Diffusion Models

2024-08-28 更新

SwiftBrush v2: Make Your One-step Diffusion Model Better Than Its Teacher

Authors:Trung Dao, Thuan Hoang Nguyen, Thanh Le, Duc Vu, Khoi Nguyen, Cuong Pham, Anh Tran

In this paper, we aim to enhance the performance of SwiftBrush, a prominent one-step text-to-image diffusion model, to be competitive with its multi-step Stable Diffusion counterpart. Initially, we explore the quality-diversity trade-off between SwiftBrush and SD Turbo: the former excels in image diversity, while the latter excels in image quality. This observation motivates our proposed modifications in the training methodology, including better weight initialization and efficient LoRA training. Moreover, our introduction of a novel clamped CLIP loss enhances image-text alignment and results in improved image quality. Remarkably, by combining the weights of models trained with efficient LoRA and full training, we achieve a new state-of-the-art one-step diffusion model, achieving an FID of 8.14 and surpassing all GAN-based and multi-step Stable Diffusion models. The project page is available at https://swiftbrushv2.github.io.
PDF Accepted to ECCV’24


OctFusion: Octree-based Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Generation

Authors:Bojun Xiong, Si-Tong Wei, Xin-Yang Zheng, Yan-Pei Cao, Zhouhui Lian, Peng-Shuai Wang

Diffusion models have emerged as a popular method for 3D generation. However, it is still challenging for diffusion models to efficiently generate diverse and high-quality 3D shapes. In this paper, we introduce OctFusion, which can generate 3D shapes with arbitrary resolutions in 2.5 seconds on a single Nvidia 4090 GPU, and the extracted meshes are guaranteed to be continuous and manifold. The key components of OctFusion are the octree-based latent representation and the accompanying diffusion models. The representation combines the benefits of both implicit neural representations and explicit spatial octrees and is learned with an octree-based variational autoencoder. The proposed diffusion model is a unified multi-scale U-Net that enables weights and computation sharing across different octree levels and avoids the complexity of widely used cascaded diffusion schemes. We verify the effectiveness of OctFusion on the ShapeNet and Objaverse datasets and achieve state-of-the-art performances on shape generation tasks. We demonstrate that OctFusion is extendable and flexible by generating high-quality color fields for textured mesh generation and high-quality 3D shapes conditioned on text prompts, sketches, or category labels. Our code and pre-trained models are available at \url{https://github.com/octree-nn/octfusion}.
PDF Technical Report


CrossViewDiff: A Cross-View Diffusion Model for Satellite-to-Street View Synthesis

Authors:Weijia Li, Jun He, Junyan Ye, Huaping Zhong, Zhimeng Zheng, Zilong Huang, Dahua Lin, Conghui He

Satellite-to-street view synthesis aims at generating a realistic street-view image from its corresponding satellite-view image. Although stable diffusion models have exhibit remarkable performance in a variety of image generation applications, their reliance on similar-view inputs to control the generated structure or texture restricts their application to the challenging cross-view synthesis task. In this work, we propose CrossViewDiff, a cross-view diffusion model for satellite-to-street view synthesis. To address the challenges posed by the large discrepancy across views, we design the satellite scene structure estimation and cross-view texture mapping modules to construct the structural and textural controls for street-view image synthesis. We further design a cross-view control guided denoising process that incorporates the above controls via an enhanced cross-view attention module. To achieve a more comprehensive evaluation of the synthesis results, we additionally design a GPT-based scoring method as a supplement to standard evaluation metrics. We also explore the effect of different data sources (e.g., text, maps, building heights, and multi-temporal satellite imagery) on this task. Results on three public cross-view datasets show that CrossViewDiff outperforms current state-of-the-art on both standard and GPT-based evaluation metrics, generating high-quality street-view panoramas with more realistic structures and textures across rural, suburban, and urban scenes. The code and models of this work will be released at https://opendatalab.github.io/CrossViewDiff/.
PDF 21 pages, 11 figures


Build-A-Scene: Interactive 3D Layout Control for Diffusion-Based Image Generation

Authors:Abdelrahman Eldesokey, Peter Wonka

We propose a diffusion-based approach for Text-to-Image (T2I) generation with interactive 3D layout control. Layout control has been widely studied to alleviate the shortcomings of T2I diffusion models in understanding objects’ placement and relationships from text descriptions. Nevertheless, existing approaches for layout control are limited to 2D layouts, require the user to provide a static layout beforehand, and fail to preserve generated images under layout changes. This makes these approaches unsuitable for applications that require 3D object-wise control and iterative refinements, e.g., interior design and complex scene generation. To this end, we leverage the recent advancements in depth-conditioned T2I models and propose a novel approach for interactive 3D layout control. We replace the traditional 2D boxes used in layout control with 3D boxes. Furthermore, we revamp the T2I task as a multi-stage generation process, where at each stage, the user can insert, change, and move an object in 3D while preserving objects from earlier stages. We achieve this through our proposed Dynamic Self-Attention (DSA) module and the consistent 3D object translation strategy. Experiments show that our approach can generate complicated scenes based on 3D layouts, boosting the object generation success rate over the standard depth-conditioned T2I methods by 2x. Moreover, it outperforms other methods in comparison in preserving objects under layout changes. Project Page: \url{https://abdo-eldesokey.github.io/build-a-scene/}
PDF Project Page: https://abdo-eldesokey.github.io/build-a-scene/


