Diffusion Models

2024-08-26 更新

Scalable Autoregressive Image Generation with Mamba

Authors:Haopeng Li, Jinyue Yang, Kexin Wang, Xuerui Qiu, Yuhong Chou, Xin Li, Guoqi Li

We introduce AiM, an autoregressive (AR) image generative model based on Mamba architecture. AiM employs Mamba, a novel state-space model characterized by its exceptional performance for long-sequence modeling with linear time complexity, to supplant the commonly utilized Transformers in AR image generation models, aiming to achieve both superior generation quality and enhanced inference speed. Unlike existing methods that adapt Mamba to handle two-dimensional signals via multi-directional scan, AiM directly utilizes the next-token prediction paradigm for autoregressive image generation. This approach circumvents the need for extensive modifications to enable Mamba to learn 2D spatial representations. By implementing straightforward yet strategically targeted modifications for visual generative tasks, we preserve Mamba’s core structure, fully exploiting its efficient long-sequence modeling capabilities and scalability. We provide AiM models in various scales, with parameter counts ranging from 148M to 1.3B. On the ImageNet1K 256*256 benchmark, our best AiM model achieves a FID of 2.21, surpassing all existing AR models of comparable parameter counts and demonstrating significant competitiveness against diffusion models, with 2 to 10 times faster inference speed. Code is available at https://github.com/hp-l33/AiM
PDF 9 pages, 8 figures


VTON-HandFit: Virtual Try-on for Arbitrary Hand Pose Guided by Hand Priors Embedding

Authors:Yujie Liang, Xiaobin Hu, Boyuan Jiang, Donghao Luo, Kai WU, Wenhui Han, Taisong Jin, Chengjie Wang

Although diffusion-based image virtual try-on has made considerable progress, emerging approaches still struggle to effectively address the issue of hand occlusion (i.e., clothing regions occluded by the hand part), leading to a notable degradation of the try-on performance. To tackle this issue widely existing in real-world scenarios, we propose VTON-HandFit, leveraging the power of hand priors to reconstruct the appearance and structure for hand occlusion cases. Firstly, we tailor a Handpose Aggregation Net using the ControlNet-based structure explicitly and adaptively encoding the global hand and pose priors. Besides, to fully exploit the hand-related structure and appearance information, we propose Hand-feature Disentanglement Embedding module to disentangle the hand priors into the hand structure-parametric and visual-appearance features, and customize a masked cross attention for further decoupled feature embedding. Lastly, we customize a hand-canny constraint loss to better learn the structure edge knowledge from the hand template of model image. VTON-HandFit outperforms the baselines in qualitative and quantitative evaluations on the public dataset and our self-collected hand-occlusion Handfit-3K dataset particularly for the arbitrary hand pose occlusion cases in real-world scenarios. Code and dataset will be made publicly available.


GarmentAligner: Text-to-Garment Generation via Retrieval-augmented Multi-level Corrections

Authors:Shiyue Zhang, Zheng Chong, Xujie Zhang, Hanhui Li, Yuhao Cheng, Yiqiang Yan, Xiaodan Liang

General text-to-image models bring revolutionary innovation to the fields of arts, design, and media. However, when applied to garment generation, even the state-of-the-art text-to-image models suffer from fine-grained semantic misalignment, particularly concerning the quantity, position, and interrelations of garment components. Addressing this, we propose GarmentAligner, a text-to-garment diffusion model trained with retrieval-augmented multi-level corrections. To achieve semantic alignment at the component level, we introduce an automatic component extraction pipeline to obtain spatial and quantitative information of garment components from corresponding images and captions. Subsequently, to exploit component relationships within the garment images, we construct retrieval subsets for each garment by retrieval augmentation based on component-level similarity ranking and conduct contrastive learning to enhance the model perception of components from positive and negative samples. To further enhance the alignment of components across semantic, spatial, and quantitative granularities, we propose the utilization of multi-level correction losses that leverage detailed component information. The experimental findings demonstrate that GarmentAligner achieves superior fidelity and fine-grained semantic alignment when compared to existing competitors.
PDF Accepted by ECCV 2024


LCM-SVC: Latent Diffusion Model Based Singing Voice Conversion with Inference Acceleration via Latent Consistency Distillation

