
2024-04-19 更新

Multimodal 3D Object Detection on Unseen Domains

Authors:Deepti Hegde, Suhas Lohit, Kuan-Chuan Peng, Michael J. Jones, Vishal M. Patel

LiDAR datasets for autonomous driving exhibit biases in properties such as point cloud density, range, and object dimensions. As a result, object detection networks trained and evaluated in different environments often experience performance degradation. Domain adaptation approaches assume access to unannotated samples from the test distribution to address this problem. However, in the real world, the exact conditions of deployment and access to samples representative of the test dataset may be unavailable while training. We argue that the more realistic and challenging formulation is to require robustness in performance to unseen target domains. We propose to address this problem in a two-pronged manner. First, we leverage paired LiDAR-image data present in most autonomous driving datasets to perform multimodal object detection. We suggest that working with multimodal features by leveraging both images and LiDAR point clouds for scene understanding tasks results in object detectors more robust to unseen domain shifts. Second, we train a 3D object detector to learn multimodal object features across different distributions and promote feature invariance across these source domains to improve generalizability to unseen target domains. To this end, we propose CLIX$^\text{3D}$, a multimodal fusion and supervised contrastive learning framework for 3D object detection that performs alignment of object features from same-class samples of different domains while pushing the features from different classes apart. We show that CLIX$^\text{3D}$ yields state-of-the-art domain generalization performance under multiple dataset shifts.
PDF technical report


How to Benchmark Vision Foundation Models for Semantic Segmentation?

Authors:Tommie Kerssies, Daan de Geus, Gijs Dubbelman

Recent vision foundation models (VFMs) have demonstrated proficiency in various tasks but require supervised fine-tuning to perform the task of semantic segmentation effectively. Benchmarking their performance is essential for selecting current models and guiding future model developments for this task. The lack of a standardized benchmark complicates comparisons. Therefore, the primary objective of this paper is to study how VFMs should be benchmarked for semantic segmentation. To do so, various VFMs are fine-tuned under various settings, and the impact of individual settings on the performance ranking and training time is assessed. Based on the results, the recommendation is to fine-tune the ViT-B variants of VFMs with a 16x16 patch size and a linear decoder, as these settings are representative of using a larger model, more advanced decoder and smaller patch size, while reducing training time by more than 13 times. Using multiple datasets for training and evaluation is also recommended, as the performance ranking across datasets and domain shifts varies. Linear probing, a common practice for some VFMs, is not recommended, as it is not representative of end-to-end fine-tuning. The benchmarking setup recommended in this paper enables a performance analysis of VFMs for semantic segmentation. The findings of such an analysis reveal that pretraining with promptable segmentation is not beneficial, whereas masked image modeling (MIM) with abstract representations is crucial, even more important than the type of supervision used. The code for efficiently fine-tuning VFMs for semantic segmentation can be accessed through the project page at: https://tue-mps.github.io/benchmark-vfm-ss/.
PDF CVPR 2024 Workshop Proceedings for the Second Workshop on Foundation Models


Inverse Neural Rendering for Explainable Multi-Object Tracking

Authors:Julian Ost, Tanushree Banerjee, Mario Bijelic, Felix Heide

Today, most methods for image understanding tasks rely on feed-forward neural networks. While this approach has allowed for empirical accuracy, efficiency, and task adaptation via fine-tuning, it also comes with fundamental disadvantages. Existing networks often struggle to generalize across different datasets, even on the same task. By design, these networks ultimately reason about high-dimensional scene features, which are challenging to analyze. This is true especially when attempting to predict 3D information based on 2D images. We propose to recast 3D multi-object tracking from RGB cameras as an \emph{Inverse Rendering (IR)} problem, by optimizing via a differentiable rendering pipeline over the latent space of pre-trained 3D object representations and retrieve the latents that best represent object instances in a given input image. To this end, we optimize an image loss over generative latent spaces that inherently disentangle shape and appearance properties. We investigate not only an alternate take on tracking but our method also enables examining the generated objects, reasoning about failure situations, and resolving ambiguous cases. We validate the generalization and scaling capabilities of our method by learning the generative prior exclusively from synthetic data and assessing camera-based 3D tracking on the nuScenes and Waymo datasets. Both these datasets are completely unseen to our method and do not require fine-tuning. Videos and code are available at https://light.princeton.edu/inverse-rendering-tracking/.


