
2024-05-14 更新

Learn2Talk: 3D Talking Face Learns from 2D Talking Face

Authors:Yixiang Zhuang, Baoping Cheng, Yao Cheng, Yuntao Jin, Renshuai Liu, Chengyang Li, Xuan Cheng, Jing Liao, Juncong Lin

Speech-driven facial animation methods usually contain two main classes, 3D and 2D talking face, both of which attract considerable research attention in recent years. However, to the best of our knowledge, the research on 3D talking face does not go deeper as 2D talking face, in the aspect of lip-synchronization (lip-sync) and speech perception. To mind the gap between the two sub-fields, we propose a learning framework named Learn2Talk, which can construct a better 3D talking face network by exploiting two expertise points from the field of 2D talking face. Firstly, inspired by the audio-video sync network, a 3D sync-lip expert model is devised for the pursuit of lip-sync between audio and 3D facial motion. Secondly, a teacher model selected from 2D talking face methods is used to guide the training of the audio-to-3D motions regression network to yield more 3D vertex accuracy. Extensive experiments show the advantages of the proposed framework in terms of lip-sync, vertex accuracy and speech perception, compared with state-of-the-arts. Finally, we show two applications of the proposed framework: audio-visual speech recognition and speech-driven 3D Gaussian Splatting based avatar animation.


ID-Animator: Zero-Shot Identity-Preserving Human Video Generation

Authors:Xuanhua He, Quande Liu, Shengju Qian, Xin Wang, Tao Hu, Ke Cao, Keyu Yan, Man Zhou, Jie Zhang

Generating high fidelity human video with specified identities has attracted significant attention in the content generation community. However, existing techniques struggle to strike a balance between training efficiency and identity preservation, either requiring tedious case-by-case finetuning or usually missing the identity details in video generation process. In this study, we present ID-Animator, a zero-shot human-video generation approach that can perform personalized video generation given single reference facial image without further training. ID-Animator inherits existing diffusion-based video generation backbones with a face adapter to encode the ID-relevant embeddings from learnable facial latent queries. To facilitate the extraction of identity information in video generation, we introduce an ID-oriented dataset construction pipeline, which incorporates decoupled human attribute and action captioning technique from a constructed facial image pool. Based on this pipeline, a random face reference training method is further devised to precisely capture the ID-relevant embeddings from reference images, thus improving the fidelity and generalization capacity of our model for ID-specific video generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of ID-Animator to generate personalized human videos over previous models. Moreover, our method is highly compatible with popular pre-trained T2V models like animatediff and various community backbone models, showing high extendability in real-world applications for video generation where identity preservation is highly desired. Our codes and checkpoints will be released at https://github.com/ID-Animator/ID-Animator.
PDF Project Page: https://id-animator.github.io/


TI2V-Zero: Zero-Shot Image Conditioning for Text-to-Video Diffusion Models

Authors:Haomiao Ni, Bernhard Egger, Suhas Lohit, Anoop Cherian, Ye Wang, Toshiaki Koike-Akino, Sharon X. Huang, Tim K. Marks

Text-conditioned image-to-video generation (TI2V) aims to synthesize a realistic video starting from a given image (e.g., a woman’s photo) and a text description (e.g., “a woman is drinking water.”). Existing TI2V frameworks often require costly training on video-text datasets and specific model designs for text and image conditioning. In this paper, we propose TI2V-Zero, a zero-shot, tuning-free method that empowers a pretrained text-to-video (T2V) diffusion model to be conditioned on a provided image, enabling TI2V generation without any optimization, fine-tuning, or introducing external modules. Our approach leverages a pretrained T2V diffusion foundation model as the generative prior. To guide video generation with the additional image input, we propose a “repeat-and-slide” strategy that modulates the reverse denoising process, allowing the frozen diffusion model to synthesize a video frame-by-frame starting from the provided image. To ensure temporal continuity, we employ a DDPM inversion strategy to initialize Gaussian noise for each newly synthesized frame and a resampling technique to help preserve visual details. We conduct comprehensive experiments on both domain-specific and open-domain datasets, where TI2V-Zero consistently outperforms a recent open-domain TI2V model. Furthermore, we show that TI2V-Zero can seamlessly extend to other tasks such as video infilling and prediction when provided with more images. Its autoregressive design also supports long video generation.


