2024-08-16 更新

WaterSplatting: Fast Underwater 3D Scene Reconstruction Using Gaussian Splatting

Authors:Huapeng Li, Wenxuan Song, Tianao Xu, Alexandre Elsig, Jonas Kulhanek

The underwater 3D scene reconstruction is a challenging, yet interesting problem with applications ranging from naval robots to VR experiences. The problem was successfully tackled by fully volumetric NeRF-based methods which can model both the geometry and the medium (water). Unfortunately, these methods are slow to train and do not offer real-time rendering. More recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) method offered a fast alternative to NeRFs. However, because it is an explicit method that renders only the geometry, it cannot render the medium and is therefore unsuited for underwater reconstruction. Therefore, we propose a novel approach that fuses volumetric rendering with 3DGS to handle underwater data effectively. Our method employs 3DGS for explicit geometry representation and a separate volumetric field (queried once per pixel) for capturing the scattering medium. This dual representation further allows the restoration of the scenes by removing the scattering medium. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art NeRF-based methods in rendering quality on the underwater SeaThru-NeRF dataset. Furthermore, it does so while offering real-time rendering performance, addressing the efficiency limitations of existing methods. Web:
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2024-08-16 更新

Localized Gaussian Splatting Editing with Contextual Awareness

Authors:Hanyuan Xiao, Yingshu Chen, Huajian Huang, Haolin Xiong, Jing Yang, Pratusha Prasad, Yajie Zhao

Recent text-guided generation of individual 3D object has achieved great success using diffusion priors. However, these methods are not suitable for object insertion and replacement tasks as they do not consider the background, leading to illumination mismatches within the environment. To bridge the gap, we introduce an illumination-aware 3D scene editing pipeline for 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) representation. Our key observation is that inpainting by the state-of-the-art conditional 2D diffusion model is consistent with background in lighting. To leverage the prior knowledge from the well-trained diffusion models for 3D object generation, our approach employs a coarse-to-fine objection optimization pipeline with inpainted views. In the first coarse step, we achieve image-to-3D lifting given an ideal inpainted view. The process employs 3D-aware diffusion prior from a view-conditioned diffusion model, which preserves illumination present in the conditioning image. To acquire an ideal inpainted image, we introduce an Anchor View Proposal (AVP) algorithm to find a single view that best represents the scene illumination in target region. In the second Texture Enhancement step, we introduce a novel Depth-guided Inpainting Score Distillation Sampling (DI-SDS), which enhances geometry and texture details with the inpainting diffusion prior, beyond the scope of the 3D-aware diffusion prior knowledge in the first coarse step. DI-SDS not only provides fine-grained texture enhancement, but also urges optimization to respect scene lighting. Our approach efficiently achieves local editing with global illumination consistency without explicitly modeling light transport. We demonstrate robustness of our method by evaluating editing in real scenes containing explicit highlight and shadows, and compare against the state-of-the-art text-to-3D editing methods.


LoopSparseGS: Loop Based Sparse-View Friendly Gaussian Splatting

Authors:Zhenyu Bao, Guibiao Liao, Kaichen Zhou, Kanglin Liu, Qing Li, Guoping Qiu

Despite the photorealistic novel view synthesis (NVS) performance achieved by the original 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS), its rendering quality significantly degrades with sparse input views. This performance drop is mainly caused by the limited number of initial points generated from the sparse input, insufficient supervision during the training process, and inadequate regularization of the oversized Gaussian ellipsoids. To handle these issues, we propose the LoopSparseGS, a loop-based 3DGS framework for the sparse novel view synthesis task. In specific, we propose a loop-based Progressive Gaussian Initialization (PGI) strategy that could iteratively densify the initialized point cloud using the rendered pseudo images during the training process. Then, the sparse and reliable depth from the Structure from Motion, and the window-based dense monocular depth are leveraged to provide precise geometric supervision via the proposed Depth-alignment Regularization (DAR). Additionally, we introduce a novel Sparse-friendly Sampling (SFS) strategy to handle oversized Gaussian ellipsoids leading to large pixel errors. Comprehensive experiments on four datasets demonstrate that LoopSparseGS outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods for sparse-input novel view synthesis, across indoor, outdoor, and object-level scenes with various image resolutions.
PDF 13 pages, 10 figures


