
2024-09-02 更新

STEREO: Towards Adversarially Robust Concept Erasing from Text-to-Image Generation Models

Authors:Koushik Srivatsan, Fahad Shamshad, Muzammal Naseer, Karthik Nandakumar

The rapid proliferation of large-scale text-to-image generation (T2IG) models has led to concerns about their potential misuse in generating harmful content. Though many methods have been proposed for erasing undesired concepts from T2IG models, they only provide a false sense of security, as recent works demonstrate that concept-erased models (CEMs) can be easily deceived to generate the erased concept through adversarial attacks. The problem of adversarially robust concept erasing without significant degradation to model utility (ability to generate benign concepts) remains an unresolved challenge, especially in the white-box setting where the adversary has access to the CEM. To address this gap, we propose an approach called STEREO that involves two distinct stages. The first stage searches thoroughly enough for strong and diverse adversarial prompts that can regenerate an erased concept from a CEM, by leveraging robust optimization principles from adversarial training. In the second robustly erase once stage, we introduce an anchor-concept-based compositional objective to robustly erase the target concept at one go, while attempting to minimize the degradation on model utility. By benchmarking the proposed STEREO approach against four state-of-the-art concept erasure methods under three adversarial attacks, we demonstrate its ability to achieve a better robustness vs. utility trade-off. Our code and models are available at https://github.com/koushiksrivats/robust-concept-erasing.
PDF Project Page: https://koushiksrivats.github.io/robust-concept-erasing/


Enabling Local Editing in Diffusion Models by Joint and Individual Component Analysis

Authors:Theodoros Kouzelis, Manos Plitsis, Mihalis A. Nikolaou, Yannis Panagakis

Recent advances in Diffusion Models (DMs) have led to significant progress in visual synthesis and editing tasks, establishing them as a strong competitor to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). However, the latent space of DMs is not as well understood as that of GANs. Recent research has focused on unsupervised semantic discovery in the latent space of DMs by leveraging the bottleneck layer of the denoising network, which has been shown to exhibit properties of a semantic latent space. However, these approaches are limited to discovering global attributes. In this paper we address, the challenge of local image manipulation in DMs and introduce an unsupervised method to factorize the latent semantics learned by the denoising network of pre-trained DMs. Given an arbitrary image and defined regions of interest, we utilize the Jacobian of the denoising network to establish a relation between the regions of interest and their corresponding subspaces in the latent space. Furthermore, we disentangle the joint and individual components of these subspaces to identify latent directions that enable local image manipulation. Once discovered, these directions can be applied to different images to produce semantically consistent edits, making our method suitable for practical applications. Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate that our method can produce semantic edits that are more localized and have better fidelity compared to the state-of-the-art.
PDF Code available here: https://zelaki.github.io/localdiff/


Ig3D: Integrating 3D Face Representations in Facial Expression Inference

Authors:Lu Dong, Xiao Wang, Srirangaraj Setlur, Venu Govindaraju, Ifeoma Nwogu

Reconstructing 3D faces with facial geometry from single images has allowed for major advances in animation, generative models, and virtual reality. However, this ability to represent faces with their 3D features is not as fully explored by the facial expression inference (FEI) community. This study therefore aims to investigate the impacts of integrating such 3D representations into the FEI task, specifically for facial expression classification and face-based valence-arousal (VA) estimation. To accomplish this, we first assess the performance of two 3D face representations (both based on the 3D morphable model, FLAME) for the FEI tasks. We further explore two fusion architectures, intermediate fusion and late fusion, for integrating the 3D face representations with existing 2D inference frameworks. To evaluate our proposed architecture, we extract the corresponding 3D representations and perform extensive tests on the AffectNet and RAF-DB datasets. Our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art AffectNet VA estimation and RAF-DB classification tasks. Moreover, our method can act as a complement to other existing methods to boost performance in many emotion inference tasks.
PDF Accepted by ECCVW 2024


