2024-09-05 更新

Data Augmentation for Image Classification using Generative AI

Authors:Fazle Rahat, M Shifat Hossain, Md Rubel Ahmed, Sumit Kumar Jha, Rickard Ewetz

Scaling laws dictate that the performance of AI models is proportional to the amount of available data. Data augmentation is a promising solution to expanding the dataset size. Traditional approaches focused on augmentation using rotation, translation, and resizing. Recent approaches use generative AI models to improve dataset diversity. However, the generative methods struggle with issues such as subject corruption and the introduction of irrelevant artifacts. In this paper, we propose the Automated Generative Data Augmentation (AGA). The framework combines the utility of large language models (LLMs), diffusion models, and segmentation models to augment data. AGA preserves foreground authenticity while ensuring background diversity. Specific contributions include: i) segment and superclass based object extraction, ii) prompt diversity with combinatorial complexity using prompt decomposition, and iii) affine subject manipulation. We evaluate AGA against state-of-the-art (SOTA) techniques on three representative datasets, ImageNet, CUB, and iWildCam. The experimental evaluation demonstrates an accuracy improvement of 15.6% and 23.5% for in and out-of-distribution data compared to baseline models, respectively. There is also a 64.3% improvement in SIC score compared to the baselines.
PDF 19 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables


Compositional 3D-aware Video Generation with LLM Director

Authors:Hanxin Zhu, Tianyu He, Anni Tang, Junliang Guo, Zhibo Chen, Jiang Bian

Significant progress has been made in text-to-video generation through the use of powerful generative models and large-scale internet data. However, substantial challenges remain in precisely controlling individual concepts within the generated video, such as the motion and appearance of specific characters and the movement of viewpoints. In this work, we propose a novel paradigm that generates each concept in 3D representation separately and then composes them with priors from Large Language Models (LLM) and 2D diffusion models. Specifically, given an input textual prompt, our scheme consists of three stages: 1) We leverage LLM as the director to first decompose the complex query into several sub-prompts that indicate individual concepts within the video~(\textit{e.g.}, scene, objects, motions), then we let LLM to invoke pre-trained expert models to obtain corresponding 3D representations of concepts. 2) To compose these representations, we prompt multi-modal LLM to produce coarse guidance on the scales and coordinates of trajectories for the objects. 3) To make the generated frames adhere to natural image distribution, we further leverage 2D diffusion priors and use Score Distillation Sampling to refine the composition. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can generate high-fidelity videos from text with diverse motion and flexible control over each concept. Project page: \url{https://aka.ms/c3v}.


DPDEdit: Detail-Preserved Diffusion Models for Multimodal Fashion Image Editing

Authors:Xiaolong Wang, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Jue Wang, Xiaojiang Peng

Fashion image editing is a crucial tool for designers to convey their creative ideas by visualizing design concepts interactively. Current fashion image editing techniques, though advanced with multimodal prompts and powerful diffusion models, often struggle to accurately identify editing regions and preserve the desired garment texture detail. To address these challenges, we introduce a new multimodal fashion image editing architecture based on latent diffusion models, called Detail-Preserved Diffusion Models (DPDEdit). DPDEdit guides the fashion image generation of diffusion models by integrating text prompts, region masks, human pose images, and garment texture images. To precisely locate the editing region, we first introduce Grounded-SAM to predict the editing region based on the user’s textual description, and then combine it with other conditions to perform local editing. To transfer the detail of the given garment texture into the target fashion image, we propose a texture injection and refinement mechanism. Specifically, this mechanism employs a decoupled cross-attention layer to integrate textual descriptions and texture images, and incorporates an auxiliary U-Net to preserve the high-frequency details of generated garment texture. Additionally, we extend the VITON-HD dataset using a multimodal large language model to generate paired samples with texture images and textual descriptions. Extensive experiments show that our DPDEdit outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of image fidelity and coherence with the given multimodal inputs.
PDF 13 pages,12 figures


