Diffusion Models

2024-08-31 更新

Scaling Up Diffusion and Flow-based XGBoost Models

Authors:Jesse C. Cresswell, Taewoo Kim

Novel machine learning methods for tabular data generation are often developed on small datasets which do not match the scale required for scientific applications. We investigate a recent proposal to use XGBoost as the function approximator in diffusion and flow-matching models on tabular data, which proved to be extremely memory intensive, even on tiny datasets. In this work, we conduct a critical analysis of the existing implementation from an engineering perspective, and show that these limitations are not fundamental to the method; with better implementation it can be scaled to datasets 370x larger than previously used. Our efficient implementation also unlocks scaling models to much larger sizes which we show directly leads to improved performance on benchmark tasks. We also propose algorithmic improvements that can further benefit resource usage and model performance, including multi-output trees which are well-suited to generative modeling. Finally, we present results on large-scale scientific datasets derived from experimental particle physics as part of the Fast Calorimeter Simulation Challenge. Code is available at https://github.com/layer6ai-labs/calo-forest.
PDF Presented at ICML 2024 Workshop on AI for Science


Enhancing Conditional Image Generation with Explainable Latent Space Manipulation

Authors:Kshitij Pathania

In the realm of image synthesis, achieving fidelity to a reference image while adhering to conditional prompts remains a significant challenge. This paper proposes a novel approach that integrates a diffusion model with latent space manipulation and gradient-based selective attention mechanisms to address this issue. Leveraging Grad-SAM (Gradient-based Selective Attention Manipulation), we analyze the cross attention maps of the cross attention layers and gradients for the denoised latent vector, deriving importance scores of elements of denoised latent vector related to the subject of interest. Using this information, we create masks at specific timesteps during denoising to preserve subjects while seamlessly integrating the reference image features. This approach ensures the faithful formation of subjects based on conditional prompts, while concurrently refining the background for a more coherent composition. Our experiments on places365 dataset demonstrate promising results, with our proposed model achieving the lowest mean and median Frechet Inception Distance (FID) scores compared to baseline models, indicating superior fidelity preservation. Furthermore, our model exhibits competitive performance in aligning the generated images with provided textual descriptions, as evidenced by high CLIP scores. These results highlight the effectiveness of our approach in both fidelity preservation and textual context preservation, offering a significant advancement in text-to-image synthesis tasks.
PDF 7 pages , 5 figures


Improving Diffusion-based Data Augmentation with Inversion Spherical Interpolation

Authors:Yanghao Wang, Long Chen

Data Augmentation (DA), \ie, synthesizing faithful and diverse samples to expand the original training set, is a prevalent and effective strategy to improve various visual recognition tasks. With the powerful image generation ability, diffusion-based DA has shown strong performance gains on different benchmarks. In this paper, we analyze today’s diffusion-based DA methods, and argue that they cannot take account of both faithfulness and diversity, which are two critical keys for generating high-quality samples and boosting final classification performance. To this end, we propose a novel Diffusion-based Inversion Interpolation DA method: Diff-II. Specifically, Diff-II consists of three main steps: 1) Category concepts learning: Learning concept embeddings for each category. 2) Inversion interpolation: Calculating the inversion for each image, and conducting spherical interpolation for two randomly sampled inversions from the same category. 3) Two-stage denoising: Using different prompts to generate synthesized images in a coarse-to-fine manner. Extensive experiments on multiple image classification tasks (\eg, few-shot, long-tailed, and out-of-distribution classification) have demonstrated its effectiveness over state-of-the-art diffusion-based DA methods.


P2P-Bridge: Diffusion Bridges for 3D Point Cloud Denoising

Authors:Mathias Vogel, Keisuke Tateno, Marc Pollefeys, Federico Tombari, Marie-Julie Rakotosaona, Francis Engelmann

In this work, we tackle the task of point cloud denoising through a novel framework that adapts Diffusion Schr\”odinger bridges to points clouds. Unlike previous approaches that predict point-wise displacements from point features or learned noise distributions, our method learns an optimal transport plan between paired point clouds. Experiments on object datasets like PU-Net and real-world datasets such as ScanNet++ and ARKitScenes show that P2P-Bridge achieves significant improvements over existing methods. While our approach demonstrates strong results using only point coordinates, we also show that incorporating additional features, such as color information or point-wise DINOv2 features, further enhances the performance. Code and pretrained models are available at https://p2p-bridge.github.io.
PDF ECCV 2024 Project page: https://p2p-bridge.github.io


Self-Improving Diffusion Models with Synthetic Data

Authors:Sina Alemohammad, Ahmed Imtiaz Humayun, Shruti Agarwal, John Collomosse, Richard Baraniuk

