
2024-08-16 更新

SER Evals: In-domain and Out-of-domain Benchmarking for Speech Emotion Recognition

Authors:Mohamed Osman, Daniel Z. Kaplan, Tamer Nadeem

Speech emotion recognition (SER) has made significant strides with the advent of powerful self-supervised learning (SSL) models. However, the generalization of these models to diverse languages and emotional expressions remains a challenge. We propose a large-scale benchmark to evaluate the robustness and adaptability of state-of-the-art SER models in both in-domain and out-of-domain settings. Our benchmark includes a diverse set of multilingual datasets, focusing on less commonly used corpora to assess generalization to new data. We employ logit adjustment to account for varying class distributions and establish a single dataset cluster for systematic evaluation. Surprisingly, we find that the Whisper model, primarily designed for automatic speech recognition, outperforms dedicated SSL models in cross-lingual SER. Our results highlight the need for more robust and generalizable SER models, and our benchmark serves as a valuable resource to drive future research in this direction.
PDF Accepted at INTERSPEECH 2024


2024-08-16 更新

Speech Slytherin: Examining the Performance and Efficiency of Mamba for Speech Separation, Recognition, and Synthesis

Authors:Xilin Jiang, Yinghao Aaron Li, Adrian Nicolas Florea, Cong Han, Nima Mesgarani

It is too early to conclude that Mamba is a better alternative to transformers for speech before comparing Mamba with transformers in terms of both performance and efficiency in multiple speech-related tasks. To reach this conclusion, we propose and evaluate three models for three tasks: Mamba-TasNet for speech separation, ConMamba for speech recognition, and VALL-M for speech synthesis. We compare them with transformers of similar sizes in performance, memory, and speed. Our Mamba or Mamba-transformer hybrid models show comparable or higher performance than their transformer counterparts: Sepformer, Conformer, and VALL-E. They are more efficient than transformers in memory and speed for speech longer than a threshold duration, inversely related to the resolution of a speech token. Mamba for separation is the most efficient, and Mamba for recognition is the least. Further, we show that Mamba is not more efficient than transformer for speech shorter than the threshold duration and performs worse in models that require joint modeling of text and speech, such as cross or masked attention of two inputs. Therefore, we argue that the superiority of Mamba or transformer depends on particular problems and models. Code available at https://github.com/xi-j/Mamba-TasNet and https://github.com/xi-j/Mamba-ASR.


Knowledge boosting during low-latency inference

Authors:Vidya Srinivas, Malek Itani, Tuochao Chen, Sefik Emre Eskimez, Takuya Yoshioka, Shyamnath Gollakota

Models for low-latency, streaming applications could benefit from the knowledge capacity of larger models, but edge devices cannot run these models due to resource constraints. A possible solution is to transfer hints during inference from a large model running remotely to a small model running on-device. However, this incurs a communication delay that breaks real-time requirements and does not guarantee that both models will operate on the same data at the same time. We propose knowledge boosting, a novel technique that allows a large model to operate on time-delayed input during inference, while still boosting small model performance. Using a streaming neural network that processes 8 ms chunks, we evaluate different speech separation and enhancement tasks with communication delays of up to six chunks or 48 ms. Our results show larger gains where the performance gap between the small and large models is wide, demonstrating a promising method for large-small model collaboration for low-latency applications. Code, dataset, and audio samples available at https://knowledgeboosting.cs.washington.edu/.
PDF Accepted by Interspeech 2024


TalTech-IRIT-LIS Speaker and Language Diarization Systems for DISPLACE 2024

Authors:Joonas Kalda, Tanel Alumäe, Martin Lebourdais, Hervé Bredin, Séverin Baroudi, Ricard Marxer

This paper describes the submissions of team TalTech-IRIT-LIS to the DISPLACE 2024 challenge. Our team participated in the speaker diarization and language diarization tracks of the challenge. In the speaker diarization track, our best submission was an ensemble of systems based on the pyannote.audio speaker diarization pipeline utilizing powerset training and our recently proposed PixIT method that performs joint diarization and speech separation. We improve upon PixIT by using the separation outputs for speaker embedding extraction. Our ensemble achieved a diarization error rate of 27.1% on the evaluation dataset. In the language diarization track, we fine-tuned a pre-trained Wav2Vec2-BERT language embedding model on in-domain data, and clustered short segments using AHC and VBx, based on similarity scores from LDA/PLDA. This led to a language diarization error rate of 27.6% on the evaluation data. Both results were ranked first in their respective challenge tracks.
PDF accepted at Interspeech 2024


