Diffusion Models

2024-08-29 更新

Multi-Feature Aggregation in Diffusion Models for Enhanced Face Super-Resolution

Authors:Marcelo dos Santos, Rayson Laroca, Rafael O. Ribeiro, João C. Neves, David Menotti

Super-resolution algorithms often struggle with images from surveillance environments due to adverse conditions such as unknown degradation, variations in pose, irregular illumination, and occlusions. However, acquiring multiple images, even of low quality, is possible with surveillance cameras. In this work, we develop an algorithm based on diffusion models that utilize a low-resolution image combined with features extracted from multiple low-quality images to generate a super-resolved image while minimizing distortions in the individual’s identity. Unlike other algorithms, our approach recovers facial features without explicitly providing attribute information or without the need to calculate a gradient of a function during the reconstruction process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time multi-features combined with low-resolution images are used as conditioners to generate more reliable super-resolution images using stochastic differential equations. The FFHQ dataset was employed for training, resulting in state-of-the-art performance in facial recognition and verification metrics when evaluated on the CelebA and Quis-Campi datasets. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/marcelowds/fasr
PDF Accepted for presentation at the Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI) 2024


Avoiding Generative Model Writer’s Block With Embedding Nudging

Authors:Ali Zand, Milad Nasr

Generative image models, since introduction, have become a global phenomenon. From new arts becoming possible to new vectors of abuse, many new capabilities have become available. One of the challenging issues with generative models is controlling the generation process specially to prevent specific generations classes or instances . There are several reasons why one may want to control the output of generative models, ranging from privacy and safety concerns to application limitations or user preferences To address memorization and privacy challenges, there has been considerable research dedicated to filtering prompts or filtering the outputs of these models. What all these solutions have in common is that at the end of the day they stop the model from producing anything, hence limiting the usability of the model. In this paper, we propose a method for addressing this usability issue by making it possible to steer away from unwanted concepts (when detected in model’s output) and still generating outputs. In particular we focus on the latent diffusion image generative models and how one can prevent them to generate particular images while generating similar images with limited overhead. We focus on mitigating issues like image memorization, demonstrating our technique’s effectiveness through qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Our method successfully prevents the generation of memorized training images while maintaining comparable image quality and relevance to the unmodified model.


Hand1000: Generating Realistic Hands from Text with Only 1,000 Images

Authors:Haozhuo Zhang, Bin Zhu, Yu Cao, Yanbin Hao

Text-to-image generation models have achieved remarkable advancements in recent years, aiming to produce realistic images from textual descriptions. However, these models often struggle with generating anatomically accurate representations of human hands. The resulting images frequently exhibit issues such as incorrect numbers of fingers, unnatural twisting or interlacing of fingers, or blurred and indistinct hands. These issues stem from the inherent complexity of hand structures and the difficulty in aligning textual descriptions with precise visual depictions of hands. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach named Hand1000 that enables the generation of realistic hand images with target gesture using only 1,000 training samples. The training of Hand1000 is divided into three stages with the first stage aiming to enhance the model’s understanding of hand anatomy by using a pre-trained hand gesture recognition model to extract gesture representation. The second stage further optimizes text embedding by incorporating the extracted hand gesture representation, to improve alignment between the textual descriptions and the generated hand images. The third stage utilizes the optimized embedding to fine-tune the Stable Diffusion model to generate realistic hand images. In addition, we construct the first publicly available dataset specifically designed for text-to-hand image generation. Based on the existing hand gesture recognition dataset, we adopt advanced image captioning models and LLaMA3 to generate high-quality textual descriptions enriched with detailed gesture information. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Hand1000 significantly outperforms existing models in producing anatomically correct hand images while faithfully representing other details in the text, such as faces, clothing, and colors.
PDF Project page https://haozhuo-zhang.github.io/Hand1000-project-page/


MODULI: Unlocking Preference Generalization via Diffusion Models for Offline Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Yifu Yuan, Zhenrui Zheng, Zibin Dong, Jianye Hao

Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning (MORL) seeks to develop policies that simultaneously optimize multiple conflicting objectives, but it requires extensive online interactions. Offline MORL provides a promising solution by training on pre-collected datasets to generalize to any preference upon deployment. However, real-world offline datasets are often conservatively and narrowly distributed, failing to comprehensively cover preferences, leading to the emergence of out-of-distribution (OOD) preference areas. Existing offline MORL algorithms exhibit poor generalization to OOD preferences, resulting in policies that do not align with preferences. Leveraging the excellent expressive and generalization capabilities of diffusion models, we propose MODULI (Multi-objective Diffusion Planner with Sliding Guidance), which employs a preference-conditioned diffusion model as a planner to generate trajectories that align with various preferences and derive action for decision-making. To achieve accurate generation, MODULI introduces two return normalization methods under diverse preferences for refining guidance. To further enhance generalization to OOD preferences, MODULI proposes a novel sliding guidance mechanism, which involves training an additional slider adapter to capture the direction of preference changes. Incorporating the slider, it transitions from in-distribution (ID) preferences to generating OOD preferences, patching, and extending the incomplete Pareto front. Extensive experiments on the D4MORL benchmark demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art Offline MORL baselines, exhibiting excellent generalization to OOD preferences.
PDF 23 pages, 7 figures


Merging and Splitting Diffusion Paths for Semantically Coherent Panoramas

Authors:Fabio Quattrini, Vittorio Pippi, Silvia Cascianelli, Rita Cucchiara

Diffusion models have become the State-of-the-Art for text-to-image generation, and increasing research effort has been dedicated to adapting the inference process of pretrained diffusion models to achieve zero-shot capabilities. An example is the generation of panorama images, which has been tackled in recent works by combining independent diffusion paths over overlapping latent features, which is referred to as joint diffusion, obtaining perceptually aligned panoramas. However, these methods often yield semantically incoherent outputs and trade-off diversity for uniformity. To overcome this limitation, we propose the Merge-Attend-Diffuse operator, which can be plugged into different types of pretrained diffusion models used in a joint diffusion setting to improve the perceptual and semantical coherence of the generated panorama images. Specifically, we merge the diffusion paths, reprogramming self- and cross-attention to operate on the aggregated latent space. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experimental analysis, together with a user study, demonstrate that our method maintains compatibility with the input prompt and visual quality of the generated images while increasing their semantic coherence. We release the code at https://github.com/aimagelab/MAD.
PDF Accepted at ECCV 2024


Defending Text-to-image Diffusion Models: Surprising Efficacy of Textual Perturbations Against Backdoor Attacks

Authors:Oscar Chew, Po-Yi Lu, Jayden Lin, Hsuan-Tien Lin

Text-to-image diffusion models have been widely adopted in real-world applications due to their ability to generate realistic images from textual descriptions. However, recent studies have shown that these methods are vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Despite the significant threat posed by backdoor attacks on text-to-image diffusion models, countermeasures remain under-explored. In this paper, we address this research gap by demonstrating that state-of-the-art backdoor attacks against text-to-image diffusion models can be effectively mitigated by a surprisingly simple defense strategy - textual perturbation. Experiments show that textual perturbations are effective in defending against state-of-the-art backdoor attacks with minimal sacrifice to generation quality. We analyze the efficacy of textual perturbation from two angles: text embedding space and cross-attention maps. They further explain how backdoor attacks have compromised text-to-image diffusion models, providing insights for studying future attack and defense strategies. Our code is available at https://github.com/oscarchew/t2i-backdoor-defense.
PDF ECCV 2024 Workshop The Dark Side of Generative AIs and Beyond


Disentangled Diffusion Autoencoder for Harmonization of Multi-site Neuroimaging Data

Authors:Ayodeji Ijishakin, Ana Lawry Aguila, Elizabeth Levitis, Ahmed Abdulaal, Andre Altmann, James Cole

