Diffusion Models

2024-08-27 更新

Rethinking Video Deblurring with Wavelet-Aware Dynamic Transformer and Diffusion Model

Authors:Chen Rao, Guangyuan Li, Zehua Lan, Jiakai Sun, Junsheng Luan, Wei Xing, Lei Zhao, Huaizhong Lin, Jianfeng Dong, Dalong Zhang

Current video deblurring methods have limitations in recovering high-frequency information since the regression losses are conservative with high-frequency details. Since Diffusion Models (DMs) have strong capabilities in generating high-frequency details, we consider introducing DMs into the video deblurring task. However, we found that directly applying DMs to the video deblurring task has the following problems: (1) DMs require many iteration steps to generate videos from Gaussian noise, which consumes many computational resources. (2) DMs are easily misled by the blurry artifacts in the video, resulting in irrational content and distortion of the deblurred video. To address the above issues, we propose a novel video deblurring framework VD-Diff that integrates the diffusion model into the Wavelet-Aware Dynamic Transformer (WADT). Specifically, we perform the diffusion model in a highly compact latent space to generate prior features containing high-frequency information that conforms to the ground truth distribution. We design the WADT to preserve and recover the low-frequency information in the video while utilizing the high-frequency information generated by the diffusion model. Extensive experiments show that our proposed VD-Diff outperforms SOTA methods on GoPro, DVD, BSD, and Real-World Video datasets.
PDF accepted by ECCV2024


DualAnoDiff: Dual-Interrelated Diffusion Model for Few-Shot Anomaly Image Generation

Authors:Ying Jin, Jinlong Peng, Qingdong He, Teng Hu, Hao Chen, Jiafu Wu, Wenbing Zhu, Mingmin Chi, Jun Liu, Yabiao Wang, Chengjie Wang

The performance of anomaly inspection in industrial manufacturing is constrained by the scarcity of anomaly data. To overcome this challenge, researchers have started employing anomaly generation approaches to augment the anomaly dataset. However, existing anomaly generation methods suffer from limited diversity in the generated anomalies and struggle to achieve a seamless blending of this anomaly with the original image. In this paper, we overcome these challenges from a new perspective, simultaneously generating a pair of the overall image and the corresponding anomaly part. We propose DualAnoDiff, a novel diffusion-based few-shot anomaly image generation model, which can generate diverse and realistic anomaly images by using a dual-interrelated diffusion model, where one of them is employed to generate the whole image while the other one generates the anomaly part. Moreover, we extract background and shape information to mitigate the distortion and blurriness phenomenon in few-shot image generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed model over state-of-the-art methods in terms of both realism and diversity. Overall, our approach significantly improves the performance of downstream anomaly detection tasks, including anomaly detection, anomaly localization, and anomaly classification tasks.


Draw Like an Artist: Complex Scene Generation with Diffusion Model via Composition, Painting, and Retouching

Authors:Minghao Liu, Le Zhang, Yingjie Tian, Xiaochao Qu, Luoqi Liu, Ting Liu

Recent advances in text-to-image diffusion models have demonstrated impressive capabilities in image quality. However, complex scene generation remains relatively unexplored, and even the definition of `complex scene’ itself remains unclear. In this paper, we address this gap by providing a precise definition of complex scenes and introducing a set of Complex Decomposition Criteria (CDC) based on this definition. Inspired by the artists painting process, we propose a training-free diffusion framework called Complex Diffusion (CxD), which divides the process into three stages: composition, painting, and retouching. Our method leverages the powerful chain-of-thought capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to decompose complex prompts based on CDC and to manage composition and layout. We then develop an attention modulation method that guides simple prompts to specific regions to complete the complex scene painting. Finally, we inject the detailed output of the LLM into a retouching model to enhance the image details, thus implementing the retouching stage. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms previous SOTA approaches, significantly improving the generation of high-quality, semantically consistent, and visually diverse images for complex scenes, even with intricate prompts.


Particle-Filtering-based Latent Diffusion for Inverse Problems

Authors:Amir Nazemi, Mohammad Hadi Sepanj, Nicholas Pellegrino, Chris Czarnecki, Paul Fieguth

Current strategies for solving image-based inverse problems apply latent diffusion models to perform posterior sampling.However, almost all approaches make no explicit attempt to explore the solution space, instead drawing only a single sample from a Gaussian distribution from which to generate their solution. In this paper, we introduce a particle-filtering-based framework for a nonlinear exploration of the solution space in the initial stages of reverse SDE methods. Our proposed particle-filtering-based latent diffusion (PFLD) method and proposed problem formulation and framework can be applied to any diffusion-based solution for linear or nonlinear inverse problems. Our experimental results show that PFLD outperforms the SoTA solver PSLD on the FFHQ-1K and ImageNet-1K datasets on inverse problem tasks of super resolution, Gaussian debluring and inpainting.
PDF Mohammad Hadi Sepanj, Nicholas Pellegrino, and Chris Czarnecki contributed equally


