2024-08-16 更新

Nickel and Diming Your GAN: A Dual-Method Approach to Enhancing GAN Efficiency via Knowledge Distillation

Authors:Sangyeop Yeo, Yoojin Jang, Jaejun Yoo

In this paper, we address the challenge of compressing generative adversarial networks (GANs) for deployment in resource-constrained environments by proposing two novel methodologies: Distribution Matching for Efficient compression (DiME) and Network Interactive Compression via Knowledge Exchange and Learning (NICKEL). DiME employs foundation models as embedding kernels for efficient distribution matching, leveraging maximum mean discrepancy to facilitate effective knowledge distillation. Simultaneously, NICKEL employs an interactive compression method that enhances the communication between the student generator and discriminator, achieving a balanced and stable compression process. Our comprehensive evaluation on the StyleGAN2 architecture with the FFHQ dataset shows the effectiveness of our approach, with NICKEL & DiME achieving FID scores of 10.45 and 15.93 at compression rates of 95.73% and 98.92%, respectively. Remarkably, our methods sustain generative quality even at an extreme compression rate of 99.69%, surpassing the previous state-of-the-art performance by a large margin. These findings not only demonstrate our methodologies’ capacity to significantly lower GANs’ computational demands but also pave the way for deploying high-quality GAN models in settings with limited resources. Our code will be released soon.


GenMix: Combining Generative and Mixture Data Augmentation for Medical Image Classification

Authors:Hansang Lee, Haeil Lee, Helen Hong

In this paper, we propose a novel data augmentation technique called GenMix, which combines generative and mixture approaches to leverage the strengths of both methods. While generative models excel at creating new data patterns, they face challenges such as mode collapse in GANs and difficulties in training diffusion models, especially with limited medical imaging data. On the other hand, mixture models enhance class boundary regions but tend to favor the major class in scenarios with class imbalance. To address these limitations, GenMix integrates both approaches to complement each other. GenMix operates in two stages: (1) training a generative model to produce synthetic images, and (2) performing mixup between synthetic and real data. This process improves the quality and diversity of synthetic data while simultaneously benefiting from the new pattern learning of generative models and the boundary enhancement of mixture models. We validate the effectiveness of our method on the task of classifying focal liver lesions (FLLs) in CT images. Our results demonstrate that GenMix enhances the performance of various generative models, including DCGAN, StyleGAN, Textual Inversion, and Diffusion Models. Notably, the proposed method with Textual Inversion outperforms other methods without fine-tuning diffusion model on the FLL dataset.


Analyzing the Feature Extractor Networks for Face Image Synthesis

Authors:Erdi Sarıtaş, Hazım Kemal Ekenel

Advancements like Generative Adversarial Networks have attracted the attention of researchers toward face image synthesis to generate ever more realistic images. Thereby, the need for the evaluation criteria to assess the realism of the generated images has become apparent. While FID utilized with InceptionV3 is one of the primary choices for benchmarking, concerns about InceptionV3’s limitations for face images have emerged. This study investigates the behavior of diverse feature extractors — InceptionV3, CLIP, DINOv2, and ArcFace — considering a variety of metrics — FID, KID, Precision\&Recall. While the FFHQ dataset is used as the target domain, as the source domains, the CelebA-HQ dataset and the synthetic datasets generated using StyleGAN2 and Projected FastGAN are used. Experiments include deep-down analysis of the features: $L_2$ normalization, model attention during extraction, and domain distributions in the feature space. We aim to give valuable insights into the behavior of feature extractors for evaluating face image synthesis methodologies. The code is publicly available at
PDF Accepted at 18th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) on 1st SD-FGA Workshop 2024


The Devil is in the Details: StyleFeatureEditor for Detail-Rich StyleGAN Inversion and High Quality Image Editing

