I2I Translation

2024-05-14 更新

Implicit Multi-Spectral Transformer: An Lightweight and Effective Visible to Infrared Image Translation Model

Authors:Yijia Chen, Pinghua Chen, Xiangxin Zhou, Yingtie Lei, Ziyang Zhou, Mingxian Li

In the field of computer vision, visible light images often exhibit low contrast in low-light conditions, presenting a significant challenge. While infrared imagery provides a potential solution, its utilization entails high costs and practical limitations. Recent advancements in deep learning, particularly the deployment of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), have facilitated the transformation of visible light images to infrared images. However, these methods often experience unstable training phases and may produce suboptimal outputs. To address these issues, we propose a novel end-to-end Transformer-based model that efficiently converts visible light images into high-fidelity infrared images. Initially, the Texture Mapping Module and Color Perception Adapter collaborate to extract texture and color features from the visible light image. The Dynamic Fusion Aggregation Module subsequently integrates these features. Finally, the transformation into an infrared image is refined through the synergistic action of the Color Perception Adapter and the Enhanced Perception Attention mechanism. Comprehensive benchmarking experiments confirm that our model outperforms existing methods, producing infrared images of markedly superior quality, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, the proposed model enables more effective downstream applications for infrared images than other methods.
PDF Accepted by IJCNN 2024


Enhancing Brazilian Sign Language Recognition through Skeleton Image Representation

Authors:Carlos Eduardo G. R. Alves, Francisco de Assis Boldt, Thiago M. Paixão

Effective communication is paramount for the inclusion of deaf individuals in society. However, persistent communication barriers due to limited Sign Language (SL) knowledge hinder their full participation. In this context, Sign Language Recognition (SLR) systems have been developed to improve communication between signing and non-signing individuals. In particular, there is the problem of recognizing isolated signs (Isolated Sign Language Recognition, ISLR) of great relevance in the development of vision-based SL search engines, learning tools, and translation systems. This work proposes an ISLR approach where body, hands, and facial landmarks are extracted throughout time and encoded as 2-D images. These images are processed by a convolutional neural network, which maps the visual-temporal information into a sign label. Experimental results demonstrate that our method surpassed the state-of-the-art in terms of performance metrics on two widely recognized datasets in Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS), the primary focus of this study. In addition to being more accurate, our method is more time-efficient and easier to train due to its reliance on a simpler network architecture and solely RGB data as input.
PDF 12 pages


SSyncOA: Self-synchronizing Object-aligned Watermarking to Resist Cropping-paste Attacks

Authors:Chengxin Zhao, Hefei Ling, Sijing Xie, Han Fang, Yaokun Fang, Nan Sun

Modern image processing tools have made it easy for attackers to crop the region or object of interest in images and paste it into other images. The challenge this cropping-paste attack poses to the watermarking technology is that it breaks the synchronization of the image watermark, introducing multiple superimposed desynchronization distortions, such as rotation, scaling, and translation. However, current watermarking methods can only resist a single type of desynchronization and cannot be applied to protect the object’s copyright under the cropping-paste attack. With the finding that the key to resisting the cropping-paste attack lies in robust features of the object to protect, this paper proposes a self-synchronizing object-aligned watermarking method, called SSyncOA. Specifically, we first constrain the watermarked region to be aligned with the protected object, and then synchronize the watermark’s translation, rotation, and scaling distortions by normalizing the object invariant features, i.e., its centroid, principal orientation, and minimum bounding square, respectively. To make the watermark embedded in the protected object, we introduce the object-aligned watermarking model, which incorporates the real cropping-paste attack into the encoder-noise layer-decoder pipeline and is optimized end-to-end. Besides, we illustrate the effect of different desynchronization distortions on the watermark training, which confirms the necessity of the self-synchronization process. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over other SOTAs.
PDF 7 pages, 5 figures (Have been accepted by ICME 2024)


