
2024-08-16 更新

EMOPortraits: Emotion-enhanced Multimodal One-shot Head Avatars

Authors:Nikita Drobyshev, Antoni Bigata Casademunt, Konstantinos Vougioukas, Zoe Landgraf, Stavros Petridis, Maja Pantic

Head avatars animated by visual signals have gained popularity, particularly in cross-driving synthesis where the driver differs from the animated character, a challenging but highly practical approach. The recently presented MegaPortraits model has demonstrated state-of-the-art results in this domain. We conduct a deep examination and evaluation of this model, with a particular focus on its latent space for facial expression descriptors, and uncover several limitations with its ability to express intense face motions. To address these limitations, we propose substantial changes in both training pipeline and model architecture, to introduce our EMOPortraits model, where we: Enhance the model’s capability to faithfully support intense, asymmetric face expressions, setting a new state-of-the-art result in the emotion transfer task, surpassing previous methods in both metrics and quality. Incorporate speech-driven mode to our model, achieving top-tier performance in audio-driven facial animation, making it possible to drive source identity through diverse modalities, including visual signal, audio, or a blend of both. We propose a novel multi-view video dataset featuring a wide range of intense and asymmetric facial expressions, filling the gap with absence of such data in existing datasets.


AniTalker: Animate Vivid and Diverse Talking Faces through Identity-Decoupled Facial Motion Encoding

Authors:Tao Liu, Feilong Chen, Shuai Fan, Chenpeng Du, Qi Chen, Xie Chen, Kai Yu

The paper introduces AniTalker, an innovative framework designed to generate lifelike talking faces from a single portrait. Unlike existing models that primarily focus on verbal cues such as lip synchronization and fail to capture the complex dynamics of facial expressions and nonverbal cues, AniTalker employs a universal motion representation. This innovative representation effectively captures a wide range of facial dynamics, including subtle expressions and head movements. AniTalker enhances motion depiction through two self-supervised learning strategies: the first involves reconstructing target video frames from source frames within the same identity to learn subtle motion representations, and the second develops an identity encoder using metric learning while actively minimizing mutual information between the identity and motion encoders. This approach ensures that the motion representation is dynamic and devoid of identity-specific details, significantly reducing the need for labeled data. Additionally, the integration of a diffusion model with a variance adapter allows for the generation of diverse and controllable facial animations. This method not only demonstrates AniTalker’s capability to create detailed and realistic facial movements but also underscores its potential in crafting dynamic avatars for real-world applications. Synthetic results can be viewed at https://github.com/X-LANCE/AniTalker.
PDF 14 pages, 7 figures


NeRFFaceSpeech: One-shot Audio-driven 3D Talking Head Synthesis via Generative Prior

Authors:Gihoon Kim, Kwanggyoon Seo, Sihun Cha, Junyong Noh

Audio-driven talking head generation is advancing from 2D to 3D content. Notably, Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is in the spotlight as a means to synthesize high-quality 3D talking head outputs. Unfortunately, this NeRF-based approach typically requires a large number of paired audio-visual data for each identity, thereby limiting the scalability of the method. Although there have been attempts to generate audio-driven 3D talking head animations with a single image, the results are often unsatisfactory due to insufficient information on obscured regions in the image. In this paper, we mainly focus on addressing the overlooked aspect of 3D consistency in the one-shot, audio-driven domain, where facial animations are synthesized primarily in front-facing perspectives. We propose a novel method, NeRFFaceSpeech, which enables to produce high-quality 3D-aware talking head. Using prior knowledge of generative models combined with NeRF, our method can craft a 3D-consistent facial feature space corresponding to a single image. Our spatial synchronization method employs audio-correlated vertex dynamics of a parametric face model to transform static image features into dynamic visuals through ray deformation, ensuring realistic 3D facial motion. Moreover, we introduce LipaintNet that can replenish the lacking information in the inner-mouth area, which can not be obtained from a given single image. The network is trained in a self-supervised manner by utilizing the generative capabilities without additional data. The comprehensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method in generating audio-driven talking heads from a single image with enhanced 3D consistency compared to previous approaches. In addition, we introduce a quantitative way of measuring the robustness of a model against pose changes for the first time, which has been possible only qualitatively.
PDF 11 pages, 5 figures


Listen, Disentangle, and Control: Controllable Speech-Driven Talking Head Generation

Authors:Changpeng Cai, Guinan Guo, Jiao Li, Junhao Su, Chenghao He, Jing Xiao, Yuanxu Chen, Lei Dai, Feiyu Zhu