CSTalk: Correlation Supervised Speech-driven 3D Emotional Facial Animation Generation

Authors:Xiangyu Liang, Wenlin Zhuang, Tianyong Wang, Guangxing Geng, Guangyue Geng, Haifeng Xia, Siyu Xia

Speech-driven 3D facial animation technology has been developed for years, but its practical application still lacks expectations. The main challenges lie in data limitations, lip alignment, and the naturalness of facial expressions. Although lip alignment has seen many related studies, existing methods struggle to synthesize natural and realistic expressions, resulting in a mechanical and stiff appearance of facial animations. Even with some research extracting emotional features from speech, the randomness of facial movements limits the effective expression of emotions. To address this issue, this paper proposes a method called CSTalk (Correlation Supervised) that models the correlations among different regions of facial movements and supervises the training of the generative model to generate realistic expressions that conform to human facial motion patterns. To generate more intricate animations, we employ a rich set of control parameters based on the metahuman character model and capture a dataset for five different emotions. We train a generative network using an autoencoder structure and input an emotion embedding vector to achieve the generation of user-control expressions. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods.


FlexiFilm: Long Video Generation with Flexible Conditions

Authors:Yichen Ouyang, jianhao Yuan, Hao Zhao, Gaoang Wang, Bo zhao

Generating long and consistent videos has emerged as a significant yet challenging problem. While most existing diffusion-based video generation models, derived from image generation models, demonstrate promising performance in generating short videos, their simple conditioning mechanism and sampling strategy-originally designed for image generation-cause severe performance degradation when adapted to long video generation. This results in prominent temporal inconsistency and overexposure. Thus, in this work, we introduce FlexiFilm, a new diffusion model tailored for long video generation. Our framework incorporates a temporal conditioner to establish a more consistent relationship between generation and multi-modal conditions, and a resampling strategy to tackle overexposure. Empirical results demonstrate FlexiFilm generates long and consistent videos, each over 30 seconds in length, outperforming competitors in qualitative and quantitative analyses. Project page: https://y-ichen.github.io/FlexiFilm-Page/
PDF 9 pages, 9 figures


EMOPortraits: Emotion-enhanced Multimodal One-shot Head Avatars

Authors:Nikita Drobyshev, Antoni Bigata Casademunt, Konstantinos Vougioukas, Zoe Landgraf, Stavros Petridis, Maja Pantic

Head avatars animated by visual signals have gained popularity, particularly in cross-driving synthesis where the driver differs from the animated character, a challenging but highly practical approach. The recently presented MegaPortraits model has demonstrated state-of-the-art results in this domain. We conduct a deep examination and evaluation of this model, with a particular focus on its latent space for facial expression descriptors, and uncover several limitations with its ability to express intense face motions. To address these limitations, we propose substantial changes in both training pipeline and model architecture, to introduce our EMOPortraits model, where we: Enhance the model’s capability to faithfully support intense, asymmetric face expressions, setting a new state-of-the-art result in the emotion transfer task, surpassing previous methods in both metrics and quality. Incorporate speech-driven mode to our model, achieving top-tier performance in audio-driven facial animation, making it possible to drive source identity through diverse modalities, including visual signal, audio, or a blend of both. We propose a novel multi-view video dataset featuring a wide range of intense and asymmetric facial expressions, filling the gap with absence of such data in existing datasets.


Bridge to Non-Barrier Communication: Gloss-Prompted Fine-grained Cued Speech Gesture Generation with Diffusion Model

Authors:Wentao Lei, Li Liu, Jun Wang

Cued Speech (CS) is an advanced visual phonetic encoding system that integrates lip reading with hand codings, enabling people with hearing impairments to communicate efficiently. CS video generation aims to produce specific lip and gesture movements of CS from audio or text inputs. The main challenge is that given limited CS data, we strive to simultaneously generate fine-grained hand and finger movements, as well as lip movements, meanwhile the two kinds of movements need to be asynchronously aligned. Existing CS generation methods are fragile and prone to poor performance due to template-based statistical models and careful hand-crafted pre-processing to fit the models. Therefore, we propose a novel Gloss-prompted Diffusion-based CS Gesture generation framework (called GlossDiff). Specifically, to integrate additional linguistic rules knowledge into the model. we first introduce a bridging instruction called \textbf{Gloss}, which is an automatically generated descriptive text to establish a direct and more delicate semantic connection between spoken language and CS gestures. Moreover, we first suggest rhythm is an important paralinguistic feature for CS to improve the communication efficacy. Therefore, we propose a novel Audio-driven Rhythmic Module (ARM) to learn rhythm that matches audio speech. Moreover, in this work, we design, record, and publish the first Chinese CS dataset with four CS cuers. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method quantitatively and qualitatively outperforms current state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. We release the code and data at https://glossdiff.github.io/.