Discrepancy-based Diffusion Models for Lesion Detection in Brain MRI

Authors:Keqiang Fan, Xiaohao Cai, Mahesan Niranjan

Diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have exhibited significant effectiveness in computer vision tasks, particularly in image generation. However, their notable performance heavily relies on labelled datasets, which limits their application in medical images due to the associated high-cost annotations. Current DPM-related methods for lesion detection in medical imaging, which can be categorized into two distinct approaches, primarily rely on image-level annotations. The first approach, based on anomaly detection, involves learning reference healthy brain representations and identifying anomalies based on the difference in inference results. In contrast, the second approach, resembling a segmentation task, employs only the original brain multi-modalities as prior information for generating pixel-level annotations. In this paper, our proposed model - discrepancy distribution medical diffusion (DDMD) - for lesion detection in brain MRI introduces a novel framework by incorporating distinctive discrepancy features, deviating from the conventional direct reliance on image-level annotations or the original brain modalities. In our method, the inconsistency in image-level annotations is translated into distribution discrepancies among heterogeneous samples while preserving information within homogeneous samples. This property retains pixel-wise uncertainty and facilitates an implicit ensemble of segmentation, ultimately enhancing the overall detection performance. Thorough experiments conducted on the BRATS2020 benchmark dataset containing multimodal MRI scans for brain tumour detection demonstrate the great performance of our approach in comparison to state-of-the-art methods.


BenthicNet: A global compilation of seafloor images for deep learning applications

Authors:Scott C. Lowe, Benjamin Misiuk, Isaac Xu, Shakhboz Abdulazizov, Amit R. Baroi, Alex C. Bastos, Merlin Best, Vicki Ferrini, Ariell Friedman, Deborah Hart, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Daniel Ierodiaconou, Julia Mackin-McLaughlin, Kathryn Markey, Pedro S. Menandro, Jacquomo Monk, Shreya Nemani, John O’Brien, Elizabeth Oh, Luba Y. Reshitnyk, Katleen Robert, Chris M. Roelfsema, Jessica A. Sameoto, Alexandre C. G. Schimel, Jordan A. Thomson, Brittany R. Wilson, Melisa C. Wong, Craig J. Brown, Thomas Trappenberg

Advances in underwater imaging enable the collection of extensive seafloor image datasets that are necessary for monitoring important benthic ecosystems. The ability to collect seafloor imagery has outpaced our capacity to analyze it, hindering expedient mobilization of this crucial environmental information. Recent machine learning approaches provide opportunities to increase the efficiency with which seafloor image datasets are analyzed, yet large and consistent datasets necessary to support development of such approaches are scarce. Here we present BenthicNet: a global compilation of seafloor imagery designed to support the training and evaluation of large-scale image recognition models. An initial set of over 11.4 million images was collected and curated to represent a diversity of seafloor environments using a representative subset of 1.3 million images. These are accompanied by 2.6 million annotations translated to the CATAMI scheme, which span 190,000 of the images. A large deep learning model was trained on this compilation and preliminary results suggest it has utility for automating large and small-scale image analysis tasks. The compilation and model are made openly available for use by the scientific community at https://doi.org/10.20383/103.0614.


Distilling Diffusion Models into Conditional GANs

Authors:Minguk Kang, Richard Zhang, Connelly Barnes, Sylvain Paris, Suha Kwak, Jaesik Park, Eli Shechtman, Jun-Yan Zhu, Taesung Park

We propose a method to distill a complex multistep diffusion model into a single-step conditional GAN student model, dramatically accelerating inference, while preserving image quality. Our approach interprets diffusion distillation as a paired image-to-image translation task, using noise-to-image pairs of the diffusion model’s ODE trajectory. For efficient regression loss computation, we propose E-LatentLPIPS, a perceptual loss operating directly in diffusion model’s latent space, utilizing an ensemble of augmentations. Furthermore, we adapt a diffusion model to construct a multi-scale discriminator with a text alignment loss to build an effective conditional GAN-based formulation. E-LatentLPIPS converges more efficiently than many existing distillation methods, even accounting for dataset construction costs. We demonstrate that our one-step generator outperforms cutting-edge one-step diffusion distillation models - DMD, SDXL-Turbo, and SDXL-Lightning - on the zero-shot COCO benchmark.
PDF Project page: https://mingukkang.github.io/Diffusion2GAN/


Ensuring UAV Safety: A Vision-only and Real-time Framework for Collision Avoidance Through Object Detection, Tracking, and Distance Estimation

Authors:Vasileios Karampinis, Anastasios Arsenos, Orfeas Filippopoulos, Evangelos Petrongonas, Christos Skliros, Dimitrios Kollias, Stefanos Kollias, Athanasios Voulodimos

