Domain Adaptation

2024-05-14 更新

Source-Free Domain Adaptation of Weakly-Supervised Object Localization Models for Histology

Authors:Alexis Guichemerre, Soufiane Belharbi, Tsiry Mayet, Shakeeb Murtaza, Pourya Shamsolmoali, Luke McCaffrey, Eric Granger

Given the emergence of deep learning, digital pathology has gained popularity for cancer diagnosis based on histology images. Deep weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) models can be trained to classify histology images according to cancer grade and identify regions of interest (ROIs) for interpretation, using inexpensive global image-class annotations. A WSOL model initially trained on some labeled source image data can be adapted using unlabeled target data in cases of significant domain shifts caused by variations in staining, scanners, and cancer type. In this paper, we focus on source-free (unsupervised) domain adaptation (SFDA), a challenging problem where a pre-trained source model is adapted to a new target domain without using any source domain data for privacy and efficiency reasons. SFDA of WSOL models raises several challenges in histology, most notably because they are not intended to adapt for both classification and localization tasks. In this paper, 4 state-of-the-art SFDA methods, each one representative of a main SFDA family, are compared for WSOL in terms of classification and localization accuracy. They are the SFDA-Distribution Estimation, Source HypOthesis Transfer, Cross-Domain Contrastive Learning, and Adaptively Domain Statistics Alignment. Experimental results on the challenging Glas (smaller, breast cancer) and Camelyon16 (larger, colon cancer) histology datasets indicate that these SFDA methods typically perform poorly for localization after adaptation when optimized for classification.
PDF 16 pages, 21 figures, 5 tables, CVPRw 2024


Pseudo Label Refinery for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Cross-dataset 3D Object Detection

Authors:Zhanwei Zhang, Minghao Chen, Shuai Xiao, Liang Peng, Hengjia Li, Binbin Lin, Ping Li, Wenxiao Wang, Boxi Wu, Deng Cai

Recent self-training techniques have shown notable improvements in unsupervised domain adaptation for 3D object detection (3D UDA). These techniques typically select pseudo labels, i.e., 3D boxes, to supervise models for the target domain. However, this selection process inevitably introduces unreliable 3D boxes, in which 3D points cannot be definitively assigned as foreground or background. Previous techniques mitigate this by reweighting these boxes as pseudo labels, but these boxes can still poison the training process. To resolve this problem, in this paper, we propose a novel pseudo label refinery framework. Specifically, in the selection process, to improve the reliability of pseudo boxes, we propose a complementary augmentation strategy. This strategy involves either removing all points within an unreliable box or replacing it with a high-confidence box. Moreover, the point numbers of instances in high-beam datasets are considerably higher than those in low-beam datasets, also degrading the quality of pseudo labels during the training process. We alleviate this issue by generating additional proposals and aligning RoI features across different domains. Experimental results demonstrate that our method effectively enhances the quality of pseudo labels and consistently surpasses the state-of-the-art methods on six autonomous driving benchmarks. Code will be available at
PDF Accepted by CVPR2024


More is Better: Deep Domain Adaptation with Multiple Sources

Authors:Sicheng Zhao, Hui Chen, Hu Huang, Pengfei Xu, Guiguang Ding

In many practical applications, it is often difficult and expensive to obtain large-scale labeled data to train state-of-the-art deep neural networks. Therefore, transferring the learned knowledge from a separate, labeled source domain to an unlabeled or sparsely labeled target domain becomes an appealing alternative. However, direct transfer often results in significant performance decay due to domain shift. Domain adaptation (DA) aims to address this problem by aligning the distributions between the source and target domains. Multi-source domain adaptation (MDA) is a powerful and practical extension in which the labeled data may be collected from multiple sources with different distributions. In this survey, we first define various MDA strategies. Then we systematically summarize and compare modern MDA methods in the deep learning era from different perspectives, followed by commonly used datasets and a brief benchmark. Finally, we discuss future research directions for MDA that are worth investigating.
PDF Accepted by IJCAI 2024. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2002.12169


CLIPArTT: Light-weight Adaptation of CLIP to New Domains at Test Time

Authors:Gustavo Adolfo Vargas Hakim, David Osowiechi, Mehrdad Noori, Milad Cheraghalikhani, Ali Bahri, Moslem Yazdanpanah, Ismail Ben Ayed, Christian Desrosiers

Pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs), exemplified by CLIP, demonstrate remarkable adaptability across zero-shot classification tasks without additional training. However, their performance diminishes in the presence of domain shifts. In this study, we introduce CLIP Adaptation duRing Test-Time (CLIPArTT), a fully test-time adaptation (TTA) approach for CLIP, which involves automatic text prompts construction during inference for their use as text supervision. Our method employs a unique, minimally invasive text prompt tuning process, wherein multiple predicted classes are aggregated into a single new text prompt, used as pseudo label to re-classify inputs in a transductive manner. Additionally, we pioneer the standardization of TTA benchmarks (e.g., TENT) in the realm of VLMs. Our findings demonstrate that, without requiring additional transformations nor new trainable modules, CLIPArTT enhances performance dynamically across non-corrupted datasets such as CIFAR-10, corrupted datasets like CIFAR-10-C and CIFAR-10.1, alongside synthetic datasets such as VisDA-C. This research underscores the potential for improving VLMs’ adaptability through novel test-time strategies, offering insights for robust performance across varied datasets and environments. The code can be found at:


Adapting to Distribution Shift by Visual Domain Prompt Generation

Authors:Zhixiang Chi, Li Gu, Tao Zhong, Huan Liu, Yuanhao Yu, Konstantinos N Plataniotis, Yang Wang

In this paper, we aim to adapt a model at test-time using a few unlabeled data to address distribution shifts. To tackle the challenges of extracting domain knowledge from a limited amount of data, it is crucial to utilize correlated information from pre-trained backbones and source domains. Previous studies fail to utilize recent foundation models with strong out-of-distribution generalization. Additionally, domain-centric designs are not flavored in their works. Furthermore, they employ the process of modelling source domains and the process of learning to adapt independently into disjoint training stages. In this work, we propose an approach on top of the pre-computed features of the foundation model. Specifically, we build a knowledge bank to learn the transferable knowledge from source domains. Conditioned on few-shot target data, we introduce a domain prompt generator to condense the knowledge bank into a domain-specific prompt. The domain prompt then directs the visual features towards a particular domain via a guidance module. Moreover, we propose a domain-aware contrastive loss and employ meta-learning to facilitate domain knowledge extraction. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the domain knowledge extraction. The proposed method outperforms previous work on 5 large-scale benchmarks including WILDS and DomainNet.
PDF ICLR2024, code:


Authors:Tianxiang Cui, Huibing Wang, Jinjia Peng, Ruoxi Deng, Xianping Fu, Yang Wang

Unsupervised person search aims to localize a particular target person from a gallery set of scene images without annotations, which is extremely challenging due to the unexpected variations of the unlabeled domains. However, most existing methods dedicate to developing multi-stage models to adapt domain variations while using clustering for iterative model training, which inevitably increases model complexity. To address this issue, we propose a Fast One-stage Unsupervised person Search (FOUS) which complementary integrates domain adaptaion with label adaptaion within an end-to-end manner without iterative clustering. To minimize the domain discrepancy, FOUS introduced an Attention-based Domain Alignment Module (ADAM) which can not only align various domains for both detection and ReID tasks but also construct an attention mechanism to reduce the adverse impacts of low-quality candidates resulting from unsupervised detection. Moreover, to avoid the redundant iterative clustering mode, FOUS adopts a prototype-guided labeling method which minimizes redundant correlation computations for partial samples and assigns noisy coarse label groups efficiently. The coarse label groups will be continuously refined via label-flexible training network with an adaptive selection strategy. With the adapted domains and labels, FOUS can achieve the state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on two benchmark datasets, CUHK-SYSU and PRW. The code is available at


Source-Free Domain Adaptation Guided by Vision and Vision-Language Pre-Training

Authors:Wenyu Zhang, Li Shen, Chuan-Sheng Foo

Source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) aims to adapt a source model trained on a fully-labeled source domain to a related but unlabeled target domain. While the source model is a key avenue for acquiring target pseudolabels, the generated pseudolabels may exhibit source bias. In the conventional SFDA pipeline, a large data (e.g. ImageNet) pre-trained feature extractor is used to initialize the source model at the start of source training, and subsequently discarded. Despite having diverse features important for generalization, the pre-trained feature extractor can overfit to the source data distribution during source training and forget relevant target domain knowledge. Rather than discarding this valuable knowledge, we introduce an integrated framework to incorporate pre-trained networks into the target adaptation process. The proposed framework is flexible and allows us to plug modern pre-trained networks into the adaptation process to leverage their stronger representation learning capabilities. For adaptation, we propose the Co-learn algorithm to improve target pseudolabel quality collaboratively through the source model and a pre-trained feature extractor. Building on the recent success of the vision-language model CLIP in zero-shot image recognition, we present an extension Co-learn++ to further incorporate CLIP’s zero-shot classification decisions. We evaluate on 3 benchmark datasets and include more challenging scenarios such as open-set, partial-set and open-partial SFDA. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed strategy improves adaptation performance and can be successfully integrated with existing SFDA methods.
PDF Extension of ICCV paper arXiv:2212.07585, submitted to IJCV


