
2024-08-15 更新

Animatable Virtual Humans: Learning pose-dependent human representations in UV space for interactive performance synthesis

Authors:Wieland Morgenstern, Milena T. Bagdasarian, Anna Hilsmann, Peter Eisert

We propose a novel representation of virtual humans for highly realistic real-time animation and rendering in 3D applications. We learn pose dependent appearance and geometry from highly accurate dynamic mesh sequences obtained from state-of-the-art multiview-video reconstruction. Learning pose-dependent appearance and geometry from mesh sequences poses significant challenges, as it requires the network to learn the intricate shape and articulated motion of a human body. However, statistical body models like SMPL provide valuable a-priori knowledge which we leverage in order to constrain the dimension of the search space enabling more efficient and targeted learning and define pose-dependency. Instead of directly learning absolute pose-dependent geometry, we learn the difference between the observed geometry and the fitted SMPL model. This allows us to encode both pose-dependent appearance and geometry in the consistent UV space of the SMPL model. This approach not only ensures a high level of realism but also facilitates streamlined processing and rendering of virtual humans in real-time scenarios.


MirrorCalib: Utilizing Human Pose Information for Mirror-based Virtual Camera Calibration

Authors:Longyun Liao, Rong Zheng, Andrew Mitchell

In this paper, we present the novel task of estimating the extrinsic parameters of a virtual camera relative to a real camera in exercise videos with a mirror. This task poses a significant challenge in scenarios where the views from the real and mirrored cameras have no overlap or share salient features. To address this issue, prior knowledge of a human body and 2D joint locations are utilized to estimate the camera extrinsic parameters when a person is in front of a mirror. We devise a modified eight-point algorithm to obtain an initial estimation from 2D joint locations. The 2D joint locations are then refined subject to human body constraints. Finally, a RANSAC algorithm is employed to remove outliers by comparing their epipolar distances to a predetermined threshold. MirrorCalib achieves a rotation error of 1.82{\deg} and a translation error of 69.51 mm on a collected real-world dataset, which outperforms the state-of-art method.
PDF Accepted by AVSS2024


GaussianVTON: 3D Human Virtual Try-ON via Multi-Stage Gaussian Splatting Editing with Image Prompting

Authors:Haodong Chen, Yongle Huang, Haojian Huang, Xiangsheng Ge, Dian Shao

The increasing prominence of e-commerce has underscored the importance of Virtual Try-On (VTON). However, previous studies predominantly focus on the 2D realm and rely heavily on extensive data for training. Research on 3D VTON primarily centers on garment-body shape compatibility, a topic extensively covered in 2D VTON. Thanks to advances in 3D scene editing, a 2D diffusion model has now been adapted for 3D editing via multi-viewpoint editing. In this work, we propose GaussianVTON, an innovative 3D VTON pipeline integrating Gaussian Splatting (GS) editing with 2D VTON. To facilitate a seamless transition from 2D to 3D VTON, we propose, for the first time, the use of only images as editing prompts for 3D editing. To further address issues, e.g., face blurring, garment inaccuracy, and degraded viewpoint quality during editing, we devise a three-stage refinement strategy to gradually mitigate potential issues. Furthermore, we introduce a new editing strategy termed Edit Recall Reconstruction (ERR) to tackle the limitations of previous editing strategies in leading to complex geometric changes. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of GaussianVTON, offering a novel perspective on 3D VTON while also establishing a novel starting point for image-prompting 3D scene editing.
PDF On-going work


Multi-attribute Auction-based Resource Allocation for Twins Migration in Vehicular Metaverses: A GPT-based DRL Approach

Authors:Yongju Tong, Junlong Chen, Minrui Xu, Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong, Dusit Niyato, Chau Yuen, Zhu Han

Vehicular Metaverses are developed to enhance the modern automotive industry with an immersive and safe experience among connected vehicles and roadside infrastructures, e.g., RoadSide Units (RSUs). For seamless synchronization with virtual spaces, Vehicle Twins (VTs) are constructed as digital representations of physical entities. However, resource-intensive VTs updating and high mobility of vehicles require intensive computation, communication, and storage resources, especially for their migration among RSUs with limited coverages. To address these issues, we propose an attribute-aware auction-based mechanism to optimize resource allocation during VTs migration by considering both price and non-monetary attributes, e.g., location and reputation. In this mechanism, we propose a two-stage matching for vehicular users and Metaverse service providers in multi-attribute resource markets. First, the resource attributes matching algorithm obtains the resource attributes perfect matching, namely, buyers and sellers can participate in a double Dutch auction (DDA). Then, we train a DDA auctioneer using a generative pre-trained transformer (GPT)-based deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithm to adjust the auction clocks efficiently during the auction process. We compare the performance of social welfare and auction information exchange costs with state-of-the-art baselines under different settings. Simulation results show that our proposed GPT-based DRL auction schemes have better performance than others.
PDF 16 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables


