
2024-04-17 更新

PM2: A New Prompting Multi-modal Model Paradigm for Few-shot Medical Image Classification

Authors:Zhenwei Wang, Qiule Sun, Bingbing Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Jianxin Zhang, Qiang Zhang

Few-shot learning has been successfully applied to medical image classification as only very few medical examples are available for training. Due to the challenging problem of limited number of annotated medical images, image representations should not be solely derived from a single image modality which is insufficient for characterizing concept classes. In this paper, we propose a new prompting multi-modal model paradigm on medical image classification based on multi-modal foundation models, called PM2. Besides image modality,PM2 introduces another supplementary text input, known as prompt, to further describe corresponding image or concept classes and facilitate few-shot learning across diverse modalities. To better explore the potential of prompt engineering, we empirically investigate five distinct prompt schemes under the new paradigm. Furthermore, linear probing in multi-modal models acts as a linear classification head taking as input only class token, which ignores completely merits of rich statistics inherent in high-level visual tokens. Thus, we alternatively perform a linear classification on feature distribution of visual tokens and class token simultaneously. To effectively mine such rich statistics, a global covariance pooling with efficient matrix power normalization is used to aggregate visual tokens. Then we study and combine two classification heads. One is shared for class token of image from vision encoder and prompt representation encoded by text encoder. The other is to classification on feature distribution of visual tokens from vision encoder. Extensive experiments on three medical datasets show that our PM2 significantly outperforms counterparts regardless of prompt schemes and achieves state-of-the-art performance.


AMU-Tuning: Effective Logit Bias for CLIP-based Few-shot Learning

Authors:Yuwei Tang, Zhenyi Lin, Qilong Wang, Pengfei Zhu, Qinghua Hu

Recently, pre-trained vision-language models (e.g., CLIP) have shown great potential in few-shot learning and attracted a lot of research interest. Although efforts have been made to improve few-shot ability of CLIP, key factors on the effectiveness of existing methods have not been well studied, limiting further exploration of CLIP’s potential in few-shot learning. In this paper, we first introduce a unified formulation to analyze CLIP-based few-shot learning methods from a perspective of logit bias, which encourages us to learn an effective logit bias for further improving performance of CLIP-based few-shot learning methods. To this end, we disassemble three key components involved in computation of logit bias (i.e., logit features, logit predictor, and logit fusion) and empirically analyze the effect on performance of few-shot classification. Based on analysis of key components, this paper proposes a novel AMU-Tuning method to learn effective logit bias for CLIP-based few-shot classification. Specifically, our AMU-Tuning predicts logit bias by exploiting the appropriate $\underline{\textbf{A}}$uxiliary features, which are fed into an efficient feature-initialized linear classifier with $\underline{\textbf{M}}$ulti-branch training. Finally, an $\underline{\textbf{U}}$ncertainty-based fusion is developed to incorporate logit bias into CLIP for few-shot classification. The experiments are conducted on several widely used benchmarks, and the results show AMU-Tuning clearly outperforms its counterparts while achieving state-of-the-art performance of CLIP-based few-shot learning without bells and whistles.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2024


GeMQuAD : Generating Multilingual Question Answering Datasets from Large Language Models using Few Shot Learning

Authors:Amani Namboori, Shivam Mangale, Andy Rosenbaum, Saleh Soltan

The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) with capabilities like In-Context Learning (ICL) has ushered in new possibilities for data generation across various domains while minimizing the need for extensive data collection and modeling techniques. Researchers have explored ways to use this generated synthetic data to optimize smaller student models for reduced deployment costs and lower latency in downstream tasks. However, ICL-generated data often suffers from low quality as the task specificity is limited with few examples used in ICL. In this paper, we propose GeMQuAD - a semi-supervised learning approach, extending the WeakDAP framework, applied to a dataset generated through ICL with just one example in the target language using AlexaTM 20B Seq2Seq LLM. Through our approach, we iteratively identify high-quality data to enhance model performance, especially for low-resource multilingual setting in the context of Extractive Question Answering task. Our framework outperforms the machine translation-augmented model by 0.22/1.68 F1/EM (Exact Match) points for Hindi and 0.82/1.37 F1/EM points for Spanish on the MLQA dataset, and it surpasses the performance of model trained on an English-only dataset by 5.05/6.50 F1/EM points for Hindi and 3.81/3.69 points F1/EM for Spanish on the same dataset. Notably, our approach uses a pre-trained LLM for generation with no fine-tuning (FT), utilizing just a single annotated example in ICL to generate data, providing a cost-effective development process.
PDF Accepted to The 37th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023)December 10-16, 2023 - SyntheticData4ML workshop, New Orleans, United States https://neurips.cc/Conferences/2023


Weight Copy and Low-Rank Adaptation for Few-Shot Distillation of Vision Transformers

Authors:Diana-Nicoleta Grigore, Mariana-Iuliana Georgescu, Jon Alvarez Justo, Tor Johansen, Andreea Iuliana Ionescu, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Few-shot knowledge distillation recently emerged as a viable approach to harness the knowledge of large-scale pre-trained models, using limited data and computational resources. In this paper, we propose a novel few-shot feature distillation approach for vision transformers. Our approach is based on two key steps. Leveraging the fact that vision transformers have a consistent depth-wise structure, we first copy the weights from intermittent layers of existing pre-trained vision transformers (teachers) into shallower architectures (students), where the intermittence factor controls the complexity of the student transformer with respect to its teacher. Next, we employ an enhanced version of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) to distill knowledge into the student in a few-shot scenario, aiming to recover the information processing carried out by the skipped teacher layers. We present comprehensive experiments with supervised and self-supervised transformers as teachers, on five data sets from various domains, including natural, medical and satellite images. The empirical results confirm the superiority of our approach over competitive baselines. Moreover, the ablation results demonstrate the usefulness of each component of the proposed pipeline.


文章作者: 木子已
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