Authors:Denis Bobkov, Vadim Titov, Aibek Alanov, Dmitry Vetrov

The task of manipulating real image attributes through StyleGAN inversion has been extensively researched. This process involves searching latent variables from a well-trained StyleGAN generator that can synthesize a real image, modifying these latent variables, and then synthesizing an image with the desired edits. A balance must be struck between the quality of the reconstruction and the ability to edit. Earlier studies utilized the low-dimensional W-space for latent search, which facilitated effective editing but struggled with reconstructing intricate details. More recent research has turned to the high-dimensional feature space F, which successfully inverses the input image but loses much of the detail during editing. In this paper, we introduce StyleFeatureEditor — a novel method that enables editing in both w-latents and F-latents. This technique not only allows for the reconstruction of finer image details but also ensures their preservation during editing. We also present a new training pipeline specifically designed to train our model to accurately edit F-latents. Our method is compared with state-of-the-art encoding approaches, demonstrating that our model excels in terms of reconstruction quality and is capable of editing even challenging out-of-domain examples. Code is available at
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2024


SwinStyleformer is a favorable choice for image inversion

Authors:Jiawei Mao, Guangyi Zhao, Xuesong Yin, Yuanqi Chang

This paper proposes the first pure Transformer structure inversion network called SwinStyleformer, which can compensate for the shortcomings of the CNNs inversion framework by handling long-range dependencies and learning the global structure of objects. Experiments found that the inversion network with the Transformer backbone could not successfully invert the image. The above phenomena arise from the differences between CNNs and Transformers, such as the self-attention weights favoring image structure ignoring image details compared to convolution, the lack of multi-scale properties of Transformer, and the distribution differences between the latent code extracted by the Transformer and the StyleGAN style vector. To address these differences, we employ the Swin Transformer with a smaller window size as the backbone of the SwinStyleformer to enhance the local detail of the inversion image. Meanwhile, we design a Transformer block based on learnable queries. Compared to the self-attention transformer block, the Transformer block based on learnable queries provides greater adaptability and flexibility, enabling the model to update the attention weights according to specific tasks. Thus, the inversion focus is not limited to the image structure. To further introduce multi-scale properties, we design multi-scale connections in the extraction of feature maps. Multi-scale connections allow the model to gain a comprehensive understanding of the image to avoid loss of detail due to global modeling. Moreover, we propose an inversion discriminator and distribution alignment loss to minimize the distribution differences. Based on the above designs, our SwinStyleformer successfully solves the Transformer’s inversion failure issue and demonstrates SOTA performance in image inversion and several related vision tasks.


Rethinking Image Skip Connections in StyleGAN2

Authors:Seung Park, Yong-Goo Shin

Various models based on StyleGAN have gained significant traction in the field of image synthesis, attributed to their robust training stability and superior performances. Within the StyleGAN framework, the adoption of image skip connection is favored over the traditional residual connection. However, this preference is just based on empirical observations; there has not been any in-depth mathematical analysis on it yet. To rectify this situation, this brief aims to elucidate the mathematical meaning of the image skip connection and introduce a groundbreaking methodology, termed the image squeeze connection, which significantly improves the quality of image synthesis. Specifically, we analyze the image skip connection technique to reveal its problem and introduce the proposed method which not only effectively boosts the GAN performance but also reduces the required number of network parameters. Extensive experiments on various datasets demonstrate that the proposed method consistently enhances the performance of state-of-the-art models based on StyleGAN. We believe that our findings represent a vital advancement in the field of image synthesis, suggesting a novel direction for future research and applications.


Audio-driven High-resolution Seamless Talking Head Video Editing via StyleGAN

Authors:Jiacheng Su, Kunhong Liu, Liyan Chen, Junfeng Yao, Qingsong Liu, Dongdong Lv

The existing methods for audio-driven talking head video editing have the limitations of poor visual effects. This paper tries to tackle this problem through editing talking face images seamless with different emotions based on two modules: (1) an audio-to-landmark module, consisting of the CrossReconstructed Emotion Disentanglement and an alignment network module. It bridges the gap between speech and facial motions by predicting corresponding emotional landmarks from speech; (2) a landmark-based editing module edits face videos via StyleGAN. It aims to generate the seamless edited video consisting of the emotion and content components from the input audio. Extensive experiments confirm that compared with state-of-the-arts methods, our method provides high-resolution videos with high visual quality.