VimTS: A Unified Video and Image Text Spotter for Enhancing the Cross-domain Generalization

Authors:Yuliang Liu, Mingxin Huang, Hao Yan, Linger Deng, Weijia Wu, Hao Lu, Chunhua Shen, Lianwen Jin, Xiang Bai

Text spotting, a task involving the extraction of textual information from image or video sequences, faces challenges in cross-domain adaption, such as image-to-image and image-to-video generalization. In this paper, we introduce a new method, termed VimTS, which enhances the generalization ability of the model by achieving better synergy among different tasks. Typically, we propose a Prompt Queries Generation Module and a Tasks-aware Adapter to effectively convert the original single-task model into a multi-task model suitable for both image and video scenarios with minimal additional parameters. The Prompt Queries Generation Module facilitates explicit interaction between different tasks, while the Tasks-aware Adapter helps the model dynamically learn suitable features for each task. Additionally, to further enable the model to learn temporal information at a lower cost, we propose a synthetic video text dataset (VTD-368k) by leveraging the Content Deformation Fields (CoDeF) algorithm. Notably, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art method by an average of 2.6% in six cross-domain benchmarks such as TT-to-IC15, CTW1500-to-TT, and TT-to-CTW1500. For video-level cross-domain adaption, our method even surpasses the previous end-to-end video spotting method in ICDAR2015 video and DSText v2 by an average of 5.5% on the MOTA metric, using only image-level data. We further demonstrate that existing Large Multimodal Models exhibit limitations in generating cross-domain scene text spotting, in contrast to our VimTS model which requires significantly fewer parameters and data. The code and datasets will be made available at the https://VimTextSpotter.github.io.


StoryDiffusion: Consistent Self-Attention for Long-Range Image and Video Generation

Authors:Yupeng Zhou, Daquan Zhou, Ming-Ming Cheng, Jiashi Feng, Qibin Hou

For recent diffusion-based generative models, maintaining consistent content across a series of generated images, especially those containing subjects and complex details, presents a significant challenge. In this paper, we propose a new way of self-attention calculation, termed Consistent Self-Attention, that significantly boosts the consistency between the generated images and augments prevalent pretrained diffusion-based text-to-image models in a zero-shot manner. To extend our method to long-range video generation, we further introduce a novel semantic space temporal motion prediction module, named Semantic Motion Predictor. It is trained to estimate the motion conditions between two provided images in the semantic spaces. This module converts the generated sequence of images into videos with smooth transitions and consistent subjects that are significantly more stable than the modules based on latent spaces only, especially in the context of long video generation. By merging these two novel components, our framework, referred to as StoryDiffusion, can describe a text-based story with consistent images or videos encompassing a rich variety of contents. The proposed StoryDiffusion encompasses pioneering explorations in visual story generation with the presentation of images and videos, which we hope could inspire more research from the aspect of architectural modifications. Our code is made publicly available at https://github.com/HVision-NKU/StoryDiffusion.


AniTalker: Animate Vivid and Diverse Talking Faces through Identity-Decoupled Facial Motion Encoding

Authors:Tao Liu, Feilong Chen, Shuai Fan, Chenpeng Du, Qi Chen, Xie Chen, Kai Yu

The paper introduces AniTalker, an innovative framework designed to generate lifelike talking faces from a single portrait. Unlike existing models that primarily focus on verbal cues such as lip synchronization and fail to capture the complex dynamics of facial expressions and nonverbal cues, AniTalker employs a universal motion representation. This innovative representation effectively captures a wide range of facial dynamics, including subtle expressions and head movements. AniTalker enhances motion depiction through two self-supervised learning strategies: the first involves reconstructing target video frames from source frames within the same identity to learn subtle motion representations, and the second develops an identity encoder using metric learning while actively minimizing mutual information between the identity and motion encoders. This approach ensures that the motion representation is dynamic and devoid of identity-specific details, significantly reducing the need for labeled data. Additionally, the integration of a diffusion model with a variance adapter allows for the generation of diverse and controllable facial animations. This method not only demonstrates AniTalker’s capability to create detailed and realistic facial movements but also underscores its potential in crafting dynamic avatars for real-world applications. Synthetic results can be viewed at https://github.com/X-LANCE/AniTalker.
PDF 14 pages, 7 figures


Video Diffusion Models: A Survey

Authors:Andrew Melnik, Michal Ljubljanac, Cong Lu, Qi Yan, Weiming Ren, Helge Ritter

Diffusion generative models have recently become a robust technique for producing and modifying coherent, high-quality video. This survey offers a systematic overview of critical elements of diffusion models for video generation, covering applications, architectural choices, and the modeling of temporal dynamics. Recent advancements in the field are summarized and grouped into development trends. The survey concludes with an overview of remaining challenges and an outlook on the future of the field. Website: https://github.com/ndrwmlnk/Awesome-Video-Diffusion-Models