The artificial intelligence (AI) world is running out of real data for training increasingly large generative models, resulting in accelerating pressure to train on synthetic data. Unfortunately, training new generative models with synthetic data from current or past generation models creates an autophagous (self-consuming) loop that degrades the quality and/or diversity of the synthetic data in what has been termed model autophagy disorder (MAD) and model collapse. Current thinking around model autophagy recommends that synthetic data is to be avoided for model training lest the system deteriorate into MADness. In this paper, we take a different tack that treats synthetic data differently from real data. Self-IMproving diffusion models with Synthetic data (SIMS) is a new training concept for diffusion models that uses self-synthesized data to provide negative guidance during the generation process to steer a model’s generative process away from the non-ideal synthetic data manifold and towards the real data distribution. We demonstrate that SIMS is capable of self-improvement; it establishes new records based on the Fr\’echet inception distance (FID) metric for CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-64 generation and achieves competitive results on FFHQ-64 and ImageNet-512. Moreover, SIMS is, to the best of our knowledge, the first prophylactic generative AI algorithm that can be iteratively trained on self-generated synthetic data without going MAD. As a bonus, SIMS can adjust a diffusion model’s synthetic data distribution to match any desired in-domain target distribution to help mitigate biases and ensure fairness.


IBO: Inpainting-Based Occlusion to Enhance Explainable Artificial Intelligence Evaluation in Histopathology

Authors:Pardis Afshar, Sajjad Hashembeiki, Pouya Khani, Emad Fatemizadeh, Mohammad Hossein Rohban

Histopathological image analysis is crucial for accurate cancer diagnosis and treatment planning. While deep learning models, especially convolutional neural networks, have advanced this field, their “black-box” nature raises concerns about interpretability and trustworthiness. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques aim to address these concerns, but evaluating their effectiveness remains challenging. A significant issue with current occlusion-based XAI methods is that they often generate Out-of-Distribution (OoD) samples, leading to inaccurate evaluations. In this paper, we introduce Inpainting-Based Occlusion (IBO), a novel occlusion strategy that utilizes a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model to inpaint occluded regions in histopathological images. By replacing cancerous areas with realistic, non-cancerous tissue, IBO minimizes OoD artifacts and preserves data integrity. We evaluate our method on the CAMELYON16 dataset through two phases: first, by assessing perceptual similarity using the Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS) metric, and second, by quantifying the impact on model predictions through Area Under the Curve (AUC) analysis. Our results demonstrate that IBO significantly improves perceptual fidelity, achieving nearly twice the improvement in LPIPS scores compared to the best existing occlusion strategy. Additionally, IBO increased the precision of XAI performance prediction from 42% to 71% compared to traditional methods. These results demonstrate IBO’s potential to provide more reliable evaluations of XAI techniques, benefiting histopathology and other applications. The source code for this study is available at https://github.com/a-fsh-r/IBO.
PDF 19 pages, 6 figures


COIN: Control-Inpainting Diffusion Prior for Human and Camera Motion Estimation

Authors:Jiefeng Li, Ye Yuan, Davis Rempe, Haotian Zhang, Pavlo Molchanov, Cewu Lu, Jan Kautz, Umar Iqbal

Estimating global human motion from moving cameras is challenging due to the entanglement of human and camera motions. To mitigate the ambiguity, existing methods leverage learned human motion priors, which however often result in oversmoothed motions with misaligned 2D projections. To tackle this problem, we propose COIN, a control-inpainting motion diffusion prior that enables fine-grained control to disentangle human and camera motions. Although pre-trained motion diffusion models encode rich motion priors, we find it non-trivial to leverage such knowledge to guide global motion estimation from RGB videos. COIN introduces a novel control-inpainting score distillation sampling method to ensure well-aligned, consistent, and high-quality motion from the diffusion prior within a joint optimization framework. Furthermore, we introduce a new human-scene relation loss to alleviate the scale ambiguity by enforcing consistency among the humans, camera, and scene. Experiments on three challenging benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of COIN, which outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of global human motion estimation and camera motion estimation. As an illustrative example, COIN outperforms the state-of-the-art method by 33% in world joint position error (W-MPJPE) on the RICH dataset.


What to Preserve and What to Transfer: Faithful, Identity-Preserving Diffusion-based Hairstyle Transfer

Authors:Chaeyeon Chung, Sunghyun Park, Jeongho Kim, Jaegul Choo

Hairstyle transfer is a challenging task in the image editing field that modifies the hairstyle of a given face image while preserving its other appearance and background features. The existing hairstyle transfer approaches heavily rely on StyleGAN, which is pre-trained on cropped and aligned face images. Hence, they struggle to generalize under challenging conditions such as extreme variations of head poses or focal lengths. To address this issue, we propose a one-stage hairstyle transfer diffusion model, HairFusion, that applies to real-world scenarios. Specifically, we carefully design a hair-agnostic representation as the input of the model, where the original hair information is thoroughly eliminated. Next, we introduce a hair align cross-attention (Align-CA) to accurately align the reference hairstyle with the face image while considering the difference in their face shape. To enhance the preservation of the face image’s original features, we leverage adaptive hair blending during the inference, where the output’s hair regions are estimated by the cross-attention map in Align-CA and blended with non-hair areas of the face image. Our experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to the existing methods in preserving the integrity of both the transferred hairstyle and the surrounding features. The codes are available at https://github.com/cychungg/HairFusion.