IG-SLAM: Instant Gaussian SLAM

Authors:F. Aykut Sarikamis, A. Aydin Alatan

3D Gaussian Splatting has recently shown promising results as an alternative scene representation in SLAM systems to neural implicit representations. However, current methods either lack dense depth maps to supervise the mapping process or detailed training designs that consider the scale of the environment. To address these drawbacks, we present IG-SLAM, a dense RGB-only SLAM system that employs robust Dense-SLAM methods for tracking and combines them with Gaussian Splatting. A 3D map of the environment is constructed using accurate pose and dense depth provided by tracking. Additionally, we utilize depth uncertainty in map optimization to improve 3D reconstruction. Our decay strategy in map optimization enhances convergence and allows the system to run at 10 fps in a single process. We demonstrate competitive performance with state-of-the-art RGB-only SLAM systems while achieving faster operation speeds. We present our experiments on the Replica, TUM-RGBD, ScanNet, and EuRoC datasets. The system achieves photo-realistic 3D reconstruction in large-scale sequences, particularly in the EuRoC dataset.
PDF 8 pages, 3 page ref, 5 figures


A General Framework to Boost 3D GS Initialization for Text-to-3D Generation by Lexical Richness

Authors:Lutao Jiang, Hangyu Li, Lin Wang

Text-to-3D content creation has recently received much attention, especially with the prevalence of 3D Gaussians Splatting. In general, GS-based methods comprise two key stages: initialization and rendering optimization. To achieve initialization, existing works directly apply random sphere initialization or 3D diffusion models, e.g., Point-E, to derive the initial shapes. However, such strategies suffer from two critical yet challenging problems: 1) the final shapes are still similar to the initial ones even after training; 2) shapes can be produced only from simple texts, e.g., “a dog”, not for lexically richer texts, e.g., “a dog is sitting on the top of the airplane”. To address these problems, this paper proposes a novel general framework to boost the 3D GS Initialization for text-to-3D generation upon the lexical richness. Our key idea is to aggregate 3D Gaussians into spatially uniform voxels to represent complex shapes while enabling the spatial interaction among the 3D Gaussians and semantic interaction between Gaussians and texts. Specifically, we first construct a voxelized representation, where each voxel holds a 3D Gaussian with its position, scale, and rotation fixed while setting opacity as the sole factor to determine a position’s occupancy. We then design an initialization network mainly consisting of two novel components: 1) Global Information Perception (GIP) block and 2) Gaussians-Text Fusion (GTF) block. Such a design enables each 3D Gaussian to assimilate the spatial information from other areas and semantic information from texts. Extensive experiments show the superiority of our framework of high-quality 3D GS initialization against the existing methods, e.g., Shap-E, by taking lexically simple, medium, and hard texts. Also, our framework can be seamlessly plugged into SoTA training frameworks, e.g., LucidDreamer, for semantically consistent text-to-3D generation.


iControl3D: An Interactive System for Controllable 3D Scene Generation

Authors:Xingyi Li, Yizheng Wu, Jun Cen, Juewen Peng, Kewei Wang, Ke Xian, Zhe Wang, Zhiguo Cao, Guosheng Lin

