
2024-05-14 更新

MetaCoCo: A New Few-Shot Classification Benchmark with Spurious Correlation

Authors:Min Zhang, Haoxuan Li, Fei Wu, Kun Kuang

Out-of-distribution (OOD) problems in few-shot classification (FSC) occur when novel classes sampled from testing distributions differ from base classes drawn from training distributions, which considerably degrades the performance of deep learning models deployed in real-world applications. Recent studies suggest that the OOD problems in FSC mainly including: (a) cross-domain few-shot classification (CD-FSC) and (b) spurious-correlation few-shot classification (SC-FSC). Specifically, CD-FSC occurs when a classifier learns transferring knowledge from base classes drawn from seen training distributions but recognizes novel classes sampled from unseen testing distributions. In contrast, SC-FSC arises when a classifier relies on non-causal features (or contexts) that happen to be correlated with the labels (or concepts) in base classes but such relationships no longer hold during the model deployment. Despite CD-FSC has been extensively studied, SC-FSC remains understudied due to lack of the corresponding evaluation benchmarks. To this end, we present Meta Concept Context (MetaCoCo), a benchmark with spurious-correlation shifts collected from real-world scenarios. Moreover, to quantify the extent of spurious-correlation shifts of the presented MetaCoCo, we further propose a metric by using CLIP as a pre-trained vision-language model. Extensive experiments on the proposed benchmark are performed to evaluate the state-of-the-art methods in FSC, cross-domain shifts, and self-supervised learning. The experimental results show that the performance of the existing methods degrades significantly in the presence of spurious-correlation shifts. We open-source all codes of our benchmark and hope that the proposed MetaCoCo can facilitate future research on spurious-correlation shifts problems in FSC. The code is available at: https://github.com/remiMZ/MetaCoCo-ICLR24.


Few Shot Class Incremental Learning using Vision-Language models

Authors:Anurag Kumar, Chinmay Bharti, Saikat Dutta, Srikrishna Karanam, Biplab Banerjee

Recent advancements in deep learning have demonstrated remarkable performance comparable to human capabilities across various supervised computer vision tasks. However, the prevalent assumption of having an extensive pool of training data encompassing all classes prior to model training often diverges from real-world scenarios, where limited data availability for novel classes is the norm. The challenge emerges in seamlessly integrating new classes with few samples into the training data, demanding the model to adeptly accommodate these additions without compromising its performance on base classes. To address this exigency, the research community has introduced several solutions under the realm of few-shot class incremental learning (FSCIL). In this study, we introduce an innovative FSCIL framework that utilizes language regularizer and subspace regularizer. During base training, the language regularizer helps incorporate semantic information extracted from a Vision-Language model. The subspace regularizer helps in facilitating the model’s acquisition of nuanced connections between image and text semantics inherent to base classes during incremental training. Our proposed framework not only empowers the model to embrace novel classes with limited data, but also ensures the preservation of performance on base classes. To substantiate the efficacy of our approach, we conduct comprehensive experiments on three distinct FSCIL benchmarks, where our framework attains state-of-the-art performance.
PDF under review at Pattern Recognition Letters


Accelerating Convergence in Bayesian Few-Shot Classification

Authors:Tianjun Ke, Haoqun Cao, Feng Zhou

Bayesian few-shot classification has been a focal point in the field of few-shot learning. This paper seamlessly integrates mirror descent-based variational inference into Gaussian process-based few-shot classification, addressing the challenge of non-conjugate inference. By leveraging non-Euclidean geometry, mirror descent achieves accelerated convergence by providing the steepest descent direction along the corresponding manifold. It also exhibits the parameterization invariance property concerning the variational distribution. Experimental results demonstrate competitive classification accuracy, improved uncertainty quantification, and faster convergence compared to baseline models. Additionally, we investigate the impact of hyperparameters and components. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/keanson/MD-BSFC.


