
2024-08-26 更新

Depth-guided Texture Diffusion for Image Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Wei Sun, Yuan Li, Qixiang Ye, Jianbin Jiao, Yanzhao Zhou

Depth information provides valuable insights into the 3D structure especially the outline of objects, which can be utilized to improve the semantic segmentation tasks. However, a naive fusion of depth information can disrupt feature and compromise accuracy due to the modality gap between the depth and the vision. In this work, we introduce a Depth-guided Texture Diffusion approach that effectively tackles the outlined challenge. Our method extracts low-level features from edges and textures to create a texture image. This image is then selectively diffused across the depth map, enhancing structural information vital for precisely extracting object outlines. By integrating this enriched depth map with the original RGB image into a joint feature embedding, our method effectively bridges the disparity between the depth map and the image, enabling more accurate semantic segmentation. We conduct comprehensive experiments across diverse, commonly-used datasets spanning a wide range of semantic segmentation tasks, including Camouflaged Object Detection (COD), Salient Object Detection (SOD), and indoor semantic segmentation. With source-free estimated depth or depth captured by depth cameras, our method consistently outperforms existing baselines and achieves new state-of-theart results, demonstrating the effectiveness of our Depth-guided Texture Diffusion for image semantic segmentation.


GoodSAM++: Bridging Domain and Capacity Gaps via Segment Anything Model for Panoramic Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Weiming Zhang, Yexin Liu, Xu Zheng, Lin Wang

This paper presents GoodSAM++, a novel framework utilizing the powerful zero-shot instance segmentation capability of SAM (i.e., teacher) to learn a compact panoramic semantic segmentation model, i.e., student, without requiring any labeled data. GoodSAM++ addresses two critical challenges: 1) SAM’s inability to provide semantic labels and inherent distortion problems of panoramic images; 2) the significant capacity disparity between SAM and the student. The `out-of-the-box’ insight of GoodSAM++ is to introduce a teacher assistant (TA) to provide semantic information for SAM, integrated with SAM to obtain reliable pseudo semantic maps to bridge both domain and capacity gaps. To make this possible, we first propose a Distortion-Aware Rectification (DARv2) module to address the domain gap. It effectively mitigates the object deformation and distortion problem in panoramic images to obtain pseudo semantic maps. We then introduce a Multi-level Knowledge Adaptation (MKA) module to efficiently transfer the semantic information from the TA and pseudo semantic maps to our compact student model, addressing the significant capacity gap. We conduct extensive experiments on both outdoor and indoor benchmark datasets, showing that our GoodSAM++ achieves a remarkable performance improvement over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) domain adaptation methods. Moreover, diverse open-world scenarios demonstrate the generalization capacity of our GoodSAM++. Last but not least, our most lightweight student model achieves comparable performance to the SOTA models with only 3.7 million parameters.
PDF 15 pages, under review. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2403.16370


PADetBench: Towards Benchmarking Physical Attacks against Object Detection

Authors:Jiawei Lian, Jianhong Pan, Lefan Wang, Yi Wang, Lap-Pui Chau, Shaohui Mei

Physical attacks against object detection have gained increasing attention due to their significant practical implications. However, conducting physical experiments is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. Moreover, physical dynamics and cross-domain transformation are challenging to strictly regulate in the real world, leading to unaligned evaluation and comparison, severely hindering the development of physically robust models. To accommodate these challenges, we explore utilizing realistic simulation to thoroughly and rigorously benchmark physical attacks with fairness under controlled physical dynamics and cross-domain transformation. This resolves the problem of capturing identical adversarial images that cannot be achieved in the real world. Our benchmark includes 20 physical attack methods, 48 object detectors, comprehensive physical dynamics, and evaluation metrics. We also provide end-to-end pipelines for dataset generation, detection, evaluation, and further analysis. In addition, we perform 8064 groups of evaluation based on our benchmark, which includes both overall evaluation and further detailed ablation studies for controlled physical dynamics. Through these experiments, we provide in-depth analyses of physical attack performance and physical adversarial robustness, draw valuable observations, and discuss potential directions for future research. Codebase: https://github.com/JiaweiLian/Benchmarking_Physical_Attack


OVOSE: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation in Event-Based Cameras

Authors:Muhammad Rameez Ur Rahman, Jhony H. Giraldo, Indro Spinelli, Stéphane Lathuilière, Fabio Galasso