Prediction Exposes Your Face: Black-box Model Inversion via Prediction Alignment

Authors:Yufan Liu, Wanqian Zhang, Dayan Wu, Zheng Lin, Jingzi Gu, Weiping Wang

Model inversion (MI) attack reconstructs the private training data of a target model given its output, posing a significant threat to deep learning models and data privacy. On one hand, most of existing MI methods focus on searching for latent codes to represent the target identity, yet this iterative optimization-based scheme consumes a huge number of queries to the target model, making it unrealistic especially in black-box scenario. On the other hand, some training-based methods launch an attack through a single forward inference, whereas failing to directly learn high-level mappings from prediction vectors to images. Addressing these limitations, we propose a novel Prediction-to-Image (P2I) method for black-box MI attack. Specifically, we introduce the Prediction Alignment Encoder to map the target model’s output prediction into the latent code of StyleGAN. In this way, prediction vector space can be well aligned with the more disentangled latent space, thus establishing a connection between prediction vectors and the semantic facial features. During the attack phase, we further design the Aligned Ensemble Attack scheme to integrate complementary facial attributes of target identity for better reconstruction. Experimental results show that our method outperforms other SOTAs, e.g.,compared with RLB-MI, our method improves attack accuracy by 8.5% and reduces query numbers by 99% on dataset CelebA.
PDF Accepted by ECCV 2024


Auto DragGAN: Editing the Generative Image Manifold in an Autoregressive Manner

Authors:Pengxiang Cai, Zhiwei Liu, Guibo Zhu, Yunfang Niu, Jinqiao Wang

Pixel-level fine-grained image editing remains an open challenge. Previous works fail to achieve an ideal trade-off between control granularity and inference speed. They either fail to achieve pixel-level fine-grained control, or their inference speed requires optimization. To address this, this paper for the first time employs a regression-based network to learn the variation patterns of StyleGAN latent codes during the image dragging process. This method enables pixel-level precision in dragging editing with little time cost. Users can specify handle points and their corresponding target points on any GAN-generated images, and our method will move each handle point to its corresponding target point. Through experimental analysis, we discover that a short movement distance from handle points to target points yields a high-fidelity edited image, as the model only needs to predict the movement of a small portion of pixels. To achieve this, we decompose the entire movement process into multiple sub-processes. Specifically, we develop a transformer encoder-decoder based network named ‘Latent Predictor’ to predict the latent code motion trajectories from handle points to target points in an autoregressive manner. Moreover, to enhance the prediction stability, we introduce a component named ‘Latent Regularizer’, aimed at constraining the latent code motion within the distribution of natural images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) inference speed and image editing performance at the pixel-level granularity.
PDF This paper has been accepted as a poster paper for ACM Multimedia 2024


Bridging the Gap: Studio-like Avatar Creation from a Monocular Phone Capture

Authors:ShahRukh Athar, Shunsuke Saito, Zhengyu Yang, Stanislav Pidhorsky, Chen Cao

Creating photorealistic avatars for individuals traditionally involves extensive capture sessions with complex and expensive studio devices like the LightStage system. While recent strides in neural representations have enabled the generation of photorealistic and animatable 3D avatars from quick phone scans, they have the capture-time lighting baked-in, lack facial details and have missing regions in areas such as the back of the ears. Thus, they lag in quality compared to studio-captured avatars. In this paper, we propose a method that bridges this gap by generating studio-like illuminated texture maps from short, monocular phone captures. We do this by parameterizing the phone texture maps using the $W^+$ space of a StyleGAN2, enabling near-perfect reconstruction. Then, we finetune a StyleGAN2 by sampling in the $W^+$ parameterized space using a very small set of studio-captured textures as an adversarial training signal. To further enhance the realism and accuracy of facial details, we super-resolve the output of the StyleGAN2 using carefully designed diffusion model that is guided by image gradients of the phone-captured texture map. Once trained, our method excels at producing studio-like facial texture maps from casual monocular smartphone videos. Demonstrating its capabilities, we showcase the generation of photorealistic, uniformly lit, complete avatars from monocular phone captures. The project page can be found at


ImagiNet: A Multi-Content Dataset for Generalizable Synthetic Image Detection via Contrastive Learning