Authors:Shihao Chen, Yu Gu, Jianwei Cui, Jie Zhang, Rilin Chen, Lirong Dai

Any-to-any singing voice conversion (SVC) aims to transfer a target singer’s timbre to other songs using a short voice sample. However many diffusion model based any-to-any SVC methods, which have achieved impressive results, usually suffered from low efficiency caused by a mass of inference steps. In this paper, we propose LCM-SVC, a latent consistency distillation (LCD) based latent diffusion model (LDM) to accelerate inference speed. We achieved one-step or few-step inference while maintaining the high performance by distilling a pre-trained LDM based SVC model, which had the advantages of timbre decoupling and sound quality. Experimental results show that our proposed method can significantly reduce the inference time and largely preserve the sound quality and timbre similarity comparing with other state-of-the-art SVC models. Audio samples are available at https://sounddemos.github.io/lcm-svc.
PDF Accepted to ISCSLP 2024. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2406.05325


FlexEdit: Marrying Free-Shape Masks to VLLM for Flexible Image Editing

Authors:Jue Wang, Yuxiang Lin, Tianshuo Yuan, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Xiaolong Wang, Jiao GH, Wei Chen, Xiaojiang Peng

Combining Vision Large Language Models (VLLMs) with diffusion models offers a powerful method for executing image editing tasks based on human language instructions. However, language instructions alone often fall short in accurately conveying user requirements, particularly when users want to add, replace elements in specific areas of an image. Luckily, masks can effectively indicate the exact locations or elements to be edited, while they require users to precisely draw the shapes at the desired locations, which is highly user-unfriendly. To address this, we propose FlexEdit, an end-to-end image editing method that leverages both free-shape masks and language instructions for Flexible Editing. Our approach employs a VLLM in comprehending the image content, mask, and user instructions. Additionally, we introduce the Mask Enhance Adapter (MEA) that fuses the embeddings of the VLLM with the image data, ensuring a seamless integration of mask information and model output embeddings. Furthermore, we construct FSMI-Edit, a benchmark specifically tailored for free-shape mask, including 8 types of free-shape mask. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in LLM-based image editing, and our simple prompting technique stands out in its effectiveness. The code and data can be found at https://github.com/A-new-b/flex_edit.
PDF 15 pages, 14 figures


Show-o: One Single Transformer to Unify Multimodal Understanding and Generation

Authors:Jinheng Xie, Weijia Mao, Zechen Bai, David Junhao Zhang, Weihao Wang, Kevin Qinghong Lin, Yuchao Gu, Zhijie Chen, Zhenheng Yang, Mike Zheng Shou

We present a unified transformer, i.e., Show-o, that unifies multimodal understanding and generation. Unlike fully autoregressive models, Show-o unifies autoregressive and (discrete) diffusion modeling to adaptively handle inputs and outputs of various and mixed modalities. The unified model flexibly supports a wide range of vision-language tasks including visual question-answering, text-to-image generation, text-guided inpainting/extrapolation, and mixed-modality generation. Across various benchmarks, it demonstrates comparable or superior performance to existing individual models with an equivalent or larger number of parameters tailored for understanding or generation. This significantly highlights its potential as a next-generation foundation model. Code and models are released at https://github.com/showlab/Show-o.
PDF Technical Report


ssProp: Energy-Efficient Training for Convolutional Neural Networks with Scheduled Sparse Back Propagation

Authors:Lujia Zhong, Shuo Huang, Yonggang Shi

Recently, deep learning has made remarkable strides, especially with generative modeling, such as large language models and probabilistic diffusion models. However, training these models often involves significant computational resources, requiring billions of petaFLOPs. This high resource consumption results in substantial energy usage and a large carbon footprint, raising critical environmental concerns. Back-propagation (BP) is a major source of computational expense during training deep learning models. To advance research on energy-efficient training and allow for sparse learning on any machine and device, we propose a general, energy-efficient convolution module that can be seamlessly integrated into any deep learning architecture. Specifically, we introduce channel-wise sparsity with additional gradient selection schedulers during backward based on the assumption that BP is often dense and inefficient, which can lead to over-fitting and high computational consumption. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach reduces 40\% computations while potentially improving model performance, validated on image classification and generation tasks. This reduction can lead to significant energy savings and a lower carbon footprint during the research and development phases of large-scale AI systems. Additionally, our method mitigates over-fitting in a manner distinct from Dropout, allowing it to be combined with Dropout to further enhance model performance and reduce computational resource usage. Extensive experiments validate that our method generalizes to a variety of datasets and tasks and is compatible with a wide range of deep learning architectures and modules. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/lujiazho/ssProp.
PDF Under review