Event cameras, known for low-latency operation and superior performance in challenging lighting conditions, are suitable for sensitive computer vision tasks such as semantic segmentation in autonomous driving. However, challenges arise due to limited event-based data and the absence of large-scale segmentation benchmarks. Current works are confined to closed-set semantic segmentation, limiting their adaptability to other applications. In this paper, we introduce OVOSE, the first Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation algorithm for Event cameras. OVOSE leverages synthetic event data and knowledge distillation from a pre-trained image-based foundation model to an event-based counterpart, effectively preserving spatial context and transferring open-vocabulary semantic segmentation capabilities. We evaluate the performance of OVOSE on two driving semantic segmentation datasets DDD17, and DSEC-Semantic, comparing it with existing conventional image open-vocabulary models adapted for event-based data. Similarly, we compare OVOSE with state-of-the-art methods designed for closed-set settings in unsupervised domain adaptation for event-based semantic segmentation. OVOSE demonstrates superior performance, showcasing its potential for real-world applications. The code is available at https://github.com/ram95d/OVOSE.
PDF conference


Detecting Adversarial Attacks in Semantic Segmentation via Uncertainty Estimation: A Deep Analysis

Authors:Kira Maag, Roman Resner, Asja Fischer

Deep neural networks have demonstrated remarkable effectiveness across a wide range of tasks such as semantic segmentation. Nevertheless, these networks are vulnerable to adversarial attacks that add imperceptible perturbations to the input image, leading to false predictions. This vulnerability is particularly dangerous in safety-critical applications like automated driving. While adversarial examples and defense strategies are well-researched in the context of image classification, there is comparatively less research focused on semantic segmentation. Recently, we have proposed an uncertainty-based method for detecting adversarial attacks on neural networks for semantic segmentation. We observed that uncertainty, as measured by the entropy of the output distribution, behaves differently on clean versus adversely perturbed images, and we utilize this property to differentiate between the two. In this extended version of our work, we conduct a detailed analysis of uncertainty-based detection of adversarial attacks including a diverse set of adversarial attacks and various state-of-the-art neural networks. Our numerical experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed uncertainty-based detection method, which is lightweight and operates as a post-processing step, i.e., no model modifications or knowledge of the adversarial example generation process are required.


MambaEVT: Event Stream based Visual Object Tracking using State Space Model

Authors:Xiao Wang, Chao wang, Shiao Wang, Xixi Wang, Zhicheng Zhao, Lin Zhu, Bo Jiang

Event camera-based visual tracking has drawn more and more attention in recent years due to the unique imaging principle and advantages of low energy consumption, high dynamic range, and dense temporal resolution. Current event-based tracking algorithms are gradually hitting their performance bottlenecks, due to the utilization of vision Transformer and the static template for target object localization. In this paper, we propose a novel Mamba-based visual tracking framework that adopts the state space model with linear complexity as a backbone network. The search regions and target template are fed into the vision Mamba network for simultaneous feature extraction and interaction. The output tokens of search regions will be fed into the tracking head for target localization. More importantly, we consider introducing a dynamic template update strategy into the tracking framework using the Memory Mamba network. By considering the diversity of samples in the target template library and making appropriate adjustments to the template memory module, a more effective dynamic template can be integrated. The effective combination of dynamic and static templates allows our Mamba-based tracking algorithm to achieve a good balance between accuracy and computational cost on multiple large-scale datasets, including EventVOT, VisEvent, and FE240hz. The source code will be released on https://github.com/Event-AHU/MambaEVT
PDF In Peer Review


Just a Hint: Point-Supervised Camouflaged Object Detection

Authors:Huafeng Chen, Dian Shao, Guangqian Guo, Shan Gao

Camouflaged Object Detection (COD) demands models to expeditiously and accurately distinguish objects which conceal themselves seamlessly in the environment. Owing to the subtle differences and ambiguous boundaries, COD is not only a remarkably challenging task for models but also for human annotators, requiring huge efforts to provide pixel-wise annotations. To alleviate the heavy annotation burden, we propose to fulfill this task with the help of only one point supervision. Specifically, by swiftly clicking on each object, we first adaptively expand the original point-based annotation to a reasonable hint area. Then, to avoid partial localization around discriminative parts, we propose an attention regulator to scatter model attention to the whole object through partially masking labeled regions. Moreover, to solve the unstable feature representation of camouflaged objects under only point-based annotation, we perform unsupervised contrastive learning based on differently augmented image pairs (e.g. changing color or doing translation). On three mainstream COD benchmarks, experimental results show that our model outperforms several weakly-supervised methods by a large margin across various metrics.
PDF Accepted by ECCV2024


Quantum Inverse Contextual Vision Transformers (Q-ICVT): A New Frontier in 3D Object Detection for AVs

Authors:Sanjay Bhargav Dharavath, Tanmoy Dam, Supriyo Chakraborty, Prithwiraj Roy, Aniruddha Maiti