Preset-Voice Matching for Privacy Regulated Speech-to-Speech Translation Systems

Authors:Daniel Platnick, Bishoy Abdelnour, Eamon Earl, Rahul Kumar, Zahra Rezaei, Thomas Tsangaris, Faraj Lagum

In recent years, there has been increased demand for speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) systems in industry settings. Although successfully commercialized, cloning-based S2ST systems expose their distributors to liabilities when misused by individuals and can infringe on personality rights when exploited by media organizations. This work proposes a regulated S2ST framework called Preset-Voice Matching (PVM). PVM removes cross-lingual voice cloning in S2ST by first matching the input voice to a similar prior consenting speaker voice in the target-language. With this separation, PVM avoids cloning the input speaker, ensuring PVM systems comply with regulations and reduce risk of misuse. Our results demonstrate PVM can significantly improve S2ST system run-time in multi-speaker settings and the naturalness of S2ST synthesized speech. To our knowledge, PVM is the first explicitly regulated S2ST framework leveraging similarly-matched preset-voices for dynamic S2ST tasks.
PDF Accepted to the ACL PrivateNLP 2024 Workshop, 7 pages, 2 figures


Robustness of Speech Separation Models for Similar-pitch Speakers

Authors:Bunlong Lay, Sebastian Zaczek, Kristina Tesch, Timo Gerkmann

Single-channel speech separation is a crucial task for enhancing speech recognition systems in multi-speaker environments. This paper investigates the robustness of state-of-the-art Neural Network models in scenarios where the pitch differences between speakers are minimal. Building on earlier findings by Ditter and Gerkmann, which identified a significant performance drop for the 2018 Chimera++ under similar-pitch conditions, our study extends the analysis to more recent and sophisticated Neural Network models. Our experiments reveal that modern models have substantially reduced the performance gap for matched training and testing conditions. However, a substantial performance gap persists under mismatched conditions, with models performing well for large pitch differences but showing worse performance if the speakers’ pitches are similar. These findings motivate further research into the generalizability of speech separation models to similar-pitch speakers and unseen data.


The NPU-ASLP System Description for Visual Speech Recognition in CNVSRC 2024

Authors:He Wang, Lei Xie

This paper delineates the visual speech recognition (VSR) system introduced by the NPU-ASLP (Team 237) in the second Chinese Continuous Visual Speech Recognition Challenge (CNVSRC 2024), engaging in all four tracks, including the fixed and open tracks of Single-Speaker VSR Task and Multi-Speaker VSR Task. In terms of data processing, we leverage the lip motion extractor from the baseline1 to produce multiscale video data. Besides, various augmentation techniques are applied during training, encompassing speed perturbation, random rotation, horizontal flipping, and color transformation. The VSR model adopts an end-to-end architecture with joint CTC/attention loss, introducing Enhanced ResNet3D visual frontend, E-Branchformer encoder, and Bi-directional Transformer decoder. Our approach yields a 30.47% CER for the Single-Speaker Task and 34.30% CER for the Multi-Speaker Task, securing second place in the open track of the Single-Speaker Task and first place in the other three tracks.
PDF 2 pages, 2 figures, CNVSRC 2024 System Report


TF-Locoformer: Transformer with Local Modeling by Convolution for Speech Separation and Enhancement

Authors:Kohei Saijo, Gordon Wichern, François G. Germain, Zexu Pan, Jonathan Le Roux

