
2024-08-15 更新

Towards Open-set Camera 3D Object Detection

Authors:Zhuolin He, Xinrun Li, Heng Gao, Jiachen Tang, Shoumeng Qiu, Wenfu Wang, Lvjian Lu, Xuchong Qiu, Xiangyang Xue, Jian Pu

Traditional camera 3D object detectors are typically trained to recognize a predefined set of known object classes. In real-world scenarios, these detectors may encounter unknown objects outside the training categories and fail to identify them correctly. To address this gap, we present OS-Det3D (Open-set Camera 3D Object Detection), a two-stage training framework enhancing the ability of camera 3D detectors to identify both known and unknown objects. The framework involves our proposed 3D Object Discovery Network (ODN3D), which is specifically trained using geometric cues such as the location and scale of 3D boxes to discover general 3D objects. ODN3D is trained in a class-agnostic manner, and the provided 3D object region proposals inherently come with data noise. To boost accuracy in identifying unknown objects, we introduce a Joint Objectness Selection (JOS) module. JOS selects the pseudo ground truth for unknown objects from the 3D object region proposals of ODN3D by combining the ODN3D objectness and camera feature attention objectness. Experiments on the nuScenes and KITTI datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in enabling camera 3D detectors to successfully identify unknown objects while also improving their performance on known objects.


Towards Multimodal Open-Set Domain Generalization and Adaptation through Self-supervision

Authors:Hao Dong, Eleni Chatzi, Olga Fink

The task of open-set domain generalization (OSDG) involves recognizing novel classes within unseen domains, which becomes more challenging with multiple modalities as input. Existing works have only addressed unimodal OSDG within the meta-learning framework, without considering multimodal scenarios. In this work, we introduce a novel approach to address Multimodal Open-Set Domain Generalization (MM-OSDG) for the first time, utilizing self-supervision. To this end, we introduce two innovative multimodal self-supervised pretext tasks: Masked Cross-modal Translation and Multimodal Jigsaw Puzzles. These tasks facilitate the learning of multimodal representative features, thereby enhancing generalization and open-class detection capabilities. Additionally, we propose a novel entropy weighting mechanism to balance the loss across different modalities. Furthermore, we extend our approach to tackle also the Multimodal Open-Set Domain Adaptation (MM-OSDA) problem, especially in scenarios where unlabeled data from the target domain is available. Extensive experiments conducted under MM-OSDG, MM-OSDA, and Multimodal Closed-Set DG settings on the EPIC-Kitchens and HAC datasets demonstrate the efficacy and versatility of the proposed approach. Our source code is available at
PDF Accepted by ECCV 2024, code:


OpenSlot: Mixed Open-set Recognition with Object-centric Learning

Authors:Xu Yin, Fei Pan, Guoyuan An, Yuchi Huo, Zixuan Xie, Sung-Eui Yoon

Existing open-set recognition (OSR) studies typically assume that each image contains only one class label, and the unknown test set (negative) has a disjoint label space from the known test set (positive), a scenario termed full-label shift. This paper introduces the mixed OSR problem, where test images contain multiple class semantics, with known and unknown classes co-occurring in negatives, leading to a more challenging super-label shift. Addressing the mixed OSR requires classification models to accurately distinguish different class semantics within images and measure their “knowness”. In this study, we propose the OpenSlot framework, built upon object-centric learning. OpenSlot utilizes slot features to represent diverse class semantics and produce class predictions. Through our proposed anti-noise-slot (ANS) technique, we mitigate the impact of noise (invalid and background) slots during classification training, effectively addressing the semantic misalignment between class predictions and the ground truth. We conduct extensive experiments with OpenSlot on mixed & conventional OSR benchmarks. Without elaborate designs, OpenSlot not only exceeds existing OSR studies in detecting super-label shifts across single & multi-label mixed OSR tasks but also achieves state-of-the-art performance on conventional benchmarks. Remarkably, our method can localize class objects without using bounding boxes during training. The competitive performance in open-set object detection demonstrates OpenSlot’s ability to explicitly explain label shifts and benefits in computational efficiency and generalization.
PDF This study is under IEEE TMM review


OpenPSG: Open-set Panoptic Scene Graph Generation via Large Multimodal Models

Authors:Zijian Zhou, Zheng Zhu, Holger Caesar, Miaojing Shi

Panoptic Scene Graph Generation (PSG) aims to segment objects and recognize their relations, enabling the structured understanding of an image. Previous methods focus on predicting predefined object and relation categories, hence limiting their applications in the open world scenarios. With the rapid development of large multimodal models (LMMs), significant progress has been made in open-set object detection and segmentation, yet open-set relation prediction in PSG remains unexplored. In this paper, we focus on the task of open-set relation prediction integrated with a pretrained open-set panoptic segmentation model to achieve true open-set panoptic scene graph generation (OpenPSG). Our OpenPSG leverages LMMs to achieve open-set relation prediction in an autoregressive manner. We introduce a relation query transformer to efficiently extract visual features of object pairs and estimate the existence of relations between them. The latter can enhance the prediction efficiency by filtering irrelevant pairs. Finally, we design the generation and judgement instructions to perform open-set relation prediction in PSG autoregressively. To our knowledge, we are the first to propose the open-set PSG task. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in open-set relation prediction and panoptic scene graph generation. Code is available at \url{}.


