I2I Translation

2024-04-19 更新

WB LUTs: Contrastive Learning for White Balancing Lookup Tables

Authors:Sai Kumar Reddy Manne, Michael Wan

Automatic white balancing (AWB), one of the first steps in an integrated signal processing (ISP) pipeline, aims to correct the color cast induced by the scene illuminant. An incorrect white balance (WB) setting or AWB failure can lead to an undesired blue or red tint in the rendered sRGB image. To address this, recent methods pose the post-capture WB correction problem as an image-to-image translation task and train deep neural networks to learn the necessary color adjustments at a lower resolution. These low resolution outputs are post-processed to generate high resolution WB corrected images, forming a bottleneck in the end-to-end run time. In this paper we present a 3D Lookup Table (LUT) based WB correction model called WB LUTs that can generate high resolution outputs in real time. We introduce a contrastive learning framework with a novel hard sample mining strategy, which improves the WB correction quality of baseline 3D LUTs by 25.5%. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed WB LUTs perform competitively against state-of-the-art models on two benchmark datasets while being 300 times faster using 12.7 times less memory. Our model and code are available at https://github.com/skrmanne/3DLUT_sRGB_WB.


Exploring selective image matching methods for zero-shot and few-sample unsupervised domain adaptation of urban canopy prediction

Authors:John Francis, Stephen Law

We explore simple methods for adapting a trained multi-task UNet which predicts canopy cover and height to a new geographic setting using remotely sensed data without the need of training a domain-adaptive classifier and extensive fine-tuning. Extending previous research, we followed a selective alignment process to identify similar images in the two geographical domains and then tested an array of data-based unsupervised domain adaptation approaches in a zero-shot setting as well as with a small amount of fine-tuning. We find that the selective aligned data-based image matching methods produce promising results in a zero-shot setting, and even more so with a small amount of fine-tuning. These methods outperform both an untransformed baseline and a popular data-based image-to-image translation model. The best performing methods were pixel distribution adaptation and fourier domain adaptation on the canopy cover and height tasks respectively.
PDF ICLR 2024 Machine Learning for Remote Sensing (ML4RS) Workshop


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