2024-08-31 更新

Spurfies: Sparse Surface Reconstruction using Local Geometry Priors

Authors:Kevin Raj, Christopher Wewer, Raza Yunus, Eddy Ilg, Jan Eric Lenssen

We introduce Spurfies, a novel method for sparse-view surface reconstruction that disentangles appearance and geometry information to utilize local geometry priors trained on synthetic data. Recent research heavily focuses on 3D reconstruction using dense multi-view setups, typically requiring hundreds of images. However, these methods often struggle with few-view scenarios. Existing sparse-view reconstruction techniques often rely on multi-view stereo networks that need to learn joint priors for geometry and appearance from a large amount of data. In contrast, we introduce a neural point representation that disentangles geometry and appearance to train a local geometry prior using a subset of the synthetic ShapeNet dataset only. During inference, we utilize this surface prior as additional constraint for surface and appearance reconstruction from sparse input views via differentiable volume rendering, restricting the space of possible solutions. We validate the effectiveness of our method on the DTU dataset and demonstrate that it outperforms previous state of the art by 35% in surface quality while achieving competitive novel view synthesis quality. Moreover, in contrast to previous works, our method can be applied to larger, unbounded scenes, such as Mip-NeRF 360.


Generic Objects as Pose Probes for Few-Shot View Synthesis

Authors:Zhirui Gao, Renjiao Yi, Chenyang Zhu, Ke Zhuang, Wei Chen, Kai Xu

Radiance fields including NeRFs and 3D Gaussians demonstrate great potential in high-fidelity rendering and scene reconstruction, while they require a substantial number of posed images as inputs. COLMAP is frequently employed for preprocessing to estimate poses, while it necessitates a large number of feature matches to operate effectively, and it struggles with scenes characterized by sparse features, large baselines between images, or a limited number of input images. We aim to tackle few-view NeRF reconstruction using only 3 to 6 unposed scene images. Traditional methods often use calibration boards but they are not common in images. We propose a novel idea of utilizing everyday objects, commonly found in both images and real life, as “pose probes”. The probe object is automatically segmented by SAM, whose shape is initialized from a cube. We apply a dual-branch volume rendering optimization (object NeRF and scene NeRF) to constrain the pose optimization and jointly refine the geometry. Specifically, object poses of two views are first estimated by PnP matching in an SDF representation, which serves as initial poses. PnP matching, requiring only a few features, is suitable for feature-sparse scenes. Additional views are incrementally incorporated to refine poses from preceding views. In experiments, PoseProbe achieves state-of-the-art performance in both pose estimation and novel view synthesis across multiple datasets. We demonstrate its effectiveness, particularly in few-view and large-baseline scenes where COLMAP struggles. In ablations, using different objects in a scene yields comparable performance.


OmniRe: Omni Urban Scene Reconstruction

Authors:Ziyu Chen, Jiawei Yang, Jiahui Huang, Riccardo de Lutio, Janick Martinez Esturo, Boris Ivanovic, Or Litany, Zan Gojcic, Sanja Fidler, Marco Pavone, Li Song, Yue Wang

We introduce OmniRe, a holistic approach for efficiently reconstructing high-fidelity dynamic urban scenes from on-device logs. Recent methods for modeling driving sequences using neural radiance fields or Gaussian Splatting have demonstrated the potential of reconstructing challenging dynamic scenes, but often overlook pedestrians and other non-vehicle dynamic actors, hindering a complete pipeline for dynamic urban scene reconstruction. To that end, we propose a comprehensive 3DGS framework for driving scenes, named OmniRe, that allows for accurate, full-length reconstruction of diverse dynamic objects in a driving log. OmniRe builds dynamic neural scene graphs based on Gaussian representations and constructs multiple local canonical spaces that model various dynamic actors, including vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists, among many others. This capability is unmatched by existing methods. OmniRe allows us to holistically reconstruct different objects present in the scene, subsequently enabling the simulation of reconstructed scenarios with all actors participating in real-time (~60Hz). Extensive evaluations on the Waymo dataset show that our approach outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods quantitatively and qualitatively by a large margin. We believe our work fills a critical gap in driving reconstruction.
PDF See the project page for code, video results and demos:


ReconX: Reconstruct Any Scene from Sparse Views with Video Diffusion Model

Authors:Fangfu Liu, Wenqiang Sun, Hanyang Wang, Yikai Wang, Haowen Sun, Junliang Ye, Jun Zhang, Yueqi Duan

Advancements in 3D scene reconstruction have transformed 2D images from the real world into 3D models, producing realistic 3D results from hundreds of input photos. Despite great success in dense-view reconstruction scenarios, rendering a detailed scene from insufficient captured views is still an ill-posed optimization problem, often resulting in artifacts and distortions in unseen areas. In this paper, we propose ReconX, a novel 3D scene reconstruction paradigm that reframes the ambiguous reconstruction challenge as a temporal generation task. The key insight is to unleash the strong generative prior of large pre-trained video diffusion models for sparse-view reconstruction. However, 3D view consistency struggles to be accurately preserved in directly generated video frames from pre-trained models. To address this, given limited input views, the proposed ReconX first constructs a global point cloud and encodes it into a contextual space as the 3D structure condition. Guided by the condition, the video diffusion model then synthesizes video frames that are both detail-preserved and exhibit a high degree of 3D consistency, ensuring the coherence of the scene from various perspectives. Finally, we recover the 3D scene from the generated video through a confidence-aware 3D Gaussian Splatting optimization scheme. Extensive experiments on various real-world datasets show the superiority of our ReconX over state-of-the-art methods in terms of quality and generalizability.
PDF Project page:


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