The field of autonomous vehicles (AVs) predominantly leverages multi-modal integration of LiDAR and camera data to achieve better performance compared to using a single modality. However, the fusion process encounters challenges in detecting distant objects due to the disparity between the high resolution of cameras and the sparse data from LiDAR. Insufficient integration of global perspectives with local-level details results in sub-optimal fusion performance.To address this issue, we have developed an innovative two-stage fusion process called Quantum Inverse Contextual Vision Transformers (Q-ICVT). This approach leverages adiabatic computing in quantum concepts to create a novel reversible vision transformer known as the Global Adiabatic Transformer (GAT). GAT aggregates sparse LiDAR features with semantic features in dense images for cross-modal integration in a global form. Additionally, the Sparse Expert of Local Fusion (SELF) module maps the sparse LiDAR 3D proposals and encodes position information of the raw point cloud onto the dense camera feature space using a gating point fusion approach. Our experiments show that Q-ICVT achieves an mAPH of 82.54 for L2 difficulties on the Waymo dataset, improving by 1.88% over current state-of-the-art fusion methods. We also analyze GAT and SELF in ablation studies to highlight the impact of Q-ICVT. Our code is available at https://github.com/sanjay-810/Qicvt Q-ICVT
PDF The paper has been accepted as a short paper at CIKM ‘24


Domain-invariant Progressive Knowledge Distillation for UAV-based Object Detection

Authors:Liang Yao, Fan Liu, Chuanyi Zhang, Zhiquan Ou, Ting Wu

Knowledge distillation (KD) is an effective method for compressing models in object detection tasks. Due to limited computational capability, UAV-based object detection (UAV-OD) widely adopt the KD technique to obtain lightweight detectors. Existing methods often overlook the significant differences in feature space caused by the large gap in scale between the teacher and student models. This limitation hampers the efficiency of knowledge transfer during the distillation process. Furthermore, the complex backgrounds in UAV images make it challenging for the student model to efficiently learn the object features. In this paper, we propose a novel knowledge distillation framework for UAV-OD. Specifically, a progressive distillation approach is designed to alleviate the feature gap between teacher and student models. Then a new feature alignment method is provided to extract object-related features for enhancing student model’s knowledge reception efficiency. Finally, extensive experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. The results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance in two UAV-OD datasets.


UNetMamba: Efficient UNet-Like Mamba for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images

Authors:Enze Zhu, Zhan Chen, Dingkai Wang, Hanru Shi, Xiaoxuan Liu, Lei Wang

The semantic segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing images plays a crucial role in downstream applications such as urban planning and disaster assessment. However, existing Transformer-based methods suffer from the constraint between accuracy and efficiency. To overcome this dilemma, we propose UNetMamba, a novel Mamba-based semantic segmentation model. It incorporates a Mamba Segmentation Decoder (MSD) that can efficiently decode the complex information within high-resolution images, and a Local Supervision Module (LSM), which is train-only but can significantly enhance the perception of local contents. Extensive experiments demonstrate that UNet-Mamba outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with the mIoU increased by 0.87% on LoveDA and 0.36% on ISPRS Vaihingen, while achieving high efficiency through light weight, low memory footprint and low computational cost. The source code will soon be publicly available at https://github.com/EnzeZhu2001/UNetMamba.


CARLA Drone: Monocular 3D Object Detection from a Different Perspective

Authors:Johannes Meier, Luca Scalerandi, Oussema Dhaouadi, Jacques Kaiser, Nikita Araslanov, Daniel Cremers

Existing techniques for monocular 3D detection have a serious restriction. They tend to perform well only on a limited set of benchmarks, faring well either on ego-centric car views or on traffic camera views, but rarely on both. To encourage progress, this work advocates for an extended evaluation of 3D detection frameworks across different camera perspectives. We make two key contributions. First, we introduce the CARLA Drone dataset, CDrone. Simulating drone views, it substantially expands the diversity of camera perspectives in existing benchmarks. Despite its synthetic nature, CDrone represents a real-world challenge. To show this, we confirm that previous techniques struggle to perform well both on CDrone and a real-world 3D drone dataset. Second, we develop an effective data augmentation pipeline called GroundMix. Its distinguishing element is the use of the ground for creating 3D-consistent augmentation of a training image. GroundMix significantly boosts the detection accuracy of a lightweight one-stage detector. In our expanded evaluation, we achieve the average precision on par with or substantially higher than the previous state of the art across all tested datasets.


