Diffusion Models

2024-04-01 更新

ShapeFusion: A 3D diffusion model for localized shape editing

Authors:Rolandos Alexandros Potamias, Michail Tarasiou Stylianos Ploumpis, Stefanos Zafeiriou

In the realm of 3D computer vision, parametric models have emerged as a ground-breaking methodology for the creation of realistic and expressive 3D avatars. Traditionally, they rely on Principal Component Analysis (PCA), given its ability to decompose data to an orthonormal space that maximally captures shape variations. However, due to the orthogonality constraints and the global nature of PCA’s decomposition, these models struggle to perform localized and disentangled editing of 3D shapes, which severely affects their use in applications requiring fine control such as face sculpting. In this paper, we leverage diffusion models to enable diverse and fully localized edits on 3D meshes, while completely preserving the un-edited regions. We propose an effective diffusion masking training strategy that, by design, facilitates localized manipulation of any shape region, without being limited to predefined regions or to sparse sets of predefined control vertices. Following our framework, a user can explicitly set their manipulation region of choice and define an arbitrary set of vertices as handles to edit a 3D mesh. Compared to the current state-of-the-art our method leads to more interpretable shape manipulations than methods relying on latent code state, greater localization and generation diversity while offering faster inference than optimization based approaches. Project page: https://rolpotamias.github.io/Shapefusion/
PDF Project Page: https://rolpotamias.github.io/Shapefusion/


Structure Matters: Tackling the Semantic Discrepancy in Diffusion Models for Image Inpainting

Authors:Haipeng Liu, Yang Wang, Biao Qian, Meng Wang, Yong Rui

Denoising diffusion probabilistic models for image inpainting aim to add the noise to the texture of image during the forward process and recover masked regions with unmasked ones of the texture via the reverse denoising process.Despite the meaningful semantics generation,the existing arts suffer from the semantic discrepancy between masked and unmasked regions, since the semantically dense unmasked texture fails to be completely degraded while the masked regions turn to the pure noise in diffusion process,leading to the large discrepancy between them.In this paper,we aim to answer how unmasked semantics guide texture denoising process;together with how to tackle the semantic discrepancy,to facilitate the consistent and meaningful semantics generation.To this end,we propose a novel structure-guided diffusion model named StrDiffusion,to reformulate the conventional texture denoising process under structure guidance to derive a simplified denoising objective for image inpainting,while revealing:1) the semantically sparse structure is beneficial to tackle semantic discrepancy in early stage, while dense texture generates reasonable semantics in late stage;2) the semantics from unmasked regions essentially offer the time-dependent structure guidance for the texture denoising process,benefiting from the time-dependent sparsity of the structure semantics.For the denoising process,a structure-guided neural network is trained to estimate the simplified denoising objective by exploiting the consistency of the denoised structure between masked and unmasked regions.Besides,we devise an adaptive resampling strategy as a formal criterion as whether structure is competent to guide the texture denoising process,while regulate their semantic correlations.Extensive experiments validate the merits of StrDiffusion over the state-of-the-arts.Our code is available at https://github.com/htyjers/StrDiffusion.
PDF 15 pages, 10 figures, to appear CVPR 2024


SGD: Street View Synthesis with Gaussian Splatting and Diffusion Prior

Authors:Zhongrui Yu, Haoran Wang, Jinze Yang, Hanzhang Wang, Zeke Xie, Yunfeng Cai, Jiale Cao, Zhong Ji, Mingming Sun

Novel View Synthesis (NVS) for street scenes play a critical role in the autonomous driving simulation. The current mainstream technique to achieve it is neural rendering, such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). Although thrilling progress has been made, when handling street scenes, current methods struggle to maintain rendering quality at the viewpoint that deviates significantly from the training viewpoints. This issue stems from the sparse training views captured by a fixed camera on a moving vehicle. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel approach that enhances the capacity of 3DGS by leveraging prior from a Diffusion Model along with complementary multi-modal data. Specifically, we first fine-tune a Diffusion Model by adding images from adjacent frames as condition, meanwhile exploiting depth data from LiDAR point clouds to supply additional spatial information. Then we apply the Diffusion Model to regularize the 3DGS at unseen views during training. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our method compared with current state-of-the-art models, and demonstrate its advance in rendering images from broader views.


FreeSeg-Diff: Training-Free Open-Vocabulary Segmentation with Diffusion Models

Authors:Barbara Toniella Corradini, Mustafa Shukor, Paul Couairon, Guillaume Couairon, Franco Scarselli, Matthieu Cord

Foundation models have exhibited unprecedented capabilities in tackling many domains and tasks. Models such as CLIP are currently widely used to bridge cross-modal representations, and text-to-image diffusion models are arguably the leading models in terms of realistic image generation. Image generative models are trained on massive datasets that provide them with powerful internal spatial representations. In this work, we explore the potential benefits of such representations, beyond image generation, in particular, for dense visual prediction tasks. We focus on the task of image segmentation, which is traditionally solved by training models on closed-vocabulary datasets, with pixel-level annotations. To avoid the annotation cost or training large diffusion models, we constraint our setup to be zero-shot and training-free. In a nutshell, our pipeline leverages different and relatively small-sized, open-source foundation models for zero-shot open-vocabulary segmentation. The pipeline is as follows: the image is passed to both a captioner model (i.e. BLIP) and a diffusion model (i.e., Stable Diffusion Model) to generate a text description and visual representation, respectively. The features are clustered and binarized to obtain class agnostic masks for each object. These masks are then mapped to a textual class, using the CLIP model to support open-vocabulary. Finally, we add a refinement step that allows to obtain a more precise segmentation mask. Our approach (dubbed FreeSeg-Diff), which does not rely on any training, outperforms many training-based approaches on both Pascal VOC and COCO datasets. In addition, we show very competitive results compared to the recent weakly-supervised segmentation approaches. We provide comprehensive experiments showing the superiority of diffusion model features compared to other pretrained models. Project page: https://bcorrad.github.io/freesegdiff/


Relation Rectification in Diffusion Model

Authors:Yinwei Wu, Xingyi Yang, Xinchao Wang

Despite their exceptional generative abilities, large text-to-image diffusion models, much like skilled but careless artists, often struggle with accurately depicting visual relationships between objects. This issue, as we uncover through careful analysis, arises from a misaligned text encoder that struggles to interpret specific relationships and differentiate the logical order of associated objects. To resolve this, we introduce a novel task termed Relation Rectification, aiming to refine the model to accurately represent a given relationship it initially fails to generate. To address this, we propose an innovative solution utilizing a Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Network (HGCN). It models the directional relationships between relation terms and corresponding objects within the input prompts. Specifically, we optimize the HGCN on a pair of prompts with identical relational words but reversed object orders, supplemented by a few reference images. The lightweight HGCN adjusts the text embeddings generated by the text encoder, ensuring the accurate reflection of the textual relation in the embedding space. Crucially, our method retains the parameters of the text encoder and diffusion model, preserving the model’s robust performance on unrelated descriptions. We validated our approach on a newly curated dataset of diverse relational data, demonstrating both quantitative and qualitative enhancements in generating images with precise visual relations. Project page: https://wuyinwei-hah.github.io/rrnet.github.io/.


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