MVP-Shot: Multi-Velocity Progressive-Alignment Framework for Few-Shot Action Recognition

Authors:Hongyu Qu, Rui Yan, Xiangbo Shu, Hailiang Gao, Peng Huang, Guo-Sen Xie

Recent few-shot action recognition (FSAR) methods achieve promising performance by performing semantic matching on learned discriminative features. However, most FSAR methods focus on single-scale (e.g., frame-level, segment-level, \etc) feature alignment, which ignores that human actions with the same semantic may appear at different velocities. To this end, we develop a novel Multi-Velocity Progressive-alignment (MVP-Shot) framework to progressively learn and align semantic-related action features at multi-velocity levels. Concretely, a Multi-Velocity Feature Alignment (MVFA) module is designed to measure the similarity between features from support and query videos with different velocity scales and then merge all similarity scores in a residual fashion. To avoid the multiple velocity features deviating from the underlying motion semantic, our proposed Progressive Semantic-Tailored Interaction (PSTI) module injects velocity-tailored text information into the video feature via feature interaction on channel and temporal domains at different velocities. The above two modules compensate for each other to predict query categories more accurately under the few-shot settings. Experimental results show our method outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on multiple standard few-shot benchmarks (i.e., HMDB51, UCF101, Kinetics, and SSv2-small).


Intra-task Mutual Attention based Vision Transformer for Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Weihao Jiang, Chang Liu, Kun He

Humans possess remarkable ability to accurately classify new, unseen images after being exposed to only a few examples. Such ability stems from their capacity to identify common features shared between new and previously seen images while disregarding distractions such as background variations. However, for artificial neural network models, determining the most relevant features for distinguishing between two images with limited samples presents a challenge. In this paper, we propose an intra-task mutual attention method for few-shot learning, that involves splitting the support and query samples into patches and encoding them using the pre-trained Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture. Specifically, we swap the class (CLS) token and patch tokens between the support and query sets to have the mutual attention, which enables each set to focus on the most useful information. This facilitates the strengthening of intra-class representations and promotes closer proximity between instances of the same class. For implementation, we adopt the ViT-based network architecture and utilize pre-trained model parameters obtained through self-supervision. By leveraging Masked Image Modeling as a self-supervised training task for pre-training, the pre-trained model yields semantically meaningful representations while successfully avoiding supervision collapse. We then employ a meta-learning method to fine-tune the last several layers and CLS token modules. Our strategy significantly reduces the num- ber of parameters that require fine-tuning while effectively uti- lizing the capability of pre-trained model. Extensive experiments show that our framework is simple, effective and computationally efficient, achieving superior performance as compared to the state-of-the-art baselines on five popular few-shot classification benchmarks under the 5-shot and 1-shot scenarios


Class-relevant Patch Embedding Selection for Few-Shot Image Classification

Authors:Weihao Jiang, Haoyang Cui, Kun He

Effective image classification hinges on discerning relevant features from both foreground and background elements, with the foreground typically holding the critical information. While humans adeptly classify images with limited exposure, artificial neural networks often struggle with feature selection from rare samples. To address this challenge, we propose a novel method for selecting class-relevant patch embeddings. Our approach involves splitting support and query images into patches, encoding them using a pre-trained Vision Transformer (ViT) to obtain class embeddings and patch embeddings, respectively. Subsequently, we filter patch embeddings using class embeddings to retain only the class-relevant ones. For each image, we calculate the similarity between class embedding and each patch embedding, sort the similarity sequence in descending order, and only retain top-ranked patch embeddings. By prioritizing similarity between the class embedding and patch embeddings, we select top-ranked patch embeddings to be fused with class embedding to form a comprehensive image representation, enhancing pattern recognition across instances. Our strategy effectively mitigates the impact of class-irrelevant patch embeddings, yielding improved performance in pre-trained models. Extensive experiments on popular few-shot classification benchmarks demonstrate the simplicity, efficacy, and computational efficiency of our approach, outperforming state-of-the-art baselines under both 5-shot and 1-shot scenarios.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2405.03109


Delve into Base-Novel Confusion: Redundancy Exploration for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning

Authors:Haichen Zhou, Yixiong Zou, Ruixuan Li, Yuhua Li, Kui Xiao

Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) aims to acquire knowledge from novel classes with limited samples while retaining information about base classes. Existing methods address catastrophic forgetting and overfitting by freezing the feature extractor during novel-class learning. However, these methods usually tend to cause the confusion between base and novel classes, i.e., classifying novel-class samples into base classes. In this paper, we delve into this phenomenon to study its cause and solution. We first interpret the confusion as the collision between the novel-class and the base-class region in the feature space. Then, we find the collision is caused by the label-irrelevant redundancies within the base-class feature and pixel space. Through qualitative and quantitative experiments, we identify this redundancy as the shortcut in the base-class training, which can be decoupled to alleviate the collision. Based on this analysis, to alleviate the collision between base and novel classes, we propose a method for FSCIL named Redundancy Decoupling and Integration (RDI). RDI first decouples redundancies from base-class space to shrink the intra-base-class feature space. Then, it integrates the redundancies as a dummy class to enlarge the inter-base-class feature space. This process effectively compresses the base-class feature space, creating buffer space for novel classes and alleviating the model’s confusion between the base and novel classes. Extensive experiments across benchmark datasets, including CIFAR-100, miniImageNet, and CUB-200-2011 demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance.


Detecting Statements in Text: A Domain-Agnostic Few-Shot Solution

Authors:Sandrine Chausson, Björn Ross

Many tasks related to Computational Social Science and Web Content Analysis involve classifying pieces of text based on the claims they contain. State-of-the-art approaches usually involve fine-tuning models on large annotated datasets, which are costly to produce. In light of this, we propose and release a qualitative and versatile few-shot learning methodology as a common paradigm for any claim-based textual classification task. This methodology involves defining the classes as arbitrarily sophisticated taxonomies of claims, and using Natural Language Inference models to obtain the textual entailment between these and a corpus of interest. The performance of these models is then boosted by annotating a minimal sample of data points, dynamically sampled using the well-established statistical heuristic of Probabilistic Bisection. We illustrate this methodology in the context of three tasks: climate change contrarianism detection, topic/stance classification and depression-relates symptoms detection. This approach rivals traditional pre-train/fine-tune approaches while drastically reducing the need for data annotation.
PDF Paper accepted for publication at NOCAPS workshop at ICWSM 2024 conference


UniGarmentManip: A Unified Framework for Category-Level Garment Manipulation via Dense Visual Correspondence

Authors:Ruihai Wu, Haoran Lu, Yiyan Wang, Yubo Wang, Hao Dong

Garment manipulation (e.g., unfolding, folding and hanging clothes) is essential for future robots to accomplish home-assistant tasks, while highly challenging due to the diversity of garment configurations, geometries and deformations. Although able to manipulate similar shaped garments in a certain task, previous works mostly have to design different policies for different tasks, could not generalize to garments with diverse geometries, and often rely heavily on human-annotated data. In this paper, we leverage the property that, garments in a certain category have similar structures, and then learn the topological dense (point-level) visual correspondence among garments in the category level with different deformations in the self-supervised manner. The topological correspondence can be easily adapted to the functional correspondence to guide the manipulation policies for various downstream tasks, within only one or few-shot demonstrations. Experiments over garments in 3 different categories on 3 representative tasks in diverse scenarios, using one or two arms, taking one or more steps, inputting flat or messy garments, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. Project page: https://warshallrho.github.io/unigarmentmanip.


Retrieval Enhanced Zero-Shot Video Captioning

Authors:Yunchuan Ma, Laiyun Qing, Guorong Li, Yuankai Qi, Quan Z. Sheng, Qingming Huang

Despite the significant progress of fully-supervised video captioning, zero-shot methods remain much less explored. In this paper, we propose to take advantage of existing pre-trained large-scale vision and language models to directly generate captions with test time adaptation. Specifically, we bridge video and text using three key models: a general video understanding model XCLIP, a general image understanding model CLIP, and a text generation model GPT-2, due to their source-code availability. The main challenge is how to enable the text generation model to be sufficiently aware of the content in a given video so as to generate corresponding captions. To address this problem, we propose using learnable tokens as a communication medium between frozen GPT-2 and frozen XCLIP as well as frozen CLIP. Differing from the conventional way to train these tokens with training data, we update these tokens with pseudo-targets of the inference data under several carefully crafted loss functions which enable the tokens to absorb video information catered for GPT-2. This procedure can be done in just a few iterations (we use 16 iterations in the experiments) and does not require ground truth data. Extensive experimental results on three widely used datasets, MSR-VTT, MSVD, and VATEX, show 4% to 20% improvements in terms of the main metric CIDEr compared to the existing state-of-the-art methods.