2024-04-19 更新

ShapeFormer: Shape Prior Visible-to-Amodal Transformer-based Amodal Instance Segmentation

Authors:Minh Tran, Winston Bounsavy, Khoa Vo, Anh Nguyen, Tri Nguyen, Ngan Le

Amodal Instance Segmentation (AIS) presents a challenging task as it involves predicting both visible and occluded parts of objects within images. Existing AIS methods rely on a bidirectional approach, encompassing both the transition from amodal features to visible features (amodal-to-visible) and from visible features to amodal features (visible-to-amodal). Our observation shows that the utilization of amodal features through the amodal-to-visible can confuse the visible features due to the extra information of occluded/hidden segments not presented in visible display. Consequently, this compromised quality of visible features during the subsequent visible-to-amodal transition. To tackle this issue, we introduce ShapeFormer, a decoupled Transformer-based model with a visible-to-amodal transition. It facilitates the explicit relationship between output segmentations and avoids the need for amodal-to-visible transitions. ShapeFormer comprises three key modules: (i) Visible-Occluding Mask Head for predicting visible segmentation with occlusion awareness, (ii) Shape-Prior Amodal Mask Head for predicting amodal and occluded masks, and (iii) Category-Specific Shape Prior Retriever aims to provide shape prior knowledge. Comprehensive experiments and extensive ablation studies across various AIS benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our ShapeFormer. The code is available at: \url{https://github.com/UARK-AICV/ShapeFormer}
PDF Accepted to IJCNN2024


Low-Light Image Enhancement Framework for Improved Object Detection in Fisheye Lens Datasets

Authors:Dai Quoc Tran, Armstrong Aboah, Yuntae Jeon, Maged Shoman, Minsoo Park, Seunghee Park

This study addresses the evolving challenges in urban traffic monitoring detection systems based on fisheye lens cameras by proposing a framework that improves the efficacy and accuracy of these systems. In the context of urban infrastructure and transportation management, advanced traffic monitoring systems have become critical for managing the complexities of urbanization and increasing vehicle density. Traditional monitoring methods, which rely on static cameras with narrow fields of view, are ineffective in dynamic urban environments, necessitating the installation of multiple cameras, which raises costs. Fisheye lenses, which were recently introduced, provide wide and omnidirectional coverage in a single frame, making them a transformative solution. However, issues such as distorted views and blurriness arise, preventing accurate object detection on these images. Motivated by these challenges, this study proposes a novel approach that combines a ransformer-based image enhancement framework and ensemble learning technique to address these challenges and improve traffic monitoring accuracy, making significant contributions to the future of intelligent traffic management systems. Our proposed methodological framework won 5th place in the 2024 AI City Challenge, Track 4, with an F1 score of 0.5965 on experimental validation data. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency, and robustness of the proposed system. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/daitranskku/AIC2024-TRACK4-TEAM15.


NOISe: Nuclei-Aware Osteoclast Instance Segmentation for Mouse-to-Human Domain Transfer

Authors:Sai Kumar Reddy Manne, Brendan Martin, Tyler Roy, Ryan Neilson, Rebecca Peters, Meghana Chillara, Christine W. Lary, Katherine J. Motyl, Michael Wan

Osteoclast cell image analysis plays a key role in osteoporosis research, but it typically involves extensive manual image processing and hand annotations by a trained expert. In the last few years, a handful of machine learning approaches for osteoclast image analysis have been developed, but none have addressed the full instance segmentation task required to produce the same output as that of the human expert led process. Furthermore, none of the prior, fully automated algorithms have publicly available code, pretrained models, or annotated datasets, inhibiting reproduction and extension of their work. We present a new dataset with ~2*10^5 expert annotated mouse osteoclast masks, together with a deep learning instance segmentation method which works for both in vitro mouse osteoclast cells on plastic tissue culture plates and human osteoclast cells on bone chips. To our knowledge, this is the first work to automate the full osteoclast instance segmentation task. Our method achieves a performance of 0.82 mAP_0.5 (mean average precision at intersection-over-union threshold of 0.5) in cross validation for mouse osteoclasts. We present a novel nuclei-aware osteoclast instance segmentation training strategy (NOISe) based on the unique biology of osteoclasts, to improve the model’s generalizability and boost the mAP_0.5 from 0.60 to 0.82 on human osteoclasts. We publish our annotated mouse osteoclast image dataset, instance segmentation models, and code at github.com/michaelwwan/noise to enable reproducibility and to provide a public tool to accelerate osteoporosis research.