3D content creation has long been a complex and time-consuming process, often requiring specialized skills and resources. While recent advancements have allowed for text-guided 3D object and scene generation, they still fall short of providing sufficient control over the generation process, leading to a gap between the user’s creative vision and the generated results. In this paper, we present iControl3D, a novel interactive system that empowers users to generate and render customizable 3D scenes with precise control. To this end, a 3D creator interface has been developed to provide users with fine-grained control over the creation process. Technically, we leverage 3D meshes as an intermediary proxy to iteratively merge individual 2D diffusion-generated images into a cohesive and unified 3D scene representation. To ensure seamless integration of 3D meshes, we propose to perform boundary-aware depth alignment before fusing the newly generated mesh with the existing one in 3D space. Additionally, to effectively manage depth discrepancies between remote content and foreground, we propose to model remote content separately with an environment map instead of 3D meshes. Finally, our neural rendering interface enables users to build a radiance field of their scene online and navigate the entire scene. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of our system. The code will be made available at
PDF Accepted by ACM MM 2024


PanicleNeRF: low-cost, high-precision in-field phenotypingof rice panicles with smartphone

Authors:Xin Yang, Xuqi Lu, Pengyao Xie, Ziyue Guo, Hui Fang, Haowei Fu, Xiaochun Hu, Zhenbiao Sun, Haiyan Cen

The rice panicle traits significantly influence grain yield, making them a primary target for rice phenotyping studies. However, most existing techniques are limited to controlled indoor environments and difficult to capture the rice panicle traits under natural growth conditions. Here, we developed PanicleNeRF, a novel method that enables high-precision and low-cost reconstruction of rice panicle three-dimensional (3D) models in the field using smartphone. The proposed method combined the large model Segment Anything Model (SAM) and the small model You Only Look Once version 8 (YOLOv8) to achieve high-precision segmentation of rice panicle images. The NeRF technique was then employed for 3D reconstruction using the images with 2D segmentation. Finally, the resulting point clouds are processed to successfully extract panicle traits. The results show that PanicleNeRF effectively addressed the 2D image segmentation task, achieving a mean F1 Score of 86.9% and a mean Intersection over Union (IoU) of 79.8%, with nearly double the boundary overlap (BO) performance compared to YOLOv8. As for point cloud quality, PanicleNeRF significantly outperformed traditional SfM-MVS (structure-from-motion and multi-view stereo) methods, such as COLMAP and Metashape. The panicle length was then accurately extracted with the rRMSE of 2.94% for indica and 1.75% for japonica rice. The panicle volume estimated from 3D point clouds strongly correlated with the grain number (R2 = 0.85 for indica and 0.82 for japonica) and grain mass (0.80 for indica and 0.76 for japonica). This method provides a low-cost solution for high-throughput in-field phenotyping of rice panicles, accelerating the efficiency of rice breeding.


MGFs: Masked Gaussian Fields for Meshing Building based on Multi-View Images

Authors:Tengfei Wang, Zongqian Zhan, Rui Xia, Linxia Ji, Xin Wang

Over the last few decades, image-based building surface reconstruction has garnered substantial research interest and has been applied across various fields, such as heritage preservation, architectural planning, etc. Compared to the traditional photogrammetric and NeRF-based solutions, recently, Gaussian fields-based methods have exhibited significant potential in generating surface meshes due to their time-efficient training and detailed 3D information preservation. However, most gaussian fields-based methods are trained with all image pixels, encompassing building and nonbuilding areas, which results in a significant noise for building meshes and degeneration in time efficiency. This paper proposes a novel framework, Masked Gaussian Fields (MGFs), designed to generate accurate surface reconstruction for building in a time-efficient way. The framework first applies EfficientSAM and COLMAP to generate multi-level masks of building and the corresponding masked point clouds. Subsequently, the masked gaussian fields are trained by integrating two innovative losses: a multi-level perceptual masked loss focused on constructing building regions and a boundary loss aimed at enhancing the details of the boundaries between different masks. Finally, we improve the tetrahedral surface mesh extraction method based on the masked gaussian spheres. Comprehensive experiments on UAV images demonstrate that, compared to the traditional method and several NeRF-based and Gaussian-based SOTA solutions, our approach significantly improves both the accuracy and efficiency of building surface reconstruction. Notably, as a byproduct, there is an additional gain in the novel view synthesis of building.