In the last twenty years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have garnered growing interest due to their expanding applications in both military and civilian domains. Detecting non-cooperative aerial vehicles with efficiency and estimating collisions accurately are pivotal for achieving fully autonomous aircraft and facilitating Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). This paper presents a deep-learning framework that utilizes optical sensors for the detection, tracking, and distance estimation of non-cooperative aerial vehicles. In implementing this comprehensive sensing framework, the availability of depth information is essential for enabling autonomous aerial vehicles to perceive and navigate around obstacles. In this work, we propose a method for estimating the distance information of a detected aerial object in real time using only the input of a monocular camera. In order to train our deep learning components for the object detection, tracking and depth estimation tasks we utilize the Amazon Airborne Object Tracking (AOT) Dataset. In contrast to previous approaches that integrate the depth estimation module into the object detector, our method formulates the problem as image-to-image translation. We employ a separate lightweight encoder-decoder network for efficient and robust depth estimation. In a nutshell, the object detection module identifies and localizes obstacles, conveying this information to both the tracking module for monitoring obstacle movement and the depth estimation module for calculating distances. Our approach is evaluated on the Airborne Object Tracking (AOT) dataset which is the largest (to the best of our knowledge) air-to-air airborne object dataset.


PotatoGANs: Utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks, Instance Segmentation, and Explainable AI for Enhanced Potato Disease Identification and Classification

Authors:Mohammad Shafiul Alam, Fatema Tuj Johora Faria, Mukaffi Bin Moin, Ahmed Al Wase, Md. Rabius Sani, Khan Md Hasib

Numerous applications have resulted from the automation of agricultural disease segmentation using deep learning techniques. However, when applied to new conditions, these applications frequently face the difficulty of overfitting, resulting in lower segmentation performance. In the context of potato farming, where diseases have a large influence on yields, it is critical for the agricultural economy to quickly and properly identify these diseases. Traditional data augmentation approaches, such as rotation, flip, and translation, have limitations and frequently fail to provide strong generalization results. To address these issues, our research employs a novel approach termed as PotatoGANs. In this novel data augmentation approach, two types of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are utilized to generate synthetic potato disease images from healthy potato images. This approach not only expands the dataset but also adds variety, which helps to enhance model generalization. Using the Inception score as a measure, our experiments show the better quality and realisticness of the images created by PotatoGANs, emphasizing their capacity to resemble real disease images closely. The CycleGAN model outperforms the Pix2Pix GAN model in terms of image quality, as evidenced by its higher IS scores CycleGAN achieves higher Inception scores (IS) of 1.2001 and 1.0900 for black scurf and common scab, respectively. This synthetic data can significantly improve the training of large neural networks. It also reduces data collection costs while enhancing data diversity and generalization capabilities. Our work improves interpretability by combining three gradient-based Explainable AI algorithms (GradCAM, GradCAM++, and ScoreCAM) with three distinct CNN architectures (DenseNet169, Resnet152 V2, InceptionResNet V2) for potato disease classification.


MaskFuser: Masked Fusion of Joint Multi-Modal Tokenization for End-to-End Autonomous Driving

Authors:Yiqun Duan, Xianda Guo, Zheng Zhu, Zhen Wang, Yu-Kai Wang, Chin-Teng Lin

Current multi-modality driving frameworks normally fuse representation by utilizing attention between single-modality branches. However, the existing networks still suppress the driving performance as the Image and LiDAR branches are independent and lack a unified observation representation. Thus, this paper proposes MaskFuser, which tokenizes various modalities into a unified semantic feature space and provides a joint representation for further behavior cloning in driving contexts. Given the unified token representation, MaskFuser is the first work to introduce cross-modality masked auto-encoder training. The masked training enhances the fusion representation by reconstruction on masked tokens. Architecturally, a hybrid-fusion network is proposed to combine advantages from both early and late fusion: For the early fusion stage, modalities are fused by performing monotonic-to-BEV translation attention between branches; Late fusion is performed by tokenizing various modalities into a unified token space with shared encoding on it. MaskFuser respectively reaches a driving score of 49.05 and route completion of 92.85% on the CARLA LongSet6 benchmark evaluation, which improves the best of previous baselines by 1.74 and 3.21%. The introduced masked fusion increases driving stability under damaged sensory inputs. MaskFuser outperforms the best of previous baselines on driving score by 6.55 (27.8%), 1.53 (13.8%), 1.57 (30.9%), respectively given sensory masking ratios 25%, 50%, and 75%.


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