
2024-04-03 更新

WavLLM: Towards Robust and Adaptive Speech Large Language Model

Authors:Shujie Hu, Long Zhou, Shujie Liu, Sanyuan Chen, Hongkun Hao, Jing Pan, Xunying Liu, Jinyu Li, Sunit Sivasankaran, Linquan Liu, Furu Wei

The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of natural language processing, progressively broadening their scope to multimodal perception and generation. However, effectively integrating listening capabilities into LLMs poses significant challenges, particularly with respect to generalizing across varied contexts and executing complex auditory tasks. In this work, we introduce WavLLM, a robust and adaptive speech large language model with dual encoders, and a prompt-aware LoRA weight adapter, optimized by a two-stage curriculum learning approach. Leveraging dual encoders, we decouple different types of speech information, utilizing a Whisper encoder to process the semantic content of speech, and a WavLM encoder to capture the unique characteristics of the speaker’s identity. Within the curriculum learning framework, WavLLM first builds its foundational capabilities by optimizing on mixed elementary single tasks, followed by advanced multi-task training on more complex tasks such as combinations of the elementary tasks. To enhance the flexibility and adherence to different tasks and instructions, a prompt-aware LoRA weight adapter is introduced in the second advanced multi-task training stage. We validate the proposed model on universal speech benchmarks including tasks such as ASR, ST, SV, ER, and also apply it to specialized datasets like Gaokao English listening comprehension set for SQA, and speech Chain-of-Thought (CoT) evaluation set. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance across a range of speech tasks on the same model size, exhibiting robust generalization capabilities in executing complex tasks using CoT approach. Furthermore, our model successfully completes Gaokao tasks without specialized training. The codes, models, audio, and Gaokao evaluation set can be accessed at \url{aka.ms/wavllm}.


Heterogeneity over Homogeneity: Investigating Multilingual Speech Pre-Trained Models for Detecting Audio Deepfake

Authors:Orchid Chetia Phukan, Gautam Siddharth Kashyap, Arun Balaji Buduru, Rajesh Sharma

In this work, we investigate multilingual speech Pre-Trained models (PTMs) for Audio deepfake detection (ADD). We hypothesize that multilingual PTMs trained on large-scale diverse multilingual data gain knowledge about diverse pitches, accents, and tones, during their pre-training phase and making them more robust to variations. As a result, they will be more effective for detecting audio deepfakes. To validate our hypothesis, we extract representations from state-of-the-art (SOTA) PTMs including monolingual, multilingual as well as PTMs trained for speaker and emotion recognition, and evaluated them on ASVSpoof 2019 (ASV), In-the-Wild (ITW), and DECRO benchmark databases. We show that representations from multilingual PTMs, with simple downstream networks, attain the best performance for ADD compared to other PTM representations, which validates our hypothesis. We also explore the possibility of fusion of selected PTM representations for further improvements in ADD, and we propose a framework, MiO (Merge into One) for this purpose. With MiO, we achieve SOTA performance on ASV and ITW and comparable performance on DECRO with current SOTA works.
PDF Accepted to NAACL (Findings) 2024


Enhancing Real-World Active Speaker Detection with Multi-Modal Extraction Pre-Training

Authors:Ruijie Tao, Xinyuan Qian, Rohan Kumar Das, Xiaoxue Gao, Jiadong Wang, Haizhou Li

Audio-visual active speaker detection (AV-ASD) aims to identify which visible face is speaking in a scene with one or more persons. Most existing AV-ASD methods prioritize capturing speech-lip correspondence. However, there is a noticeable gap in addressing the challenges from real-world AV-ASD scenarios. Due to the presence of low-quality noisy videos in such cases, AV-ASD systems without a selective listening ability are short of effectively filtering out disruptive voice components from mixed audio inputs. In this paper, we propose a Multi-modal Speaker Extraction-to-Detection framework named `MuSED’, which is pre-trained with audio-visual target speaker extraction to learn the denoising ability, then it is fine-tuned with the AV-ASD task. Meanwhile, to better capture the multi-modal information and deal with real-world problems such as missing modality, MuSED is modelled on the time domain directly and integrates the multi-modal plus-and-minus augmentation strategy. Our experiments demonstrate that MuSED substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art AV-ASD methods and achieves 95.6% mAP on the AVA-ActiveSpeaker dataset, 98.3% AP on the ASW dataset, and 97.9% F1 on the Columbia AV-ASD dataset, respectively. We will publicly release the code in due course.
PDF 10 pages


Transforming LLMs into Cross-modal and Cross-lingual RetrievalSystems

Authors:Frank Palma Gomez, Ramon Sanabria, Yun-hsuan Sung, Daniel Cer, Siddharth Dalmia, Gustavo Hernandez Abrego

Large language models (LLMs) are trained on text-only data that go far beyond the languages with paired speech and text data. At the same time, Dual Encoder (DE) based retrieval systems project queries and documents into the same embedding space and have demonstrated their success in retrieval and bi-text mining. To match speech and text in many languages, we propose using LLMs to initialize multi-modal DE retrieval systems. Unlike traditional methods, our system doesn’t require speech data during LLM pre-training and can exploit LLM’s multilingual text understanding capabilities to match speech and text in languages unseen during retrieval training. Our multi-modal LLM-based retrieval system is capable of matching speech and text in 102 languages despite only training on 21 languages. Our system outperforms previous systems trained explicitly on all 102 languages. We achieve a 10% absolute improvement in Recall@1 averaged across these languages. Additionally, our model demonstrates cross-lingual speech and text matching, which is further enhanced by readily available machine translation data.


Transfer Learning from Whisper for Microscopic Intelligibility Prediction

Authors:Paul Best, Santiago Cuervo, Ricard Marxer

Macroscopic intelligibility models predict the expected human word-error-rate for a given speech-in-noise stimulus. In contrast, microscopic intelligibility models aim to make fine-grained predictions about listeners’ perception, e.g. predicting phonetic or lexical responses. State-of-the-art macroscopic models use transfer learning from large scale deep learning models for speech processing, whereas such methods have rarely been used for microscopic modeling. In this paper, we study the use of transfer learning from Whisper, a state-of-the-art deep learning model for automatic speech recognition, for microscopic intelligibility prediction at the level of lexical responses. Our method outperforms the considered baselines, even in a zero-shot setup, and yields a relative improvement of up to 66\% when fine-tuned to predict listeners’ responses. Our results showcase the promise of large scale deep learning based methods for microscopic intelligibility prediction.


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