VoxBlink2: A 100K+ Speaker Recognition Corpus and the Open-Set Speaker-Identification Benchmark

Authors:Yuke Lin, Ming Cheng, Fulin Zhang, Yingying Gao, Shilei Zhang, Ming Li

In this paper, we provide a large audio-visual speaker recognition dataset, VoxBlink2, which includes approximately 10M utterances with videos from 110K+ speakers in the wild. This dataset represents a significant expansion over the VoxBlink dataset, encompassing a broader diversity of speakers and scenarios by the grace of an optimized data collection pipeline. Afterward, we explore the impact of training strategies, data scale, and model complexity on speaker verification and finally establish a new single-model state-of-the-art EER at 0.170% and minDCF at 0.006% on the VoxCeleb1-O test set. Such remarkable results motivate us to explore speaker recognition from a new challenging perspective. We raise the Open-Set Speaker-Identification task, which is designed to either match a probe utterance with a known gallery speaker or categorize it as an unknown query. Associated with this task, we design concrete benchmark and evaluation protocols. The data and model resources can be found in
PDF Accepted By InterSpeech2024


ProSub: Probabilistic Open-Set Semi-Supervised Learning with Subspace-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors:Erik Wallin, Lennart Svensson, Fredrik Kahl, Lars Hammarstrand

In open-set semi-supervised learning (OSSL), we consider unlabeled datasets that may contain unknown classes. Existing OSSL methods often use the softmax confidence for classifying data as in-distribution (ID) or out-of-distribution (OOD). Additionally, many works for OSSL rely on ad-hoc thresholds for ID/OOD classification, without considering the statistics of the problem. We propose a new score for ID/OOD classification based on angles in feature space between data and an ID subspace. Moreover, we propose an approach to estimate the conditional distributions of scores given ID or OOD data, enabling probabilistic predictions of data being ID or OOD. These components are put together in a framework for OSSL, termed \emph{ProSub}, that is experimentally shown to reach SOTA performance on several benchmark problems. Our code is available at


Open-Set Biometrics: Beyond Good Closed-Set Models

Authors:Yiyang Su, Minchul Kim, Feng Liu, Anil Jain, Xiaoming Liu

Biometric recognition has primarily addressed closed-set identification, assuming all probe subjects are in the gallery. However, most practical applications involve open-set biometrics, where probe subjects may or may not be present in the gallery. This poses distinct challenges in effectively distinguishing individuals in the gallery while minimizing false detections. While it is commonly believed that powerful biometric models can excel in both closed- and open-set scenarios, existing loss functions are inconsistent with open-set evaluation. They treat genuine (mated) and imposter (non-mated) similarity scores symmetrically and neglect the relative magnitudes of imposter scores. To address these issues, we simulate open-set evaluation using minibatches during training and introduce novel loss functions: (1) the identification-detection loss optimized for open-set performance under selective thresholds and (2) relative threshold minimization to reduce the maximum negative score for each probe. Across diverse biometric tasks, including face recognition, gait recognition, and person re-identification, our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed loss functions, significantly enhancing open-set performance while positively impacting closed-set performance. Our code and models are available at
PDF Published at ECCV 2024


MOoSE: Multi-Orientation Sharing Experts for Open-set Scene Text Recognition

Authors:Chang Liu, Simon Corbillé, Elisa H Barney Smith

Open-set text recognition, which aims to address both novel characters and previously seen ones, is one of the rising subtopics in the text recognition field. However, the current open-set text recognition solutions only focuses on horizontal text, which fail to model the real-life challenges posed by the variety of writing directions in real-world scene text. Multi-orientation text recognition, in general, faces challenges from the diverse image aspect ratios, significant imbalance in data amount, and domain gaps between orientations. In this work, we first propose a Multi-Oriented Open-Set Text Recognition task (MOOSTR) to model the challenges of both novel characters and writing direction variety. We then propose a Multi-Orientation Sharing Experts (MOoSE) framework as a strong baseline solution. MOoSE uses a mixture-of-experts scheme to alleviate the domain gaps between orientations, while exploiting common structural knowledge among experts to alleviate the data scarcity that some experts face. The proposed MOoSE framework is validated by ablative experiments, and also tested for feasibility on the existing open-set benchmark. Code, models, and documents are available at:
PDF Accepted in ICDAR2024