Alfie: Democratising RGBA Image Generation With No $$$

Authors:Fabio Quattrini, Vittorio Pippi, Silvia Cascianelli, Rita Cucchiara

Designs and artworks are ubiquitous across various creative fields, requiring graphic design skills and dedicated software to create compositions that include many graphical elements, such as logos, icons, symbols, and art scenes, which are integral to visual storytelling. Automating the generation of such visual elements improves graphic designers’ productivity, democratizes and innovates the creative industry, and helps generate more realistic synthetic data for related tasks. These illustration elements are mostly RGBA images with irregular shapes and cutouts, facilitating blending and scene composition. However, most image generation models are incapable of generating such images and achieving this capability requires expensive computational resources, specific training recipes, or post-processing solutions. In this work, we propose a fully-automated approach for obtaining RGBA illustrations by modifying the inference-time behavior of a pre-trained Diffusion Transformer model, exploiting the prompt-guided controllability and visual quality offered by such models with no additional computational cost. We force the generation of entire subjects without sharp croppings, whose background is easily removed for seamless integration into design projects or artistic scenes. We show with a user study that, in most cases, users prefer our solution over generating and then matting an image, and we show that our generated illustrations yield good results when used as inputs for composite scene generation pipelines. We release the code at https://github.com/aimagelab/Alfie.
PDF Accepted at ECCV AI for Visual Arts Workshop and Challenges


Diffusion-Occ: 3D Point Cloud Completion via Occupancy Diffusion

Authors:Guoqing Zhang, Jian Liu

Point clouds are crucial for capturing three-dimensional data but often suffer from incompleteness due to limitations such as resolution and occlusion. Traditional methods typically rely on point-based approaches within discriminative frameworks for point cloud completion. In this paper, we introduce \textbf{Diffusion-Occ}, a novel framework for Diffusion Point Cloud Completion. Diffusion-Occ utilizes a two-stage coarse-to-fine approach. In the first stage, the Coarse Density Voxel Prediction Network (CDNet) processes partial points to predict coarse density voxels, streamlining global feature extraction through voxel classification, as opposed to previous regression-based methods. In the second stage, we introduce the Occupancy Generation Network (OccGen), a conditional occupancy diffusion model based on a transformer architecture and enhanced by our Point-Voxel Fuse (PVF) block. This block integrates coarse density voxels with partial points to leverage both global and local features for comprehensive completion. By thresholding the occupancy field, we convert it into a complete point cloud. Additionally, our method employs diverse training mixtures and efficient diffusion parameterization to enable effective one-step sampling during both training and inference. Experimental results demonstrate that Diffusion-Occ outperforms existing discriminative and generative methods.


MegActor-$Σ$: Unlocking Flexible Mixed-Modal Control in Portrait Animation with Diffusion Transformer

Authors:Shurong Yang, Huadong Li, Juhao Wu, Minhao Jing, Linze Li, Renhe Ji, Jiajun Liang, Haoqiang Fan, Jin Wang

Diffusion models have demonstrated superior performance in the field of portrait animation. However, current approaches relied on either visual or audio modality to control character movements, failing to exploit the potential of mixed-modal control. This challenge arises from the difficulty in balancing the weak control strength of audio modality and the strong control strength of visual modality. To address this issue, we introduce MegActor-$\Sigma$: a mixed-modal conditional diffusion transformer (DiT), which can flexibly inject audio and visual modality control signals into portrait animation. Specifically, we make substantial advancements over its predecessor, MegActor, by leveraging the promising model structure of DiT and integrating audio and visual conditions through advanced modules within the DiT framework. To further achieve flexible combinations of mixed-modal control signals, we propose a Modality Decoupling Control" training strategy to balance the control strength between visual and audio modalities, along with theAmplitude Adjustment” inference strategy to freely regulate the motion amplitude of each modality. Finally, to facilitate extensive studies in this field, we design several dataset evaluation metrics to filter out public datasets and solely use this filtered dataset to train MegActor-$\Sigma$. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our approach in generating vivid portrait animations, outperforming previous methods trained on private dataset.


Generative Inbetweening: Adapting Image-to-Video Models for Keyframe Interpolation

Authors:Xiaojuan Wang, Boyang Zhou, Brian Curless, Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, Aleksander Holynski, Steven M. Seitz

We present a method for generating video sequences with coherent motion between a pair of input key frames. We adapt a pretrained large-scale image-to-video diffusion model (originally trained to generate videos moving forward in time from a single input image) for key frame interpolation, i.e., to produce a video in between two input frames. We accomplish this adaptation through a lightweight fine-tuning technique that produces a version of the model that instead predicts videos moving backwards in time from a single input image. This model (along with the original forward-moving model) is subsequently used in a dual-directional diffusion sampling process that combines the overlapping model estimates starting from each of the two keyframes. Our experiments show that our method outperforms both existing diffusion-based methods and traditional frame interpolation techniques.
PDF project page: https://svd-keyframe-interpolation.github.io/


GenRec: Unifying Video Generation and Recognition with Diffusion Models

Authors:Zejia Weng, Xitong Yang, Zhen Xing, Zuxuan Wu, Yu-Gang Jiang

Video diffusion models are able to generate high-quality videos by learning strong spatial-temporal priors on large-scale datasets. In this paper, we aim to investigate whether such priors derived from a generative process are suitable for video recognition, and eventually joint optimization of generation and recognition. Building upon Stable Video Diffusion, we introduce GenRec, the first unified framework trained with a random-frame conditioning process so as to learn generalized spatial-temporal representations. The resulting framework can naturally supports generation and recognition, and more importantly is robust even when visual inputs contain limited information. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of GenRec for both recognition and generation. In particular, GenRec achieves competitive recognition performance, offering 75.8% and 87.2% accuracy on SSV2 and K400, respectively. GenRec also performs the best class-conditioned image-to-video generation results, achieving 46.5 and 49.3 FVD scores on SSV2 and EK-100 datasets. Furthermore, GenRec demonstrates extraordinary robustness in scenarios that only limited frames can be observed.
PDF 17 pages, 6 figures, 7 tables


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