Time-frequency (TF) domain dual-path models achieve high-fidelity speech separation. While some previous state-of-the-art (SoTA) models rely on RNNs, this reliance means they lack the parallelizability, scalability, and versatility of Transformer blocks. Given the wide-ranging success of pure Transformer-based architectures in other fields, in this work we focus on removing the RNN from TF-domain dual-path models, while maintaining SoTA performance. This work presents TF-Locoformer, a Transformer-based model with LOcal-modeling by COnvolution. The model uses feed-forward networks (FFNs) with convolution layers, instead of linear layers, to capture local information, letting the self-attention focus on capturing global patterns. We place two such FFNs before and after self-attention to enhance the local-modeling capability. We also introduce a novel normalization for TF-domain dual-path models. Experiments on separation and enhancement datasets show that the proposed model meets or exceeds SoTA in multiple benchmarks with an RNN-free architecture.
PDF Accepted to IWAENC 2024


wav2graph: A Framework for Supervised Learning Knowledge Graph from Speech

Authors:Khai Le-Duc, Quy-Anh Dang, Tan-Hanh Pham, Truong-Son Hy

Knowledge graphs (KGs) enhance the performance of large language models (LLMs) and search engines by providing structured, interconnected data that improves reasoning and context-awareness. However, KGs only focus on text data, thereby neglecting other modalities such as speech. In this work, we introduce wav2graph, the first framework for supervised learning knowledge graph from speech data. Our pipeline are straightforward: (1) constructing a KG based on transcribed spoken utterances and a named entity database, (2) converting KG into embedding vectors, and (3) training graph neural networks (GNNs) for node classification and link prediction tasks. Through extensive experiments conducted in inductive and transductive learning contexts using state-of-the-art GNN models, we provide baseline results and error analysis for node classification and link prediction tasks on human transcripts and automatic speech recognition (ASR) transcripts, including evaluations using both encoder-based and decoder-based node embeddings, as well as monolingual and multilingual acoustic pre-trained models. All related code, data, and models are published online.
PDF Preprint, 32 pages


Preserving spoken content in voice anonymisation with character-level vocoder conditioning

Authors:Michele Panariello, Massimiliano Todisco, Nicholas Evans

Voice anonymisation can be used to help protect speaker privacy when speech data is shared with untrusted others. In most practical applications, while the voice identity should be sanitised, other attributes such as the spoken content should be preserved. There is always a trade-off; all approaches reported thus far sacrifice spoken content for anonymisation performance. We report what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first attempt to actively preserve spoken content in voice anonymisation. We show how the output of an auxiliary automatic speech recognition model can be used to condition the vocoder module of an anonymisation system using a set of learnable embedding dictionaries in order to preserve spoken content. Relative to a baseline approach, and for only a modest cost in anonymisation performance, the technique is successful in decreasing the word error rate computed from anonymised utterances by almost 60%.
PDF Accepted at SIG-SPSC 2024 Symposium


HydraFormer: One Encoder For All Subsampling Rates

Authors:Yaoxun Xu, Xingchen Song, Zhiyong Wu, Di Wu, Zhendong Peng, Binbin Zhang

In automatic speech recognition, subsampling is essential for tackling diverse scenarios. However, the inadequacy of a single subsampling rate to address various real-world situations often necessitates training and deploying multiple models, consequently increasing associated costs. To address this issue, we propose HydraFormer, comprising HydraSub, a Conformer-based encoder, and a BiTransformer-based decoder. HydraSub encompasses multiple branches, each representing a distinct subsampling rate, allowing for the flexible selection of any branch during inference based on the specific use case. HydraFormer can efficiently manage different subsampling rates, significantly reducing training and deployment expenses. Experiments on AISHELL-1 and LibriSpeech datasets reveal that HydraFormer effectively adapts to various subsampling rates and languages while maintaining high recognition performance. Additionally, HydraFormer showcases exceptional stability, sustaining consistent performance under various initialization conditions, and exhibits robust transferability by learning from pretrained single subsampling rate automatic speech recognition models\footnote{Model code and scripts: https://github.com/HydraFormer/hydraformer}.
PDF accepted by ICME 2024


MooER: LLM-based Speech Recognition and Translation Models from Moore Threads

Authors:Junhao Xu, Zhenlin Liang, Yi Liu, Yichao Hu, Jian Li, Yajun Zheng, Meng Cai, Hua Wang

