Diffusion Models

2024-09-04 更新

IBO: Inpainting-Based Occlusion to Enhance Explainable Artificial Intelligence Evaluation in Histopathology

Authors:Pardis Afshar, Sajjad Hashembeiki, Pouya Khani, Emad Fatemizadeh, Mohammad Hossein Rohban

Histopathological image analysis is crucial for accurate cancer diagnosis and treatment planning. While deep learning models, especially convolutional neural networks, have advanced this field, their “black-box” nature raises concerns about interpretability and trustworthiness. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques aim to address these concerns, but evaluating their effectiveness remains challenging. A significant issue with current occlusion-based XAI methods is that they often generate Out-of-Distribution (OoD) samples, leading to inaccurate evaluations. In this paper, we introduce Inpainting-Based Occlusion (IBO), a novel occlusion strategy that utilizes a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model to inpaint occluded regions in histopathological images. By replacing cancerous areas with realistic, non-cancerous tissue, IBO minimizes OoD artifacts and preserves data integrity. We evaluate our method on the CAMELYON16 dataset through two phases: first, by assessing perceptual similarity using the Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS) metric, and second, by quantifying the impact on model predictions through Area Under the Curve (AUC) analysis. Our results demonstrate that IBO significantly improves perceptual fidelity, achieving nearly twice the improvement in LPIPS scores compared to the best existing occlusion strategy. Additionally, IBO increased the precision of XAI performance prediction from 42% to 71% compared to traditional methods. These results demonstrate IBO’s potential to provide more reliable evaluations of XAI techniques, benefiting histopathology and other applications. The source code for this study is available at https://github.com/a-fsh-r/IBO.
PDF 19 pages, 6 figures


Enabling Local Editing in Diffusion Models by Joint and Individual Component Analysis

Authors:Theodoros Kouzelis, Manos Plitsis, Mihalis A. Nicolaou, Yannis Panagakis

Recent advances in Diffusion Models (DMs) have led to significant progress in visual synthesis and editing tasks, establishing them as a strong competitor to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). However, the latent space of DMs is not as well understood as that of GANs. Recent research has focused on unsupervised semantic discovery in the latent space of DMs by leveraging the bottleneck layer of the denoising network, which has been shown to exhibit properties of a semantic latent space. However, these approaches are limited to discovering global attributes. In this paper we address, the challenge of local image manipulation in DMs and introduce an unsupervised method to factorize the latent semantics learned by the denoising network of pre-trained DMs. Given an arbitrary image and defined regions of interest, we utilize the Jacobian of the denoising network to establish a relation between the regions of interest and their corresponding subspaces in the latent space. Furthermore, we disentangle the joint and individual components of these subspaces to identify latent directions that enable local image manipulation. Once discovered, these directions can be applied to different images to produce semantically consistent edits, making our method suitable for practical applications. Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate that our method can produce semantic edits that are more localized and have better fidelity compared to the state-of-the-art.
PDF Accepted at BMVC2024


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