
2024-04-06 更新

Enhancing Diffusion-based Point Cloud Generation with Smoothness Constraint

Authors:Yukun Li, Liping Liu

Diffusion models have been popular for point cloud generation tasks. Existing works utilize the forward diffusion process to convert the original point distribution into a noise distribution and then learn the reverse diffusion process to recover the point distribution from the noise distribution. However, the reverse diffusion process can produce samples with non-smooth points on the surface because of the ignorance of the point cloud geometric properties. We propose alleviating the problem by incorporating the local smoothness constraint into the diffusion framework for point cloud generation. Experiments demonstrate the proposed model can generate realistic shapes and smoother point clouds, outperforming multiple state-of-the-art methods.


LiDAR4D: Dynamic Neural Fields for Novel Space-time View LiDAR Synthesis

Authors:Zehan Zheng, Fan Lu, Weiyi Xue, Guang Chen, Changjun Jiang

Although neural radiance fields (NeRFs) have achieved triumphs in image novel view synthesis (NVS), LiDAR NVS remains largely unexplored. Previous LiDAR NVS methods employ a simple shift from image NVS methods while ignoring the dynamic nature and the large-scale reconstruction problem of LiDAR point clouds. In light of this, we propose LiDAR4D, a differentiable LiDAR-only framework for novel space-time LiDAR view synthesis. In consideration of the sparsity and large-scale characteristics, we design a 4D hybrid representation combined with multi-planar and grid features to achieve effective reconstruction in a coarse-to-fine manner. Furthermore, we introduce geometric constraints derived from point clouds to improve temporal consistency. For the realistic synthesis of LiDAR point clouds, we incorporate the global optimization of ray-drop probability to preserve cross-region patterns. Extensive experiments on KITTI-360 and NuScenes datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method in accomplishing geometry-aware and time-consistent dynamic reconstruction. Codes are available at https://github.com/ispc-lab/LiDAR4D.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2024. Project Page: https://dyfcalid.github.io/LiDAR4D


Unsupervised Occupancy Learning from Sparse Point Cloud

Authors:Amine Ouasfi, Adnane Boukhayma

Implicit Neural Representations have gained prominence as a powerful framework for capturing complex data modalities, encompassing a wide range from 3D shapes to images and audio. Within the realm of 3D shape representation, Neural Signed Distance Functions (SDF) have demonstrated remarkable potential in faithfully encoding intricate shape geometry. However, learning SDFs from 3D point clouds in the absence of ground truth supervision remains a very challenging task. In this paper, we propose a method to infer occupancy fields instead of SDFs as they are easier to learn from sparse inputs. We leverage a margin-based uncertainty measure to differentially sample from the decision boundary of the occupancy function and supervise the sampled boundary points using the input point cloud. We further stabilize the optimization process at the early stages of the training by biasing the occupancy function towards minimal entropy fields while maximizing its entropy at the input point cloud. Through extensive experiments and evaluations, we illustrate the efficacy of our proposed method, highlighting its capacity to improve implicit shape inference with respect to baselines and the state-of-the-art using synthetic and real data.


PoCo: Point Context Cluster for RGBD Indoor Place Recognition

Authors:Jing Liang, Zhuo Deng, Zheming Zhou, Omid Ghasemalizadeh, Dinesh Manocha, Min Sun, Cheng-Hao Kuo, Arnie Sen

We present a novel end-to-end algorithm (PoCo) for the indoor RGB-D place recognition task, aimed at identifying the most likely match for a given query frame within a reference database. The task presents inherent challenges attributed to the constrained field of view and limited range of perception sensors. We propose a new network architecture, which generalizes the recent Context of Clusters (CoCs) to extract global descriptors directly from the noisy point clouds through end-to-end learning. Moreover, we develop the architecture by integrating both color and geometric modalities into the point features to enhance the global descriptor representation. We conducted evaluations on public datasets ScanNet-PR and ARKit with 807 and 5047 scenarios, respectively. PoCo achieves SOTA performance: on ScanNet-PR, we achieve R@1 of 64.63%, a 5.7% improvement from the best-published result CGis (61.12%); on Arkit, we achieve R@1 of 45.12%, a 13.3% improvement from the best-published result CGis (39.82%). In addition, PoCo shows higher efficiency than CGis in inference time (1.75X-faster), and we demonstrate the effectiveness of PoCo in recognizing places within a real-world laboratory environment.