Differentiable Model Scaling using Differentiable Topk

Authors:Kai Liu, Ruohui Wang, Jianfei Gao, Kai Chen

Over the past few years, as large language models have ushered in an era of intelligence emergence, there has been an intensified focus on scaling networks. Currently, many network architectures are designed manually, often resulting in sub-optimal configurations. Although Neural Architecture Search (NAS) methods have been proposed to automate this process, they suffer from low search efficiency. This study introduces Differentiable Model Scaling (DMS), increasing the efficiency for searching optimal width and depth in networks. DMS can model both width and depth in a direct and fully differentiable way, making it easy to optimize. We have evaluated our DMS across diverse tasks, ranging from vision tasks to NLP tasks and various network architectures, including CNNs and Transformers. Results consistently indicate that our DMS can find improved structures and outperforms state-of-the-art NAS methods. Specifically, for image classification on ImageNet, our DMS improves the top-1 accuracy of EfficientNet-B0 and Deit-Tiny by 1.4% and 0.6%, respectively, and outperforms the state-of-the-art zero-shot NAS method, ZiCo, by 1.3% while requiring only 0.4 GPU days for searching. For object detection on COCO, DMS improves the mAP of Yolo-v8-n by 2.0%. For language modeling, our pruned Llama-7B outperforms the prior method with lower perplexity and higher zero-shot classification accuracy. We will release our code in the future.
PDF Accepted by ICML 2024


MedConceptsQA — Open Source Medical Concepts QA Benchmark

Authors:Ofir Ben Shoham, Nadav Rappoport

We present MedConceptsQA, a dedicated open source benchmark for medical concepts question answering. The benchmark comprises of questions of various medical concepts across different vocabularies: diagnoses, procedures, and drugs. The questions are categorized into three levels of difficulty: easy, medium, and hard. We conducted evaluations of the benchmark using various Large Language Models. Our findings show that pre-trained clinical Large Language Models achieved accuracy levels close to random guessing on this benchmark, despite being pre-trained on medical data. However, GPT-4 achieves an absolute average improvement of nearly 27%-37% (27% for zero-shot learning and 37% for few-shot learning) when compared to clinical Large Language Models. Our benchmark serves as a valuable resource for evaluating the understanding and reasoning of medical concepts by Large Language Models. Our benchmark is available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/ofir408/MedConceptsQA


Support-Query Prototype Fusion Network for Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Xiaoxiao Wu, Zhenguo Gao, Xiaowei Chen, Yakai Wang, Shulei Qu, Na Li

In recent years, deep learning based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has achieved remarkable success in many applications. However, their heavy reliance on extensive labeled data and limited generalization ability to unseen classes pose challenges to their suitability for medical image processing tasks. Few-shot learning, which utilizes a small amount of labeled data to generalize to unseen classes, has emerged as a critical research area, attracting substantial attention. Currently, most studies employ a prototype-based approach, in which prototypical networks are used to construct prototypes from the support set, guiding the processing of the query set to obtain the final results. While effective, this approach heavily relies on the support set while neglecting the query set, resulting in notable disparities within the model classes. To mitigate this drawback, we propose a novel Support-Query Prototype Fusion Network (SQPFNet). SQPFNet initially generates several support prototypes for the foreground areas of the support images, thus producing a coarse segmentation mask. Subsequently, a query prototype is constructed based on the coarse segmentation mask, additionally exploiting pattern information in the query set. Thus, SQPFNet constructs high-quality support-query fused prototypes, upon which the query image is segmented to obtain the final refined query mask. Evaluation results on two public datasets, SABS and CMR, show that SQPFNet achieves state-of-the-art performance.
PDF 19 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables


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