SurGen: Text-Guided Diffusion Model for Surgical Video Generation

Authors:Joseph Cho, Samuel Schmidgall, Cyril Zakka, Mrudang Mathur, Rohan Shad, William Hiesinger

Diffusion-based video generation models have made significant strides, producing outputs with improved visual fidelity, temporal coherence, and user control. These advancements hold great promise for improving surgical education by enabling more realistic, diverse, and interactive simulation environments. In this study, we introduce SurGen, a text-guided diffusion model tailored for surgical video synthesis, producing the highest resolution and longest duration videos among existing surgical video generation models. We validate the visual and temporal quality of the outputs using standard image and video generation metrics. Additionally, we assess their alignment to the corresponding text prompts through a deep learning classifier trained on surgical data. Our results demonstrate the potential of diffusion models to serve as valuable educational tools for surgical trainees.


SwiftBrush v2: Make Your One-step Diffusion Model Better Than Its Teacher

Authors:Trung Dao, Thuan Hoang Nguyen, Thanh Le, Duc Vu, Khoi Nguyen, Cuong Pham, Anh Tran

In this paper, we aim to enhance the performance of SwiftBrush, a prominent one-step text-to-image diffusion model, to be competitive with its multi-step Stable Diffusion counterpart. Initially, we explore the quality-diversity trade-off between SwiftBrush and SD Turbo: the former excels in image diversity, while the latter excels in image quality. This observation motivates our proposed modifications in the training methodology, including better weight initialization and efficient LoRA training. Moreover, our introduction of a novel clamped CLIP loss enhances image-text alignment and results in improved image quality. Remarkably, by combining the weights of models trained with efficient LoRA and full training, we achieve a new state-of-the-art one-step diffusion model, achieving an FID of 8.14 and surpassing all GAN-based and multi-step Stable Diffusion models. The evaluation code is available at: https://github.com/vinairesearch/swiftbrushv2.
PDF Accepted to ECCV’24


MagicMan: Generative Novel View Synthesis of Humans with 3D-Aware Diffusion and Iterative Refinement

Authors:Xu He, Xiaoyu Li, Di Kang, Jiangnan Ye, Chaopeng Zhang, Liyang Chen, Xiangjun Gao, Han Zhang, Zhiyong Wu, Haolin Zhuang

Existing works in single-image human reconstruction suffer from weak generalizability due to insufficient training data or 3D inconsistencies for a lack of comprehensive multi-view knowledge. In this paper, we introduce MagicMan, a human-specific multi-view diffusion model designed to generate high-quality novel view images from a single reference image. As its core, we leverage a pre-trained 2D diffusion model as the generative prior for generalizability, with the parametric SMPL-X model as the 3D body prior to promote 3D awareness. To tackle the critical challenge of maintaining consistency while achieving dense multi-view generation for improved 3D human reconstruction, we first introduce hybrid multi-view attention to facilitate both efficient and thorough information interchange across different views. Additionally, we present a geometry-aware dual branch to perform concurrent generation in both RGB and normal domains, further enhancing consistency via geometry cues. Last but not least, to address ill-shaped issues arising from inaccurate SMPL-X estimation that conflicts with the reference image, we propose a novel iterative refinement strategy, which progressively optimizes SMPL-X accuracy while enhancing the quality and consistency of the generated multi-views. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing approaches in both novel view synthesis and subsequent 3D human reconstruction tasks.
PDF Project Page: https://thuhcsi.github.io/MagicMan


TC-PDM: Temporally Consistent Patch Diffusion Models for Infrared-to-Visible Video Translation

Authors:Anh-Dzung Doan, Vu Minh Hieu Phan, Surabhi Gupta, Markus Wagner, Tat-Jun Chin, Ian Reid

Infrared imaging offers resilience against changing lighting conditions by capturing object temperatures. Yet, in few scenarios, its lack of visual details compared to daytime visible images, poses a significant challenge for human and machine interpretation. This paper proposes a novel diffusion method, dubbed Temporally Consistent Patch Diffusion Models (TC-DPM), for infrared-to-visible video translation. Our method, extending the Patch Diffusion Model, consists of two key components. Firstly, we propose a semantic-guided denoising, leveraging the strong representations of foundational models. As such, our method faithfully preserves the semantic structure of generated visible images. Secondly, we propose a novel temporal blending module to guide the denoising trajectory, ensuring the temporal consistency between consecutive frames. Experiment shows that TC-PDM outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 35.3% in FVD for infrared-to-visible video translation and by 6.1% in AP50 for day-to-night object detection. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/dzungdoan6/tc-pdm
PDF Technical report


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