Most earlier investigations on talking face generation have focused on the synchronization of lip motion and speech content. However, human head pose and facial emotions are equally important characteristics of natural human faces. While audio-driven talking face generation has seen notable advancements, existing methods either overlook facial emotions or are limited to specific individuals and cannot be applied to arbitrary subjects. In this paper, we propose a one-shot Talking Head Generation framework (SPEAK) that distinguishes itself from general Talking Face Generation by enabling emotional and postural control. Specifically, we introduce the Inter-Reconstructed Feature Disentanglement (IRFD) method to decouple human facial features into three latent spaces. We then design a face editing module that modifies speech content and facial latent codes into a single latent space. Subsequently, we present a novel generator that employs modified latent codes derived from the editing module to regulate emotional expression, head poses, and speech content in synthesizing facial animations. Extensive trials demonstrate that our method can generate realistic talking head with coordinated lip motions, authentic facial emotions, and smooth head movements. The demo video is available at the anonymous link: https://anonymous.4open.science/r/SPEAK-F56E


Enhancing Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Audio-Visual Guidance from Lip Reading Expert

Authors:Han EunGi, Oh Hyun-Bin, Kim Sung-Bin, Corentin Nivelet Etcheberry, Suekyeong Nam, Janghoon Joo, Tae-Hyun Oh

Speech-driven 3D facial animation has recently garnered attention due to its cost-effective usability in multimedia production. However, most current advances overlook the intelligibility of lip movements, limiting the realism of facial expressions. In this paper, we introduce a method for speech-driven 3D facial animation to generate accurate lip movements, proposing an audio-visual multimodal perceptual loss. This loss provides guidance to train the speech-driven 3D facial animators to generate plausible lip motions aligned with the spoken transcripts. Furthermore, to incorporate the proposed audio-visual perceptual loss, we devise an audio-visual lip reading expert leveraging its prior knowledge about correlations between speech and lip motions. We validate the effectiveness of our approach through broad experiments, showing noticeable improvements in lip synchronization and lip readability performance. Codes are available at https://3d-talking-head-avguide.github.io/.


EmoFace: Audio-driven Emotional 3D Face Animation

Authors:Chang Liu, Qunfen Lin, Zijiao Zeng, Ye Pan

Audio-driven emotional 3D face animation aims to generate emotionally expressive talking heads with synchronized lip movements. However, previous research has often overlooked the influence of diverse emotions on facial expressions or proved unsuitable for driving MetaHuman models. In response to this deficiency, we introduce EmoFace, a novel audio-driven methodology for creating facial animations with vivid emotional dynamics. Our approach can generate facial expressions with multiple emotions, and has the ability to generate random yet natural blinks and eye movements, while maintaining accurate lip synchronization. We propose independent speech encoders and emotion encoders to learn the relationship between audio, emotion and corresponding facial controller rigs, and finally map into the sequence of controller values. Additionally, we introduce two post-processing techniques dedicated to enhancing the authenticity of the animation, particularly in blinks and eye movements. Furthermore, recognizing the scarcity of emotional audio-visual data suitable for MetaHuman model manipulation, we contribute an emotional audio-visual dataset and derive control parameters for each frames. Our proposed methodology can be applied in producing dialogues animations of non-playable characters (NPCs) in video games, and driving avatars in virtual reality environments. Our further quantitative and qualitative experiments, as well as an user study comparing with existing researches show that our approach demonstrates superior results in driving 3D facial models. The code and sample data are available at https://github.com/SJTU-Lucy/EmoFace.
PDF 2024 IEEE Conference Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). IEEE, 2024


Universal Facial Encoding of Codec Avatars from VR Headsets

Authors:Shaojie Bai, Te-Li Wang, Chenghui Li, Akshay Venkatesh, Tomas Simon, Chen Cao, Gabriel Schwartz, Ryan Wrench, Jason Saragih, Yaser Sheikh, Shih-En Wei

Faithful real-time facial animation is essential for avatar-mediated telepresence in Virtual Reality (VR). To emulate authentic communication, avatar animation needs to be efficient and accurate: able to capture both extreme and subtle expressions within a few milliseconds to sustain the rhythm of natural conversations. The oblique and incomplete views of the face, variability in the donning of headsets, and illumination variation due to the environment are some of the unique challenges in generalization to unseen faces. In this paper, we present a method that can animate a photorealistic avatar in realtime from head-mounted cameras (HMCs) on a consumer VR headset. We present a self-supervised learning approach, based on a cross-view reconstruction objective, that enables generalization to unseen users. We present a lightweight expression calibration mechanism that increases accuracy with minimal additional cost to run-time efficiency. We present an improved parameterization for precise ground-truth generation that provides robustness to environmental variation. The resulting system produces accurate facial animation for unseen users wearing VR headsets in realtime. We compare our approach to prior face-encoding methods demonstrating significant improvements in both quantitative metrics and qualitative results.
PDF SIGGRAPH 2024 (ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG))


