
2024-09-05 更新

Multi-scale Multi-instance Visual Sound Localization and Segmentation

Authors:Shentong Mo, Haofan Wang

Visual sound localization is a typical and challenging problem that predicts the location of objects corresponding to the sound source in a video. Previous methods mainly used the audio-visual association between global audio and one-scale visual features to localize sounding objects in each image. Despite their promising performance, they omitted multi-scale visual features of the corresponding image, and they cannot learn discriminative regions compared to ground truths. To address this issue, we propose a novel multi-scale multi-instance visual sound localization framework, namely M2VSL, that can directly learn multi-scale semantic features associated with sound sources from the input image to localize sounding objects. Specifically, our M2VSL leverages learnable multi-scale visual features to align audio-visual representations at multi-level locations of the corresponding image. We also introduce a novel multi-scale multi-instance transformer to dynamically aggregate multi-scale cross-modal representations for visual sound localization. We conduct extensive experiments on VGGSound-Instruments, VGG-Sound Sources, and AVSBench benchmarks. The results demonstrate that the proposed M2VSL can achieve state-of-the-art performance on sounding object localization and segmentation.


SOOD-ImageNet: a Large-Scale Dataset for Semantic Out-Of-Distribution Image Classification and Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Alberto Bacchin, Davide Allegro, Stefano Ghidoni, Emanuele Menegatti

Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection in computer vision is a crucial research area, with related benchmarks playing a vital role in assessing the generalizability of models and their applicability in real-world scenarios. However, existing OOD benchmarks in the literature suffer from two main limitations: (1) they often overlook semantic shift as a potential challenge, and (2) their scale is limited compared to the large datasets used to train modern models. To address these gaps, we introduce SOOD-ImageNet, a novel dataset comprising around 1.6M images across 56 classes, designed for common computer vision tasks such as image classification and semantic segmentation under OOD conditions, with a particular focus on the issue of semantic shift. We ensured the necessary scalability and quality by developing an innovative data engine that leverages the capabilities of modern vision-language models, complemented by accurate human checks. Through extensive training and evaluation of various models on SOOD-ImageNet, we showcase its potential to significantly advance OOD research in computer vision. The project page is available at https://github.com/bach05/SOODImageNet.git.
PDF Accepeted as long paper at “The 3rd Workshop for Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Computer Vision Foundation Models”, ECCV 2024


Semantic Segmentation from Image Labels by Reconstruction from Structured Decomposition

Authors:Xuanrui Zeng

Weakly supervised image segmentation (WSSS) from image tags remains challenging due to its under-constraint nature. Most mainstream work focus on the extraction of class activation map (CAM) and imposing various additional regularization. Contrary to the mainstream, we propose to frame WSSS as a problem of reconstruction from decomposition of the image using its mask, under which most regularization are embedded implicitly within the framework of the new problem. Our approach has demonstrated promising results on initial experiments, and shown robustness against the problem of background ambiguity. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/xuanrui-work/WSSSByRec}.


Improving Apple Object Detection with Occlusion-Enhanced Distillation

Authors:Liang Geng

Apples growing in natural environments often face severe visual obstructions from leaves and branches. This significantly increases the risk of false detections in object detection tasks, thereby escalating the challenge. Addressing this issue, we introduce a technique called “Occlusion-Enhanced Distillation” (OED). This approach utilizes occlusion information to regularize the learning of semantically aligned features on occluded datasets and employs Exponential Moving Average (EMA) to enhance training stability. Specifically, we first design an occlusion-enhanced dataset that integrates Grounding DINO and SAM methods to extract occluding elements such as leaves and branches from each sample, creating occlusion examples that reflect the natural growth state of fruits. Additionally, we propose a multi-scale knowledge distillation strategy, where the student network uses images with increased occlusions as inputs, while the teacher network employs images without natural occlusions. Through this setup, the strategy guides the student network to learn from the teacher across scales of semantic and local features alignment, effectively narrowing the feature distance between occluded and non-occluded targets and enhancing the robustness of object detection. Lastly, to improve the stability of the student network, we introduce the EMA strategy, which aids the student network in learning more generalized feature expressions that are less affected by the noise of individual image occlusions. Our method significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art techniques through extensive comparative experiments.


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