Authors:Delyan Boychev, Radostin Cholakov

Generative models, such as diffusion models (DMs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), and generative adversarial networks (GANs), produce images with a level of authenticity that makes them nearly indistinguishable from real photos and artwork. While this capability is beneficial for many industries, the difficulty of identifying synthetic images leaves online media platforms vulnerable to impersonation and misinformation attempts. To support the development of defensive methods, we introduce ImagiNet, a high-resolution and balanced dataset for synthetic image detection, designed to mitigate potential biases in existing resources. It contains 200K examples, spanning four content categories: photos, paintings, faces, and uncategorized. Synthetic images are produced with open-source and proprietary generators, whereas real counterparts of the same content type are collected from public datasets. The structure of ImagiNet allows for a two-track evaluation system: i) classification as real or synthetic and ii) identification of the generative model. To establish a baseline, we train a ResNet-50 model using a self-supervised contrastive objective (SelfCon) for each track. The model demonstrates state-of-the-art performance and high inference speed across established benchmarks, achieving an AUC of up to 0.99 and balanced accuracy ranging from 86% to 95%, even under social network conditions that involve compression and resizing. Our data and code are available at
PDF 24 pages, 9 figures, 9 tables


Utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Data Augmentation and Classification of Semiconductor Wafer Dicing Induced Defects

Authors:Zhining Hu, Tobias Schlosser, Michael Friedrich, André Luiz Vieira e Silva, Frederik Beuth, Danny Kowerko

In semiconductor manufacturing, the wafer dicing process is central yet vulnerable to defects that significantly impair yield - the proportion of defect-free chips. Deep neural networks are the current state of the art in (semi-)automated visual inspection. However, they are notoriously known to require a particularly large amount of data for model training. To address these challenges, we explore the application of generative adversarial networks (GAN) for image data augmentation and classification of semiconductor wafer dicing induced defects to enhance the variety and balance of training data for visual inspection systems. With this approach, synthetic yet realistic images are generated that mimic real-world dicing defects. We employ three different GAN variants for high-resolution image synthesis: Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN), CycleGAN, and StyleGAN3. Our work-in-progress results demonstrate that improved classification accuracies can be obtained, showing an average improvement of up to 23.1 % from 65.1 % (baseline experiment) to 88.2 % (DCGAN experiment) in balanced accuracy, which may enable yield optimization in production.
PDF Accepted for: 2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)


Vulnerabilities in AI-generated Image Detection: The Challenge of Adversarial Attacks

Authors:Yunfeng Diao, Naixin Zhai, Changtao Miao, Xun Yang, Meng Wang

Recent advancements in image synthesis, particularly with the advent of GAN and Diffusion models, have amplified public concerns regarding the dissemination of disinformation. To address such concerns, numerous AI-generated Image (AIGI) Detectors have been proposed and achieved promising performance in identifying fake images. However, there still lacks a systematic understanding of the adversarial robustness of these AIGI detectors. In this paper, we examine the vulnerability of state-of-the-art AIGI detectors against adversarial attack under white-box and black-box settings, which has been rarely investigated so far. For the task of AIGI detection, we propose a new attack containing two main parts. First, inspired by the obvious difference between real images and fake images in the frequency domain, we add perturbations under the frequency domain to push the image away from its original frequency distribution. Second, we explore the full posterior distribution of the surrogate model to further narrow this gap between heterogeneous models, e.g. transferring adversarial examples across CNNs and ViTs. This is achieved by introducing a novel post-train Bayesian strategy that turns a single surrogate into a Bayesian one, capable of simulating diverse victim models using one pre-trained surrogate, without the need for re-training. We name our method as frequency-based post-train Bayesian attack, or FPBA. Through FPBA, we show that adversarial attack is truly a real threat to AIGI detectors, because FPBA can deliver successful black-box attacks across models, generators, defense methods, and even evade cross-generator detection, which is a crucial real-world detection scenario.