Efficient NeRF Optimization — Not All Samples Remain Equally Hard

Authors:Juuso Korhonen, Goutham Rangu, Hamed R. Tavakoli, Juho Kannala

We propose an application of online hard sample mining for efficient training of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). NeRF models produce state-of-the-art quality for many 3D reconstruction and rendering tasks but require substantial computational resources. The encoding of the scene information within the NeRF network parameters necessitates stochastic sampling. We observe that during the training, a major part of the compute time and memory usage is spent on processing already learnt samples, which no longer affect the model update significantly. We identify the backward pass on the stochastic samples as the computational bottleneck during the optimization. We thus perform the first forward pass in inference mode as a relatively low-cost search for hard samples. This is followed by building the computational graph and updating the NeRF network parameters using only the hard samples. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we apply our method to Instant-NGP, resulting in significant improvements of the view-synthesis quality over the baseline (1 dB improvement on average per training time, or 2x speedup to reach the same PSNR level) along with approx. 40% memory savings coming from using only the hard samples to build the computational graph. As our method only interfaces with the network module, we expect it to be widely applicable.


RayGauss: Volumetric Gaussian-Based Ray Casting for Photorealistic Novel View Synthesis

Authors:Hugo Blanc, Jean-Emmanuel Deschaud, Alexis Paljic

Differentiable volumetric rendering-based methods made significant progress in novel view synthesis. On one hand, innovative methods have replaced the Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) network with locally parameterized structures, enabling high-quality renderings in a reasonable time. On the other hand, approaches have used differentiable splatting instead of NeRF’s ray casting to optimize radiance fields rapidly using Gaussian kernels, allowing for fine adaptation to the scene. However, differentiable ray casting of irregularly spaced kernels has been scarcely explored, while splatting, despite enabling fast rendering times, is susceptible to clearly visible artifacts. Our work closes this gap by providing a physically consistent formulation of the emitted radiance c and density {\sigma}, decomposed with Gaussian functions associated with Spherical Gaussians/Harmonics for all-frequency colorimetric representation. We also introduce a method enabling differentiable ray casting of irregularly distributed Gaussians using an algorithm that integrates radiance fields slab by slab and leverages a BVH structure. This allows our approach to finely adapt to the scene while avoiding splatting artifacts. As a result, we achieve superior rendering quality compared to the state-of-the-art while maintaining reasonable training times and achieving inference speeds of 25 FPS on the Blender dataset. Project page with videos and code:
PDF Project page with videos and code:


Leveraging LLMs for Enhanced Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Understanding in Autonomous Driving

Authors:Amirhosein Chahe, Lifeng Zhou

This paper introduces a novel method for open-vocabulary 3D scene understanding in autonomous driving by combining Language Embedded 3D Gaussians with Large Language Models (LLMs) for enhanced inference. We propose utilizing LLMs to generate contextually relevant canonical phrases for segmentation and scene interpretation. Our method leverages the contextual and semantic capabilities of LLMs to produce a set of canonical phrases, which are then compared with the language features embedded in the 3D Gaussians. This LLM-guided approach significantly improves zero-shot scene understanding and detection of objects of interest, even in the most challenging or unfamiliar environments. Experimental results on the WayveScenes101 dataset demonstrate that our approach surpasses state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and flexibility for open-vocabulary object detection and segmentation. This work represents a significant advancement towards more intelligent, context-aware autonomous driving systems, effectively bridging 3D scene representation with high-level semantic understanding.


