2024-04-17 更新
ShapeFormer: Shape Prior Visible-to-Amodal Transformer-based Amodal Instance Segmentation
Authors:Minh Tran, Winston Bounsavy, Khoa Vo, Anh Nguyen, Tri Nguyen, Ngan Le
Amodal Instance Segmentation (AIS) presents a challenging task as it involves predicting both visible and occluded parts of objects within images. Existing AIS methods rely on a bidirectional approach, encompassing both the transition from amodal features to visible features (amodal-to-visible) and from visible features to amodal features (visible-to-amodal). Our observation shows that the utilization of amodal features through the amodal-to-visible can confuse the visible features due to the extra information of occluded/hidden segments not presented in visible display. Consequently, this compromised quality of visible features during the subsequent visible-to-amodal transition. To tackle this issue, we introduce ShapeFormer, a decoupled Transformer-based model with a visible-to-amodal transition. It facilitates the explicit relationship between output segmentations and avoids the need for amodal-to-visible transitions. ShapeFormer comprises three key modules: (i) Visible-Occluding Mask Head for predicting visible segmentation with occlusion awareness, (ii) Shape-Prior Amodal Mask Head for predicting amodal and occluded masks, and (iii) Category-Specific Shape Prior Retriever aims to provide shape prior knowledge. Comprehensive experiments and extensive ablation studies across various AIS benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our ShapeFormer. The code is available at: https://github.com/UARK-AICV/ShapeFormer
PDF Accepted to IJCNN 2024
Flattening the Parent Bias: Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation in the Poincaré Ball
Authors:Simon Weber, Barış Zöngür, Nikita Araslanov, Daniel Cremers
Hierarchy is a natural representation of semantic taxonomies, including the ones routinely used in image segmentation. Indeed, recent work on semantic segmentation reports improved accuracy from supervised training leveraging hierarchical label structures. Encouraged by these results, we revisit the fundamental assumptions behind that work. We postulate and then empirically verify that the reasons for the observed improvement in segmentation accuracy may be entirely unrelated to the use of the semantic hierarchy. To demonstrate this, we design a range of cross-domain experiments with a representative hierarchical approach. We find that on the new testing domains, a flat (non-hierarchical) segmentation network, in which the parents are inferred from the children, has superior segmentation accuracy to the hierarchical approach across the board. Complementing these findings and inspired by the intrinsic properties of hyperbolic spaces, we study a more principled approach to hierarchical segmentation using the Poincar\’e ball model. The hyperbolic representation largely outperforms the previous (Euclidean) hierarchical approach as well and is on par with our flat Euclidean baseline in terms of segmentation accuracy. However, it additionally exhibits surprisingly strong calibration quality of the parent nodes in the semantic hierarchy, especially on the more challenging domains. Our combined analysis suggests that the established practice of hierarchical segmentation may be limited to in-domain settings, whereas flat classifiers generalize substantially better, especially if they are modeled in the hyperbolic space.
Fusion-Mamba for Cross-modality Object Detection
Authors:Wenhao Dong, Haodong Zhu, Shaohui Lin, Xiaoyan Luo, Yunhang Shen, Xuhui Liu, Juan Zhang, Guodong Guo, Baochang Zhang
Cross-modality fusing complementary information from different modalities effectively improves object detection performance, making it more useful and robust for a wider range of applications. Existing fusion strategies combine different types of images or merge different backbone features through elaborated neural network modules. However, these methods neglect that modality disparities affect cross-modality fusion performance, as different modalities with different camera focal lengths, placements, and angles are hardly fused. In this paper, we investigate cross-modality fusion by associating cross-modal features in a hidden state space based on an improved Mamba with a gating mechanism. We design a Fusion-Mamba block (FMB) to map cross-modal features into a hidden state space for interaction, thereby reducing disparities between cross-modal features and enhancing the representation consistency of fused features. FMB contains two modules: the State Space Channel Swapping (SSCS) module facilitates shallow feature fusion, and the Dual State Space Fusion (DSSF) enables deep fusion in a hidden state space. Through extensive experiments on public datasets, our proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on $m$AP with 5.9% on $M^3FD$ and 4.9% on FLIR-Aligned datasets, demonstrating superior object detection performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to explore the potential of Mamba for cross-modal fusion and establish a new baseline for cross-modality object detection.