Expressive Gaussian Human Avatars from Monocular RGB Video

Authors:Hezhen Hu, Zhiwen Fan, Tianhao Wu, Yihan Xi, Seoyoung Lee, Georgios Pavlakos, Zhangyang Wang

Nuanced expressiveness, particularly through fine-grained hand and facial expressions, is pivotal for enhancing the realism and vitality of digital human representations. In this work, we focus on investigating the expressiveness of human avatars when learned from monocular RGB video; a setting that introduces new challenges in capturing and animating fine-grained details. To this end, we introduce EVA, a drivable human model that meticulously sculpts fine details based on 3D Gaussians and SMPL-X, an expressive parametric human model. Focused on enhancing expressiveness, our work makes three key contributions. First, we highlight the critical importance of aligning the SMPL-X model with RGB frames for effective avatar learning. Recognizing the limitations of current SMPL-X prediction methods for in-the-wild videos, we introduce a plug-and-play module that significantly ameliorates misalignment issues. Second, we propose a context-aware adaptive density control strategy, which is adaptively adjusting the gradient thresholds to accommodate the varied granularity across body parts. Last but not least, we develop a feedback mechanism that predicts per-pixel confidence to better guide the learning of 3D Gaussians. Extensive experiments on two benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our framework both quantitatively and qualitatively, especially on the fine-grained hand and facial details. See the project website at \url{https://evahuman.github.io}


CanonicalFusion: Generating Drivable 3D Human Avatars from Multiple Images

Authors:Jisu Shin, Junmyeong Lee, Seongmin Lee, Min-Gyu Park, Ju-Mi Kang, Ju Hong Yoon, Hae-Gon Jeon

We present a novel framework for reconstructing animatable human avatars from multiple images, termed CanonicalFusion. Our central concept involves integrating individual reconstruction results into the canonical space. To be specific, we first predict Linear Blend Skinning (LBS) weight maps and depth maps using a shared-encoder-dual-decoder network, enabling direct canonicalization of the 3D mesh from the predicted depth maps. Here, instead of predicting high-dimensional skinning weights, we infer compressed skinning weights, i.e., 3-dimensional vector, with the aid of pre-trained MLP networks. We also introduce a forward skinning-based differentiable rendering scheme to merge the reconstructed results from multiple images. This scheme refines the initial mesh by reposing the canonical mesh via the forward skinning and by minimizing photometric and geometric errors between the rendered and the predicted results. Our optimization scheme considers the position and color of vertices as well as the joint angles for each image, thereby mitigating the negative effects of pose errors. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and compare our CanonicalFusion with state-of-the-art methods. Our source codes are available at https://github.com/jsshin98/CanonicalFusion.
PDF ECCV 2024 Accepted (18 pages, 9 figures)


MobilePortrait: Real-Time One-Shot Neural Head Avatars on Mobile Devices

Authors:Jianwen Jiang, Gaojie Lin, Zhengkun Rong, Chao Liang, Yongming Zhu, Jiaqi Yang, Tianyun Zhong

Existing neural head avatars methods have achieved significant progress in the image quality and motion range of portrait animation. However, these methods neglect the computational overhead, and to the best of our knowledge, none is designed to run on mobile devices. This paper presents MobilePortrait, a lightweight one-shot neural head avatars method that reduces learning complexity by integrating external knowledge into both the motion modeling and image synthesis, enabling real-time inference on mobile devices. Specifically, we introduce a mixed representation of explicit and implicit keypoints for precise motion modeling and precomputed visual features for enhanced foreground and background synthesis. With these two key designs and using simple U-Nets as backbones, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance with less than one-tenth the computational demand. It has been validated to reach speeds of over 100 FPS on mobile devices and support both video and audio-driven inputs.


Hybrid-Generative Diffusion Models for Attack-Oriented Twin Migration in Vehicular Metaverses

Authors:Yingkai Kang, Jinbo Wen, Jiawen Kang, Tao Zhang, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Rong Yu, Shengli Xie

The vehicular metaverse is envisioned as a blended immersive domain that promises to bring revolutionary changes to the automotive industry. As a core component of vehicular metaverses, Vehicle Twins (VTs) are digital twins that cover the entire life cycle of vehicles, providing immersive virtual services for Vehicular Metaverse Users (VMUs). Vehicles with limited resources offload the computationally intensive tasks of constructing and updating VTs to edge servers and migrate VTs between these servers, ensuring seamless and immersive experiences for VMUs. However, the high mobility of vehicles, uneven deployment of edge servers, and potential security threats pose challenges to achieving efficient and reliable VT migrations. To address these issues, we propose a secure and reliable VT migration framework in vehicular metaverses. Specifically, we design a two-layer trust evaluation model to comprehensively evaluate the reputation value of edge servers in the network communication and interaction layers. Then, we model the VT migration problem as a partially observable Markov decision process and design a hybrid-Generative Diffusion Model (GDM) algorithm based on deep reinforcement learning to generate optimal migration decisions by taking hybrid actions (i.e., continuous actions and discrete actions). Numerical results demonstrate that the hybrid-GDM algorithm outperforms the baseline algorithms, showing strong adaptability in various settings and highlighting the potential of the hybrid-GDM algorithm for addressing various optimization issues in vehicular metaverses.