LinguaLinker: Audio-Driven Portraits Animation with Implicit Facial Control Enhancement

Authors:Rui Zhang, Yixiao Fang, Zhengnan Lu, Pei Cheng, Zebiao Huang, Bin Fu

This study delves into the intricacies of synchronizing facial dynamics with multilingual audio inputs, focusing on the creation of visually compelling, time-synchronized animations through diffusion-based techniques. Diverging from traditional parametric models for facial animation, our approach, termed LinguaLinker, adopts a holistic diffusion-based framework that integrates audio-driven visual synthesis to enhance the synergy between auditory stimuli and visual responses. We process audio features separately and derive the corresponding control gates, which implicitly govern the movements in the mouth, eyes, and head, irrespective of the portrait’s origin. The advanced audio-driven visual synthesis mechanism provides nuanced control but keeps the compatibility of output video and input audio, allowing for a more tailored and effective portrayal of distinct personas across different languages. The significant improvements in the fidelity of animated portraits, the accuracy of lip-syncing, and the appropriate motion variations achieved by our method render it a versatile tool for animating any portrait in any language.


UniForensics: Face Forgery Detection via General Facial Representation

Authors:Ziyuan Fang, Hanqing Zhao, Tianyi Wei, Wenbo Zhou, Ming Wan, Zhanyi Wang, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu

Previous deepfake detection methods mostly depend on low-level textural features vulnerable to perturbations and fall short of detecting unseen forgery methods. In contrast, high-level semantic features are less susceptible to perturbations and not limited to forgery-specific artifacts, thus having stronger generalization. Motivated by this, we propose a detection method that utilizes high-level semantic features of faces to identify inconsistencies in temporal domain. We introduce UniForensics, a novel deepfake detection framework that leverages a transformer-based video classification network, initialized with a meta-functional face encoder for enriched facial representation. In this way, we can take advantage of both the powerful spatio-temporal model and the high-level semantic information of faces. Furthermore, to leverage easily accessible real face data and guide the model in focusing on spatio-temporal features, we design a Dynamic Video Self-Blending (DVSB) method to efficiently generate training samples with diverse spatio-temporal forgery traces using real facial videos. Based on this, we advance our framework with a two-stage training approach: The first stage employs a novel self-supervised contrastive learning, where we encourage the network to focus on forgery traces by impelling videos generated by the same forgery process to have similar representations. On the basis of the representation learned in the first stage, the second stage involves fine-tuning on face forgery detection dataset to build a deepfake detector. Extensive experiments validates that UniForensics outperforms existing face forgery methods in generalization ability and robustness. In particular, our method achieves 95.3\% and 77.2\% cross dataset AUC on the challenging Celeb-DFv2 and DFDC respectively.


FIND: Fine-tuning Initial Noise Distribution with Policy Optimization for Diffusion Models

Authors:Changgu Chen, Libing Yang, Xiaoyan Yang, Lianggangxu Chen, Gaoqi He, CHangbo Wang, Yang Li

In recent years, large-scale pre-trained diffusion models have demonstrated their outstanding capabilities in image and video generation tasks. However, existing models tend to produce visual objects commonly found in the training dataset, which diverges from user input prompts. The underlying reason behind the inaccurate generated results lies in the model’s difficulty in sampling from specific intervals of the initial noise distribution corresponding to the prompt. Moreover, it is challenging to directly optimize the initial distribution, given that the diffusion process involves multiple denoising steps. In this paper, we introduce a Fine-tuning Initial Noise Distribution (FIND) framework with policy optimization, which unleashes the powerful potential of pre-trained diffusion networks by directly optimizing the initial distribution to align the generated contents with user-input prompts. To this end, we first reformulate the diffusion denoising procedure as a one-step Markov decision process and employ policy optimization to directly optimize the initial distribution. In addition, a dynamic reward calibration module is proposed to ensure training stability during optimization. Furthermore, we introduce a ratio clipping algorithm to utilize historical data for network training and prevent the optimized distribution from deviating too far from the original policy to restrain excessive optimization magnitudes. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in both text-to-image and text-to-video tasks, surpassing SOTA methods in achieving consistency between prompts and the generated content. Our method achieves 10 times faster than the SOTA approach. Our homepage is available at \url{https://github.com/vpx-ecnu/FIND-website}.


