2024-09-02 更新

ConDense: Consistent 2D/3D Pre-training for Dense and Sparse Features from Multi-View Images

Authors:Xiaoshuai Zhang, Zhicheng Wang, Howard Zhou, Soham Ghosh, Danushen Gnanapragasam, Varun Jampani, Hao Su, Leonidas Guibas

To advance the state of the art in the creation of 3D foundation models, this paper introduces the ConDense framework for 3D pre-training utilizing existing pre-trained 2D networks and large-scale multi-view datasets. We propose a novel 2D-3D joint training scheme to extract co-embedded 2D and 3D features in an end-to-end pipeline, where 2D-3D feature consistency is enforced through a volume rendering NeRF-like ray marching process. Using dense per pixel features we are able to 1) directly distill the learned priors from 2D models to 3D models and create useful 3D backbones, 2) extract more consistent and less noisy 2D features, 3) formulate a consistent embedding space where 2D, 3D, and other modalities of data (e.g., natural language prompts) can be jointly queried. Furthermore, besides dense features, ConDense can be trained to extract sparse features (e.g., key points), also with 2D-3D consistency — condensing 3D NeRF representations into compact sets of decorated key points. We demonstrate that our pre-trained model provides good initialization for various 3D tasks including 3D classification and segmentation, outperforming other 3D pre-training methods by a significant margin. It also enables, by exploiting our sparse features, additional useful downstream tasks, such as matching 2D images to 3D scenes, detecting duplicate 3D scenes, and querying a repository of 3D scenes through natural language — all quite efficiently and without any per-scene fine-tuning.


Look, Compare, Decide: Alleviating Hallucination in Large Vision-Language Models via Multi-View Multi-Path Reasoning

Authors:Xiaoye Qu, Jiashuo Sun, Wei Wei, Yu Cheng

Recently, Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in multi-modal context comprehension. However, they still suffer from hallucination problems referring to generating inconsistent outputs with the image content. To mitigate hallucinations, previous studies mainly focus on retraining LVLMs with custom datasets. Although effective, they inherently come with additional computational costs. In this paper, we propose a training-free framework, \textbf{MVP}, that aims to reduce hallucinations by making the most of the innate capabilities of the LVLMs via \textbf{M}ulti-\textbf{V}iew Multi-\textbf{P}ath Reasoning. Specifically, we first devise a multi-view information-seeking strategy to thoroughly perceive the comprehensive information in the image, which enriches the general global information captured by the original vision encoder in LVLMs. Furthermore, during the answer decoding, we observe that the occurrence of hallucinations has a strong correlation with the certainty of the answer tokens. Thus, we propose multi-path reasoning for each information view to quantify and aggregate the certainty scores for each potential answer among multiple decoding paths and finally decide the output answer. By fully grasping the information in the image and carefully considering the certainty of the potential answers when decoding, our MVP can effectively reduce hallucinations in LVLMs.The extensive experiments verify that our proposed MVP significantly mitigates the hallucination problem across four well-known LVLMs. The source code is available at: \url{https://github.com/GasolSun36/MVP}.
PDF 13 pages, 7 tables, 7 figures


Codec Does Matter: Exploring the Semantic Shortcoming of Codec for Audio Language Model

Authors:Zhen Ye, Peiwen Sun, Jiahe Lei, Hongzhan Lin, Xu Tan, Zheqi Dai, Qiuqiang Kong, Jianyi Chen, Jiahao Pan, Qifeng Liu, Yike Guo, Wei Xue

Recent advancements in audio generation have been significantly propelled by the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). The existing research on audio LLM has primarily focused on enhancing the architecture and scale of audio language models, as well as leveraging larger datasets, and generally, acoustic codecs, such as EnCodec, are used for audio tokenization. However, these codecs were originally designed for audio compression, which may lead to suboptimal performance in the context of audio LLM. Our research aims to address the shortcomings of current audio LLM codecs, particularly their challenges in maintaining semantic integrity in generated audio. For instance, existing methods like VALL-E, which condition acoustic token generation on text transcriptions, often suffer from content inaccuracies and elevated word error rates (WER) due to semantic misinterpretations of acoustic tokens, resulting in word skipping and errors. To overcome these issues, we propose a straightforward yet effective approach called X-Codec. X-Codec incorporates semantic features from a pre-trained semantic encoder before the Residual Vector Quantization (RVQ) stage and introduces a semantic reconstruction loss after RVQ. By enhancing the semantic ability of the codec, X-Codec significantly reduces WER in speech synthesis tasks and extends these benefits to non-speech applications, including music and sound generation. Our experiments in text-to-speech, music continuation, and text-to-sound tasks demonstrate that integrating semantic information substantially improves the overall performance of language models in audio generation. Our code and demo are available (Demo: https://x-codec-audio.github.io Code: https://github.com/zhenye234/xcodec)


Improving Extraction of Clinical Event Contextual Properties from Electronic Health Records: A Comparative Study

Authors:Shubham Agarwal, Thomas Searle, Mart Ratas, Anthony Shek, James Teo, Richard Dobson

Electronic Health Records are large repositories of valuable clinical data, with a significant portion stored in unstructured text format. This textual data includes clinical events (e.g., disorders, symptoms, findings, medications and procedures) in context that if extracted accurately at scale can unlock valuable downstream applications such as disease prediction. Using an existing Named Entity Recognition and Linking methodology, MedCAT, these identified concepts need to be further classified (contextualised) for their relevance to the patient, and their temporal and negated status for example, to be useful downstream. This study performs a comparative analysis of various natural language models for medical text classification. Extensive experimentation reveals the effectiveness of transformer-based language models, particularly BERT. When combined with class imbalance mitigation techniques, BERT outperforms Bi-LSTM models by up to 28% and the baseline BERT model by up to 16% for recall of the minority classes. The method has been implemented as part of CogStack/MedCAT framework and made available to the community for further research.