Universal Facial Encoding of Codec Avatars from VR Headsets

Authors:Shaojie Bai, Te-Li Wang, Chenghui Li, Akshay Venkatesh, Tomas Simon, Chen Cao, Gabriel Schwartz, Ryan Wrench, Jason Saragih, Yaser Sheikh, Shih-En Wei

Faithful real-time facial animation is essential for avatar-mediated telepresence in Virtual Reality (VR). To emulate authentic communication, avatar animation needs to be efficient and accurate: able to capture both extreme and subtle expressions within a few milliseconds to sustain the rhythm of natural conversations. The oblique and incomplete views of the face, variability in the donning of headsets, and illumination variation due to the environment are some of the unique challenges in generalization to unseen faces. In this paper, we present a method that can animate a photorealistic avatar in realtime from head-mounted cameras (HMCs) on a consumer VR headset. We present a self-supervised learning approach, based on a cross-view reconstruction objective, that enables generalization to unseen users. We present a lightweight expression calibration mechanism that increases accuracy with minimal additional cost to run-time efficiency. We present an improved parameterization for precise ground-truth generation that provides robustness to environmental variation. The resulting system produces accurate facial animation for unseen users wearing VR headsets in realtime. We compare our approach to prior face-encoding methods demonstrating significant improvements in both quantitative metrics and qualitative results.
PDF SIGGRAPH 2024 (ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG))


Bridging the Gap: Studio-like Avatar Creation from a Monocular Phone Capture

Authors:ShahRukh Athar, Shunsuke Saito, Zhengyu Yang, Stanislav Pidhorsky, Chen Cao

Creating photorealistic avatars for individuals traditionally involves extensive capture sessions with complex and expensive studio devices like the LightStage system. While recent strides in neural representations have enabled the generation of photorealistic and animatable 3D avatars from quick phone scans, they have the capture-time lighting baked-in, lack facial details and have missing regions in areas such as the back of the ears. Thus, they lag in quality compared to studio-captured avatars. In this paper, we propose a method that bridges this gap by generating studio-like illuminated texture maps from short, monocular phone captures. We do this by parameterizing the phone texture maps using the $W^+$ space of a StyleGAN2, enabling near-perfect reconstruction. Then, we finetune a StyleGAN2 by sampling in the $W^+$ parameterized space using a very small set of studio-captured textures as an adversarial training signal. To further enhance the realism and accuracy of facial details, we super-resolve the output of the StyleGAN2 using carefully designed diffusion model that is guided by image gradients of the phone-captured texture map. Once trained, our method excels at producing studio-like facial texture maps from casual monocular smartphone videos. Demonstrating its capabilities, we showcase the generation of photorealistic, uniformly lit, complete avatars from monocular phone captures. The project page can be found at http://shahrukhathar.github.io/2024/07/22/Bridging.html


XHand: Real-time Expressive Hand Avatar

Authors:Qijun Gan, Zijie Zhou, Jianke Zhu

Hand avatars play a pivotal role in a wide array of digital interfaces, enhancing user immersion and facilitating natural interaction within virtual environments. While previous studies have focused on photo-realistic hand rendering, little attention has been paid to reconstruct the hand geometry with fine details, which is essential to rendering quality. In the realms of extended reality and gaming, on-the-fly rendering becomes imperative. To this end, we introduce an expressive hand avatar, named XHand, that is designed to comprehensively generate hand shape, appearance, and deformations in real-time. To obtain fine-grained hand meshes, we make use of three feature embedding modules to predict hand deformation displacements, albedo, and linear blending skinning weights, respectively. To achieve photo-realistic hand rendering on fine-grained meshes, our method employs a mesh-based neural renderer by leveraging mesh topological consistency and latent codes from embedding modules. During training, a part-aware Laplace smoothing strategy is proposed by incorporating the distinct levels of regularization to effectively maintain the necessary details and eliminate the undesired artifacts. The experimental evaluations on InterHand2.6M and DeepHandMesh datasets demonstrate the efficacy of XHand, which is able to recover high-fidelity geometry and texture for hand animations across diverse poses in real-time. To reproduce our results, we will make the full implementation publicly available at https://github.com/agnJason/XHand.