Multi-Target Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation without External Data

Authors:Yonghao Xu, Pedram Ghamisi, Yannis Avrithis

Multi-target unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to learn a unified model to address the domain shift between multiple target domains. Due to the difficulty of obtaining annotations for dense predictions, it has recently been introduced into cross-domain semantic segmentation. However, most existing solutions require labeled data from the source domain and unlabeled data from multiple target domains concurrently during training. Collectively, we refer to this data as “external”. When faced with new unlabeled data from an unseen target domain, these solutions either do not generalize well or require retraining from scratch on all data. To address these challenges, we introduce a new strategy called “multi-target UDA without external data” for semantic segmentation. Specifically, the segmentation model is initially trained on the external data. Then, it is adapted to a new unseen target domain without accessing any external data. This approach is thus more scalable than existing solutions and remains applicable when external data is inaccessible. We demonstrate this strategy using a simple method that incorporates self-distillation and adversarial learning, where knowledge acquired from the external data is preserved during adaptation through “one-way” adversarial learning. Extensive experiments in several synthetic-to-real and real-to-real adaptation settings on four benchmark urban driving datasets show that our method significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art solutions, even in the absence of external data. Our source code is available online (


High-order Neighborhoods Know More: HyperGraph Learning Meets Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Authors:Jinkun Jiang, Qingxuan Lv, Yuezun Li, Yong Du, Sheng Chen, Hui Yu, Junyu Dong

Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SFDA) aims to classify target samples by only accessing a pre-trained source model and unlabelled target samples. Since no source data is available, transferring the knowledge from the source domain to the target domain is challenging. Existing methods normally exploit the pair-wise relation among target samples and attempt to discover their correlations by clustering these samples based on semantic features. The drawback of these methods includes: 1) the pair-wise relation is limited to exposing the underlying correlations of two more samples, hindering the exploration of the structural information embedded in the target domain; 2) the clustering process only relies on the semantic feature, while overlooking the critical effect of domain shift, i.e., the distribution differences between the source and target domains. To address these issues, we propose a new SFDA method that exploits the high-order neighborhood relation and explicitly takes the domain shift effect into account. Specifically, we formulate the SFDA as a Hypergraph learning problem and construct hyperedges to explore the local group and context information among multiple samples. Moreover, we integrate a self-loop strategy into the constructed hypergraph to elegantly introduce the domain uncertainty of each sample. By clustering these samples based on hyperedges, both the semantic feature and domain shift effects are considered. We then describe an adaptive relation-based objective to tune the model with soft attention levels for all samples. Extensive experiments are conducted on Office-31, Office-Home, VisDA, and PointDA-10 datasets. The results demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art counterparts.


Cross-Domain Continual Learning via CLAMP

Authors:Weiwei Weng, Mahardhika Pratama, Jie Zhang, Chen Chen, Edward Yapp Kien Yee, Ramasamy Savitha

Artificial neural networks, celebrated for their human-like cognitive learning abilities, often encounter the well-known catastrophic forgetting (CF) problem, where the neural networks lose the proficiency in previously acquired knowledge. Despite numerous efforts to mitigate CF, it remains the significant challenge particularly in complex changing environments. This challenge is even more pronounced in cross-domain adaptation following the continual learning (CL) setting, which is a more challenging and realistic scenario that is under-explored. To this end, this article proposes a cross-domain CL approach making possible to deploy a single model in such environments without additional labelling costs. Our approach, namely continual learning approach for many processes (CLAMP), integrates a class-aware adversarial domain adaptation strategy to align a source domain and a target domain. An assessor-guided learning process is put forward to navigate the learning process of a base model assigning a set of weights to every sample controlling the influence of every sample and the interactions of each loss function in such a way to balance the stability and plasticity dilemma thus preventing the CF problem. The first assessor focuses on the negative transfer problem rejecting irrelevant samples of the source domain while the second assessor prevents noisy pseudo labels of the target domain. Both assessors are trained in the meta-learning approach using random transformation techniques and similar samples of the source domain. Theoretical analysis and extensive numerical validations demonstrate that CLAMP significantly outperforms established baseline algorithms across all experiments by at least $10\%$ margin.
PDF Under Review in Elsevier Journal


