
2024-08-31 更新

PolarBEVDet: Exploring Polar Representation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection in Bird’s-Eye-View

Authors:Zichen Yu, Quanli Liu, Wei Wang, Liyong Zhang, Xiaoguang Zhao

Recently, LSS-based multi-view 3D object detection provides an economical and deployment-friendly solution for autonomous driving. However, all the existing LSS-based methods transform multi-view image features into a Cartesian Bird’s-Eye-View(BEV) representation, which does not take into account the non-uniform image information distribution and hardly exploits the view symmetry. In this paper, in order to adapt the image information distribution and preserve the view symmetry by regular convolution, we propose to employ the polar BEV representation to substitute the Cartesian BEV representation. To achieve this, we elaborately tailor three modules: a polar view transformer to generate the polar BEV representation, a polar temporal fusion module for fusing historical polar BEV features and a polar detection head to predict the polar-parameterized representation of the object. In addition, we design a 2D auxiliary detection head and a spatial attention enhancement module to improve the quality of feature extraction in perspective view and BEV, respectively. Finally, we integrate the above improvements into a novel multi-view 3D object detector, PolarBEVDet. Experiments on nuScenes show that PolarBEVDet achieves the superior performance. The code is available at https://github.com/Yzichen/PolarBEVDet.git.
PDF 11 pages, 6 figures


Weakly Supervised Object Detection for Automatic Tooth-marked Tongue Recognition

Authors:Yongcun Zhang, Jiajun Xu, Yina He, Shaozi Li, Zhiming Luo, Huangwei Lei

Tongue diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a crucial diagnostic method that can reflect an individual’s health status. Traditional methods for identifying tooth-marked tongues are subjective and inconsistent because they rely on practitioner experience. We propose a novel fully automated Weakly Supervised method using Vision transformer and Multiple instance learning WSVM for tongue extraction and tooth-marked tongue recognition. Our approach first accurately detects and extracts the tongue region from clinical images, removing any irrelevant background information. Then, we implement an end-to-end weakly supervised object detection method. We utilize Vision Transformer (ViT) to process tongue images in patches and employ multiple instance loss to identify tooth-marked regions with only image-level annotations. WSVM achieves high accuracy in tooth-marked tongue classification, and visualization experiments demonstrate its effectiveness in pinpointing these regions. This automated approach enhances the objectivity and accuracy of tooth-marked tongue diagnosis. It provides significant clinical value by assisting TCM practitioners in making precise diagnoses and treatment recommendations. Code is available at https://github.com/yc-zh/WSVM.


Multi-source Domain Adaptation for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Jing Jiang, Sicheng Zhao, Jiankun Zhu, Wenbo Tang, Zhaopan Xu, Jidong Yang, Pengfei Xu, Hongxun Yao

Panoramic semantic segmentation has received widespread attention recently due to its comprehensive 360\degree field of view. However, labeling such images demands greater resources compared to pinhole images. As a result, many unsupervised domain adaptation methods for panoramic semantic segmentation have emerged, utilizing real pinhole images or low-cost synthetic panoramic images. But, the segmentation model lacks understanding of the panoramic structure when only utilizing real pinhole images, and it lacks perception of real-world scenes when only adopting synthetic panoramic images. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new task of multi-source domain adaptation for panoramic semantic segmentation, aiming to utilize both real pinhole and synthetic panoramic images in the source domains, enabling the segmentation model to perform well on unlabeled real panoramic images in the target domain. Further, we propose Deformation Transform Aligner for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation (DTA4PASS), which converts all pinhole images in the source domains into panoramic-like images, and then aligns the converted source domains with the target domain. Specifically, DTA4PASS consists of two main components: Unpaired Semantic Morphing (USM) and Distortion Gating Alignment (DGA). Firstly, in USM, the Semantic Dual-view Discriminator (SDD) assists in training the diffeomorphic deformation network, enabling the effective transformation of pinhole images without paired panoramic views. Secondly, DGA assigns pinhole-like and panoramic-like features to each image by gating, and aligns these two features through uncertainty estimation. DTA4PASS outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods by 1.92% and 2.19% on the outdoor and indoor multi-source domain adaptation scenarios, respectively. The source code will be released.
PDF 9 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables


MICDrop: Masking Image and Depth Features via Complementary Dropout for Domain-Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Linyan Yang, Lukas Hoyer, Mark Weber, Tobias Fischer, Dengxin Dai, Laura Leal-Taixé, Marc Pollefeys, Daniel Cremers, Luc Van Gool

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) is the task of bridging the domain gap between a labeled source domain, e.g., synthetic data, and an unlabeled target domain. We observe that current UDA methods show inferior results on fine structures and tend to oversegment objects with ambiguous appearance. To address these shortcomings, we propose to leverage geometric information, i.e., depth predictions, as depth discontinuities often coincide with segmentation boundaries. We show that naively incorporating depth into current UDA methods does not fully exploit the potential of this complementary information. To this end, we present MICDrop, which learns a joint feature representation by masking image encoder features while inversely masking depth encoder features. With this simple yet effective complementary masking strategy, we enforce the use of both modalities when learning the joint feature representation. To aid this process, we propose a feature fusion module to improve both global as well as local information sharing while being robust to errors in the depth predictions. We show that our method can be plugged into various recent UDA methods and consistently improve results across standard UDA benchmarks, obtaining new state-of-the-art performances.


SODAWideNet++: Combining Attention and Convolutions for Salient Object Detection

Authors:Rohit Venkata Sai Dulam, Chandra Kambhamettu

Salient Object Detection (SOD) has traditionally relied on feature refinement modules that utilize the features of an ImageNet pre-trained backbone. However, this approach limits the possibility of pre-training the entire network because of the distinct nature of SOD and image classification. Additionally, the architecture of these backbones originally built for Image classification is sub-optimal for a dense prediction task like SOD. To address these issues, we propose a novel encoder-decoder-style neural network called SODAWideNet++ that is designed explicitly for SOD. Inspired by the vision transformers ability to attain a global receptive field from the initial stages, we introduce the Attention Guided Long Range Feature Extraction (AGLRFE) module, which combines large dilated convolutions and self-attention. Specifically, we use attention features to guide long-range information extracted by multiple dilated convolutions, thus taking advantage of the inductive biases of a convolution operation and the input dependency brought by self-attention. In contrast to the current paradigm of ImageNet pre-training, we modify 118K annotated images from the COCO semantic segmentation dataset by binarizing the annotations to pre-train the proposed model end-to-end. Further, we supervise the background predictions along with the foreground to push our model to generate accurate saliency predictions. SODAWideNet++ performs competitively on five different datasets while only containing 35% of the trainable parameters compared to the state-of-the-art models. The code and pre-computed saliency maps are provided at https://github.com/VimsLab/SODAWideNetPlusPlus.
PDF Accepted at ICPR 2024


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