
2024-09-05 更新

Compositional 3D-aware Video Generation with LLM Director

Authors:Hanxin Zhu, Tianyu He, Anni Tang, Junliang Guo, Zhibo Chen, Jiang Bian

Significant progress has been made in text-to-video generation through the use of powerful generative models and large-scale internet data. However, substantial challenges remain in precisely controlling individual concepts within the generated video, such as the motion and appearance of specific characters and the movement of viewpoints. In this work, we propose a novel paradigm that generates each concept in 3D representation separately and then composes them with priors from Large Language Models (LLM) and 2D diffusion models. Specifically, given an input textual prompt, our scheme consists of three stages: 1) We leverage LLM as the director to first decompose the complex query into several sub-prompts that indicate individual concepts within the video~(\textit{e.g.}, scene, objects, motions), then we let LLM to invoke pre-trained expert models to obtain corresponding 3D representations of concepts. 2) To compose these representations, we prompt multi-modal LLM to produce coarse guidance on the scales and coordinates of trajectories for the objects. 3) To make the generated frames adhere to natural image distribution, we further leverage 2D diffusion priors and use Score Distillation Sampling to refine the composition. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can generate high-fidelity videos from text with diverse motion and flexible control over each concept. Project page: \url{https://aka.ms/c3v}.


KMTalk: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Key Motion Embedding

Authors:Zhihao Xu, Shengjie Gong, Jiapeng Tang, Lingyu Liang, Yining Huang, Haojie Li, Shuangping Huang

We present a novel approach for synthesizing 3D facial motions from audio sequences using key motion embeddings. Despite recent advancements in data-driven techniques, accurately mapping between audio signals and 3D facial meshes remains challenging. Direct regression of the entire sequence often leads to over-smoothed results due to the ill-posed nature of the problem. To this end, we propose a progressive learning mechanism that generates 3D facial animations by introducing key motion capture to decrease cross-modal mapping uncertainty and learning complexity. Concretely, our method integrates linguistic and data-driven priors through two modules: the linguistic-based key motion acquisition and the cross-modal motion completion. The former identifies key motions and learns the associated 3D facial expressions, ensuring accurate lip-speech synchronization. The latter extends key motions into a full sequence of 3D talking faces guided by audio features, improving temporal coherence and audio-visual consistency. Extensive experimental comparisons against existing state-of-the-art methods demonstrate the superiority of our approach in generating more vivid and consistent talking face animations. Consistent enhancements in results through the integration of our proposed learning scheme with existing methods underscore the efficacy of our approach. Our code and weights will be at the project website: \url{https://github.com/ffxzh/KMTalk}.
PDF Accepted by ECCV 2024


AMG: Avatar Motion Guided Video Generation

Authors:Zhangsihao Yang, Mengyi Shan, Mohammad Farazi, Wenhui Zhu, Yanxi Chen, Xuanzhao Dong, Yalin Wang

Human video generation task has gained significant attention with the advancement of deep generative models. Generating realistic videos with human movements is challenging in nature, due to the intricacies of human body topology and sensitivity to visual artifacts. The extensively studied 2D media generation methods take advantage of massive human media datasets, but struggle with 3D-aware control; whereas 3D avatar-based approaches, while offering more freedom in control, lack photorealism and cannot be harmonized seamlessly with background scene. We propose AMG, a method that combines the 2D photorealism and 3D controllability by conditioning video diffusion models on controlled rendering of 3D avatars. We additionally introduce a novel data processing pipeline that reconstructs and renders human avatar movements from dynamic camera videos. AMG is the first method that enables multi-person diffusion video generation with precise control over camera positions, human motions, and background style. We also demonstrate through extensive evaluation that it outperforms existing human video generation methods conditioned on pose sequences or driving videos in terms of realism and adaptability.
PDF The project page is at https://github.com/zshyang/amg


