Face Swapping

2024-05-14 更新

Deepfake Generation and Detection: A Benchmark and Survey

Authors:Gan Pei, Jiangning Zhang, Menghan Hu, Zhenyu Zhang, Chengjie Wang, Yunsheng Wu, Guangtao Zhai, Jian Yang, Chunhua Shen, Dacheng Tao

Deepfake is a technology dedicated to creating highly realistic facial images and videos under specific conditions, which has significant application potential in fields such as entertainment, movie production, digital human creation, to name a few. With the advancements in deep learning, techniques primarily represented by Variational Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks have achieved impressive generation results. More recently, the emergence of diffusion models with powerful generation capabilities has sparked a renewed wave of research. In addition to deepfake generation, corresponding detection technologies continuously evolve to regulate the potential misuse of deepfakes, such as for privacy invasion and phishing attacks. This survey comprehensively reviews the latest developments in deepfake generation and detection, summarizing and analyzing current state-of-the-arts in this rapidly evolving field. We first unify task definitions, comprehensively introduce datasets and metrics, and discuss developing technologies. Then, we discuss the development of several related sub-fields and focus on researching four representative deepfake fields: face swapping, face reenactment, talking face generation, and facial attribute editing, as well as forgery detection. Subsequently, we comprehensively benchmark representative methods on popular datasets for each field, fully evaluating the latest and influential published works. Finally, we analyze challenges and future research directions of the discussed fields.
PDF We closely follow the latest developments in https://github.com/flyingby/Awesome-Deepfake-Generation-and-Detection


SwapTalk: Audio-Driven Talking Face Generation with One-Shot Customization in Latent Space

Authors:Zeren Zhang, Haibo Qin, Jiayu Huang, Yixin Li, Hui Lin, Yitao Duan, Jinwen Ma

Combining face swapping with lip synchronization technology offers a cost-effective solution for customized talking face generation. However, directly cascading existing models together tends to introduce significant interference between tasks and reduce video clarity because the interaction space is limited to the low-level semantic RGB space. To address this issue, we propose an innovative unified framework, SwapTalk, which accomplishes both face swapping and lip synchronization tasks in the same latent space. Referring to recent work on face generation, we choose the VQ-embedding space due to its excellent editability and fidelity performance. To enhance the framework’s generalization capabilities for unseen identities, we incorporate identity loss during the training of the face swapping module. Additionally, we introduce expert discriminator supervision within the latent space during the training of the lip synchronization module to elevate synchronization quality. In the evaluation phase, previous studies primarily focused on the self-reconstruction of lip movements in synchronous audio-visual videos. To better approximate real-world applications, we expand the evaluation scope to asynchronous audio-video scenarios. Furthermore, we introduce a novel identity consistency metric to more comprehensively assess the identity consistency over time series in generated facial videos. Experimental results on the HDTF demonstrate that our method significantly surpasses existing techniques in video quality, lip synchronization accuracy, face swapping fidelity, and identity consistency. Our demo is available at http://swaptalk.cc.


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