A Prior Embedding-Driven Architecture for Long Distance Blind Iris Recognition

Authors:Qi Xiong, Xinman Zhang, Jun Shen

Blind iris images, which result from unknown degradation during the process of iris recognition at long distances, often lead to decreased iris recognition rates. Currently, little existing literature offers a solution to this problem. In response, we propose a prior embedding-driven architecture for long distance blind iris recognition. We first proposed a blind iris image restoration network called Iris-PPRGAN. To effectively restore the texture of the blind iris, Iris-PPRGAN includes a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) used as a Prior Decoder, and a DNN used as the encoder. To extract iris features more efficiently, we then proposed a robust iris classifier by modifying the bottleneck module of InsightFace, which called Insight-Iris. A low-quality blind iris image is first restored by Iris-PPRGAN, then the restored iris image undergoes recognition via Insight-Iris. Experimental results on the public CASIA-Iris-distance dataset demonstrate that our proposed method significantly superior results to state-of-the-art blind iris restoration methods both quantitatively and qualitatively, Specifically, the recognition rate for long-distance blind iris images reaches 90% after processing with our methods, representing an improvement of approximately ten percentage points compared to images without restoration.


CLIP4Sketch: Enhancing Sketch to Mugshot Matching through Dataset Augmentation using Diffusion Models

Authors:Kushal Kumar Jain, Steve Grosz, Anoop M. Namboodiri, Anil K. Jain

Forensic sketch-to-mugshot matching is a challenging task in face recognition, primarily hindered by the scarcity of annotated forensic sketches and the modality gap between sketches and photographs. To address this, we propose CLIP4Sketch, a novel approach that leverages diffusion models to generate a large and diverse set of sketch images, which helps in enhancing the performance of face recognition systems in sketch-to-mugshot matching. Our method utilizes Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) to generate sketches with explicit control over identity and style. We combine CLIP and Adaface embeddings of a reference mugshot, along with textual descriptions of style, as the conditions to the diffusion model. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by generating a comprehensive dataset of sketches corresponding to mugshots and training a face recognition model on our synthetic data. Our results show significant improvements in sketch-to-mugshot matching accuracy over training on an existing, limited amount of real face sketch data, validating the potential of diffusion models in enhancing the performance of face recognition systems across modalities. We also compare our dataset with datasets generated using GAN-based methods to show its superiority.


LDFaceNet: Latent Diffusion-based Network for High-Fidelity Deepfake Generation

Authors:Dwij Mehta, Aditya Mehta, Pratik Narang

Over the past decade, there has been tremendous progress in the domain of synthetic media generation. This is mainly due to the powerful methods based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). Very recently, diffusion probabilistic models, which are inspired by non-equilibrium thermodynamics, have taken the spotlight. In the realm of image generation, diffusion models (DMs) have exhibited remarkable proficiency in producing both realistic and heterogeneous imagery through their stochastic sampling procedure. This paper proposes a novel facial swapping module, termed as LDFaceNet (Latent Diffusion based Face Swapping Network), which is based on a guided latent diffusion model that utilizes facial segmentation and facial recognition modules for a conditioned denoising process. The model employs a unique loss function to offer directional guidance to the diffusion process. Notably, LDFaceNet can incorporate supplementary facial guidance for desired outcomes without any retraining. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first application of the latent diffusion model in the face-swapping task without prior training. The results of this study demonstrate that the proposed method can generate extremely realistic and coherent images by leveraging the potential of the diffusion model for facial swapping, thereby yielding superior visual outcomes and greater diversity.


D2Styler: Advancing Arbitrary Style Transfer with Discrete Diffusion Methods

Authors:Onkar Susladkar, Gayatri Deshmukh, Sparsh Mittal, Parth Shastri

In image processing, one of the most challenging tasks is to render an image’s semantic meaning using a variety of artistic approaches. Existing techniques for arbitrary style transfer (AST) frequently experience mode-collapse, over-stylization, or under-stylization due to a disparity between the style and content images. We propose a novel framework called D$^2$Styler (Discrete Diffusion Styler) that leverages the discrete representational capability of VQ-GANs and the advantages of discrete diffusion, including stable training and avoidance of mode collapse. Our method uses Adaptive Instance Normalization (AdaIN) features as a context guide for the reverse diffusion process. This makes it easy to move features from the style image to the content image without bias. The proposed method substantially enhances the visual quality of style-transferred images, allowing the combination of content and style in a visually appealing manner. We take style images from the WikiArt dataset and content images from the COCO dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that D$^2$Styler produces high-quality style-transferred images and outperforms twelve existing methods on nearly all the metrics. The qualitative results and ablation studies provide further insights into the efficacy of our technique. The code is available at
PDF Paper accepted at 27th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2024