In this paper, we present MooER, a LLM-based large-scale automatic speech recognition (ASR) / automatic speech translation (AST) model of Moore Threads. A 5000h pseudo labeled dataset containing open source and self collected speech data is used for training. We achieve performance comparable to other open source models trained with up to hundreds of thousands of hours of labeled speech data. Meanwhile, experiments conducted on Covost2 Zh2en testset suggest that our model outperforms other open source Speech LLMs. A BLEU score of 25.2 can be obtained. The main contributions of this paper are summarized as follows. First, this paper presents a training strategy for encoders and LLMs on speech related tasks (including ASR and AST) using a small size of pseudo labeled data without any extra manual annotation and selection. Second, we release our ASR and AST models and plan to open-source our training code and strategy in the near future. Moreover, a model trained on 8wh scale training data is planned to be released later on.


VQ-CTAP: Cross-Modal Fine-Grained Sequence Representation Learning for Speech Processing

Authors:Chunyu Qiang, Wang Geng, Yi Zhao, Ruibo Fu, Tao Wang, Cheng Gong, Tianrui Wang, Qiuyu Liu, Jiangyan Yi, Zhengqi Wen, Chen Zhang, Hao Che, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang, Jianhua Tao

Deep learning has brought significant improvements to the field of cross-modal representation learning. For tasks such as text-to-speech (TTS), voice conversion (VC), and automatic speech recognition (ASR), a cross-modal fine-grained (frame-level) sequence representation is desired, emphasizing the semantic content of the text modality while de-emphasizing the paralinguistic information of the speech modality. We propose a method called “Vector Quantized Contrastive Token-Acoustic Pre-training (VQ-CTAP)”, which uses the cross-modal aligned sequence transcoder to bring text and speech into a joint multimodal space, learning how to connect text and speech at the frame level. The proposed VQ-CTAP is a paradigm for cross-modal sequence representation learning, offering a promising solution for fine-grained generation and recognition tasks in speech processing. The VQ-CTAP can be directly applied to VC and ASR tasks without fine-tuning or additional structures. We propose a sequence-aware semantic connector, which connects multiple frozen pre-trained modules for the TTS task, exhibiting a plug-and-play capability. We design a stepping optimization strategy to ensure effective model convergence by gradually injecting and adjusting the influence of various loss components. Furthermore, we propose a semantic-transfer-wise paralinguistic consistency loss to enhance representational capabilities, allowing the model to better generalize to unseen data and capture the nuances of paralinguistic information. In addition, VQ-CTAP achieves high-compression speech coding at a rate of 25Hz from 24kHz input waveforms, which is a 960-fold reduction in the sampling rate. The audio demo is available at https://qiangchunyu.github.io/VQCTAP/


An Investigation Into Explainable Audio Hate Speech Detection

Authors:Jinmyeong An, Wonjun Lee, Yejin Jeon, Jungseul Ok, Yunsu Kim, Gary Geunbae Lee

Research on hate speech has predominantly revolved around detection and interpretation from textual inputs, leaving verbal content largely unexplored. While there has been limited exploration into hate speech detection within verbal acoustic speech inputs, the aspect of interpretability has been overlooked. Therefore, we introduce a new task of explainable audio hate speech detection. Specifically, we aim to identify the precise time intervals, referred to as audio frame-level rationales, which serve as evidence for hate speech classification. Towards this end, we propose two different approaches: cascading and End-to-End (E2E). The cascading approach initially converts audio to transcripts, identifies hate speech within these transcripts, and subsequently locates the corresponding audio time frames. Conversely, the E2E approach processes audio utterances directly, which allows it to pinpoint hate speech within specific time frames. Additionally, due to the lack of explainable audio hate speech datasets that include audio frame-level rationales, we curated a synthetic audio dataset to train our models. We further validated these models on actual human speech utterances and found that the E2E approach outperforms the cascading method in terms of the audio frame Intersection over Union (IoU) metric. Furthermore, we observed that including frame-level rationales significantly enhances hate speech detection accuracy for the E2E approach. \textbf{Disclaimer} The reader may encounter content of an offensive or hateful nature. However, given the nature of the work, this cannot be avoided.
PDF Accepted to SIGDIAL 2024


