
2024-03-31 更新

Adversarial Examples are Misaligned in Diffusion Model Manifolds

Authors:Peter Lorenz, Ricard Durall, Janis Keuper

In recent years, diffusion models (DMs) have drawn significant attention for their success in approximating data distributions, yielding state-of-the-art generative results. Nevertheless, the versatility of these models extends beyond their generative capabilities to encompass various vision applications, such as image inpainting, segmentation, adversarial robustness, among others. This study is dedicated to the investigation of adversarial attacks through the lens of diffusion models. However, our objective does not involve enhancing the adversarial robustness of image classifiers. Instead, our focus lies in utilizing the diffusion model to detect and analyze the anomalies introduced by these attacks on images. To that end, we systematically examine the alignment of the distributions of adversarial examples when subjected to the process of transformation using diffusion models. The efficacy of this approach is assessed across CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets, including varying image sizes in the latter. The results demonstrate a notable capacity to discriminate effectively between benign and attacked images, providing compelling evidence that adversarial instances do not align with the learned manifold of the DMs.
PDF accepted at IJCNN


Transcending Adversarial Perturbations: Manifold-Aided Adversarial Examples with Legitimate Semantics

Authors:Shuai Li, Xiaoyu Jiang, Xiaoguang Ma

Deep neural networks were significantly vulnerable to adversarial examples manipulated by malicious tiny perturbations. Although most conventional adversarial attacks ensured the visual imperceptibility between adversarial examples and corresponding raw images by minimizing their geometric distance, these constraints on geometric distance led to limited attack transferability, inferior visual quality, and human-imperceptible interpretability. In this paper, we proposed a supervised semantic-transformation generative model to generate adversarial examples with real and legitimate semantics, wherein an unrestricted adversarial manifold containing continuous semantic variations was constructed for the first time to realize a legitimate transition from non-adversarial examples to adversarial ones. Comprehensive experiments on MNIST and industrial defect datasets showed that our adversarial examples not only exhibited better visual quality but also achieved superior attack transferability and more effective explanations for model vulnerabilities, indicating their great potential as generic adversarial examples. The code and pre-trained models were available at https://github.com/shuaili1027/MAELS.git.
PDF 12 pages, 6 figures


Towards Robust Image Stitching: An Adaptive Resistance Learning against Compatible Attacks

Authors:Zhiying Jiang, Xingyuan Li, Jinyuan Liu, Xin Fan, Risheng Liu

Image stitching seamlessly integrates images captured from varying perspectives into a single wide field-of-view image. Such integration not only broadens the captured scene but also augments holistic perception in computer vision applications. Given a pair of captured images, subtle perturbations and distortions which go unnoticed by the human visual system tend to attack the correspondence matching, impairing the performance of image stitching algorithms. In light of this challenge, this paper presents the first attempt to improve the robustness of image stitching against adversarial attacks. Specifically, we introduce a stitching-oriented attack~(SoA), tailored to amplify the alignment loss within overlapping regions, thereby targeting the feature matching procedure. To establish an attack resistant model, we delve into the robustness of stitching architecture and develop an adaptive adversarial training~(AAT) to balance attack resistance with stitching precision. In this way, we relieve the gap between the routine adversarial training and benign models, ensuring resilience without quality compromise. Comprehensive evaluation across real-world and synthetic datasets validate the deterioration of SoA on stitching performance. Furthermore, AAT emerges as a more robust solution against adversarial perturbations, delivering superior stitching results. Code is available at:https://github.com/Jzy2017/TRIS.
PDF Accepted by AAAI2024


Breaking the Black-Box: Confidence-Guided Model Inversion Attack for Distribution Shift

Authors:Xinhao Liu, Yingzhao Jiang, Zetao Lin

Model inversion attacks (MIAs) seek to infer the private training data of a target classifier by generating synthetic images that reflect the characteristics of the target class through querying the model. However, prior studies have relied on full access to the target model, which is not practical in real-world scenarios. Additionally, existing black-box MIAs assume that the image prior and target model follow the same distribution. However, when confronted with diverse data distribution settings, these methods may result in suboptimal performance in conducting attacks. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a \textbf{C}onfidence-\textbf{G}uided \textbf{M}odel \textbf{I}nversion attack method called CG-MI, which utilizes the latent space of a pre-trained publicly available generative adversarial network (GAN) as prior information and gradient-free optimizer, enabling high-resolution MIAs across different data distributions in a black-box setting. Our experiments demonstrate that our method significantly \textbf{outperforms the SOTA black-box MIA by more than 49\% for Celeba and 58\% for Facescrub in different distribution settings}. Furthermore, our method exhibits the ability to generate high-quality images \textbf{comparable to those produced by white-box attacks}. Our method provides a practical and effective solution for black-box model inversion attacks.
PDF 8pages,5 figures