VisionTS: Visual Masked Autoencoders Are Free-Lunch Zero-Shot Time Series Forecasters

Authors:Mouxiang Chen, Lefei Shen, Zhuo Li, Xiaoyun Joy Wang, Jianling Sun, Chenghao Liu

Foundation models have emerged as a promising approach in time series forecasting (TSF). Existing approaches either fine-tune large language models (LLMs) or build large-scale time-series datasets to develop TSF foundation models. However, these methods face challenges due to the severe cross-domain gap or in-domain heterogeneity. In this paper, we explore a new road to building a TSF foundation model from rich and high-quality natural images, based on the intrinsic similarities between images and time series. To bridge the gap between the two domains, we reformulate the TSF task as an image reconstruction task, which is further processed by a visual masked autoencoder (MAE) self-supervised pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset. Surprisingly, without further adaptation in the time-series domain, the proposed VisionTS could achieve superior zero-shot forecasting performance compared to existing TSF foundation models. With minimal fine-tuning, VisionTS could further improve the forecasting and achieve state-of-the-art performance in most cases. These findings suggest that visual models could be a free lunch for TSF and highlight the potential for future cross-domain research between computer vision and TSF. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Keytoyze/VisionTS.
PDF 26 pages, 11 figures


Joint Estimation and Prediction of City-wide Delivery Demand: A Large Language Model Empowered Graph-based Learning Approach

Authors:Tong Nie, Junlin He, Yuewen Mei, Guoyang Qin, Guilong Li, Jian Sun, Wei Ma

The proliferation of e-commerce and urbanization has significantly intensified delivery operations in urban areas, boosting the volume and complexity of delivery demand. Data-driven predictive methods, especially those utilizing machine learning techniques, have emerged to handle these complexities in urban delivery demand management problems. One particularly pressing problem that has not yet been sufficiently studied is the joint estimation and prediction of city-wide delivery demand. To this end, we formulate this problem as a graph-based spatiotemporal learning task. First, a message-passing neural network model is formalized to capture the interaction between demand patterns of associated regions. Second, by exploiting recent advances in large language models, we extract general geospatial knowledge encodings from the unstructured locational data and integrate them into the demand predictor. Last, to encourage the cross-city transferability of the model, an inductive training scheme is developed in an end-to-end routine. Extensive empirical results on two real-world delivery datasets, including eight cities in China and the US, demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in these challenging tasks.


Advancing Multi-talker ASR Performance with Large Language Models

Authors:Mohan Shi, Zengrui Jin, Yaoxun Xu, Yong Xu, Shi-Xiong Zhang, Kun Wei, Yiwen Shao, Chunlei Zhang, Dong Yu

Recognizing overlapping speech from multiple speakers in conversational scenarios is one of the most challenging problem for automatic speech recognition (ASR). Serialized output training (SOT) is a classic method to address multi-talker ASR, with the idea of concatenating transcriptions from multiple speakers according to the emission times of their speech for training. However, SOT-style transcriptions, derived from concatenating multiple related utterances in a conversation, depend significantly on modeling long contexts. Therefore, compared to traditional methods that primarily emphasize encoder performance in attention-based encoder-decoder (AED) architectures, a novel approach utilizing large language models (LLMs) that leverages the capabilities of pre-trained decoders may be better suited for such complex and challenging scenarios. In this paper, we propose an LLM-based SOT approach for multi-talker ASR, leveraging pre-trained speech encoder and LLM, fine-tuning them on multi-talker dataset using appropriate strategies. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach surpasses traditional AED-based methods on the simulated dataset LibriMix and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the evaluation set of the real-world dataset AMI, outperforming the AED model trained with 1000 times more supervised data in previous works.
PDF 8 pages, accepted by IEEE SLT 2024


SYNTHEVAL: Hybrid Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with Synthetic CheckLists

Authors:Raoyuan Zhao, Abdullatif Köksal, Yihong Liu, Leonie Weissweiler, Anna Korhonen, Hinrich Schütze

Traditional benchmarking in NLP typically involves using static held-out test sets. However, this approach often results in an overestimation of performance and lacks the ability to offer comprehensive, interpretable, and dynamic assessments of NLP models. Recently, works like DynaBench (Kiela et al., 2021) and CheckList (Ribeiro et al., 2020) have addressed these limitations through behavioral testing of NLP models with test types generated by a multistep human-annotated pipeline. Unfortunately, manually creating a variety of test types requires much human labor, often at prohibitive cost. In this work, we propose SYNTHEVAL, a hybrid behavioral testing framework that leverages large language models (LLMs) to generate a wide range of test types for a comprehensive evaluation of NLP models. SYNTHEVAL first generates sentences via LLMs using controlled generation, and then identifies challenging examples by comparing the predictions made by LLMs with task-specific NLP models. In the last stage, human experts investigate the challenging examples, manually design templates, and identify the types of failures the taskspecific models consistently exhibit. We apply SYNTHEVAL to two classification tasks, sentiment analysis and toxic language detection, and show that our framework is effective in identifying weaknesses of strong models on these tasks. We share our code in https://github.com/Loreley99/SynthEval_CheckList.


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