2024-08-29 更新

Interactive Agents: Simulating Counselor-Client Psychological Counseling via Role-Playing LLM-to-LLM Interactions

Authors:Huachuan Qiu, Zhenzhong Lan

Virtual counselors powered by large language models (LLMs) aim to create interactive support systems that effectively assist clients struggling with mental health challenges. To replicate counselor-client conversations, researchers have built an online mental health platform that allows professional counselors to provide clients with text-based counseling services for about an hour per session. Notwithstanding its effectiveness, challenges exist as human annotation is time-consuming, cost-intensive, privacy-protected, and not scalable. To address this issue and investigate the applicability of LLMs in psychological counseling conversation simulation, we propose a framework that employs two LLMs via role-playing for simulating counselor-client interactions. Our framework involves two LLMs, one acting as a client equipped with a specific and real-life user profile and the other playing the role of an experienced counselor, generating professional responses using integrative therapy techniques. We implement both the counselor and the client by zero-shot prompting the GPT-4 model. In order to assess the effectiveness of LLMs in simulating counselor-client interactions and understand the disparities between LLM- and human-generated conversations, we evaluate the synthetic data from various perspectives. We begin by assessing the client’s performance through automatic evaluations. Next, we analyze and compare the disparities between dialogues generated by the LLM and those generated by professional counselors. Furthermore, we conduct extensive experiments to thoroughly examine the performance of our LLM-based counselor trained with synthetic interactive dialogues by benchmarking against state-of-the-art models for mental health.


Efficient LLM Scheduling by Learning to Rank

Authors:Yichao Fu, Siqi Zhu, Runlong Su, Aurick Qiao, Ion Stoica, Hao Zhang

In Large Language Model (LLM) inference, the output length of an LLM request is typically regarded as not known a priori. Consequently, most LLM serving systems employ a simple First-come-first-serve (FCFS) scheduling strategy, leading to Head-Of-Line (HOL) blocking and reduced throughput and service quality. In this paper, we reexamine this assumption — we show that, although predicting the exact generation length of each request is infeasible, it is possible to predict the relative ranks of output lengths in a batch of requests, using learning to rank. The ranking information offers valuable guidance for scheduling requests. Building on this insight, we develop a novel scheduler for LLM inference and serving that can approximate the shortest-job-first (SJF) schedule better than existing approaches. We integrate this scheduler with the state-of-the-art LLM serving system and show significant performance improvement in several important applications: 2.8x lower latency in chatbot serving and 6.5x higher throughput in synthetic data generation. Our code is available at https://github.com/hao-ai-lab/vllm-ltr.git


Scaling Up Summarization: Leveraging Large Language Models for Long Text Extractive Summarization

Authors:Léo Hemamou, Mehdi Debiane

In an era where digital text is proliferating at an unprecedented rate, efficient summarization tools are becoming indispensable. While Large Language Models (LLMs) have been successfully applied in various NLP tasks, their role in extractive text summarization remains underexplored. This paper introduces EYEGLAXS (Easy Yet Efficient larGe LAnguage model for eXtractive Summarization), a framework that leverages LLMs, specifically LLAMA2-7B and ChatGLM2-6B, for extractive summarization of lengthy text documents. Instead of abstractive methods, which often suffer from issues like factual inaccuracies and hallucinations, EYEGLAXS focuses on extractive summarization to ensure factual and grammatical integrity. Utilizing state-of-the-art techniques such as Flash Attention and Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT), EYEGLAXS addresses the computational and resource challenges typically associated with LLMs. The system sets new performance benchmarks on well-known datasets like PubMed and ArXiv. Furthermore, we extend our research through additional analyses that explore the adaptability of LLMs in handling different sequence lengths and their efficiency in training on smaller datasets. These contributions not only set a new standard in the field but also open up promising avenues for future research in extractive text summarization.