Vocabulary-free Image Classification and Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Alessandro Conti, Enrico Fini, Massimiliano Mancini, Paolo Rota, Yiming Wang, Elisa Ricci

Large vision-language models revolutionized image classification and semantic segmentation paradigms. However, they typically assume a pre-defined set of categories, or vocabulary, at test time for composing textual prompts. This assumption is impractical in scenarios with unknown or evolving semantic context. Here, we address this issue and introduce the Vocabulary-free Image Classification (VIC) task, which aims to assign a class from an unconstrained language-induced semantic space to an input image without needing a known vocabulary. VIC is challenging due to the vastness of the semantic space, which contains millions of concepts, including fine-grained categories. To address VIC, we propose Category Search from External Databases (CaSED), a training-free method that leverages a pre-trained vision-language model and an external database. CaSED first extracts the set of candidate categories from the most semantically similar captions in the database and then assigns the image to the best-matching candidate category according to the same vision-language model. Furthermore, we demonstrate that CaSED can be applied locally to generate a coarse segmentation mask that classifies image regions, introducing the task of Vocabulary-free Semantic Segmentation. CaSED and its variants outperform other more complex vision-language models, on classification and semantic segmentation benchmarks, while using much fewer parameters.
PDF Under review, 22 pages, 10 figures, code is available at https://github.com/altndrr/vicss. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2306.00917


Simple In-place Data Augmentation for Surveillance Object Detection

Authors:Munkh-Erdene Otgonbold, Ganzorig Batnasan, Munkhjargal Gochoo

Motivated by the need to improve model performance in traffic monitoring tasks with limited labeled samples, we propose a straightforward augmentation technique tailored for object detection datasets, specifically designed for stationary camera-based applications. Our approach focuses on placing objects in the same positions as the originals to ensure its effectiveness. By applying in-place augmentation on objects from the same camera input image, we address the challenge of overlapping with original and previously selected objects. Through extensive testing on two traffic monitoring datasets, we illustrate the efficacy of our augmentation strategy in improving model performance, particularly in scenarios with limited labeled samples and imbalanced class distributions. Notably, our method achieves comparable performance to models trained on the entire dataset while utilizing only 8.5 percent of the original data. Moreover, we report significant improvements, with mAP@.5 increasing from 0.4798 to 0.5025, and the mAP@.5:.95 rising from 0.29 to 0.3138 on the FishEye8K dataset. These results highlight the potential of our augmentation approach in enhancing object detection models for traffic monitoring applications.
PDF CVPR Workshop 2024


Learning from Unlabelled Data with Transformers: Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of High Resolution Aerial Images

Authors:Nikolaos Dionelis, Francesco Pro, Luca Maiano, Irene Amerini, Bertrand Le Saux

Data from satellites or aerial vehicles are most of the times unlabelled. Annotating such data accurately is difficult, requires expertise, and is costly in terms of time. Even if Earth Observation (EO) data were correctly labelled, labels might change over time. Learning from unlabelled data within a semi-supervised learning framework for segmentation of aerial images is challenging. In this paper, we develop a new model for semantic segmentation of unlabelled images, the Non-annotated Earth Observation Semantic Segmentation (NEOS) model. NEOS performs domain adaptation as the target domain does not have ground truth semantic segmentation masks. The distribution inconsistencies between the target and source domains are due to differences in acquisition scenes, environment conditions, sensors, and times. Our model aligns the learned representations of the different domains to make them coincide. The evaluation results show that NEOS is successful and outperforms other models for semantic segmentation of unlabelled data.
PDF 6 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to IGARSS 2024


Multi-resolution Rescored ByteTrack for Video Object Detection on Ultra-low-power Embedded Systems

Authors:Luca Bompani, Manuele Rusci, Daniele Palossi, Francesco Conti, Luca Benini

This paper introduces Multi-Resolution Rescored Byte-Track (MR2-ByteTrack), a novel video object detection framework for ultra-low-power embedded processors. This method reduces the average compute load of an off-the-shelf Deep Neural Network (DNN) based object detector by up to 2.25$\times$ by alternating the processing of high-resolution images (320$\times$320 pixels) with multiple down-sized frames (192$\times$192 pixels). To tackle the accuracy degradation due to the reduced image input size, MR2-ByteTrack correlates the output detections over time using the ByteTrack tracker and corrects potential misclassification using a novel probabilistic Rescore algorithm. By interleaving two down-sized images for every high-resolution one as the input of different state-of-the-art DNN object detectors with our MR2-ByteTrack, we demonstrate an average accuracy increase of 2.16% and a latency reduction of 43% on the GAP9 microcontroller compared to a baseline frame-by-frame inference scheme using exclusively full-resolution images. Code available at: https://github.com/Bomps4/Multi_Resolution_Rescored_ByteTrack
PDF 9 pages, 3 figures Accepted for publication at the Embedded Vision Workshop of the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference, Seattle, 2024


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