DAFT-GAN: Dual Affine Transformation Generative Adversarial Network for Text-Guided Image Inpainting

Authors:Jihoon Lee, Yunhong Min, Hwidong Kim, Sangtae Ahn

In recent years, there has been a significant focus on research related to text-guided image inpainting. However, the task remains challenging due to several constraints, such as ensuring alignment between the image and the text, and maintaining consistency in distribution between corrupted and uncorrupted regions. In this paper, thus, we propose a dual affine transformation generative adversarial network (DAFT-GAN) to maintain the semantic consistency for text-guided inpainting. DAFT-GAN integrates two affine transformation networks to combine text and image features gradually for each decoding block. Moreover, we minimize information leakage of uncorrupted features for fine-grained image generation by encoding corrupted and uncorrupted regions of the masked image separately. Our proposed model outperforms the existing GAN-based models in both qualitative and quantitative assessments with three benchmark datasets (MS-COCO, CUB, and Oxford) for text-guided image inpainting.
PDF ACM MM’2024. 9 pages, 3 tables, 9 figures


SAM-FNet: SAM-Guided Fusion Network for Laryngo-Pharyngeal Tumor Detection

Authors:Jia Wei, Yun Li, Meiyu Qiu, Hongyu Chen, Xiaomao Fan, Wenbin Lei

Laryngo-pharyngeal cancer (LPC) is a highly fatal malignant disease affecting the head and neck region. Previous studies on endoscopic tumor detection, particularly those leveraging dual-branch network architectures, have shown significant advancements in tumor detection. These studies highlight the potential of dual-branch networks in improving diagnostic accuracy by effectively integrating global and local (lesion) feature extraction. However, they are still limited in their capabilities to accurately locate the lesion region and capture the discriminative feature information between the global and local branches. To address these issues, we propose a novel SAM-guided fusion network (SAM-FNet), a dual-branch network for laryngo-pharyngeal tumor detection. By leveraging the powerful object segmentation capabilities of the Segment Anything Model (SAM), we introduce the SAM into the SAM-FNet to accurately segment the lesion region. Furthermore, we propose a GAN-like feature optimization (GFO) module to capture the discriminative features between the global and local branches, enhancing the fusion feature complementarity. Additionally, we collect two LPC datasets from the First Affiliated Hospital (FAHSYSU) and the Sixth Affiliated Hospital (SAHSYSU) of Sun Yat-sen University. The FAHSYSU dataset is used as the internal dataset for training the model, while the SAHSYSU dataset is used as the external dataset for evaluating the model’s performance. Extensive experiments on both datasets of FAHSYSU and SAHSYSU demonstrate that the SAM-FNet can achieve competitive results, outperforming the state-of-the-art counterparts. The source code of SAM-FNet is available at the URL of


Scene123: One Prompt to 3D Scene Generation via Video-Assisted and Consistency-Enhanced MAE

Authors:Yiying Yang, Fukun Yin, Jiayuan Fan, Xin Chen, Wanzhang Li, Gang Yu

As Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) advances, a variety of methods have been developed to generate text, images, videos, and 3D objects from single or multimodal inputs, contributing efforts to emulate human-like cognitive content creation. However, generating realistic large-scale scenes from a single input presents a challenge due to the complexities involved in ensuring consistency across extrapolated views generated by models. Benefiting from recent video generation models and implicit neural representations, we propose Scene123, a 3D scene generation model, that not only ensures realism and diversity through the video generation framework but also uses implicit neural fields combined with Masked Autoencoders (MAE) to effectively ensures the consistency of unseen areas across views. Specifically, we initially warp the input image (or an image generated from text) to simulate adjacent views, filling the invisible areas with the MAE model. However, these filled images usually fail to maintain view consistency, thus we utilize the produced views to optimize a neural radiance field, enhancing geometric consistency. Moreover, to further enhance the details and texture fidelity of generated views, we employ a GAN-based Loss against images derived from the input image through the video generation model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can generate realistic and consistent scenes from a single prompt. Both qualitative and quantitative results indicate that our approach surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods. We show encourage video examples at
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.11588 by other authors