PRTGS: Precomputed Radiance Transfer of Gaussian Splats for Real-Time High-Quality Relighting

Authors:Yijia Guo, Yuanxi Bai, Liwen Hu, Ziyi Guo, Mianzhi Liu, Yu Cai, Tiejun Huang, Lei Ma

We proposed Precomputed RadianceTransfer of GaussianSplats (PRTGS), a real-time high-quality relighting method for Gaussian splats in low-frequency lighting environments that captures soft shadows and interreflections by precomputing 3D Gaussian splats’ radiance transfer. Existing studies have demonstrated that 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) outperforms neural fields’ efficiency for dynamic lighting scenarios. However, the current relighting method based on 3DGS still struggles to compute high-quality shadow and indirect illumination in real time for dynamic light, leading to unrealistic rendering results. We solve this problem by precomputing the expensive transport simulations required for complex transfer functions like shadowing, the resulting transfer functions are represented as dense sets of vectors or matrices for every Gaussian splat. We introduce distinct precomputing methods tailored for training and rendering stages, along with unique ray tracing and indirect lighting precomputation techniques for 3D Gaussian splats to accelerate training speed and compute accurate indirect lighting related to environment light. Experimental analyses demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art visual quality while maintaining competitive training times and allows high-quality real-time (30+ fps) relighting for dynamic light and relatively complex scenes at 1080p resolution.


Compact 3D Gaussian Splatting for Static and Dynamic Radiance Fields

Authors:Joo Chan Lee, Daniel Rho, Xiangyu Sun, Jong Hwan Ko, Eunbyung Park

3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) has recently emerged as an alternative representation that leverages a 3D Gaussian-based representation and introduces an approximated volumetric rendering, achieving very fast rendering speed and promising image quality. Furthermore, subsequent studies have successfully extended 3DGS to dynamic 3D scenes, demonstrating its wide range of applications. However, a significant drawback arises as 3DGS and its following methods entail a substantial number of Gaussians to maintain the high fidelity of the rendered images, which requires a large amount of memory and storage. To address this critical issue, we place a specific emphasis on two key objectives: reducing the number of Gaussian points without sacrificing performance and compressing the Gaussian attributes, such as view-dependent color and covariance. To this end, we propose a learnable mask strategy that significantly reduces the number of Gaussians while preserving high performance. In addition, we propose a compact but effective representation of view-dependent color by employing a grid-based neural field rather than relying on spherical harmonics. Finally, we learn codebooks to compactly represent the geometric and temporal attributes by residual vector quantization. With model compression techniques such as quantization and entropy coding, we consistently show over 25x reduced storage and enhanced rendering speed compared to 3DGS for static scenes, while maintaining the quality of the scene representation. For dynamic scenes, our approach achieves more than 12x storage efficiency and retains a high-quality reconstruction compared to the existing state-of-the-art methods. Our work provides a comprehensive framework for 3D scene representation, achieving high performance, fast training, compactness, and real-time rendering. Our project page is available at
PDF Project page:


A Review of 3D Reconstruction Techniques for Deformable Tissues in Robotic Surgery

Authors:Mengya Xu, Ziqi Guo, An Wang, Long Bai, Hongliang Ren

As a crucial and intricate task in robotic minimally invasive surgery, reconstructing surgical scenes using stereo or monocular endoscopic video holds immense potential for clinical applications. NeRF-based techniques have recently garnered attention for the ability to reconstruct scenes implicitly. On the other hand, Gaussian splatting-based 3D-GS represents scenes explicitly using 3D Gaussians and projects them onto a 2D plane as a replacement for the complex volume rendering in NeRF. However, these methods face challenges regarding surgical scene reconstruction, such as slow inference, dynamic scenes, and surgical tool occlusion. This work explores and reviews state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches, discussing their innovations and implementation principles. Furthermore, we replicate the models and conduct testing and evaluation on two datasets. The test results demonstrate that with advancements in these techniques, achieving real-time, high-quality reconstructions becomes feasible.
PDF To appear in MICCAI 2024 EARTH Workshop. Code availability:


DreamCouple: Exploring High Quality Text-to-3D Generation Via Rectified Flow

Authors:Hangyu Li, Xiangxiang Chu, Dingyuan Shi

The Score Distillation Sampling (SDS), which exploits pretrained text-to-image model diffusion models as priors to 3D model training, has achieved significant success. Currently, the flow-based diffusion model has become a new trend for generations. Yet, adapting SDS to flow-based diffusion models in 3D generation remains unexplored. Our work is aimed to bridge this gap. In this paper, we adapt SDS to rectified flow and re-examine the over-smoothing issue under this novel framework. The issue can be explained that the model learns an average of multiple ODE trajectories. Then we propose DreamCouple, which instead of randomly sampling noise, uses a rectified flow model to find the coupled noise. Its Unique Couple Matching (UCM) loss guides the model to learn different trajectories and thus solves the over-smoothing issue. We apply our method to both NeRF and 3D Gaussian splatting and achieve state-of-the-art performances. We also identify some other interesting open questions such as initialization issues for NeRF and faster training convergence. Our code will be released soon.
PDF Tech Report


Scene123: One Prompt to 3D Scene Generation via Video-Assisted and Consistency-Enhanced MAE

Authors:Yiying Yang, Fukun Yin, Jiayuan Fan, Xin Chen, Wanzhang Li, Gang Yu

As Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) advances, a variety of methods have been developed to generate text, images, videos, and 3D objects from single or multimodal inputs, contributing efforts to emulate human-like cognitive content creation. However, generating realistic large-scale scenes from a single input presents a challenge due to the complexities involved in ensuring consistency across extrapolated views generated by models. Benefiting from recent video generation models and implicit neural representations, we propose Scene123, a 3D scene generation model, that not only ensures realism and diversity through the video generation framework but also uses implicit neural fields combined with Masked Autoencoders (MAE) to effectively ensures the consistency of unseen areas across views. Specifically, we initially warp the input image (or an image generated from text) to simulate adjacent views, filling the invisible areas with the MAE model. However, these filled images usually fail to maintain view consistency, thus we utilize the produced views to optimize a neural radiance field, enhancing geometric consistency. Moreover, to further enhance the details and texture fidelity of generated views, we employ a GAN-based Loss against images derived from the input image through the video generation model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can generate realistic and consistent scenes from a single prompt. Both qualitative and quantitative results indicate that our approach surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods. We show encourage video examples at
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.11588 by other authors


Radiance Field Learners As UAV First-Person Viewers

Authors:Liqi Yan, Qifan Wang, Junhan Zhao, Qiang Guan, Zheng Tang, Jianhui Zhang, Dongfang Liu

First-Person-View (FPV) holds immense potential for revolutionizing the trajectory of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), offering an exhilarating avenue for navigating complex building structures. Yet, traditional Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) methods face challenges such as sampling single points per iteration and requiring an extensive array of views for supervision. UAV videos exacerbate these issues with limited viewpoints and significant spatial scale variations, resulting in inadequate detail rendering across diverse scales. In response, we introduce FPV-NeRF, addressing these challenges through three key facets: (1) Temporal consistency. Leveraging spatio-temporal continuity ensures seamless coherence between frames; (2) Global structure. Incorporating various global features during point sampling preserves space integrity; (3) Local granularity. Employing a comprehensive framework and multi-resolution supervision for multi-scale scene feature representation tackles the intricacies of UAV video spatial scales. Additionally, due to the scarcity of publicly available FPV videos, we introduce an innovative view synthesis method using NeRF to generate FPV perspectives from UAV footage, enhancing spatial perception for drones. Our novel dataset spans diverse trajectories, from outdoor to indoor environments, in the UAV domain, differing significantly from traditional NeRF scenarios. Through extensive experiments encompassing both interior and exterior building structures, FPV-NeRF demonstrates a superior understanding of the UAV flying space, outperforming state-of-the-art methods in our curated UAV dataset. Explore our project page for further insights:
PDF Accepted to ECCV 2024


PRTGaussian: Efficient Relighting Using 3D Gaussians with Precomputed Radiance Transfer