Contrastive Learning with Synthetic Positives

Authors:Dewen Zeng, Yawen Wu, Xinrong Hu, Xiaowei Xu, Yiyu Shi

Contrastive learning with the nearest neighbor has proved to be one of the most efficient self-supervised learning (SSL) techniques by utilizing the similarity of multiple instances within the same class. However, its efficacy is constrained as the nearest neighbor algorithm primarily identifies easy'' positive pairs, where the representations are already closely located in the embedding space. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach called Contrastive Learning with Synthetic Positives (CLSP) that utilizes synthetic images, generated by an unconditional diffusion model, as the additional positives to help the model learn from diverse positives. Through feature interpolation in the diffusion model sampling process, we generate images with distinct backgrounds yet similar semantic content to the anchor image. These images are consideredhard’’ positives for the anchor image, and when included as supplementary positives in the contrastive loss, they contribute to a performance improvement of over 2\% and 1\% in linear evaluation compared to the previous NNCLR and All4One methods across multiple benchmark datasets such as CIFAR10, achieving state-of-the-art methods. On transfer learning benchmarks, CLSP outperforms existing SSL frameworks on 6 out of 8 downstream datasets. We believe CLSP establishes a valuable baseline for future SSL studies incorporating synthetic data in the training process.
PDF 8 pages, conference


AdaptVision: Dynamic Input Scaling in MLLMs for Versatile Scene Understanding

Authors:Yonghui Wang, Wengang Zhou, Hao Feng, Houqiang Li

Over the past few years, the advancement of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has captured the wide interest of researchers, leading to numerous innovations to enhance MLLMs’ comprehension. In this paper, we present AdaptVision, a multimodal large language model specifically designed to dynamically process input images at varying resolutions. We hypothesize that the requisite number of visual tokens for the model is contingent upon both the resolution and content of the input image. Generally, natural images with a lower information density can be effectively interpreted by the model using fewer visual tokens at reduced resolutions. In contrast, images containing textual content, such as documents with rich text, necessitate a higher number of visual tokens for accurate text interpretation due to their higher information density. Building on this insight, we devise a dynamic image partitioning module that adjusts the number of visual tokens according to the size and aspect ratio of images. This method mitigates distortion effects that arise from resizing images to a uniform resolution and dynamically optimizing the visual tokens input to the LLMs. Our model is capable of processing images with resolutions up to $1008\times 1008$. Extensive experiments across various datasets demonstrate that our method achieves impressive performance in handling vision-language tasks in both natural and text-related scenes. The source code and dataset are now publicly available at \url{https://github.com/harrytea/AdaptVision}.


Text-to-Image Generation Via Energy-Based CLIP

Authors:Roy Ganz, Michael Elad

Joint Energy Models (JEMs), while drawing significant research attention, have not been successfully scaled to real-world, high-resolution datasets. We present EB-CLIP, a novel approach extending JEMs to the multimodal vision-language domain using CLIP, integrating both generative and discriminative objectives. For the generative objective, we introduce an image-text joint-energy function based on Cosine similarity in the CLIP space, training CLIP to assign low energy to real image-caption pairs and high energy otherwise. For the discriminative objective, we employ contrastive adversarial loss, extending the adversarial training objective to the multimodal domain. EB-CLIP not only generates realistic images from text but also achieves competitive results on the compositionality benchmark, outperforming leading methods with fewer parameters. Additionally, we demonstrate the superior guidance capability of EB-CLIP by enhancing CLIP-based generative frameworks and converting unconditional diffusion models to text-based ones. Lastly, we show that EB-CLIP can serve as a more robust evaluation metric for text-to-image generative tasks than CLIP.


VQ4DiT: Efficient Post-Training Vector Quantization for Diffusion Transformers

Authors:Juncan Deng, Shuaiting Li, Zeyu Wang, Hong Gu, Kedong Xu, Kejie Huang

The Diffusion Transformers Models (DiTs) have transitioned the network architecture from traditional UNets to transformers, demonstrating exceptional capabilities in image generation. Although DiTs have been widely applied to high-definition video generation tasks, their large parameter size hinders inference on edge devices. Vector quantization (VQ) can decompose model weight into a codebook and assignments, allowing extreme weight quantization and significantly reducing memory usage. In this paper, we propose VQ4DiT, a fast post-training vector quantization method for DiTs. We found that traditional VQ methods calibrate only the codebook without calibrating the assignments. This leads to weight sub-vectors being incorrectly assigned to the same assignment, providing inconsistent gradients to the codebook and resulting in a suboptimal result. To address this challenge, VQ4DiT calculates the candidate assignment set for each weight sub-vector based on Euclidean distance and reconstructs the sub-vector based on the weighted average. Then, using the zero-data and block-wise calibration method, the optimal assignment from the set is efficiently selected while calibrating the codebook. VQ4DiT quantizes a DiT XL/2 model on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU within 20 minutes to 5 hours depending on the different quantization settings. Experiments show that VQ4DiT establishes a new state-of-the-art in model size and performance trade-offs, quantizing weights to 2-bit precision while retaining acceptable image generation quality.
PDF 11 pages, 6 figures


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