Fooling Neural Networks for Motion Forecasting via Adversarial Attacks

Authors:Edgar Medina, Leyong Loh

Human motion prediction is still an open problem, which is extremely important for autonomous driving and safety applications. Although there are great advances in this area, the widely studied topic of adversarial attacks has not been applied to multi-regression models such as GCNs and MLP-based architectures in human motion prediction. This work intends to reduce this gap using extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments in state-of-the-art architectures similar to the initial stages of adversarial attacks in image classification. The results suggest that models are susceptible to attacks even on low levels of perturbation. We also show experiments with 3D transformations that affect the model performance, in particular, we show that most models are sensitive to simple rotations and translations which do not alter joint distances. We conclude that similar to earlier CNN models, motion forecasting tasks are susceptible to small perturbations and simple 3D transformations.
PDF 11 pages, 8 figures, VISSAP 2024


Versatile Defense Against Adversarial Attacks on Image Recognition

Authors:Haibo Zhang, Zhihua Yao, Kouichi Sakurai

Adversarial attacks present a significant security risk to image recognition tasks. Defending against these attacks in a real-life setting can be compared to the way antivirus software works, with a key consideration being how well the defense can adapt to new and evolving attacks. Another important factor is the resources involved in terms of time and cost for training defense models and updating the model database. Training many models that are specific to each type of attack can be time-consuming and expensive. Ideally, we should be able to train one single model that can handle a wide range of attacks. It appears that a defense method based on image-to-image translation may be capable of this. The proposed versatile defense approach in this paper only requires training one model to effectively resist various unknown adversarial attacks. The trained model has successfully improved the classification accuracy from nearly zero to an average of 86%, performing better than other defense methods proposed in prior studies. When facing the PGD attack and the MI-FGSM attack, versatile defense model even outperforms the attack-specific models trained based on these two attacks. The robustness check also shows that our versatile defense model performs stably regardless with the attack strength.


Attack Deterministic Conditional Image Generative Models for Diverse and Controllable Generation

Authors:Tianyi Chu, Wei Xing, Jiafu Chen, Zhizhong Wang, Jiakai Sun, Lei Zhao, Haibo Chen, Huaizhong Lin

Existing generative adversarial network (GAN) based conditional image generative models typically produce fixed output for the same conditional input, which is unreasonable for highly subjective tasks, such as large-mask image inpainting or style transfer. On the other hand, GAN-based diverse image generative methods require retraining/fine-tuning the network or designing complex noise injection functions, which is computationally expensive, task-specific, or struggle to generate high-quality results. Given that many deterministic conditional image generative models have been able to produce high-quality yet fixed results, we raise an intriguing question: is it possible for pre-trained deterministic conditional image generative models to generate diverse results without changing network structures or parameters? To answer this question, we re-examine the conditional image generation tasks from the perspective of adversarial attack and propose a simple and efficient plug-in projected gradient descent (PGD) like method for diverse and controllable image generation. The key idea is attacking the pre-trained deterministic generative models by adding a micro perturbation to the input condition. In this way, diverse results can be generated without any adjustment of network structures or fine-tuning of the pre-trained models. In addition, we can also control the diverse results to be generated by specifying the attack direction according to a reference text or image. Our work opens the door to applying adversarial attack to low-level vision tasks, and experiments on various conditional image generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.
PDF 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted by AAAI24


Adaptive Hybrid Masking Strategy for Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition Against Model Inversion Attack

Authors:Yuanqing Huang, Yinggui Wang, Jianshu Li, Le Yang, Kai Song, Lei Wang

The utilization of personal sensitive data in training face recognition (FR) models poses significant privacy concerns, as adversaries can employ model inversion attacks (MIA) to infer the original training data. Existing defense methods, such as data augmentation and differential privacy, have been employed to mitigate this issue. However, these methods often fail to strike an optimal balance between privacy and accuracy. To address this limitation, this paper introduces an adaptive hybrid masking algorithm against MIA. Specifically, face images are masked in the frequency domain using an adaptive MixUp strategy. Unlike the traditional MixUp algorithm, which is predominantly used for data augmentation, our modified approach incorporates frequency domain mixing. Previous studies have shown that increasing the number of images mixed in MixUp can enhance privacy preservation but at the expense of reduced face recognition accuracy. To overcome this trade-off, we develop an enhanced adaptive MixUp strategy based on reinforcement learning, which enables us to mix a larger number of images while maintaining satisfactory recognition accuracy. To optimize privacy protection, we propose maximizing the reward function (i.e., the loss function of the FR system) during the training of the strategy network. While the loss function of the FR network is minimized in the phase of training the FR network. The strategy network and the face recognition network can be viewed as antagonistic entities in the training process, ultimately reaching a more balanced trade-off. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed hybrid masking scheme outperforms existing defense algorithms in terms of privacy preservation and recognition accuracy against MIA.