LidarDM: Generative LiDAR Simulation in a Generated World

Authors:Vlas Zyrianov, Henry Che, Zhijian Liu, Shenlong Wang

We present LidarDM, a novel LiDAR generative model capable of producing realistic, layout-aware, physically plausible, and temporally coherent LiDAR videos. LidarDM stands out with two unprecedented capabilities in LiDAR generative modeling: (i) LiDAR generation guided by driving scenarios, offering significant potential for autonomous driving simulations, and (ii) 4D LiDAR point cloud generation, enabling the creation of realistic and temporally coherent sequences. At the heart of our model is a novel integrated 4D world generation framework. Specifically, we employ latent diffusion models to generate the 3D scene, combine it with dynamic actors to form the underlying 4D world, and subsequently produce realistic sensory observations within this virtual environment. Our experiments indicate that our approach outperforms competing algorithms in realism, temporal coherency, and layout consistency. We additionally show that LidarDM can be used as a generative world model simulator for training and testing perception models.


DPFT: Dual Perspective Fusion Transformer for Camera-Radar-based Object Detection

Authors:Felix Fent, Andras Palffy, Holger Caesar

The perception of autonomous vehicles has to be efficient, robust, and cost-effective. However, cameras are not robust against severe weather conditions, lidar sensors are expensive, and the performance of radar-based perception is still inferior to the others. Camera-radar fusion methods have been proposed to address this issue, but these are constrained by the typical sparsity of radar point clouds and often designed for radars without elevation information. We propose a novel camera-radar fusion approach called Dual Perspective Fusion Transformer (DPFT), designed to overcome these limitations. Our method leverages lower-level radar data (the radar cube) instead of the processed point clouds to preserve as much information as possible and employs projections in both the camera and ground planes to effectively use radars with elevation information and simplify the fusion with camera data. As a result, DPFT has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on the K-Radar dataset while showing remarkable robustness against adverse weather conditions and maintaining a low inference time. The code is made available as open-source software under https://github.com/TUMFTM/DPFT.


HandDiff: 3D Hand Pose Estimation with Diffusion on Image-Point Cloud

Authors:Wencan Cheng, Hao Tang, Luc Van Gool, Jong Hwan Ko

Extracting keypoint locations from input hand frames, known as 3D hand pose estimation, is a critical task in various human-computer interaction applications. Essentially, the 3D hand pose estimation can be regarded as a 3D point subset generative problem conditioned on input frames. Thanks to the recent significant progress on diffusion-based generative models, hand pose estimation can also benefit from the diffusion model to estimate keypoint locations with high quality. However, directly deploying the existing diffusion models to solve hand pose estimation is non-trivial, since they cannot achieve the complex permutation mapping and precise localization. Based on this motivation, this paper proposes HandDiff, a diffusion-based hand pose estimation model that iteratively denoises accurate hand pose conditioned on hand-shaped image-point clouds. In order to recover keypoint permutation and accurate location, we further introduce joint-wise condition and local detail condition. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed HandDiff significantly outperforms the existing approaches on four challenging hand pose benchmark datasets. Codes and pre-trained models are publicly available at https://github.com/cwc1260/HandDiff.
PDF Accepted as a conference paper to the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (2024)


VF-NeRF: Viewshed Fields for Rigid NeRF Registration

Authors:Leo Segre, Shai Avidan

3D scene registration is a fundamental problem in computer vision that seeks the best 6-DoF alignment between two scenes. This problem was extensively investigated in the case of point clouds and meshes, but there has been relatively limited work regarding Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). In this paper, we consider the problem of rigid registration between two NeRFs when the position of the original cameras is not given. Our key novelty is the introduction of Viewshed Fields (VF), an implicit function that determines, for each 3D point, how likely it is to be viewed by the original cameras. We demonstrate how VF can help in the various stages of NeRF registration, with an extensive evaluation showing that VF-NeRF achieves SOTA results on various datasets with different capturing approaches such as LLFF and Objaverese.