BSS-CFFMA: Cross-Domain Feature Fusion and Multi-Attention Speech Enhancement Network based on Self-Supervised Embedding

Authors:Alimjan Mattursun, Liejun Wang, Yinfeng Yu

Speech self-supervised learning (SSL) represents has achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in multiple downstream tasks. However, its application in speech enhancement (SE) tasks remains immature, offering opportunities for improvement. In this study, we introduce a novel cross-domain feature fusion and multi-attention speech enhancement network, termed BSS-CFFMA, which leverages self-supervised embeddings. BSS-CFFMA comprises a multi-scale cross-domain feature fusion (MSCFF) block and a residual hybrid multi-attention (RHMA) block. The MSCFF block effectively integrates cross-domain features, facilitating the extraction of rich acoustic information. The RHMA block, serving as the primary enhancement module, utilizes three distinct attention modules to capture diverse attention representations and estimate high-quality speech signals. We evaluate the performance of the BSS-CFFMA model through comparative and ablation studies on the VoiceBank-DEMAND dataset, achieving SOTA results. Furthermore, we select three types of data from the WHAMR! dataset, a collection specifically designed for speech enhancement tasks, to assess the capabilities of BSS-CFFMA in tasks such as denoising only, dereverberation only, and simultaneous denoising and dereverberation. This study marks the first attempt to explore the effectiveness of self-supervised embedding-based speech enhancement methods in complex tasks encompassing dereverberation and simultaneous denoising and dereverberation. The demo implementation of BSS-CFFMA is available online\footnote[2]{https://github.com/AlimMat/BSS-CFFMA. \label{s1}}.
PDF Accepted for publication by IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2024


Heterogeneous Space Fusion and Dual-Dimension Attention: A New Paradigm for Speech Enhancement

Authors:Tao Zheng, Liejun Wang, Yinfeng Yu

Self-supervised learning has demonstrated impressive performance in speech tasks, yet there remains ample opportunity for advancement in the realm of speech enhancement research. In addressing speech tasks, confining the attention mechanism solely to the temporal dimension poses limitations in effectively focusing on critical speech features. Considering the aforementioned issues, our study introduces a novel speech enhancement framework, HFSDA, which skillfully integrates heterogeneous spatial features and incorporates a dual-dimension attention mechanism to significantly enhance speech clarity and quality in noisy environments. By leveraging self-supervised learning embeddings in tandem with Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) spectrogram features, our model excels at capturing both high-level semantic information and detailed spectral data, enabling a more thorough analysis and refinement of speech signals. Furthermore, we employ the innovative Omni-dimensional Dynamic Convolution (ODConv) technology within the spectrogram input branch, enabling enhanced extraction and integration of crucial information across multiple dimensions. Additionally, we refine the Conformer model by enhancing its feature extraction capabilities not only in the temporal dimension but also across the spectral domain. Extensive experiments on the VCTK-DEMAND dataset show that HFSDA is comparable to existing state-of-the-art models, confirming the validity of our approach.
PDF Accepted for publication by IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2024


Speech vs. Transcript: Does It Matter for Human Annotators in Speech Summarization?

Authors:Roshan Sharma, Suwon Shon, Mark Lindsey, Hira Dhamyal, Rita Singh, Bhiksha Raj

Reference summaries for abstractive speech summarization require human annotation, which can be performed by listening to an audio recording or by reading textual transcripts of the recording. In this paper, we examine whether summaries based on annotators listening to the recordings differ from those based on annotators reading transcripts. Using existing intrinsic evaluation based on human evaluation, automatic metrics, LLM-based evaluation, and a retrieval-based reference-free method. We find that summaries are indeed different based on the source modality, and that speech-based summaries are more factually consistent and information-selective than transcript-based summaries. Meanwhile, transcript-based summaries are impacted by recognition errors in the source, and expert-written summaries are more informative and reliable. We make all the collected data and analysis code public(https://github.com/cmu-mlsp/interview_humanssum) to facilitate the reproduction of our work and advance research in this area.
PDF Accepted to ACL 2024 Main Conference


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