Vision Transformer

2024-04-17 更新

VMambaMorph: a Multi-Modality Deformable Image Registration Framework based on Visual State Space Model with Cross-Scan Module

Authors:Ziyang Wang, Jian-Qing Zheng, Chao Ma, Tao Guo

Image registration, a critical process in medical imaging, involves aligning different sets of medical imaging data into a single unified coordinate system. Deep learning networks, such as the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based VoxelMorph, Vision Transformer (ViT)-based TransMorph, and State Space Model (SSM)-based MambaMorph, have demonstrated effective performance in this domain. The recent Visual State Space Model (VMamba), which incorporates a cross-scan module with SSM, has exhibited promising improvements in modeling global-range dependencies with efficient computational cost in computer vision tasks. This paper hereby introduces an exploration of VMamba with image registration, named VMambaMorph. This novel hybrid VMamba-CNN network is designed specifically for 3D image registration. Utilizing a U-shaped network architecture, VMambaMorph computes the deformation field based on target and source volumes. The VMamba-based block with 2D cross-scan module is redesigned for 3D volumetric feature processing. To overcome the complex motion and structure on multi-modality images, we further propose a fine-tune recursive registration framework. We validate VMambaMorph using a public benchmark brain MR-CT registration dataset, comparing its performance against current state-of-the-art methods. The results indicate that VMambaMorph achieves competitive registration quality. The code for VMambaMorph with all baseline methods is available on GitHub.


PM2: A New Prompting Multi-modal Model Paradigm for Few-shot Medical Image Classification

Authors:Zhenwei Wang, Qiule Sun, Bingbing Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Jianxin Zhang, Qiang Zhang

Few-shot learning has been successfully applied to medical image classification as only very few medical examples are available for training. Due to the challenging problem of limited number of annotated medical images, image representations should not be solely derived from a single image modality which is insufficient for characterizing concept classes. In this paper, we propose a new prompting multi-modal model paradigm on medical image classification based on multi-modal foundation models, called PM2. Besides image modality,PM2 introduces another supplementary text input, known as prompt, to further describe corresponding image or concept classes and facilitate few-shot learning across diverse modalities. To better explore the potential of prompt engineering, we empirically investigate five distinct prompt schemes under the new paradigm. Furthermore, linear probing in multi-modal models acts as a linear classification head taking as input only class token, which ignores completely merits of rich statistics inherent in high-level visual tokens. Thus, we alternatively perform a linear classification on feature distribution of visual tokens and class token simultaneously. To effectively mine such rich statistics, a global covariance pooling with efficient matrix power normalization is used to aggregate visual tokens. Then we study and combine two classification heads. One is shared for class token of image from vision encoder and prompt representation encoded by text encoder. The other is to classification on feature distribution of visual tokens from vision encoder. Extensive experiments on three medical datasets show that our PM2 significantly outperforms counterparts regardless of prompt schemes and achieves state-of-the-art performance.


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