FreeLong: Training-Free Long Video Generation with SpectralBlend Temporal Attention

Authors:Yu Lu, Yuanzhi Liang, Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang

Video diffusion models have made substantial progress in various video generation applications. However, training models for long video generation tasks require significant computational and data resources, posing a challenge to developing long video diffusion models. This paper investigates a straightforward and training-free approach to extend an existing short video diffusion model (e.g. pre-trained on 16-frame videos) for consistent long video generation (e.g. 128 frames). Our preliminary observation has found that directly applying the short video diffusion model to generate long videos can lead to severe video quality degradation. Further investigation reveals that this degradation is primarily due to the distortion of high-frequency components in long videos, characterized by a decrease in spatial high-frequency components and an increase in temporal high-frequency components. Motivated by this, we propose a novel solution named FreeLong to balance the frequency distribution of long video features during the denoising process. FreeLong blends the low-frequency components of global video features, which encapsulate the entire video sequence, with the high-frequency components of local video features that focus on shorter subsequences of frames. This approach maintains global consistency while incorporating diverse and high-quality spatiotemporal details from local videos, enhancing both the consistency and fidelity of long video generation. We evaluated FreeLong on multiple base video diffusion models and observed significant improvements. Additionally, our method supports coherent multi-prompt generation, ensuring both visual coherence and seamless transitions between scenes.
PDF Project page: https://yulu.net.cn/freelong


EgoSonics: Generating Synchronized Audio for Silent Egocentric Videos

Authors:Aashish Rai, Srinath Sridhar

We introduce EgoSonics, a method to generate semantically meaningful and synchronized audio tracks conditioned on silent egocentric videos. Generating audio for silent egocentric videos could open new applications in virtual reality, assistive technologies, or for augmenting existing datasets. Existing work has been limited to domains like speech, music, or impact sounds and cannot easily capture the broad range of audio frequencies found in egocentric videos. EgoSonics addresses these limitations by building on the strength of latent diffusion models for conditioned audio synthesis. We first encode and process audio and video data into a form that is suitable for generation. The encoded data is used to train our model to generate audio tracks that capture the semantics of the input video. Our proposed SyncroNet builds on top of ControlNet to provide control signals that enables temporal synchronization to the synthesized audio. Extensive evaluations show that our model outperforms existing work in audio quality, and in our newly proposed synchronization evaluation method. Furthermore, we demonstrate downstream applications of our model in improving video summarization.
PDF preprint


Adding Multimodal Controls to Whole-body Human Motion Generation

Authors:Yuxuan Bian, Ailing Zeng, Xuan Ju, Xian Liu, Zhaoyang Zhang, Wei Liu, Qiang Xu

Whole-body multimodal motion generation, controlled by text, speech, or music, has numerous applications including video generation and character animation. However, employing a unified model to accomplish various generation tasks with different condition modalities presents two main challenges: motion distribution drifts across different generation scenarios and the complex optimization of mixed conditions with varying granularity. Furthermore, inconsistent motion formats in existing datasets further hinder effective multimodal motion generation. In this paper, we propose ControlMM, a unified framework to Control whole-body Multimodal Motion generation in a plug-and-play manner. To effectively learn and transfer motion knowledge across different motion distributions, we propose ControlMM-Attn, for parallel modeling of static and dynamic human topology graphs. To handle conditions with varying granularity, ControlMM employs a coarse-to-fine training strategy, including stage-1 text-to-motion pre-training for semantic generation and stage-2 multimodal control adaptation for conditions of varying low-level granularity. To address existing benchmarks’ varying motion format limitations, we introduce ControlMM-Bench, the first publicly available multimodal whole-body human motion generation benchmark based on the unified whole-body SMPL-X format. Extensive experiments show that ControlMM achieves state-of-the-art performance across various standard motion generation tasks. Our website is at https://yxbian23.github.io/ControlMM.