DetCLIPv3: Towards Versatile Generative Open-vocabulary Object Detection
Authors:Lewei Yao, Renjie Pi, Jianhua Han, Xiaodan Liang, Hang Xu, Wei Zhang, Zhenguo Li, Dan Xu
Existing open-vocabulary object detectors typically require a predefined set of categories from users, significantly confining their application scenarios. In this paper, we introduce DetCLIPv3, a high-performing detector that excels not only at both open-vocabulary object detection, but also generating hierarchical labels for detected objects. DetCLIPv3 is characterized by three core designs: 1. Versatile model architecture: we derive a robust open-set detection framework which is further empowered with generation ability via the integration of a caption head. 2. High information density data: we develop an auto-annotation pipeline leveraging visual large language model to refine captions for large-scale image-text pairs, providing rich, multi-granular object labels to enhance the training. 3. Efficient training strategy: we employ a pre-training stage with low-resolution inputs that enables the object captioner to efficiently learn a broad spectrum of visual concepts from extensive image-text paired data. This is followed by a fine-tuning stage that leverages a small number of high-resolution samples to further enhance detection performance. With these effective designs, DetCLIPv3 demonstrates superior open-vocabulary detection performance, \eg, our Swin-T backbone model achieves a notable 47.0 zero-shot fixed AP on the LVIS minival benchmark, outperforming GLIPv2, GroundingDINO, and DetCLIPv2 by 18.0/19.6/6.6 AP, respectively. DetCLIPv3 also achieves a state-of-the-art 19.7 AP in dense captioning task on VG dataset, showcasing its strong generative capability.
PDF Accepted to CVPR2024
Bridging Data Islands: Geographic Heterogeneity-Aware Federated Learning for Collaborative Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation
Authors:Jieyi Tan, Yansheng Li, Sergey A. Bartalev, Bo Dang, Wei Chen, Yongjun Zhang, Liangqi Yuan
Remote sensing semantic segmentation (RSS) is an essential task in Earth Observation missions. Due to data privacy concerns, high-quality remote sensing images with annotations cannot be well shared among institutions, making it difficult to fully utilize RSS data to train a generalized model. Federated Learning (FL), a privacy-preserving collaborative learning technology, is a potential solution. However, the current research on how to effectively apply FL in RSS is still scarce and requires further investigation. Remote sensing images in various institutions often exhibit strong geographical heterogeneity. More specifically, it is reflected in terms of class-distribution heterogeneity and object-appearance heterogeneity. Unfortunately, most existing FL studies show inadequate focus on geographical heterogeneity, thus leading to performance degradation in the global model. Considering the aforementioned issues, we propose a novel Geographic Heterogeneity-Aware Federated Learning (GeoFed) framework to address privacy-preserving RSS. Through Global Feature Extension and Tail Regeneration modules, class-distribution heterogeneity is alleviated. Additionally, we design an Essential Feature Mining strategy to alleviate object-appearance heterogeneity by constructing essential features. Extensive experiments on three datasets (i.e., FBP, CASID, Inria) show that our GeoFed consistently outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods. The code will be available publicly.
PDF 13 pages,9 figures, 4 tables
VFMM3D: Releasing the Potential of Image by Vision Foundation Model for Monocular 3D Object Detection
Authors:Bonan Ding, Jin Xie, Jing Nie, Jiale Cao
Due to its cost-effectiveness and widespread availability, monocular 3D object detection, which relies solely on a single camera during inference, holds significant importance across various applications, including autonomous driving and robotics. Nevertheless, directly predicting the coordinates of objects in 3D space from monocular images poses challenges. Therefore, an effective solution involves transforming monocular images into LiDAR-like representations and employing a LiDAR-based 3D object detector to predict the 3D coordinates of objects. The key step in this method is accurately converting the monocular image into a reliable point cloud form. In this paper, we present VFMM3D, an innovative approach that leverages the capabilities of Vision Foundation Models (VFMs) to accurately transform single-view images into LiDAR point cloud representations. VFMM3D utilizes the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and Depth Anything Model (DAM) to generate high-quality pseudo-LiDAR data enriched with rich foreground information. Specifically, the Depth Anything Model (DAM) is employed to generate dense depth maps. Subsequently, the Segment Anything Model (SAM) is utilized to differentiate foreground and background regions by predicting instance masks. These predicted instance masks and depth maps are then combined and projected into 3D space to generate pseudo-LiDAR points. Finally, any object detectors based on point clouds can be utilized to predict the 3D coordinates of objects. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on the challenging 3D object detection dataset KITTI. Our VFMM3D establishes a new state-of-the-art performance. Additionally, experimental results demonstrate the generality of VFMM3D, showcasing its seamless integration into various LiDAR-based 3D object detectors.
PDF 10 pages, 5 figures