SSL: A Self-similarity Loss for Improving Generative Image Super-resolution

Authors:Du Chen, Zhengqiang Zhang, Jie Liang, Lei Zhang

Generative adversarial networks (GAN) and generative diffusion models (DM) have been widely used in real-world image super-resolution (Real-ISR) to enhance the image perceptual quality. However, these generative models are prone to generating visual artifacts and false image structures, resulting in unnatural Real-ISR results. Based on the fact that natural images exhibit high self-similarities, i.e., a local patch can have many similar patches to it in the whole image, in this work we propose a simple yet effective self-similarity loss (SSL) to improve the performance of generative Real-ISR models, enhancing the hallucination of structural and textural details while reducing the unpleasant visual artifacts. Specifically, we compute a self-similarity graph (SSG) of the ground-truth image, and enforce the SSG of Real-ISR output to be close to it. To reduce the training cost and focus on edge areas, we generate an edge mask from the ground-truth image, and compute the SSG only on the masked pixels. The proposed SSL serves as a general plug-and-play penalty, which could be easily applied to the off-the-shelf Real-ISR models. Our experiments demonstrate that, by coupling with SSL, the performance of many state-of-the-art Real-ISR models, including those GAN and DM based ones, can be largely improved, reproducing more perceptually realistic image details and eliminating many false reconstructions and visual artifacts. Codes and supplementary material can be found at
PDF Accepted by ACM MM 2024


Seg-CycleGAN : SAR-to-optical image translation guided by a downstream task

Authors:Hannuo Zhang, Huihui Li, Jiarui Lin, Yujie Zhang, Jianghua Fan, Hang Liu

Optical remote sensing and Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) remote sensing are crucial for earth observation, offering complementary capabilities. While optical sensors provide high-quality images, they are limited by weather and lighting conditions. In contrast, SAR sensors can operate effectively under adverse conditions. This letter proposes a GAN-based SAR-to-optical image translation method named Seg-CycleGAN, designed to enhance the accuracy of ship target translation by leveraging semantic information from a pre-trained semantic segmentation model. Our method utilizes the downstream task of ship target semantic segmentation to guide the training of image translation network, improving the quality of output Optical-styled images. The potential of foundation-model-annotated datasets in SAR-to-optical translation tasks is revealed. This work suggests broader research and applications for downstream-task-guided frameworks. The code will be available at
PDF 8 pages, 5 figures


Wavelet based inpainting detection

Authors:Barglazan Adrian-Alin, Brad Remus Ovidiu

With the advancement in image editing tools, manipulating digital images has become alarmingly easy. Inpainting, which is used to remove objects or fill in parts of an image, serves as a powerful tool for both image restoration and forgery. This paper introduces a novel approach for detecting image inpainting forgeries by combining DT-CWT with Hierarchical Feature segmentation and with noise inconsistency analysis. The DT-CWT offers several advantages for this task, including inherent shift-invariance, which makes it robust to minor manipulations during the inpainting process, and directional selectivity, which helps capture subtle artifacts introduced by inpainting in specific frequency bands and orientations. By first applying color image segmentation and then analyzing for each segment, noise inconsistency obtained via DT-CW we can identify patterns indicative of inpainting forgeries. The proposed method is evaluated on a benchmark dataset created for this purpose and is compared with existing forgery detection techniques. Our approach demonstrates superior results compared with SOTA in detecting inpainted images.