Fine-gained Zero-shot Video Sampling

Authors:Dengsheng Chen, Jie Hu, Xiaoming Wei, Enhua Wu

Incorporating a temporal dimension into pretrained image diffusion models for video generation is a prevalent approach. However, this method is computationally demanding and necessitates large-scale video datasets. More critically, the heterogeneity between image and video datasets often results in catastrophic forgetting of the image expertise. Recent attempts to directly extract video snippets from image diffusion models have somewhat mitigated these problems. Nevertheless, these methods can only generate brief video clips with simple movements and fail to capture fine-grained motion or non-grid deformation. In this paper, we propose a novel Zero-Shot video Sampling algorithm, denoted as $\mathcal{ZS}^2$, capable of directly sampling high-quality video clips from existing image synthesis methods, such as Stable Diffusion, without any training or optimization. Specifically, $\mathcal{ZS}^2$ utilizes the dependency noise model and temporal momentum attention to ensure content consistency and animation coherence, respectively. This ability enables it to excel in related tasks, such as conditional and context-specialized video generation and instruction-guided video editing. Experimental results demonstrate that $\mathcal{ZS}^2$ achieves state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot video generation, occasionally outperforming recent supervised methods. Homepage: \url{https://densechen.github.io/zss/}.


Tora: Trajectory-oriented Diffusion Transformer for Video Generation

Authors:Zhenghao Zhang, Junchao Liao, Menghao Li, Long Qin, Weizhi Wang

Recent advancements in Diffusion Transformer (DiT) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in producing high-quality video content. Nonetheless, the potential of transformer-based diffusion models for effectively generating videos with controllable motion remains an area of limited exploration. This paper introduces Tora, the first trajectory-oriented DiT framework that integrates textual, visual, and trajectory conditions concurrently for video generation. Specifically, Tora consists of a Trajectory Extractor~(TE), a Spatial-Temporal DiT, and a Motion-guidance Fuser~(MGF). The TE encodes arbitrary trajectories into hierarchical spacetime motion patches with a 3D video compression network. The MGF integrates the motion patches into the DiT blocks to generate consistent videos following trajectories. Our design aligns seamlessly with DiT’s scalability, allowing precise control of video content’s dynamics with diverse durations, aspect ratios, and resolutions. Extensive experiments demonstrate Tora’s excellence in achieving high motion fidelity, while also meticulously simulating the movement of the physical world. Page can be found at https://ali-videoai.github.io/tora_video.


UniTalker: Scaling up Audio-Driven 3D Facial Animation through A Unified Model

Authors:Xiangyu Fan, Jiaqi Li, Zhiqian Lin, Weiye Xiao, Lei Yang

Audio-driven 3D facial animation aims to map input audio to realistic facial motion. Despite significant progress, limitations arise from inconsistent 3D annotations, restricting previous models to training on specific annotations and thereby constraining the training scale. In this work, we present UniTalker, a unified model featuring a multi-head architecture designed to effectively leverage datasets with varied annotations. To enhance training stability and ensure consistency among multi-head outputs, we employ three training strategies, namely, PCA, model warm-up, and pivot identity embedding. To expand the training scale and diversity, we assemble A2F-Bench, comprising five publicly available datasets and three newly curated datasets. These datasets contain a wide range of audio domains, covering multilingual speech voices and songs, thereby scaling the training data from commonly employed datasets, typically less than 1 hour, to 18.5 hours. With a single trained UniTalker model, we achieve substantial lip vertex error reductions of 9.2% for BIWI dataset and 13.7% for Vocaset. Additionally, the pre-trained UniTalker exhibits promise as the foundation model for audio-driven facial animation tasks. Fine-tuning the pre-trained UniTalker on seen datasets further enhances performance on each dataset, with an average error reduction of 6.3% on A2F-Bench. Moreover, fine-tuning UniTalker on an unseen dataset with only half the data surpasses prior state-of-the-art models trained on the full dataset. The code and dataset are available at the project page https://github.com/X-niper/UniTalker.


GLDiTalker: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Graph Latent Diffusion Transformer

Authors:Yihong Lin, Lingyu Xiong, Xiandong Li, Wenxiong Kang, Xianjia Wu, Liang Peng, Songju Lei, Huang Xu, Zhaoxin Fan

3D speech-driven facial animation generation has received much attention in both industrial applications and academic research. Since the non-verbal facial cues that exist across the face in reality are non-deterministic, the generated results should be diverse. However, most recent methods are deterministic models that cannot learn a many-to-many mapping between audio and facial motion to generate diverse facial animations. To address this problem, we propose GLDiTalker, which introduces a motion prior along with some stochasticity to reduce the uncertainty of cross-modal mapping while increasing non-determinacy of the non-verbal facial cues that reside throughout the face. Particularly, GLDiTalker uses VQ-VAE to map facial motion mesh sequences into latent space in the first stage, and then iteratively adds and removes noise to the latent facial motion features in the second stage. In order to integrate different levels of spatial information, the Spatial Pyramidal SpiralConv Encoder is also designed to extract multi-scale features. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance.
PDF 9 pages, 5 figures