LLaVA-MoD: Making LLaVA Tiny via MoE Knowledge Distillation

Authors:Fangxun Shu, Yue Liao, Le Zhuo, Chenning Xu, Guanghao Zhang, Haonan Shi, Long Chen, Tao Zhong, Wanggui He, Siming Fu, Haoyuan Li, Bolin Li, Zhelun Yu, Si Liu, Hongsheng Li, Hao Jiang

We introduce LLaVA-MoD, a novel framework designed to enable the efficient training of small-scale Multimodal Language Models (s-MLLM) by distilling knowledge from large-scale MLLM (l-MLLM). Our approach tackles two fundamental challenges in MLLM distillation. First, we optimize the network structure of s-MLLM by integrating a sparse Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture into the language model, striking a balance between computational efficiency and model expressiveness. Second, we propose a progressive knowledge transfer strategy to ensure comprehensive knowledge migration. This strategy begins with mimic distillation, where we minimize the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between output distributions to enable the student model to emulate the teacher network’s understanding. Following this, we introduce preference distillation via Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), where the key lies in treating l-MLLM as the reference model. During this phase, the s-MLLM’s ability to discriminate between superior and inferior examples is significantly enhanced beyond l-MLLM, leading to a better student that surpasses its teacher, particularly in hallucination benchmarks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that LLaVA-MoD outperforms existing models across various multimodal benchmarks while maintaining a minimal number of activated parameters and low computational costs. Remarkably, LLaVA-MoD, with only 2B activated parameters, surpasses Qwen-VL-Chat-7B by an average of 8.8% across benchmarks, using merely 0.3% of the training data and 23% trainable parameters. These results underscore LLaVA-MoD’s ability to effectively distill comprehensive knowledge from its teacher model, paving the way for the development of more efficient MLLMs. The code will be available on: https://github.com/shufangxun/LLaVA-MoD.


LLM-Based Multi-Hop Question Answering with Knowledge Graph Integration in Evolving Environments

Authors:Ruirui Chen, Weifeng Jiang, Chengwei Qin, Ishaan Singh Rawal, Cheston Tan, Dongkyu Choi, Bo Xiong, Bo Ai

The rapid obsolescence of information in Large Language Models (LLMs) has driven the development of various techniques to incorporate new facts. However, existing methods for knowledge editing still face difficulties with multi-hop questions that require accurate fact identification and sequential logical reasoning, particularly among numerous fact updates. To tackle these challenges, this paper introduces Graph Memory-based Editing for Large Language Models (GMeLLo), a straitforward and effective method that merges the explicit knowledge representation of Knowledge Graphs (KGs) with the linguistic flexibility of LLMs. Beyond merely leveraging LLMs for question answering, GMeLLo employs these models to convert free-form language into structured queries and fact triples, facilitating seamless interaction with KGs for rapid updates and precise multi-hop reasoning. Our results show that GMeLLo significantly surpasses current state-of-the-art knowledge editing methods in the multi-hop question answering benchmark, MQuAKE, especially in scenarios with extensive knowledge edits.


Leveraging Open Knowledge for Advancing Task Expertise in Large Language Models

Authors:Yuncheng Yang, Yulei Qin, Tong Wu, Zihan Xu, Gang Li, Pengcheng Guo, Hang Shao, Yucheng Shi, Ke Li, Xing Sun, Jie Yang, Yun Gu

The cultivation of expertise for large language models (LLMs) to solve tasks of specific areas often requires special-purpose tuning with calibrated behaviors on the expected stable outputs. To avoid huge cost brought by manual preparation of instruction datasets and training resources up to hundreds of hours, the exploitation of open knowledge including a wealth of low rank adaptation (LoRA) models and instruction datasets serves as a good starting point. However, existing methods on model and data selection focus on the performance of general-purpose capabilities while neglecting the knowledge gap exposed in domain-specific deployment. In the present study, we propose to bridge such gap by introducing few human-annotated samples (i.e., K-shot) for advancing task expertise of LLMs with open knowledge. Specifically, we develop an efficient and scalable pipeline to cost-efficiently produce task experts where K-shot data intervene in selecting the most promising expert candidates and the task-relevant instructions. A mixture-of-expert (MoE) system is built to make the best use of individual-yet-complementary knowledge between multiple experts. We unveil the two keys to the success of a MoE system, 1) the abidance by K-shot, and 2) the insistence on diversity. For the former, we ensure that models that truly possess problem-solving abilities on K-shot are selected rather than those blind guessers. Besides, during data selection, instructions that share task-relevant contexts with K-shot are prioritized. For the latter, we highlight the diversity of constituting experts and that of the fine-tuning instructions throughout the model and data selection process. Extensive experimental results confirm the superiority of our approach over existing methods on utilization of open knowledge across various tasks. Codes and models will be released later.
PDF 28 pages, 12 tables, 10 figures


Atari-GPT: Investigating the Capabilities of Multimodal Large Language Models as Low-Level Policies for Atari Games