Defense Against Adversarial Attacks on No-Reference Image Quality Models with Gradient Norm Regularization

Authors:Yujia Liu, Chenxi Yang, Dingquan Li, Jianhao Ding, Tingting Jiang

The task of No-Reference Image Quality Assessment (NR-IQA) is to estimate the quality score of an input image without additional information. NR-IQA models play a crucial role in the media industry, aiding in performance evaluation and optimization guidance. However, these models are found to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which introduce imperceptible perturbations to input images, resulting in significant changes in predicted scores. In this paper, we propose a defense method to improve the stability in predicted scores when attacked by small perturbations, thus enhancing the adversarial robustness of NR-IQA models. To be specific, we present theoretical evidence showing that the magnitude of score changes is related to the $\ell_1$ norm of the model’s gradient with respect to the input image. Building upon this theoretical foundation, we propose a norm regularization training strategy aimed at reducing the $\ell_1$ norm of the gradient, thereby boosting the robustness of NR-IQA models. Experiments conducted on four NR-IQA baseline models demonstrate the effectiveness of our strategy in reducing score changes in the presence of adversarial attacks. To the best of our knowledge, this work marks the first attempt to defend against adversarial attacks on NR-IQA models. Our study offers valuable insights into the adversarial robustness of NR-IQA models and provides a foundation for future research in this area.
PDF accepted by CVPR 2024


Improving Robustness to Model Inversion Attacks via Sparse Coding Architectures

Authors:Sayanton V. Dibbo, Adam Breuer, Juston Moore, Michael Teti

Recent model inversion attack algorithms permit adversaries to reconstruct a neural network’s private training data just by repeatedly querying the network and inspecting its outputs. In this work, we develop a novel network architecture that leverages sparse-coding layers to obtain superior robustness to this class of attacks. Three decades of computer science research has studied sparse coding in the context of image denoising, object recognition, and adversarial misclassification settings, but to the best of our knowledge, its connection to state-of-the-art privacy vulnerabilities remains unstudied. However, sparse coding architectures suggest an advantageous means to defend against model inversion attacks because they allow us to control the amount of irrelevant private information encoded in a network’s intermediate representations in a manner that can be computed efficiently during training and that is known to have little effect on classification accuracy. Specifically, compared to networks trained with a variety of state-of-the-art defenses, our sparse-coding architectures maintain comparable or higher classification accuracy while degrading state-of-the-art training data reconstructions by factors of 1.1 to 18.3 across a variety of reconstruction quality metrics (PSNR, SSIM, FID). This performance advantage holds across 5 datasets ranging from CelebA faces to medical images and CIFAR-10, and across various state-of-the-art SGD-based and GAN-based inversion attacks, including Plug-&-Play attacks. We provide a cluster-ready PyTorch codebase to promote research and standardize defense evaluations.
PDF 32 pages, 15 Tables, and 9 Figures


SemRoDe: Macro Adversarial Training to Learn Representations That are Robust to Word-Level Attacks

Authors:Brian Formento, Wenjie Feng, Chuan Sheng Foo, Luu Anh Tuan, See-Kiong Ng

Language models (LMs) are indispensable tools for natural language processing tasks, but their vulnerability to adversarial attacks remains a concern. While current research has explored adversarial training techniques, their improvements to defend against word-level attacks have been limited. In this work, we propose a novel approach called Semantic Robust Defence (SemRoDe), a Macro Adversarial Training strategy to enhance the robustness of LMs. Drawing inspiration from recent studies in the image domain, we investigate and later confirm that in a discrete data setting such as language, adversarial samples generated via word substitutions do indeed belong to an adversarial domain exhibiting a high Wasserstein distance from the base domain. Our method learns a robust representation that bridges these two domains. We hypothesize that if samples were not projected into an adversarial domain, but instead to a domain with minimal shift, it would improve attack robustness. We align the domains by incorporating a new distance-based objective. With this, our model is able to learn more generalized representations by aligning the model’s high-level output features and therefore better handling unseen adversarial samples. This method can be generalized across word embeddings, even when they share minimal overlap at both vocabulary and word-substitution levels. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct experiments on BERT and RoBERTa models on three datasets. The results demonstrate promising state-of-the-art robustness.
PDF Published in NAACL 2024 (Main Track)


MMCert: Provable Defense against Adversarial Attacks to Multi-modal Models

Authors:Yanting Wang, Hongye Fu, Wei Zou, Jinyuan Jia

Different from a unimodal model whose input is from a single modality, the input (called multi-modal input) of a multi-modal model is from multiple modalities such as image, 3D points, audio, text, etc. Similar to unimodal models, many existing studies show that a multi-modal model is also vulnerable to adversarial perturbation, where an attacker could add small perturbation to all modalities of a multi-modal input such that the multi-modal model makes incorrect predictions for it. Existing certified defenses are mostly designed for unimodal models, which achieve sub-optimal certified robustness guarantees when extended to multi-modal models as shown in our experimental results. In our work, we propose MMCert, the first certified defense against adversarial attacks to a multi-modal model. We derive a lower bound on the performance of our MMCert under arbitrary adversarial attacks with bounded perturbations to both modalities (e.g., in the context of auto-driving, we bound the number of changed pixels in both RGB image and depth image). We evaluate our MMCert using two benchmark datasets: one for the multi-modal road segmentation task and the other for the multi-modal emotion recognition task. Moreover, we compare our MMCert with a state-of-the-art certified defense extended from unimodal models. Our experimental results show that our MMCert outperforms the baseline.


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