Puppet-Master: Scaling Interactive Video Generation as a Motion Prior for Part-Level Dynamics

Authors:Ruining Li, Chuanxia Zheng, Christian Rupprecht, Andrea Vedaldi

We present Puppet-Master, an interactive video generative model that can serve as a motion prior for part-level dynamics. At test time, given a single image and a sparse set of motion trajectories (i.e., drags), Puppet-Master can synthesize a video depicting realistic part-level motion faithful to the given drag interactions. This is achieved by fine-tuning a large-scale pre-trained video diffusion model, for which we propose a new conditioning architecture to inject the dragging control effectively. More importantly, we introduce the all-to-first attention mechanism, a drop-in replacement for the widely adopted spatial attention modules, which significantly improves generation quality by addressing the appearance and background issues in existing models. Unlike other motion-conditioned video generators that are trained on in-the-wild videos and mostly move an entire object, Puppet-Master is learned from Objaverse-Animation-HQ, a new dataset of curated part-level motion clips. We propose a strategy to automatically filter out sub-optimal animations and augment the synthetic renderings with meaningful motion trajectories. Puppet-Master generalizes well to real images across various categories and outperforms existing methods in a zero-shot manner on a real-world benchmark. See our project page for more results: vgg-puppetmaster.github.io.
PDF Project page: https://vgg-puppetmaster.github.io/


Scene123: One Prompt to 3D Scene Generation via Video-Assisted and Consistency-Enhanced MAE

Authors:Yiying Yang, Fukun Yin, Jiayuan Fan, Xin Chen, Wanzhang Li, Gang Yu

As Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) advances, a variety of methods have been developed to generate text, images, videos, and 3D objects from single or multimodal inputs, contributing efforts to emulate human-like cognitive content creation. However, generating realistic large-scale scenes from a single input presents a challenge due to the complexities involved in ensuring consistency across extrapolated views generated by models. Benefiting from recent video generation models and implicit neural representations, we propose Scene123, a 3D scene generation model, that not only ensures realism and diversity through the video generation framework but also uses implicit neural fields combined with Masked Autoencoders (MAE) to effectively ensures the consistency of unseen areas across views. Specifically, we initially warp the input image (or an image generated from text) to simulate adjacent views, filling the invisible areas with the MAE model. However, these filled images usually fail to maintain view consistency, thus we utilize the produced views to optimize a neural radiance field, enhancing geometric consistency. Moreover, to further enhance the details and texture fidelity of generated views, we employ a GAN-based Loss against images derived from the input image through the video generation model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can generate realistic and consistent scenes from a single prompt. Both qualitative and quantitative results indicate that our approach surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods. We show encourage video examples at https://yiyingyang12.github.io/Scene123.github.io/.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.11588 by other authors


FancyVideo: Towards Dynamic and Consistent Video Generation via Cross-frame Textual Guidance

Authors:Jiasong Feng, Ao Ma, Jing Wang, Bo Cheng, Xiaodan Liang, Dawei Leng, Yuhui Yin

Synthesizing motion-rich and temporally consistent videos remains a challenge in artificial intelligence, especially when dealing with extended durations. Existing text-to-video (T2V) models commonly employ spatial cross-attention for text control, equivalently guiding different frame generations without frame-specific textual guidance. Thus, the model’s capacity to comprehend the temporal logic conveyed in prompts and generate videos with coherent motion is restricted. To tackle this limitation, we introduce FancyVideo, an innovative video generator that improves the existing text-control mechanism with the well-designed Cross-frame Textual Guidance Module (CTGM). Specifically, CTGM incorporates the Temporal Information Injector (TII), Temporal Affinity Refiner (TAR), and Temporal Feature Booster (TFB) at the beginning, middle, and end of cross-attention, respectively, to achieve frame-specific textual guidance. Firstly, TII injects frame-specific information from latent features into text conditions, thereby obtaining cross-frame textual conditions. Then, TAR refines the correlation matrix between cross-frame textual conditions and latent features along the time dimension. Lastly, TFB boosts the temporal consistency of latent features. Extensive experiments comprising both quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of FancyVideo. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art T2V generation results on the EvalCrafter benchmark and facilitates the synthesis of dynamic and consistent videos. The video show results can be available at https://fancyvideo.github.io/, and we will make our code and model weights publicly available.


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