Towards Generative Class Prompt Learning for Few-shot Visual Recognition

Authors:Soumitri Chattopadhyay, Sanket Biswas, Emanuele Vivoli, Josep Lladós

Although foundational vision-language models (VLMs) have proven to be very successful for various semantic discrimination tasks, they still struggle to perform faithfully for fine-grained categorization. Moreover, foundational models trained on one domain do not generalize well on a different domain without fine-tuning. We attribute these to the limitations of the VLM’s semantic representations and attempt to improve their fine-grained visual awareness using generative modeling. Specifically, we propose two novel methods: Generative Class Prompt Learning (GCPL) and Contrastive Multi-class Prompt Learning (CoMPLe). Utilizing text-to-image diffusion models, GCPL significantly improves the visio-linguistic synergy in class embeddings by conditioning on few-shot exemplars with learnable class prompts. CoMPLe builds on this foundation by introducing a contrastive learning component that encourages inter-class separation during the generative optimization process. Our empirical results demonstrate that such a generative class prompt learning approach substantially outperform existing methods, offering a better alternative to few shot image recognition challenges. The source code will be made available at: https://github.com/soumitri2001/GCPL.
PDF Accepted at BMVC 2024


A Medical Multimodal Large Language Model for Pediatric Pneumonia

Authors:Weiwei Tian, Xinyu Huang, Tianhao Cheng, Wen He, Jinwu Fang, Rui Feng, Daoying Geng, Xiaobo Zhang

Pediatric pneumonia is the leading cause of death among children under five years worldwide, imposing a substantial burden on affected families. Currently, there are three significant hurdles in diagnosing and treating pediatric pneumonia. Firstly, pediatric pneumonia shares similar symptoms with other respiratory diseases, making rapid and accurate differential diagnosis challenging. Secondly, primary hospitals often lack sufficient medical resources and experienced doctors. Lastly, providing personalized diagnostic reports and treatment recommendations is labor-intensive and time-consuming. To tackle these challenges, we proposed a Medical Multimodal Large Language Model for Pediatric Pneumonia (P2Med-MLLM). It was capable of handling diverse clinical tasks, such as generating free-text radiology reports and medical records within a unified framework. Specifically, P2Med-MLLM can process both pure text and image-text data, trained on an extensive and large-scale dataset (P2Med-MD), including real clinical information from 163,999 outpatient and 8,684 inpatient cases. This dataset comprised 2D chest X-ray images, 3D chest CT images, corresponding radiology reports, and outpatient and inpatient records. We designed a three-stage training strategy to enable P2Med-MLLM to comprehend medical knowledge and follow instructions for various clinical tasks. To rigorously evaluate P2Med-MLLM’s performance, we developed P2Med-MBench, a benchmark consisting of 642 meticulously verified samples by pediatric pulmonology specialists, covering six clinical decision-support tasks and a balanced variety of diseases. The automated scoring results demonstrated the superiority of P2Med-MLLM. This work plays a crucial role in assisting primary care doctors with prompt disease diagnosis and treatment planning, reducing severe symptom mortality rates, and optimizing the allocation of medical resources.
PDF 18 pages, 10 figures


PUB: Plot Understanding Benchmark and Dataset for Evaluating Large Language Models on Synthetic Visual Data Interpretation