Is Sora a World Simulator? A Comprehensive Survey on General World Models and Beyond

Authors:Zheng Zhu, Xiaofeng Wang, Wangbo Zhao, Chen Min, Nianchen Deng, Min Dou, Yuqi Wang, Botian Shi, Kai Wang, Chi Zhang, Yang You, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Dawei Zhao, Liang Xiao, Jian Zhao, Jiwen Lu, Guan Huang

General world models represent a crucial pathway toward achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), serving as the cornerstone for various applications ranging from virtual environments to decision-making systems. Recently, the emergence of the Sora model has attained significant attention due to its remarkable simulation capabilities, which exhibits an incipient comprehension of physical laws. In this survey, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements in world models. Our analysis navigates through the forefront of generative methodologies in video generation, where world models stand as pivotal constructs facilitating the synthesis of highly realistic visual content. Additionally, we scrutinize the burgeoning field of autonomous-driving world models, meticulously delineating their indispensable role in reshaping transportation and urban mobility. Furthermore, we delve into the intricacies inherent in world models deployed within autonomous agents, shedding light on their profound significance in enabling intelligent interactions within dynamic environmental contexts. At last, we examine challenges and limitations of world models, and discuss their potential future directions. We hope this survey can serve as a foundational reference for the research community and inspire continued innovation. This survey will be regularly updated at: https://github.com/GigaAI-research/General-World-Models-Survey.
PDF This survey will be regularly updated at: https://github.com/GigaAI-research/General-World-Models-Survey


Sora Detector: A Unified Hallucination Detection for Large Text-to-Video Models

Authors:Zhixuan Chu, Lei Zhang, Yichen Sun, Siqiao Xue, Zhibo Wang, Zhan Qin, Kui Ren

The rapid advancement in text-to-video (T2V) generative models has enabled the synthesis of high-fidelity video content guided by textual descriptions. Despite this significant progress, these models are often susceptible to hallucination, generating contents that contradict the input text, which poses a challenge to their reliability and practical deployment. To address this critical issue, we introduce the SoraDetector, a novel unified framework designed to detect hallucinations across diverse large T2V models, including the cutting-edge Sora model. Our framework is built upon a comprehensive analysis of hallucination phenomena, categorizing them based on their manifestation in the video content. Leveraging the state-of-the-art keyframe extraction techniques and multimodal large language models, SoraDetector first evaluates the consistency between extracted video content summary and textual prompts, then constructs static and dynamic knowledge graphs (KGs) from frames to detect hallucination both in single frames and across frames. Sora Detector provides a robust and quantifiable measure of consistency, static and dynamic hallucination. In addition, we have developed the Sora Detector Agent to automate the hallucination detection process and generate a complete video quality report for each input video. Lastly, we present a novel meta-evaluation benchmark, T2VHaluBench, meticulously crafted to facilitate the evaluation of advancements in T2V hallucination detection. Through extensive experiments on videos generated by Sora and other large T2V models, we demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in accurately detecting hallucinations. The code and dataset can be accessed via GitHub.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2306.08302, arXiv:2403.05131 by other authors


TALC: Time-Aligned Captions for Multi-Scene Text-to-Video Generation

Authors:Hritik Bansal, Yonatan Bitton, Michal Yarom, Idan Szpektor, Aditya Grover, Kai-Wei Chang

Recent advances in diffusion-based generative modeling have led to the development of text-to-video (T2V) models that can generate high-quality videos conditioned on a text prompt. Most of these T2V models often produce single-scene video clips that depict an entity performing a particular action (e.g., a red panda climbing a tree'). However, it is pertinent to generate multi-scene videos since they are ubiquitous in the real-world (e.g.,a red panda climbing a tree’ followed by the red panda sleeps on the top of the tree'). To generate multi-scene videos from the pretrained T2V model, we introduce Time-Aligned Captions (TALC) framework. Specifically, we enhance the text-conditioning mechanism in the T2V architecture to recognize the temporal alignment between the video scenes and scene descriptions. For instance, we condition the visual features of the earlier and later scenes of the generated video with the representations of the first scene description (e.g.,a red panda climbing a tree’) and second scene description (e.g., `the red panda sleeps on the top of the tree’), respectively. As a result, we show that the T2V model can generate multi-scene videos that adhere to the multi-scene text descriptions and be visually consistent (e.g., entity and background). Further, we finetune the pretrained T2V model with multi-scene video-text data using the TALC framework. We show that the TALC-finetuned model outperforms the baseline methods by 15.5 points in the overall score, which averages visual consistency and text adherence using human evaluation. The project website is https://talc-mst2v.github.io/.
PDF 23 pages, 12 figures, 8 tables


