2024-09-02 更新

GameIR: A Large-Scale Synthesized Ground-Truth Dataset for Image Restoration over Gaming Content

Authors:Lebin Zhou, Kun Han, Nam Ling, Wei Wang, Wei Jiang

Image restoration methods like super-resolution and image synthesis have been successfully used in commercial cloud gaming products like NVIDIA’s DLSS. However, restoration over gaming content is not well studied by the general public. The discrepancy is mainly caused by the lack of ground-truth gaming training data that match the test cases. Due to the unique characteristics of gaming content, the common approach of generating pseudo training data by degrading the original HR images results in inferior restoration performance. In this work, we develop GameIR, a large-scale high-quality computer-synthesized ground-truth dataset to fill in the blanks, targeting at two different applications. The first is super-resolution with deferred rendering, to support the gaming solution of rendering and transferring LR images only and restoring HR images on the client side. We provide 19200 LR-HR paired ground-truth frames coming from 640 videos rendered at 720p and 1440p for this task. The second is novel view synthesis (NVS), to support the multiview gaming solution of rendering and transferring part of the multiview frames and generating the remaining frames on the client side. This task has 57,600 HR frames from 960 videos of 160 scenes with 6 camera views. In addition to the RGB frames, the GBuffers during the deferred rendering stage are also provided, which can be used to help restoration. Furthermore, we evaluate several SOTA super-resolution algorithms and NeRF-based NVS algorithms over our dataset, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our ground-truth GameIR data in improving restoration performance for gaming content. Also, we test the method of incorporating the GBuffers as additional input information for helping super-resolution and NVS. We release our dataset and models to the general public to facilitate research on restoration methods over gaming content.


ConDense: Consistent 2D/3D Pre-training for Dense and Sparse Features from Multi-View Images

Authors:Xiaoshuai Zhang, Zhicheng Wang, Howard Zhou, Soham Ghosh, Danushen Gnanapragasam, Varun Jampani, Hao Su, Leonidas Guibas

To advance the state of the art in the creation of 3D foundation models, this paper introduces the ConDense framework for 3D pre-training utilizing existing pre-trained 2D networks and large-scale multi-view datasets. We propose a novel 2D-3D joint training scheme to extract co-embedded 2D and 3D features in an end-to-end pipeline, where 2D-3D feature consistency is enforced through a volume rendering NeRF-like ray marching process. Using dense per pixel features we are able to 1) directly distill the learned priors from 2D models to 3D models and create useful 3D backbones, 2) extract more consistent and less noisy 2D features, 3) formulate a consistent embedding space where 2D, 3D, and other modalities of data (e.g., natural language prompts) can be jointly queried. Furthermore, besides dense features, ConDense can be trained to extract sparse features (e.g., key points), also with 2D-3D consistency — condensing 3D NeRF representations into compact sets of decorated key points. We demonstrate that our pre-trained model provides good initialization for various 3D tasks including 3D classification and segmentation, outperforming other 3D pre-training methods by a significant margin. It also enables, by exploiting our sparse features, additional useful downstream tasks, such as matching 2D images to 3D scenes, detecting duplicate 3D scenes, and querying a repository of 3D scenes through natural language — all quite efficiently and without any per-scene fine-tuning.


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