Authors:Aneta Pawelec, Victoria Sara Wesołowska, Zuzanna Bączek, Piotr Sankowski

The ability of large language models (LLMs) to interpret visual representations of data is crucial for advancing their application in data analysis and decision-making processes. This paper presents a novel synthetic dataset designed to evaluate the proficiency of LLMs in interpreting various forms of data visualizations, including plots like time series, histograms, violins, boxplots, and clusters. Our dataset is generated using controlled parameters to ensure comprehensive coverage of potential real-world scenarios. We employ multimodal text prompts with questions related to visual data in images to benchmark several state-of-the-art models like ChatGPT or Gemini, assessing their understanding and interpretative accuracy. To ensure data integrity, our benchmark dataset is generated automatically, making it entirely new and free from prior exposure to the models being tested. This strategy allows us to evaluate the models’ ability to truly interpret and understand the data, eliminating possibility of pre-learned responses, and allowing for an unbiased evaluation of the models’ capabilities. We also introduce quantitative metrics to assess the performance of the models, providing a robust and comprehensive evaluation tool. Benchmarking several state-of-the-art LLMs with this dataset reveals varying degrees of success, highlighting specific strengths and weaknesses in interpreting diverse types of visual data. The results provide valuable insights into the current capabilities of LLMs and identify key areas for improvement. This work establishes a foundational benchmark for future research and development aimed at enhancing the visual interpretative abilities of language models. In the future, improved LLMs with robust visual interpretation skills can significantly aid in automated data analysis, scientific research, educational tools, and business intelligence applications.


Deconfounded Causality-aware Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Problem-Solving Improvement of LLMs

Authors:Ruoyu Wang, Xiaoxuan Li, Lina Yao

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable efficiency in tackling various tasks based on human instructions, but recent studies reveal that these models often fail to achieve satisfactory results on questions involving reasoning, such as mathematics or physics questions. This phenomenon is usually attributed to the uncertainty regarding whether these models could genuinely comprehend the knowledge embedded in the text or merely learn to replicate the token distribution without a true understanding of the content. In this paper, we delve into this problem and aim to enhance the reasoning capabilities of LLMs. First, we investigate if the model has genuine reasoning capabilities by visualizing the text generation process at the attention and representation level. Then, we formulate the reasoning process of LLMs into a causal framework, which provides a formal explanation of the problems we observe in the visualization. Finally, building upon this causal framework, we propose Deconfounded Causal Adaptation (DCA), a novel parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) method to enhance the model’s reasoning capabilities by encouraging the model to extract the general problem-solving skills and apply these skills to different questions. Experiments show that our method outperforms the baseline consistently across multiple benchmarks, and with only 1.2M tunable parameters, we achieve better or comparable results to other fine-tuning methods. This demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of our method in improving the overall accuracy and reliability of LLMs.


Creating a Gen-AI based Track and Trace Assistant MVP (SuperTracy) for PostNL

Authors:Mohammad Reshadati

The developments in the field of generative AI has brought a lot of opportunities for companies, for instance to improve efficiency in customer service and automating tasks. PostNL, the biggest parcel and E-commerce corporation of the Netherlands wants to use generative AI to enhance the communication around track and trace of parcels. During the internship a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) is created to showcase the value of using generative AI technologies, to enhance parcel tracking, analyzing the parcel’s journey and being able to communicate about it in an easy to understand manner. The primary goal was to develop an in-house LLM-based system, reducing dependency on external platforms and establishing the feasibility of a dedicated generative AI team within the company. This multi-agent LLM based system aimed to construct parcel journey stories and identify logistical disruptions with heightened efficiency and accuracy. The research involved deploying a sophisticated AI-driven communication system, employing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) for enhanced response precision, and optimizing large language models (LLMs) tailored to domain specific tasks. The MVP successfully implemented a multi-agent open-source LLM system, called SuperTracy. SuperTracy is capable of autonomously managing a broad spectrum of user inquiries and improving internal knowledge handling. Results and evaluation demonstrated technological innovation and feasibility, notably in communication about the track and trace of a parcel, which exceeded initial expectations. These advancements highlight the potential of AI-driven solutions in logistics, suggesting many opportunities for further refinement and broader implementation within PostNL operational framework.


Pooling And Attention: What Are Effective Designs For LLm-Based Embedding Models?