Authors:Libo Zhang, Yuxuan Han, Wenbin Lin, Jingwang Ling, Feng Xu

We present PRTGaussian, a realtime relightable novel-view synthesis method made possible by combining 3D Gaussians and Precomputed Radiance Transfer (PRT). By fitting relightable Gaussians to multi-view OLAT data, our method enables real-time, free-viewpoint relighting. By estimating the radiance transfer based on high-order spherical harmonics, we achieve a balance between capturing detailed relighting effects and maintaining computational efficiency. We utilize a two-stage process: in the first stage, we reconstruct a coarse geometry of the object from multi-view images. In the second stage, we initialize 3D Gaussians with the obtained point cloud, then simultaneously refine the coarse geometry and learn the light transport for each Gaussian. Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets show that our approach can achieve fast and high-quality relighting for general objects. Code and data are available at


FruitNeRF: A Unified Neural Radiance Field based Fruit Counting Framework

Authors:Lukas Meyer, Andreas Gilson, Ute Schmidt, Marc Stamminger

We introduce FruitNeRF, a unified novel fruit counting framework that leverages state-of-the-art view synthesis methods to count any fruit type directly in 3D. Our framework takes an unordered set of posed images captured by a monocular camera and segments fruit in each image. To make our system independent of the fruit type, we employ a foundation model that generates binary segmentation masks for any fruit. Utilizing both modalities, RGB and semantic, we train a semantic neural radiance field. Through uniform volume sampling of the implicit Fruit Field, we obtain fruit-only point clouds. By applying cascaded clustering on the extracted point cloud, our approach achieves precise fruit count.The use of neural radiance fields provides significant advantages over conventional methods such as object tracking or optical flow, as the counting itself is lifted into 3D. Our method prevents double counting fruit and avoids counting irrelevant fruit.We evaluate our methodology using both real-world and synthetic datasets. The real-world dataset consists of three apple trees with manually counted ground truths, a benchmark apple dataset with one row and ground truth fruit location, while the synthetic dataset comprises various fruit types including apple, plum, lemon, pear, peach, and mango.Additionally, we assess the performance of fruit counting using the foundation model compared to a U-Net.
PDF Project Page:


Mipmap-GS: Let Gaussians Deform with Scale-specific Mipmap for Anti-aliasing Rendering

Authors:Jiameng Li, Yue Shi, Jiezhang Cao, Bingbing Ni, Wenjun Zhang, Kai Zhang, Luc Van Gool

3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has attracted great attention in novel view synthesis because of its superior rendering efficiency and high fidelity. However, the trained Gaussians suffer from severe zooming degradation due to non-adjustable representation derived from single-scale training. Though some methods attempt to tackle this problem via post-processing techniques such as selective rendering or filtering techniques towards primitives, the scale-specific information is not involved in Gaussians. In this paper, we propose a unified optimization method to make Gaussians adaptive for arbitrary scales by self-adjusting the primitive properties (e.g., color, shape and size) and distribution (e.g., position). Inspired by the mipmap technique, we design pseudo ground-truth for the target scale and propose a scale-consistency guidance loss to inject scale information into 3D Gaussians. Our method is a plug-in module, applicable for any 3DGS models to solve the zoom-in and zoom-out aliasing. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Notably, our method outperforms 3DGS in PSNR by an average of 9.25 dB for zoom-in and 10.40 dB for zoom-out on the NeRF Synthetic dataset.
PDF 9 pages


