
2024-09-02 更新

VQ4DiT: Efficient Post-Training Vector Quantization for Diffusion Transformers

Authors:Juncan Deng, Shuaiting Li, Zeyu Wang, Hong Gu, Kedong Xu, Kejie Huang

The Diffusion Transformers Models (DiTs) have transitioned the network architecture from traditional UNets to transformers, demonstrating exceptional capabilities in image generation. Although DiTs have been widely applied to high-definition video generation tasks, their large parameter size hinders inference on edge devices. Vector quantization (VQ) can decompose model weight into a codebook and assignments, allowing extreme weight quantization and significantly reducing memory usage. In this paper, we propose VQ4DiT, a fast post-training vector quantization method for DiTs. We found that traditional VQ methods calibrate only the codebook without calibrating the assignments. This leads to weight sub-vectors being incorrectly assigned to the same assignment, providing inconsistent gradients to the codebook and resulting in a suboptimal result. To address this challenge, VQ4DiT calculates the candidate assignment set for each weight sub-vector based on Euclidean distance and reconstructs the sub-vector based on the weighted average. Then, using the zero-data and block-wise calibration method, the optimal assignment from the set is efficiently selected while calibrating the codebook. VQ4DiT quantizes a DiT XL/2 model on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU within 20 minutes to 5 hours depending on the different quantization settings. Experiments show that VQ4DiT establishes a new state-of-the-art in model size and performance trade-offs, quantizing weights to 2-bit precision while retaining acceptable image generation quality.
PDF 11 pages, 6 figures


CinePreGen: Camera Controllable Video Previsualization via Engine-powered Diffusion

Authors:Yiran Chen, Anyi Rao, Xuekun Jiang, Shishi Xiao, Ruiqing Ma, Zeyu Wang, Hui Xiong, Bo Dai

With advancements in video generative AI models (e.g., SORA), creators are increasingly using these techniques to enhance video previsualization. However, they face challenges with incomplete and mismatched AI workflows. Existing methods mainly rely on text descriptions and struggle with camera placement, a key component of previsualization. To address these issues, we introduce CinePreGen, a visual previsualization system enhanced with engine-powered diffusion. It features a novel camera and storyboard interface that offers dynamic control, from global to local camera adjustments. This is combined with a user-friendly AI rendering workflow, which aims to achieve consistent results through multi-masked IP-Adapter and engine simulation guidelines. In our comprehensive evaluation study, we demonstrate that our system reduces development viscosity (i.e., the complexity and challenges in the development process), meets users’ needs for extensive control and iteration in the design process, and outperforms other AI video production workflows in cinematic camera movement, as shown by our experiments and a within-subjects user study. With its intuitive camera controls and realistic rendering of camera motion, CinePreGen shows great potential for improving video production for both individual creators and industry professionals.


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