NeRFFaceSpeech: One-shot Audio-driven 3D Talking Head Synthesis via Generative Prior

Authors:Gihoon Kim, Kwanggyoon Seo, Sihun Cha, Junyong Noh

Audio-driven talking head generation is advancing from 2D to 3D content. Notably, Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is in the spotlight as a means to synthesize high-quality 3D talking head outputs. Unfortunately, this NeRF-based approach typically requires a large number of paired audio-visual data for each identity, thereby limiting the scalability of the method. Although there have been attempts to generate audio-driven 3D talking head animations with a single image, the results are often unsatisfactory due to insufficient information on obscured regions in the image. In this paper, we mainly focus on addressing the overlooked aspect of 3D consistency in the one-shot, audio-driven domain, where facial animations are synthesized primarily in front-facing perspectives. We propose a novel method, NeRFFaceSpeech, which enables to produce high-quality 3D-aware talking head. Using prior knowledge of generative models combined with NeRF, our method can craft a 3D-consistent facial feature space corresponding to a single image. Our spatial synchronization method employs audio-correlated vertex dynamics of a parametric face model to transform static image features into dynamic visuals through ray deformation, ensuring realistic 3D facial motion. Moreover, we introduce LipaintNet that can replenish the lacking information in the inner-mouth area, which can not be obtained from a given single image. The network is trained in a self-supervised manner by utilizing the generative capabilities without additional data. The comprehensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method in generating audio-driven talking heads from a single image with enhanced 3D consistency compared to previous approaches. In addition, we introduce a quantitative way of measuring the robustness of a model against pose changes for the first time, which has been possible only qualitatively.
PDF 11 pages, 5 figures


OneTo3D: One Image to Re-editable Dynamic 3D Model and Video Generation

Authors:Jinwei Lin

One image to editable dynamic 3D model and video generation is novel direction and change in the research area of single image to 3D representation or 3D reconstruction of image. Gaussian Splatting has demonstrated its advantages in implicit 3D reconstruction, compared with the original Neural Radiance Fields. As the rapid development of technologies and principles, people tried to used the Stable Diffusion models to generate targeted models with text instructions. However, using the normal implicit machine learning methods is hard to gain the precise motions and actions control, further more, it is difficult to generate a long content and semantic continuous 3D video. To address this issue, we propose the OneTo3D, a method and theory to used one single image to generate the editable 3D model and generate the targeted semantic continuous time-unlimited 3D video. We used a normal basic Gaussian Splatting model to generate the 3D model from a single image, which requires less volume of video memory and computer calculation ability. Subsequently, we designed an automatic generation and self-adaptive binding mechanism for the object armature. Combined with the re-editable motions and actions analyzing and controlling algorithm we proposed, we can achieve a better performance than the SOTA projects in the area of building the 3D model precise motions and actions control, and generating a stable semantic continuous time-unlimited 3D video with the input text instructions. Here we will analyze the detailed implementation methods and theories analyses. Relative comparisons and conclusions will be presented. The project code is open source.
PDF 24 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables


Listen, Disentangle, and Control: Controllable Speech-Driven Talking Head Generation

Authors:Changpeng Cai, Guinan Guo, Jiao Li, Junhao Su, Chenghao He, Jing Xiao, Yuanxu Chen, Lei Dai, Feiyu Zhu

Most earlier investigations on talking face generation have focused on the synchronization of lip motion and speech content. However, human head pose and facial emotions are equally important characteristics of natural human faces. While audio-driven talking face generation has seen notable advancements, existing methods either overlook facial emotions or are limited to specific individuals and cannot be applied to arbitrary subjects. In this paper, we propose a one-shot Talking Head Generation framework (SPEAK) that distinguishes itself from general Talking Face Generation by enabling emotional and postural control. Specifically, we introduce the Inter-Reconstructed Feature Disentanglement (IRFD) method to decouple human facial features into three latent spaces. We then design a face editing module that modifies speech content and facial latent codes into a single latent space. Subsequently, we present a novel generator that employs modified latent codes derived from the editing module to regulate emotional expression, head poses, and speech content in synthesizing facial animations. Extensive trials demonstrate that our method can generate realistic talking head with coordinated lip motions, authentic facial emotions, and smooth head movements. The demo video is available at the anonymous link: https://anonymous.4open.science/r/SPEAK-F56E


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