Authors:Yixuan Tang, Yi Yang

The significant advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs) in generative tasks have led to a growing body of work exploring LLM-based embedding models. While these models, employing different pooling and attention strategies, have achieved state-of-the-art performance on public embedding benchmarks, questions still arise about what constitutes an effective design for LLM-based embedding models. However, these models are often trained on different datasets, using different LLM base models or training settings. Moreover, evaluations on public embedding benchmarks often fail to report statistical significance, making it difficult to determine which designs truly contribute to final performance. This complicates the process for practitioners seeking optimal training recipes for LLM-based embedding models. In this study, we conduct a large-scale experiment by training a series of LLM-based embedding models using the same training data and base model but differing in their pooling and attention strategies. The results show that there is no one-size-fits-all solution: while bidirectional attention and an additional trainable pooling layer outperform in text similarity and information retrieval tasks, they do not significantly surpass simpler designs like EOS-last token pooling and default causal attention in clustering and classification tasks. Furthermore, we propose a new pooling strategy, Multi-Layers Trainable Pooling, which transforms the outputs of all hidden layers, rather than just the last layer, using a cross-attention network. This method proves to be statistically superior in text similarity and retrieval tasks compared to existing pooling methods. Overall, this paper sheds light on effective training strategies for LLM-based embedding models.
PDF https://github.com/yixuantt/PoolingAndAttn


ExpLLM: Towards Chain of Thought for Facial Expression Recognition

Authors:Xing Lan, Jian Xue, Ji Qi, Dongmei Jiang, Ke Lu, Tat-Seng Chua

Facial expression recognition (FER) is a critical task in multimedia with significant implications across various domains. However, analyzing the causes of facial expressions is essential for accurately recognizing them. Current approaches, such as those based on facial action units (AUs), typically provide AU names and intensities but lack insight into the interactions and relationships between AUs and the overall expression. In this paper, we propose a novel method called ExpLLM, which leverages large language models to generate an accurate chain of thought (CoT) for facial expression recognition. Specifically, we have designed the CoT mechanism from three key perspectives: key observations, overall emotional interpretation, and conclusion. The key observations describe the AU’s name, intensity, and associated emotions. The overall emotional interpretation provides an analysis based on multiple AUs and their interactions, identifying the dominant emotions and their relationships. Finally, the conclusion presents the final expression label derived from the preceding analysis. Furthermore, we also introduce the Exp-CoT Engine, designed to construct this expression CoT and generate instruction-description data for training our ExpLLM. Extensive experiments on the RAF-DB and AffectNet datasets demonstrate that ExpLLM outperforms current state-of-the-art FER methods. ExpLLM also surpasses the latest GPT-4o in expression CoT generation, particularly in recognizing micro-expressions where GPT-4o frequently fails.
PDF project page: https://starhiking.github.io/ExpLLM_Page/


CMM-Math: A Chinese Multimodal Math Dataset To Evaluate and Enhance the Mathematics Reasoning of Large Multimodal Models

Authors:Wentao Liu, Qianjun Pan, Yi Zhang, Zhuo Liu, Ji Wu, Jie Zhou, Aimin Zhou, Qin Chen, Bo Jiang, Liang He

Large language models (LLMs) have obtained promising results in mathematical reasoning, which is a foundational skill for human intelligence. Most previous studies focus on improving and measuring the performance of LLMs based on textual math reasoning datasets (e.g., MATH, GSM8K). Recently, a few researchers have released English multimodal math datasets (e.g., MATHVISTA and MATH-V) to evaluate the effectiveness of large multimodal models (LMMs). In this paper, we release a Chinese multimodal math (CMM-Math) dataset, including benchmark and training parts, to evaluate and enhance the mathematical reasoning of LMMs. CMM-Math contains over 28,000 high-quality samples, featuring a variety of problem types (e.g., multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and so on) with detailed solutions across 12 grade levels from elementary to high school in China. Specifically, the visual context may be present in the questions or opinions, which makes this dataset more challenging. Through comprehensive analysis, we discover that state-of-the-art LMMs on the CMM-Math dataset face challenges, emphasizing the necessity for further improvements in LMM development. We also propose a Multimodal Mathematical LMM (Math-LMM) to handle the problems with mixed input of multiple images and text segments. We train our model using three stages, including foundational pre-training, foundational fine-tuning, and mathematical fine-tuning. The extensive experiments indicate that our model effectively improves math reasoning performance by comparing it with the SOTA LMMs over three multimodal mathematical datasets.