PAV: Personalized Head Avatar from Unstructured Video Collection

Authors:Akin Caliskan, Berkay Kicanaoglu, Hyeongwoo Kim

We propose PAV, Personalized Head Avatar for the synthesis of human faces under arbitrary viewpoints and facial expressions. PAV introduces a method that learns a dynamic deformable neural radiance field (NeRF), in particular from a collection of monocular talking face videos of the same character under various appearance and shape changes. Unlike existing head NeRF methods that are limited to modeling such input videos on a per-appearance basis, our method allows for learning multi-appearance NeRFs, introducing appearance embedding for each input video via learnable latent neural features attached to the underlying geometry. Furthermore, the proposed appearance-conditioned density formulation facilitates the shape variation of the character, such as facial hair and soft tissues, in the radiance field prediction. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first dynamic deformable NeRF framework to model appearance and shape variations in a single unified network for multi-appearances of the same subject. We demonstrate experimentally that PAV outperforms the baseline method in terms of visual rendering quality in our quantitative and qualitative studies on various subjects.
PDF Accepted to ECCV24. Project page: https://akincaliskan3d.github.io/PAV


AvatarPose: Avatar-guided 3D Pose Estimation of Close Human Interaction from Sparse Multi-view Videos

Authors:Feichi Lu, Zijian Dong, Jie Song, Otmar Hilliges

Despite progress in human motion capture, existing multi-view methods often face challenges in estimating the 3D pose and shape of multiple closely interacting people. This difficulty arises from reliance on accurate 2D joint estimations, which are hard to obtain due to occlusions and body contact when people are in close interaction. To address this, we propose a novel method leveraging the personalized implicit neural avatar of each individual as a prior, which significantly improves the robustness and precision of this challenging pose estimation task. Concretely, the avatars are efficiently reconstructed via layered volume rendering from sparse multi-view videos. The reconstructed avatar prior allows for the direct optimization of 3D poses based on color and silhouette rendering loss, bypassing the issues associated with noisy 2D detections. To handle interpenetration, we propose a collision loss on the overlapping shape regions of avatars to add penetration constraints. Moreover, both 3D poses and avatars are optimized in an alternating manner. Our experimental results demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on several public datasets.
PDF Project Page: https://feichilu.github.io/AvatarPose/


Digital Avatars: Framework Development and Their Evaluation

Authors:Timothy Rupprecht, Sung-En Chang, Yushu Wu, Lei Lu, Enfu Nan, Chih-hsiang Li, Caiyue Lai, Zhimin Li, Zhijun Hu, Yumei He, David Kaeli, Yanzhi Wang

We present a novel prompting strategy for artificial intelligence driven digital avatars. To better quantify how our prompting strategy affects anthropomorphic features like humor, authenticity, and favorability we present Crowd Vote - an adaptation of Crowd Score that allows for judges to elect a large language model (LLM) candidate over competitors answering the same or similar prompts. To visualize the responses of our LLM, and the effectiveness of our prompting strategy we propose an end-to-end framework for creating high-fidelity artificial intelligence (AI) driven digital avatars. This pipeline effectively captures an individual’s essence for interaction and our streaming algorithm delivers a high-quality digital avatar with real-time audio-video streaming from server to mobile device. Both our visualization tool, and our Crowd Vote metrics demonstrate our AI driven digital avatars have state-of-the-art humor, authenticity, and favorability outperforming all competitors and baselines. In the case of our Donald Trump and Joe Biden avatars, their authenticity and favorability are rated higher than even their real-world equivalents.
PDF This work was presented during the IJCAI 2024 conference proceedings for demonstrations


HeadGAP: Few-shot 3D Head Avatar via Generalizable Gaussian Priors

Authors:Xiaozheng Zheng, Chao Wen, Zhaohu Li, Weiyi Zhang, Zhuo Su, Xu Chang, Yang Zhao, Zheng Lv, Xiaoyuan Zhang, Yongjie Zhang, Guidong Wang, Lan Xu

In this paper, we present a novel 3D head avatar creation approach capable of generalizing from few-shot in-the-wild data with high-fidelity and animatable robustness. Given the underconstrained nature of this problem, incorporating prior knowledge is essential. Therefore, we propose a framework comprising prior learning and avatar creation phases. The prior learning phase leverages 3D head priors derived from a large-scale multi-view dynamic dataset, and the avatar creation phase applies these priors for few-shot personalization. Our approach effectively captures these priors by utilizing a Gaussian Splatting-based auto-decoder network with part-based dynamic modeling. Our method employs identity-shared encoding with personalized latent codes for individual identities to learn the attributes of Gaussian primitives. During the avatar creation phase, we achieve fast head avatar personalization by leveraging inversion and fine-tuning strategies. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model effectively exploits head priors and successfully generalizes them to few-shot personalization, achieving photo-realistic rendering quality, multi-view consistency, and stable animation.
PDF Project page: https://headgap.github.io/


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