GRIF-DM: Generation of Rich Impression Fonts using Diffusion Models

Authors:Lei Kang, Fei Yang, Kai Wang, Mohamed Ali Souibgui, Lluis Gomez, Alicia Fornés, Ernest Valveny, Dimosthenis Karatzas

Fonts are integral to creative endeavors, design processes, and artistic productions. The appropriate selection of a font can significantly enhance artwork and endow advertisements with a higher level of expressivity. Despite the availability of numerous diverse font designs online, traditional retrieval-based methods for font selection are increasingly being supplanted by generation-based approaches. These newer methods offer enhanced flexibility, catering to specific user preferences and capturing unique stylistic impressions. However, current impression font techniques based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) necessitate the utilization of multiple auxiliary losses to provide guidance during generation. Furthermore, these methods commonly employ weighted summation for the fusion of impression-related keywords. This leads to generic vectors with the addition of more impression keywords, ultimately lacking in detail generation capacity. In this paper, we introduce a diffusion-based method, termed \ourmethod, to generate fonts that vividly embody specific impressions, utilizing an input consisting of a single letter and a set of descriptive impression keywords. The core innovation of \ourmethod lies in the development of dual cross-attention modules, which process the characteristics of the letters and impression keywords independently but synergistically, ensuring effective integration of both types of information. Our experimental results, conducted on the MyFonts dataset, affirm that this method is capable of producing realistic, vibrant, and high-fidelity fonts that are closely aligned with user specifications. This confirms the potential of our approach to revolutionize font generation by accommodating a broad spectrum of user-driven design requirements. Our code is publicly available at \url{}.
PDF Accepted to ECAI2024


HAIR: Hypernetworks-based All-in-One Image Restoration

Authors:Jin Cao, Yi Cao, Li Pang, Deyu Meng, Xiangyong Cao

Image restoration involves recovering a high-quality clean image from its degraded version, which is a fundamental task in computer vision. Recent progress in image restoration has demonstrated the effectiveness of learning models capable of addressing various degradations simultaneously, i.e., the All-in-One image restoration models. However, these existing methods typically utilize the same parameters facing images with different degradation types, which causes the model to be forced to trade off between degradation types, therefore impair the total performance. To solve this problem, we propose HAIR, a Hypernetworks-based plug-in-and-play method that dynamically generated parameters for the corresponding networks based on the contents of input images. HAIR consists of 2 main components: Classifier (Cl) and Hyper Selecting Net (HSN). To be more specific, the Classifier is a simple image classification network which is used to generate a Global Information Vector (GIV) that contains the degradation information of the input image; And the HSNs can be seen as a simple Fully-connected Neural Network that receive the GIV and output parameters for the corresponding modules. Extensive experiments shows that incorporating HAIR into the architectures can significantly improve the performance of different models on image restoration tasks at a low cost, \textbf{although HAIR only generate parameters and haven’t change these models’ logical structures at all.} With incorporating HAIR into the popular architecture Restormer, our method obtains superior or at least comparable performance to current state-of-the-art methods on a range of image restoration tasks. \href{}{\textcolor{blue}{$\underline{\textbf{Code and pre-trained checkpoints are available here.}}$}}
PDF 13 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables


Unsupervised Variational Translator for Bridging Image Restoration and High-Level Vision Tasks

Authors:Jiawei Wu, Zhi Jin

Recent research tries to extend image restoration capabilities from human perception to machine perception, thereby enhancing the performance of high-level vision tasks in degraded environments. These methods, primarily based on supervised learning, typically involve the retraining of restoration networks or high-level vision networks. However, collecting paired data in real-world scenarios and retraining large-scale models are challenge. To this end, we propose an unsupervised learning method called \textbf{Va}riational \textbf{T}ranslator (VaT), which does not require retraining existing restoration and high-level vision networks. Instead, it establishes a lightweight network that serves as an intermediate bridge between them. By variational inference, VaT approximates the joint distribution of restoration output and high-level vision input, dividing the optimization objective into preserving content and maximizing marginal likelihood associated with high-level vision tasks. By cleverly leveraging self-training paradigms, VaT achieves the above optimization objective without requiring labels. As a result, the translated images maintain a close resemblance to their original content while also demonstrating exceptional performance on high-level vision tasks. Extensive experiments in dehazing and low-light enhancement for detection and classification show the superiority of our method over other state-of-the-art unsupervised counterparts, even significantly surpassing supervised methods in some complex real-world scenarios.


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