HDRGS: High Dynamic Range Gaussian Splatting

Authors:Jiahao Wu, Lu Xiao, Chao Wang, Rui Peng, Kaiqiang Xiong, Ronggang Wang

Recent years have witnessed substantial advancements in the field of 3D reconstruction from 2D images, particularly following the introduction of the neural radiance field (NeRF) technique. However, reconstructing a 3D high dynamic range (HDR) radiance field, which aligns more closely with real-world conditions, from 2D multi-exposure low dynamic range (LDR) images continues to pose significant challenges. Approaches to this issue fall into two categories: grid-based and implicit-based. Implicit methods, using multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), face inefficiencies, limited solvability, and overfitting risks. Conversely, grid-based methods require significant memory and struggle with image quality and long training times. In this paper, we introduce Gaussian Splatting-a recent, high-quality, real-time 3D reconstruction technique-into this domain. We further develop the High Dynamic Range Gaussian Splatting (HDR-GS) method, designed to address the aforementioned challenges. This method enhances color dimensionality by including luminance and uses an asymmetric grid for tone-mapping, swiftly and precisely converting pixel irradiance to color. Our approach improves HDR scene recovery accuracy and integrates a novel coarse-to-fine strategy to speed up model convergence, enhancing robustness against sparse viewpoints and exposure extremes, and preventing local optima. Extensive testing confirms that our method surpasses current state-of-the-art techniques in both synthetic and real-world scenarios. Code will be released at \url{}


ActiveNeRF: Learning Accurate 3D Geometry by Active Pattern Projection

Authors:Jianyu Tao, Changping Hu, Edward Yang, Jing Xu, Rui Chen

NeRFs have achieved incredible success in novel view synthesis. However, the accuracy of the implicit geometry is unsatisfactory because the passive static environmental illumination has low spatial frequency and cannot provide enough information for accurate geometry reconstruction. In this work, we propose ActiveNeRF, a 3D geometry reconstruction framework, which improves the geometry quality of NeRF by actively projecting patterns of high spatial frequency onto the scene using a projector which has a constant relative pose to the camera. We design a learnable active pattern rendering pipeline which jointly learns the scene geometry and the active pattern. We find that, by adding the active pattern and imposing its consistency across different views, our proposed method outperforms state of the art geometry reconstruction methods qualitatively and quantitatively in both simulation and real experiments. Code is avaliable at
PDF 18 pages, 10 figures


SpectralGaussians: Semantic, spectral 3D Gaussian splatting for multi-spectral scene representation, visualization and analysis

Authors:Saptarshi Neil Sinha, Holger Graf, Michael Weinmann

We propose a novel cross-spectral rendering framework based on 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) that generates realistic and semantically meaningful splats from registered multi-view spectrum and segmentation maps. This extension enhances the representation of scenes with multiple spectra, providing insights into the underlying materials and segmentation. We introduce an improved physically-based rendering approach for Gaussian splats, estimating reflectance and lights per spectra, thereby enhancing accuracy and realism. In a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation, we demonstrate the superior performance of our approach with respect to other recent learning-based spectral scene representation approaches (i.e., XNeRF and SpectralNeRF) as well as other non-spectral state-of-the-art learning-based approaches. Our work also demonstrates the potential of spectral scene understanding for precise scene editing techniques like style transfer, inpainting, and removal. Thereby, our contributions address challenges in multi-spectral scene representation, rendering, and editing, offering new possibilities for diverse applications.


Rethinking Open-Vocabulary Segmentation of Radiance Fields in 3D Space

Authors:Hyunjee Lee, Youngsik Yun, Jeongmin Bae, Seoha Kim, Youngjung Uh

Understanding the 3D semantics of a scene is a fundamental problem for various scenarios such as embodied agents. While NeRFs and 3DGS excel at novel-view synthesis, previous methods for understanding their semantics have been limited to incomplete 3D understanding: their segmentation results are 2D masks and their supervision is anchored at 2D pixels. This paper revisits the problem set to pursue a better 3D understanding of a scene modeled by NeRFs and 3DGS as follows. 1) We directly supervise the 3D points to train the language embedding field. It achieves state-of-the-art accuracy without relying on multi-scale language embeddings. 2) We transfer the pre-trained language field to 3DGS, achieving the first real-time rendering speed without sacrificing training time or accuracy. 3) We introduce a 3D querying and evaluation protocol for assessing the reconstructed geometry and semantics together. Code, checkpoints, and annotations will be available online. Project page:
PDF Project page:


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