2024-08-28 更新

Pano2Room: Novel View Synthesis from a Single Indoor Panorama

Authors:Guo Pu, Yiming Zhao, Zhouhui Lian

Recent single-view 3D generative methods have made significant advancements by leveraging knowledge distilled from extensive 3D object datasets. However, challenges persist in the synthesis of 3D scenes from a single view, primarily due to the complexity of real-world environments and the limited availability of high-quality prior resources. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach called Pano2Room, designed to automatically reconstruct high-quality 3D indoor scenes from a single panoramic image. These panoramic images can be easily generated using a panoramic RGBD inpainter from captures at a single location with any camera. The key idea is to initially construct a preliminary mesh from the input panorama, and iteratively refine this mesh using a panoramic RGBD inpainter while collecting photo-realistic 3D-consistent pseudo novel views. Finally, the refined mesh is converted into a 3D Gaussian Splatting field and trained with the collected pseudo novel views. This pipeline enables the reconstruction of real-world 3D scenes, even in the presence of large occlusions, and facilitates the synthesis of photo-realistic novel views with detailed geometry. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments have been conducted to validate the superiority of our method in single-panorama indoor novel synthesis compared to the state-of-the-art. Our code and data are available at \url{}.
PDF SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Conference Papers (SA Conference Papers ‘24), December 3—6, 2024, Tokyo, Japan


GeoTransfer : Generalizable Few-Shot Multi-View Reconstruction via Transfer Learning

Authors:Shubhendu Jena, Franck Multon, Adnane Boukhayma

This paper presents a novel approach for sparse 3D reconstruction by leveraging the expressive power of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) and fast transfer of their features to learn accurate occupancy fields. Existing 3D reconstruction methods from sparse inputs still struggle with capturing intricate geometric details and can suffer from limitations in handling occluded regions. On the other hand, NeRFs excel in modeling complex scenes but do not offer means to extract meaningful geometry. Our proposed method offers the best of both worlds by transferring the information encoded in NeRF features to derive an accurate occupancy field representation. We utilize a pre-trained, generalizable state-of-the-art NeRF network to capture detailed scene radiance information, and rapidly transfer this knowledge to train a generalizable implicit occupancy network. This process helps in leveraging the knowledge of the scene geometry encoded in the generalizable NeRF prior and refining it to learn occupancy fields, facilitating a more precise generalizable representation of 3D space. The transfer learning approach leads to a dramatic reduction in training time, by orders of magnitude (i.e. from several days to 3.5 hrs), obviating the need to train generalizable sparse surface reconstruction methods from scratch. Additionally, we introduce a novel loss on volumetric rendering weights that helps in the learning of accurate occupancy fields, along with a normal loss that helps in global smoothing of the occupancy fields. We evaluate our approach on the DTU dataset and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in terms of reconstruction accuracy, especially in challenging scenarios with sparse input data and occluded regions. We furthermore demonstrate the generalization capabilities of our method by showing qualitative results on the Blended MVS dataset without any retraining.


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