2024-04-01 更新

You Only Sample Once: Taming One-Step Text-To-Image Synthesis by Self-Cooperative Diffusion GANs

Authors:Yihong Luo, Xiaolong Chen, Jing Tang

We introduce YOSO, a novel generative model designed for rapid, scalable, and high-fidelity one-step image synthesis. This is achieved by integrating the diffusion process with GANs. Specifically, we smooth the distribution by the denoising generator itself, performing self-cooperative learning. We show that our method can serve as a one-step generation model training from scratch with competitive performance. Moreover, we show that our method can be extended to finetune pre-trained text-to-image diffusion for high-quality one-step text-to-image synthesis even with LoRA fine-tuning. In particular, we provide the first diffusion transformer that can generate images in one step trained on 512 resolution, with the capability of adapting to 1024 resolution without explicit training. Our code is provided at
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Authors:Seyma Yucer, Amir Atapour Abarghouei, Noura Al Moubayed, Toby P. Breckon

Achieving an effective fine-grained appearance variation over 2D facial images, whilst preserving facial identity, is a challenging task due to the high complexity and entanglement of common 2D facial feature encoding spaces. Despite these challenges, such fine-grained control, by way of disentanglement is a crucial enabler for data-driven racial bias mitigation strategies across multiple automated facial analysis tasks, as it allows to analyse, characterise and synthesise human facial diversity. In this paper, we propose a novel GAN framework to enable fine-grained control over individual race-related phenotype attributes of the facial images. Our framework factors the latent (feature) space into elements that correspond to race-related facial phenotype representations, thereby separating phenotype aspects (e.g. skin, hair colour, nose, eye, mouth shapes), which are notoriously difficult to annotate robustly in real-world facial data. Concurrently, we also introduce a high quality augmented, diverse 2D face image dataset drawn from CelebA-HQ for GAN training. Unlike prior work, our framework only relies upon 2D imagery and related parameters to achieve state-of-the-art individual control over race-related phenotype attributes with improved photo-realistic output.


StegoGAN: Leveraging Steganography for Non-Bijective Image-to-Image Translation

Authors:Sidi Wu, Yizi Chen, Samuel Mermet, Lorenz Hurni, Konrad Schindler, Nicolas Gonthier, Loic Landrieu

Most image-to-image translation models postulate that a unique correspondence exists between the semantic classes of the source and target domains. However, this assumption does not always hold in real-world scenarios due to divergent distributions, different class sets, and asymmetrical information representation. As conventional GANs attempt to generate images that match the distribution of the target domain, they may hallucinate spurious instances of classes absent from the source domain, thereby diminishing the usefulness and reliability of translated images. CycleGAN-based methods are also known to hide the mismatched information in the generated images to bypass cycle consistency objectives, a process known as steganography. In response to the challenge of non-bijective image translation, we introduce StegoGAN, a novel model that leverages steganography to prevent spurious features in generated images. Our approach enhances the semantic consistency of the translated images without requiring additional postprocessing or supervision. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate that StegoGAN outperforms existing GAN-based models across various non-bijective image-to-image translation tasks, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Our code and pretrained models are accessible at


HGS-Mapping: Online Dense Mapping Using Hybrid Gaussian Representation in Urban Scenes

Authors:Ke Wu, Kaizhao Zhang, Zhiwei Zhang, Shanshuai Yuan, Muer Tie, Julong Wei, Zijun Xu, Jieru Zhao, Zhongxue Gan, Wenchao Ding

Online dense mapping of urban scenes forms a fundamental cornerstone for scene understanding and navigation of autonomous vehicles. Recent advancements in mapping methods are mainly based on NeRF, whose rendering speed is too slow to meet online requirements. 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), with its rendering speed hundreds of times faster than NeRF, holds greater potential in online dense mapping. However, integrating 3DGS into a street-view dense mapping framework still faces two challenges, including incomplete reconstruction due to the absence of geometric information beyond the LiDAR coverage area and extensive computation for reconstruction in large urban scenes. To this end, we propose HGS-Mapping, an online dense mapping framework in unbounded large-scale scenes. To attain complete construction, our framework introduces Hybrid Gaussian Representation, which models different parts of the entire scene using Gaussians with distinct properties. Furthermore, we employ a hybrid Gaussian initialization mechanism and an adaptive update method to achieve high-fidelity and rapid reconstruction. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to integrate Gaussian representation into online dense mapping of urban scenes. Our approach achieves SOTA reconstruction accuracy while only employing 66% number of Gaussians, leading to 20% faster reconstruction speed.


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