HYGENE: A Diffusion-based Hypergraph Generation Method

Authors:Dorian Gailhard, Enzo Tartaglione, Lirida Naviner De Barros, Jhony H. Giraldo

Hypergraphs are powerful mathematical structures that can model complex, high-order relationships in various domains, including social networks, bioinformatics, and recommender systems. However, generating realistic and diverse hypergraphs remains challenging due to their inherent complexity and lack of effective generative models. In this paper, we introduce a diffusion-based Hypergraph Generation (HYGENE) method that addresses these challenges through a progressive local expansion approach. HYGENE works on the bipartite representation of hypergraphs, starting with a single pair of connected nodes and iteratively expanding it to form the target hypergraph. At each step, nodes and hyperedges are added in a localized manner using a denoising diffusion process, which allows for the construction of the global structure before refining local details. Our experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of HYGENE, proving its ability to closely mimic a variety of properties in hypergraphs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to employ deep learning models for hypergraph generation, and our work aims to lay the groundwork for future research in this area.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2312.11529 by other authors


UV-free Texture Generation with Denoising and Geodesic Heat Diffusions

Authors:Simone Foti, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Tolga Birdal

Seams, distortions, wasted UV space, vertex-duplication, and varying resolution over the surface are the most prominent issues of the standard UV-based texturing of meshes. These issues are particularly acute when automatic UV-unwrapping techniques are used. For this reason, instead of generating textures in automatically generated UV-planes like most state-of-the-art methods, we propose to represent textures as coloured point-clouds whose colours are generated by a denoising diffusion probabilistic model constrained to operate on the surface of 3D objects. Our sampling and resolution agnostic generative model heavily relies on heat diffusion over the surface of the meshes for spatial communication between points. To enable processing of arbitrarily sampled point-cloud textures and ensure long-distance texture consistency we introduce a fast re-sampling of the mesh spectral properties used during the heat diffusion and introduce a novel heat-diffusion-based self-attention mechanism. Our code and pre-trained models are available at github.com/simofoti/UV3-TeD.


CSGO: Content-Style Composition in Text-to-Image Generation

Authors:Peng Xing, Haofan Wang, Yanpeng Sun, Qixun Wang, Xu Bai, Hao Ai, Renyuan Huang, Zechao Li

The diffusion model has shown exceptional capabilities in controlled image generation, which has further fueled interest in image style transfer. Existing works mainly focus on training free-based methods (e.g., image inversion) due to the scarcity of specific data. In this study, we present a data construction pipeline for content-style-stylized image triplets that generates and automatically cleanses stylized data triplets. Based on this pipeline, we construct a dataset IMAGStyle, the first large-scale style transfer dataset containing 210k image triplets, available for the community to explore and research. Equipped with IMAGStyle, we propose CSGO, a style transfer model based on end-to-end training, which explicitly decouples content and style features employing independent feature injection. The unified CSGO implements image-driven style transfer, text-driven stylized synthesis, and text editing-driven stylized synthesis. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in enhancing style control capabilities in image generation. Additional visualization and access to the source code can be located on the project page: \url{https://csgo-gen.github.io/}.


ReconX: Reconstruct Any Scene from Sparse Views with Video Diffusion Model

Authors:Fangfu Liu, Wenqiang Sun, Hanyang Wang, Yikai Wang, Haowen Sun, Junliang Ye, Jun Zhang, Yueqi Duan

Advancements in 3D scene reconstruction have transformed 2D images from the real world into 3D models, producing realistic 3D results from hundreds of input photos. Despite great success in dense-view reconstruction scenarios, rendering a detailed scene from insufficient captured views is still an ill-posed optimization problem, often resulting in artifacts and distortions in unseen areas. In this paper, we propose ReconX, a novel 3D scene reconstruction paradigm that reframes the ambiguous reconstruction challenge as a temporal generation task. The key insight is to unleash the strong generative prior of large pre-trained video diffusion models for sparse-view reconstruction. However, 3D view consistency struggles to be accurately preserved in directly generated video frames from pre-trained models. To address this, given limited input views, the proposed ReconX first constructs a global point cloud and encodes it into a contextual space as the 3D structure condition. Guided by the condition, the video diffusion model then synthesizes video frames that are both detail-preserved and exhibit a high degree of 3D consistency, ensuring the coherence of the scene from various perspectives. Finally, we recover the 3D scene from the generated video through a confidence-aware 3D Gaussian Splatting optimization scheme. Extensive experiments on various real-world datasets show the superiority of our ReconX over state-of-the-art methods in terms of quality and generalizability.
PDF Project page: https://liuff19.github.io/ReconX


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