptions from MLLMs to elaborately guide the regional structure and texture generation. Furthermore, during the inverse denoising process, the generated noise is decomposed into low- and high-frequency spatial components. These components are conditioned on multiple prompt levels, including detailed patch-wise descriptions and broader image-level prompts, facilitating prompt-guided denoising under hierarchical semantic guidance. It further allows the generation to focus more on local spatial regions and ensures the generated images maintain coherent local and global semantics, structures, and textures with high definition. Extensive experiments demonstrate that HiPrompt outperforms state-of-the-art works in higher-resolution image generation, significantly reducing object repetition and enhancing structural quality.


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