Enhanced Online Test-time Adaptation with Feature-Weight Cosine Alignment

Authors:WeiQin Chuah, Ruwan Tennakoon, Alireza Bab-Hadiashar

Online Test-Time Adaptation (OTTA) has emerged as an effective strategy to handle distributional shifts, allowing on-the-fly adaptation of pre-trained models to new target domains during inference, without the need for source data. We uncovered that the widely studied entropy minimization (EM) method for OTTA, suffers from noisy gradients due to ambiguity near decision boundaries and incorrect low-entropy predictions. To overcome these limitations, this paper introduces a novel cosine alignment optimization approach with a dual-objective loss function that refines the precision of class predictions and adaptability to novel domains. Specifically, our method optimizes the cosine similarity between feature vectors and class weight vectors, enhancing the precision of class predictions and the model’s adaptability to novel domains. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art techniques and sets a new benchmark in multiple datasets, including CIFAR-10-C, CIFAR-100-C, ImageNet-C, Office-Home, and DomainNet datasets, demonstrating high accuracy and robustness against diverse corruptions and domain shifts.
PDF 22 pages, 7 figures, 8 tables


MoVL:Exploring Fusion Strategies for the Domain-Adaptive Application of Pretrained Models in Medical Imaging Tasks

Authors:Haijiang Tian, Jingkun Yue, Xiaohong Liu, Guoxing Yang, Zeyu Jiang, Guangyu Wang

Medical images are often more difficult to acquire than natural images due to the specialism of the equipment and technology, which leads to less medical image datasets. So it is hard to train a strong pretrained medical vision model. How to make the best of natural pretrained vision model and adapt in medical domain still pends. For image classification, a popular method is linear probe (LP). However, LP only considers the output after feature extraction. Yet, there exists a gap between input medical images and natural pretrained vision model. We introduce visual prompting (VP) to fill in the gap, and analyze the strategies of coupling between LP and VP. We design a joint learning loss function containing categorisation loss and discrepancy loss, which describe the variance of prompted and plain images, naming this joint training strategy MoVL (Mixture of Visual Prompting and Linear Probe). We experiment on 4 medical image classification datasets, with two mainstream architectures, ResNet and CLIP. Results shows that without changing the parameters and architecture of backbone model and with less parameters, there is potential for MoVL to achieve full finetune (FF) accuracy (on four medical datasets, average 90.91% for MoVL and 91.13% for FF). On out of distribution medical dataset, our method(90.33%) can outperform FF (85.15%) with absolute 5.18 % lead.


RESTAD: REconstruction and Similarity based Transformer for time series Anomaly Detection

Authors:Ramin Ghorbani, Marcel J. T. Reinders, David M. J. Tax

Anomaly detection in time series data is crucial across various domains. The scarcity of labeled data for such tasks has increased the attention towards unsupervised learning methods. These approaches, often relying solely on reconstruction error, typically fail to detect subtle anomalies in complex datasets. To address this, we introduce RESTAD, an adaptation of the Transformer model by incorporating a layer of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neurons within its architecture. This layer fits a non-parametric density in the latent representation, such that a high RBF output indicates similarity with predominantly normal training data. RESTAD integrates the RBF similarity scores with the reconstruction errors to increase sensitivity to anomalies. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that RESTAD outperforms various established baselines across multiple benchmark datasets.
PDF Manuscript under review


SAR Image Synthesis with Diffusion Models

Authors:Denisa Qosja, Simon Wagner, Daniel O’Hagan

In recent years, diffusion models (DMs) have become a popular method for generating synthetic data. By achieving samples of higher quality, they quickly became superior to generative adversarial networks (GANs) and the current state-of-the-art method in generative modeling. However, their potential has not yet been exploited in radar, where the lack of available training data is a long-standing problem. In this work, a specific type of DMs, namely denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) is adapted to the SAR domain. We investigate the network choice and specific diffusion parameters for conditional and unconditional SAR image generation. In our experiments, we show that DDPM qualitatively and quantitatively outperforms state-of-the-art GAN-based methods for SAR image generation. Finally, we show that DDPM profits from pretraining on largescale clutter data, generating SAR images of even higher quality.
PDF Published at IEEE Radar Conference 2024


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