CatFree3D: Category-agnostic 3D Object Detection with Diffusion

Authors:Wenjing Bian, Zirui Wang, Andrea Vedaldi

Image-based 3D object detection is widely employed in applications such as autonomous vehicles and robotics, yet current systems struggle with generalisation due to complex problem setup and limited training data. We introduce a novel pipeline that decouples 3D detection from 2D detection and depth prediction, using a diffusion-based approach to improve accuracy and support category-agnostic detection. Additionally, we introduce the Normalised Hungarian Distance (NHD) metric for an accurate evaluation of 3D detection results, addressing the limitations of traditional IoU and GIoU metrics. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy and strong generalisation across various object categories and datasets.
PDF Project page: https://bianwenjing.github.io/CatFree3D


EasyControl: Transfer ControlNet to Video Diffusion for Controllable Generation and Interpolation

Authors:Cong Wang, Jiaxi Gu, Panwen Hu, Haoyu Zhao, Yuanfan Guo, Jianhua Han, Hang Xu, Xiaodan Liang

Following the advancements in text-guided image generation technology exemplified by Stable Diffusion, video generation is gaining increased attention in the academic community. However, relying solely on text guidance for video generation has serious limitations, as videos contain much richer content than images, especially in terms of motion. This information can hardly be adequately described with plain text. Fortunately, in computer vision, various visual representations can serve as additional control signals to guide generation. With the help of these signals, video generation can be controlled in finer detail, allowing for greater flexibility for different applications. Integrating various controls, however, is nontrivial. In this paper, we propose a universal framework called EasyControl. By propagating and injecting condition features through condition adapters, our method enables users to control video generation with a single condition map. With our framework, various conditions including raw pixels, depth, HED, etc., can be integrated into different Unet-based pre-trained video diffusion models at a low practical cost. We conduct comprehensive experiments on public datasets, and both quantitative and qualitative results indicate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods. EasyControl significantly improves various evaluation metrics across multiple validation datasets compared to previous works. Specifically, for the sketch-to-video generation task, EasyControl achieves an improvement of 152.0 on FVD and 19.9 on IS, respectively, in UCF101 compared with VideoComposer. For fidelity, our model demonstrates powerful image retention ability, resulting in high FVD and IS in UCF101 and MSR-VTT compared to other image-to-video models.


Atlas Gaussians Diffusion for 3D Generation with Infinite Number of Points

Authors:Haitao Yang, Yuan Dong, Hanwen Jiang, Dejia Xu, Georgios Pavlakos, Qixing Huang

Using the latent diffusion model has proven effective in developing novel 3D generation techniques. To harness the latent diffusion model, a key challenge is designing a high-fidelity and efficient representation that links the latent space and the 3D space. In this paper, we introduce Atlas Gaussians, a novel representation for feed-forward native 3D generation. Atlas Gaussians represent a shape as the union of local patches, and each patch can decode 3D Gaussians. We parameterize a patch as a sequence of feature vectors and design a learnable function to decode 3D Gaussians from the feature vectors. In this process, we incorporate UV-based sampling, enabling the generation of a sufficiently large, and theoretically infinite, number of 3D Gaussian points. The large amount of 3D Gaussians enables high-quality details of generation results. Moreover, due to local awareness of the representation, the transformer-based decoding procedure operates on a patch level, ensuring efficiency. We train a variational autoencoder to learn the Atlas Gaussians representation, and then apply a latent diffusion model on its latent space for learning 3D Generation. Experiments show that our approach outperforms the prior arts of feed-forward native 3D generation.


IFH: a Diffusion Framework for Flexible Design of Graph Generative Models

Authors:Samuel Cognolato, Alessandro Sperduti, Luciano Serafini

Graph generative models can be classified into two prominent families: one-shot models, which generate a graph in one go, and sequential models, which generate a graph by successive additions of nodes and edges. Ideally, between these two extreme models lies a continuous range of models that adopt different levels of sequentiality. This paper proposes a graph generative model, called Insert-Fill-Halt (IFH), that supports the specification of a sequentiality degree. IFH is based upon the theory of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM), designing a node removal process that gradually destroys a graph. An insertion process learns to reverse this removal process by inserting arcs and nodes according to the specified sequentiality degree. We evaluate the performance of IFH in terms of quality, run time, and memory, depending on different sequentiality degrees. We also show that using DiGress, a diffusion-based one-shot model, as a generative step in IFH leads to improvement to the model itself, and is competitive with the current state-of-the-art.
PDF Accepted at the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 24)


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