Authors:Nicholas R. Waytowich, Devin White, MD Sunbeam, Vinicius G. Goecks

Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have expanded their capabilities beyond traditional text-based tasks to multimodal domains, integrating visual, auditory, and textual data. While multimodal LLMs have been extensively explored for high-level planning in domains like robotics and games, their potential as low-level controllers remains largely untapped. This paper explores the application of multimodal LLMs as low-level controllers in the domain of Atari video games, introducing Atari game performance as a new benchmark for evaluating the ability of multimodal LLMs to perform low-level control tasks. Unlike traditional reinforcement learning (RL) and imitation learning (IL) methods that require extensive computational resources as well as reward function specification, these LLMs utilize pre-existing multimodal knowledge to directly engage with game environments. Our study assesses multiple multimodal LLMs performance against traditional RL agents, human players, and random agents, focusing on their ability to understand and interact with complex visual scenes and formulate strategic responses. Additionally, we examine the impact of In-Context Learning (ICL) by incorporating human-demonstrated game-play trajectories to enhance the models contextual understanding. Through this investigation, we aim to determine the extent to which multimodal LLMs can leverage their extensive training to effectively function as low-level controllers, thereby redefining potential applications in dynamic and visually complex environments. Additional results and videos are available at our project webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/atari-gpt/.
PDF Currently under review


More Text, Less Point: Towards 3D Data-Efficient Point-Language Understanding

Authors:Yuan Tang, Xu Han, Xianzhi Li, Qiao Yu, Jinfeng Xu, Yixue Hao, Long Hu, Min Chen

Enabling Large Language Models (LLMs) to comprehend the 3D physical world remains a significant challenge. Due to the lack of large-scale 3D-text pair datasets, the success of LLMs has yet to be replicated in 3D understanding. In this paper, we rethink this issue and propose a new task: 3D Data-Efficient Point-Language Understanding. The goal is to enable LLMs to achieve robust 3D object understanding with minimal 3D point cloud and text data pairs. To address this task, we introduce GreenPLM, which leverages more text data to compensate for the lack of 3D data. First, inspired by using CLIP to align images and text, we utilize a pre-trained point cloud-text encoder to map the 3D point cloud space to the text space. This mapping leaves us to seamlessly connect the text space with LLMs. Once the point-text-LLM connection is established, we further enhance text-LLM alignment by expanding the intermediate text space, thereby reducing the reliance on 3D point cloud data. Specifically, we generate 6M free-text descriptions of 3D objects, and design a three-stage training strategy to help LLMs better explore the intrinsic connections between different modalities. To achieve efficient modality alignment, we design a zero-parameter cross-attention module for token pooling. Extensive experimental results show that GreenPLM requires only 12% of the 3D training data used by existing state-of-the-art models to achieve superior 3D understanding. Remarkably, GreenPLM also achieves competitive performance using text-only data. The code and weights are available at: https://github.com/TangYuan96/GreenPLM.


Eagle: Exploring The Design Space for Multimodal LLMs with Mixture of Encoders

Authors:Min Shi, Fuxiao Liu, Shihao Wang, Shijia Liao, Subhashree Radhakrishnan, De-An Huang, Hongxu Yin, Karan Sapra, Yaser Yacoob, Humphrey Shi, Bryan Catanzaro, Andrew Tao, Jan Kautz, Zhiding Yu, Guilin Liu

The ability to accurately interpret complex visual information is a crucial topic of multimodal large language models (MLLMs). Recent work indicates that enhanced visual perception significantly reduces hallucinations and improves performance on resolution-sensitive tasks, such as optical character recognition and document analysis. A number of recent MLLMs achieve this goal using a mixture of vision encoders. Despite their success, there is a lack of systematic comparisons and detailed ablation studies addressing critical aspects, such as expert selection and the integration of multiple vision experts. This study provides an extensive exploration of the design space for MLLMs using a mixture of vision encoders and resolutions. Our findings reveal several underlying principles common to various existing strategies, leading to a streamlined yet effective design approach. We discover that simply concatenating visual tokens from a set of complementary vision encoders is as effective as more complex mixing architectures or strategies. We additionally introduce Pre-Alignment to bridge the gap between vision-focused encoders and language tokens, enhancing model coherence. The resulting family of MLLMs, Eagle, surpasses other leading open-source models on major MLLM benchmarks. Models and code: https://github.com/NVlabs/Eagle
PDF Github: https://github.com/NVlabs/Eagle, HuggingFace: https://huggingface.co/NVEagle


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