Historical German Text Normalization Using Type- and Token-Based Language Modeling

Authors:Anton Ehrmanntraut

Historic variations of spelling poses a challenge for full-text search or natural language processing on historical digitized texts. To minimize the gap between the historic orthography and contemporary spelling, usually an automatic orthographic normalization of the historical source material is pursued. This report proposes a normalization system for German literary texts from c. 1700-1900, trained on a parallel corpus. The proposed system makes use of a machine learning approach using Transformer language models, combining an encoder-decoder model to normalize individual word types, and a pre-trained causal language model to adjust these normalizations within their context. An extensive evaluation shows that the proposed system provides state-of-the-art accuracy, comparable with a much larger fully end-to-end sentence-based normalization system, fine-tuning a pre-trained Transformer large language model. However, the normalization of historical text remains a challenge due to difficulties for models to generalize, and the lack of extensive high-quality parallel data.
PDF 27 pages, 3 figures


LongCite: Enabling LLMs to Generate Fine-grained Citations in Long-context QA

Authors:jiajie Zhang, Yushi Bai, Xin Lv, Wanjun Gu, Danqing Liu, Minhao Zou, Shulin Cao, Lei Hou, Yuxiao Dong, Ling Feng, Juanzi Li

Though current long-context large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capacities in answering user questions based on extensive text, the lack of citations in their responses makes user verification difficult, leading to concerns about their trustworthiness due to their potential hallucinations. In this work, we aim to enable long-context LLMs to generate responses with fine-grained sentence-level citations, improving their faithfulness and verifiability. We first introduce LongBench-Cite, an automated benchmark for assessing current LLMs’ performance in Long-Context Question Answering with Citations (LQAC), revealing considerable room for improvement. To this end, we propose CoF (Coarse to Fine), a novel pipeline that utilizes off-the-shelf LLMs to automatically generate long-context QA instances with precise sentence-level citations, and leverage this pipeline to construct LongCite-45k, a large-scale SFT dataset for LQAC. Finally, we train LongCite-8B and LongCite-9B using the LongCite-45k dataset, successfully enabling their generation of accurate responses and fine-grained sentence-level citations in a single output. The evaluation results on LongBench-Cite show that our trained models achieve state-of-the-art citation quality, surpassing advanced proprietary models including GPT-4o.


Can LVLMs Obtain a Driver’s License? A Benchmark Towards Reliable AGI for Autonomous Driving

Authors:Yuhang Lu, Yichen Yao, Jiadong Tu, Jiangnan Shao, Yuexin Ma, Xinge Zhu

Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have recently garnered significant attention, with many efforts aimed at harnessing their general knowledge to enhance the interpretability and robustness of autonomous driving models. However, LVLMs typically rely on large, general-purpose datasets and lack the specialized expertise required for professional and safe driving. Existing vision-language driving datasets focus primarily on scene understanding and decision-making, without providing explicit guidance on traffic rules and driving skills, which are critical aspects directly related to driving safety. To bridge this gap, we propose IDKB, a large-scale dataset containing over one million data items collected from various countries, including driving handbooks, theory test data, and simulated road test data. Much like the process of obtaining a driver’s license, IDKB encompasses nearly all the explicit knowledge needed for driving from theory to practice. In particular, we conducted comprehensive tests on 15 LVLMs using IDKB to assess their reliability in the context of autonomous driving and provided extensive analysis. We also fine-tuned popular models, achieving notable performance improvements, which further validate the significance of our dataset. The project page can be found at: \url{https://4dvlab.github.io/project_page/idkb.html}


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