DepthCrafter: Generating Consistent Long Depth Sequences for Open-world Videos

Authors:Wenbo Hu, Xiangjun Gao, Xiaoyu Li, Sijie Zhao, Xiaodong Cun, Yong Zhang, Long Quan, Ying Shan

Despite significant advancements in monocular depth estimation for static images, estimating video depth in the open world remains challenging, since open-world videos are extremely diverse in content, motion, camera movement, and length. We present DepthCrafter, an innovative method for generating temporally consistent long depth sequences with intricate details for open-world videos, without requiring any supplementary information such as camera poses or optical flow. DepthCrafter achieves generalization ability to open-world videos by training a video-to-depth model from a pre-trained image-to-video diffusion model, through our meticulously designed three-stage training strategy with the compiled paired video-depth datasets. Our training approach enables the model to generate depth sequences with variable lengths at one time, up to 110 frames, and harvest both precise depth details and rich content diversity from realistic and synthetic datasets. We also propose an inference strategy that processes extremely long videos through segment-wise estimation and seamless stitching. Comprehensive evaluations on multiple datasets reveal that DepthCrafter achieves state-of-the-art performance in open-world video depth estimation under zero-shot settings. Furthermore, DepthCrafter facilitates various downstream applications, including depth-based visual effects and conditional video generation.
PDF Project webpage: https://depthcrafter.github.io


Loopy: Taming Audio-Driven Portrait Avatar with Long-Term Motion Dependency

Authors:Jianwen Jiang, Chao Liang, Jiaqi Yang, Gaojie Lin, Tianyun Zhong, Yanbo Zheng

With the introduction of diffusion-based video generation techniques, audio-conditioned human video generation has recently achieved significant breakthroughs in both the naturalness of motion and the synthesis of portrait details. Due to the limited control of audio signals in driving human motion, existing methods often add auxiliary spatial signals to stabilize movements, which may compromise the naturalness and freedom of motion. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end audio-only conditioned video diffusion model named Loopy. Specifically, we designed an inter- and intra-clip temporal module and an audio-to-latents module, enabling the model to leverage long-term motion information from the data to learn natural motion patterns and improving audio-portrait movement correlation. This method removes the need for manually specified spatial motion templates used in existing methods to constrain motion during inference. Extensive experiments show that Loopy outperforms recent audio-driven portrait diffusion models, delivering more lifelike and high-quality results across various scenarios.


PoseTalk: Text-and-Audio-based Pose Control and Motion Refinement for One-Shot Talking Head Generation

Authors:Jun Ling, Yiwen Wang, Han Xue, Rong Xie, Li Song

While previous audio-driven talking head generation (THG) methods generate head poses from driving audio, the generated poses or lips cannot match the audio well or are not editable. In this study, we propose \textbf{PoseTalk}, a THG system that can freely generate lip-synchronized talking head videos with free head poses conditioned on text prompts and audio. The core insight of our method is using head pose to connect visual, linguistic, and audio signals. First, we propose to generate poses from both audio and text prompts, where the audio offers short-term variations and rhythm correspondence of the head movements and the text prompts describe the long-term semantics of head motions. To achieve this goal, we devise a Pose Latent Diffusion (PLD) model to generate motion latent from text prompts and audio cues in a pose latent space. Second, we observe a loss-imbalance problem: the loss for the lip region contributes less than 4\% of the total reconstruction loss caused by both pose and lip, making optimization lean towards head movements rather than lip shapes. To address this issue, we propose a refinement-based learning strategy to synthesize natural talking videos using two cascaded networks, i.e., CoarseNet, and RefineNet. The CoarseNet estimates coarse motions to produce animated images in novel poses and the RefineNet focuses on learning finer lip motions by progressively estimating lip motions from low-to-high resolutions, yielding improved lip-synchronization performance. Experiments demonstrate our pose prediction strategy achieves better pose diversity and realness compared to text-only or audio-only, and our video generator model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in synthesizing talking videos with natural head motions. Project: https://junleen.github.io/projects/posetalk.
PDF 7+5 pages, 15 figures


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