Combining neuroimaging datasets from multiple sites and scanners can help increase statistical power and thus provide greater insight into subtle neuroanatomical effects. However, site-specific effects pose a challenge by potentially obscuring the biological signal and introducing unwanted variance. Existing harmonization techniques, which use statistical models to remove such effects, have been shown to incompletely remove site effects while also failing to preserve biological variability. More recently, generative models using GANs or autoencoder-based approaches, have been proposed for site adjustment. However, such methods are known for instability during training or blurry image generation. In recent years, diffusion models have become increasingly popular for their ability to generate high-quality synthetic images. In this work, we introduce the disentangled diffusion autoencoder (DDAE), a novel diffusion model designed for controlling specific aspects of an image. We apply the DDAE to the task of harmonizing MR images by generating high-quality site-adjusted images that preserve biological variability. We use data from 7 different sites and demonstrate the DDAE’s superiority in generating high-resolution, harmonized 2D MR images over previous approaches. As far as we are aware, this work marks the first diffusion-based model for site adjustment of neuroimaging data.


DiffAge3D: Diffusion-based 3D-aware Face Aging

Authors:Junaid Wahid, Fangneng Zhan, Pramod Rao, Christian Theobalt

Face aging is the process of converting an individual’s appearance to a younger or older version of themselves. Existing face aging techniques have been limited to 2D settings, which often weaken their applications as there is a growing demand for 3D face modeling. Moreover, existing aging methods struggle to perform faithful aging, maintain identity, and retain the fine details of the input images. Given these limitations and the need for a 3D-aware aging method, we propose DiffAge3D, the first 3D-aware aging framework that not only performs faithful aging and identity preservation but also operates in a 3D setting. Our aging framework allows to model the aging and camera pose separately by only taking a single image with a target age. Our framework includes a robust 3D-aware aging dataset generation pipeline by utilizing a pre-trained 3D GAN and the rich text embedding capabilities within CLIP model. Notably, we do not employ any inversion bottleneck in dataset generation. Instead, we randomly generate training samples from the latent space of 3D GAN, allowing us to manipulate the rich latent space of GAN to generate ages even with large gaps. With the generated dataset, we train a viewpoint-aware diffusion-based aging model to control the camera pose and facial age. Through quantitative and qualitative evaluations, we demonstrate that DiffAge3D outperforms existing methods, particularly in multiview-consistent aging and fine details preservation.


Distribution Backtracking Builds A Faster Convergence Trajectory for One-step Diffusion Distillation

Authors:Shengyuan Zhang, Ling Yang, Zejian Li, An Zhao, Chenye Meng, Changyuan Yang, Guang Yang, Zhiyuan Yang, Lingyun Sun

Accelerating the sampling speed of diffusion models remains a significant challenge. Recent score distillation methods distill a heavy teacher model into an one-step student generator, which is optimized by calculating the difference between the two score functions on the samples generated by the student model. However, there is a score mismatch issue in the early stage of the distillation process, because existing methods mainly focus on using the endpoint of pre-trained diffusion models as teacher models, overlooking the importance of the convergence trajectory between the student generator and the teacher model. To address this issue, we extend the score distillation process by introducing the entire convergence trajectory of teacher models and propose Distribution Backtracking Distillation (DisBack) for distilling student generators. DisBask is composed of two stages: Degradation Recording and Distribution Backtracking. Degradation Recording is designed to obtain the convergence trajectory of teacher models, which records the degradation path from the trained teacher model to the untrained initial student generator. The degradation path implicitly represents the intermediate distributions of teacher models. Then Distribution Backtracking trains a student generator to backtrack the intermediate distributions for approximating the convergence trajectory of teacher models. Extensive experiments show that DisBack achieves faster and better convergence than the existing distillation method and accomplishes comparable generation performance. Notably, DisBack is easy to implement and can be generalized to existing distillation methods to boost performance. Our code is publicly available on https://github.com/SYZhang0805/DisBack.


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