BihoT: A Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for Hyperspectral Camouflaged Object Tracking

Authors:Hanzheng Wang, Wei Li, Xiang-Gen Xia, Qian Du

Hyperspectral object tracking (HOT) has exhibited potential in various applications, particularly in scenes where objects are camouflaged. Existing trackers can effectively retrieve objects via band regrouping because of the bias in existing HOT datasets, where most objects tend to have distinguishing visual appearances rather than spectral characteristics. This bias allows the tracker to directly use the visual features obtained from the false-color images generated by hyperspectral images without the need to extract spectral features. To tackle this bias, we find that the tracker should focus on the spectral information when object appearance is unreliable. Thus, we provide a new task called hyperspectral camouflaged object tracking (HCOT) and meticulously construct a large-scale HCOT dataset, termed BihoT, which consists of 41,912 hyperspectral images covering 49 video sequences. The dataset covers various artificial camouflage scenes where objects have similar appearances, diverse spectrums, and frequent occlusion, making it a very challenging dataset for HCOT. Besides, a simple but effective baseline model, named spectral prompt-based distractor-aware network (SPDAN), is proposed, comprising a spectral embedding network (SEN), a spectral prompt-based backbone network (SPBN), and a distractor-aware module (DAM). Specifically, the SEN extracts spectral-spatial features via 3-D and 2-D convolutions. Then, the SPBN fine-tunes powerful RGB trackers with spectral prompts and alleviates the insufficiency of training samples. Moreover, the DAM utilizes a novel statistic to capture the distractor caused by occlusion from objects and background. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed SPDAN achieves state-of-the-art performance on the proposed BihoT and other HOT datasets.


OVA-DETR: Open Vocabulary Aerial Object Detection Using Image-Text Alignment and Fusion

Authors:Guoting Wei, Xia Yuan, Yu Liu, Zhenhao Shang, Kelu Yao, Chao Li, Qingsen Yan, Chunxia Zhao, Haokui Zhang, Rong Xiao

Aerial object detection has been a hot topic for many years due to its wide application requirements. However, most existing approaches can only handle predefined categories, which limits their applicability for the open scenarios in real-world. In this paper, we extend aerial object detection to open scenarios by exploiting the relationship between image and text, and propose OVA-DETR, a high-efficiency open-vocabulary detector for aerial images. Specifically, based on the idea of image-text alignment, we propose region-text contrastive loss to replace the category regression loss in the traditional detection framework, which breaks the category limitation. Then, we propose Bidirectional Vision-Language Fusion (Bi-VLF), which includes a dual-attention fusion encoder and a multi-level text-guided Fusion Decoder. The dual-attention fusion encoder enhances the feature extraction process in the encoder part. The multi-level text-guided Fusion Decoder is designed to improve the detection ability for small objects, which frequently appear in aerial object detection scenarios. Experimental results on three widely used benchmark datasets show that our proposed method significantly improves the mAP and recall, while enjoying faster inference speed. For instance, in zero shot detection experiments on DIOR, the proposed OVA-DETR outperforms DescReg and YOLO-World by 37.4% and 33.1%, respectively, while achieving 87 FPS inference speed, which is 7.9x faster than DescReg and 3x faster than YOLO-world. The code is available at https://github.com/GT-Wei/OVA-DETR.


Class-balanced Open-set Semi-supervised Object Detection for Medical Images

Authors:Zhanyun Lu, Renshu Gu, Huimin Cheng, Siyu Pang, Mingyu Xu, Peifang Xu, Yaqi Wang, Yuichiro Kinoshita, Juan Ye, Gangyong Jia, Qing Wu

Medical image datasets in the real world are often unlabeled and imbalanced, and Semi-Supervised Object Detection (SSOD) can utilize unlabeled data to improve an object detector. However, existing approaches predominantly assumed that the unlabeled data and test data do not contain out-of-distribution (OOD) classes. The few open-set semi-supervised object detection methods have two weaknesses: first, the class imbalance is not considered; second, the OOD instances are distinguished and simply discarded during pseudo-labeling. In this paper, we consider the open-set semi-supervised object detection problem which leverages unlabeled data that contain OOD classes to improve object detection for medical images. Our study incorporates two key innovations: Category Control Embed (CCE) and out-of-distribution Detection Fusion Classifier (OODFC). CCE is designed to tackle dataset imbalance by constructing a Foreground information Library, while OODFC tackles open-set challenges by integrating the ``unknown’’ information into basic pseudo-labels. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art SSOD performance, achieving a 4.25 mAP improvement on the public Parasite dataset.


CatFree3D: Category-agnostic 3D Object Detection with Diffusion

Authors:Wenjing Bian, Zirui Wang, Andrea Vedaldi

Image-based 3D object detection is widely employed in applications such as autonomous vehicles and robotics, yet current systems struggle with generalisation due to complex problem setup and limited training data. We introduce a novel pipeline that decouples 3D detection from 2D detection and depth prediction, using a diffusion-based approach to improve accuracy and support category-agnostic detection. Additionally, we introduce the Normalised Hungarian Distance (NHD) metric for an accurate evaluation of 3D detection results, addressing the limitations of traditional IoU and GIoU metrics. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy and strong generalisation across various object categories and datasets.
PDF Project page: https://bianwenjing.github.io/CatFree3D


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