PredIN: Towards Open-Set Gesture Recognition via Prediction Inconsistency

Authors:Chen Liu, Can Han, Chengfeng Zhou, Crystal Cai, Dahong Qian

Gesture recognition based on surface electromyography (sEMG) has achieved significant progress in human-machine interaction (HMI). However, accurately recognizing predefined gestures within a closed set is still inadequate in practice; a robust open-set system needs to effectively reject unknown gestures while correctly classifying known ones. To handle this challenge, we first report prediction inconsistency discovered for unknown classes due to ensemble diversity, which can significantly facilitate the detection of unknown classes. Based on this insight, we propose an ensemble learning approach, PredIN, to explicitly magnify the prediction inconsistency by enhancing ensemble diversity. Specifically, PredIN maximizes the class feature distribution inconsistency among ensemble members to enhance diversity. Meanwhile, it optimizes inter-class separability within an individual ensemble member to maintain individual performance. Comprehensive experiments on various benchmark datasets demonstrate that the PredIN outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a clear margin.Our proposed method simultaneously achieves accurate closed-set classification for predefined gestures and effective rejection for unknown gestures, exhibiting its efficacy and superiority in open-set gesture recognition based on sEMG.
PDF Under review


Open Set Recognition for Random Forest

Authors:Guanchao Feng, Dhruv Desai, Stefano Pasquali, Dhagash Mehta

In many real-world classification or recognition tasks, it is often difficult to collect training examples that exhaust all possible classes due to, for example, incomplete knowledge during training or ever changing regimes. Therefore, samples from unknown/novel classes may be encountered in testing/deployment. In such scenarios, the classifiers should be able to i) perform classification on known classes, and at the same time, ii) identify samples from unknown classes. This is known as open-set recognition. Although random forest has been an extremely successful framework as a general-purpose classification (and regression) method, in practice, it usually operates under the closed-set assumption and is not able to identify samples from new classes when run out of the box. In this work, we propose a novel approach to enabling open-set recognition capability for random forest classifiers by incorporating distance metric learning and distance-based open-set recognition. The proposed method is validated on both synthetic and real-world datasets. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art distance-based open-set recognition methods.


Avoid Wasted Annotation Costs in Open-set Active Learning with Pre-trained Vision-Language Model

Authors:Jaehyuk Heo, Pilsung Kang

Active learning (AL) aims to enhance model performance by selectively collecting highly informative data, thereby minimizing annotation costs. However, in practical scenarios, unlabeled data may contain out-of-distribution (OOD) samples, leading to wasted annotation costs if data is incorrectly selected. Recent research has explored methods to apply AL to open-set data, but these methods often require or incur unavoidable cost losses to minimize them. To address these challenges, we propose a novel selection strategy, CLIPN for AL (CLIPNAL), which minimizes cost losses without requiring OOD samples. CLIPNAL sequentially evaluates the purity and informativeness of data. First, it utilizes a pre-trained vision-language model to detect and exclude OOD data by leveraging linguistic and visual information of in-distribution (ID) data without additional training. Second, it selects highly informative data from the remaining ID data, and then the selected samples are annotated by human experts. Experimental results on datasets with various open-set conditions demonstrate that CLIPNAL achieves the lowest cost loss and highest performance across all scenarios. Code is available at


Advanced Vision Transformers and Open-Set Learning for Robust Mosquito Classification: A Novel Approach to Entomological Studies

Authors:Ahmed Akib Jawad Karim, Muhammad Zawad Mahmud, Riasat Khan

Mosquito-related diseases pose a significant threat to global public health, necessitating efficient and accurate mosquito classification for effective surveillance and control. This work presents an innovative approach to mosquito classification by leveraging state-of-the-art vision transformers and open-set learning techniques. A novel framework has been introduced that integrates Transformer-based deep learning models with comprehensive data augmentation and preprocessing methods, enabling robust and precise identification of ten mosquito species. The Swin Transformer model achieves the best performance for traditional closed-set learning with 99.80\% accuracy and 0.998 F1 score. The lightweight MobileViT technique attains an almost similar accuracy of 98.90\% with significantly reduced parameters and model complexities. Next, the applied deep learning models’ adaptability and generalizability in a static environment have been enhanced by using new classes of data samples during the inference stage that have not been included in the training set. The proposed framework’s ability to handle unseen classes like insects similar to mosquitoes, even humans, through open-set learning further enhances its practical applicability employing the OpenMax technique and Weibull distribution. The traditional CNN model, Xception, outperforms the latest transformer with higher accuracy and F1 score for open-set learning. The study’s findings highlight the transformative potential of advanced deep-learning architectures in entomology, providing a strong groundwork for future research and development in mosquito surveillance and vector control. The implications of this work extend beyond mosquito classification, offering valuable insights for broader ecological and environmental monitoring applications.
PDF 23 pages, 15 figures


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