You Only Scan Once: A Dynamic Scene Reconstruction Pipeline for 6-DoF Robotic Grasping of Novel Objects

Authors:Lei Zhou, Haozhe Wang, Zhengshen Zhang, Zhiyang Liu, Francis EH Tay, adn Marcelo H. Ang. Jr

In the realm of robotic grasping, achieving accurate and reliable interactions with the environment is a pivotal challenge. Traditional methods of grasp planning methods utilizing partial point clouds derived from depth image often suffer from reduced scene understanding due to occlusion, ultimately impeding their grasping accuracy. Furthermore, scene reconstruction methods have primarily relied upon static techniques, which are susceptible to environment change during manipulation process limits their efficacy in real-time grasping tasks. To address these limitations, this paper introduces a novel two-stage pipeline for dynamic scene reconstruction. In the first stage, our approach takes scene scanning as input to register each target object with mesh reconstruction and novel object pose tracking. In the second stage, pose tracking is still performed to provide object poses in real-time, enabling our approach to transform the reconstructed object point clouds back into the scene. Unlike conventional methodologies, which rely on static scene snapshots, our method continuously captures the evolving scene geometry, resulting in a comprehensive and up-to-date point cloud representation. By circumventing the constraints posed by occlusion, our method enhances the overall grasp planning process and empowers state-of-the-art 6-DoF robotic grasping algorithms to exhibit markedly improved accuracy.


PointInfinity: Resolution-Invariant Point Diffusion Models

Authors:Zixuan Huang, Justin Johnson, Shoubhik Debnath, James M. Rehg, Chao-Yuan Wu

We present PointInfinity, an efficient family of point cloud diffusion models. Our core idea is to use a transformer-based architecture with a fixed-size, resolution-invariant latent representation. This enables efficient training with low-resolution point clouds, while allowing high-resolution point clouds to be generated during inference. More importantly, we show that scaling the test-time resolution beyond the training resolution improves the fidelity of generated point clouds and surfaces. We analyze this phenomenon and draw a link to classifier-free guidance commonly used in diffusion models, demonstrating that both allow trading off fidelity and variability during inference. Experiments on CO3D show that PointInfinity can efficiently generate high-resolution point clouds (up to 131k points, 31 times more than Point-E) with state-of-the-art quality.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2024, project website at https://zixuanh.com/projects/pointinfinity


OpenNeRF: Open Set 3D Neural Scene Segmentation with Pixel-Wise Features and Rendered Novel Views

Authors:Francis Engelmann, Fabian Manhardt, Michael Niemeyer, Keisuke Tateno, Marc Pollefeys, Federico Tombari

Large visual-language models (VLMs), like CLIP, enable open-set image segmentation to segment arbitrary concepts from an image in a zero-shot manner. This goes beyond the traditional closed-set assumption, i.e., where models can only segment classes from a pre-defined training set. More recently, first works on open-set segmentation in 3D scenes have appeared in the literature. These methods are heavily influenced by closed-set 3D convolutional approaches that process point clouds or polygon meshes. However, these 3D scene representations do not align well with the image-based nature of the visual-language models. Indeed, point cloud and 3D meshes typically have a lower resolution than images and the reconstructed 3D scene geometry might not project well to the underlying 2D image sequences used to compute pixel-aligned CLIP features. To address these challenges, we propose OpenNeRF which naturally operates on posed images and directly encodes the VLM features within the NeRF. This is similar in spirit to LERF, however our work shows that using pixel-wise VLM features (instead of global CLIP features) results in an overall less complex architecture without the need for additional DINO regularization. Our OpenNeRF further leverages NeRF’s ability to render novel views and extract open-set VLM features from areas that are not well observed in the initial posed images. For 3D point cloud segmentation on the Replica dataset, OpenNeRF outperforms recent open-vocabulary methods such as LERF and OpenScene by at least +4.9 mIoU.
PDF ICLR 2024, Project page: https://opennerf.github.io


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