
2024-03-30 更新

Self-Clustering Hierarchical Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Extensible Cooperation Graph

Authors:Qingxu Fu, Tenghai Qiu, Jianqiang Yi, Zhiqiang Pu, Xiaolin Ai

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) has been successful in solving many cooperative challenges. However, classic non-hierarchical MARL algorithms still cannot address various complex multi-agent problems that require hierarchical cooperative behaviors. The cooperative knowledge and policies learned in non-hierarchical algorithms are implicit and not interpretable, thereby restricting the integration of existing knowledge. This paper proposes a novel hierarchical MARL model called Hierarchical Cooperation Graph Learning (HCGL) for solving general multi-agent problems. HCGL has three components: a dynamic Extensible Cooperation Graph (ECG) for achieving self-clustering cooperation; a group of graph operators for adjusting the topology of ECG; and an MARL optimizer for training these graph operators. HCGL’s key distinction from other MARL models is that the behaviors of agents are guided by the topology of ECG instead of policy neural networks. ECG is a three-layer graph consisting of an agent node layer, a cluster node layer, and a target node layer. To manipulate the ECG topology in response to changing environmental conditions, four graph operators are trained to adjust the edge connections of ECG dynamically. The hierarchical feature of ECG provides a unique approach to merge primitive actions (actions executed by the agents) and cooperative actions (actions executed by the clusters) into a unified action space, allowing us to integrate fundamental cooperative knowledge into an extensible interface. In our experiments, the HCGL model has shown outstanding performance in multi-agent benchmarks with sparse rewards. We also verify that HCGL can easily be transferred to large-scale scenarios with high zero-shot transfer success rates.


Prioritized League Reinforcement Learning for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems

Authors:Qingxu Fu, Zhiqiang Pu, Min Chen, Tenghai Qiu, Jianqiang Yi

Large-scale heterogeneous multiagent systems feature various realistic factors in the real world, such as agents with diverse abilities and overall system cost. In comparison to homogeneous systems, heterogeneous systems offer significant practical advantages. Nonetheless, they also present challenges for multiagent reinforcement learning, including addressing the non-stationary problem and managing an imbalanced number of agents with different types. We propose a Prioritized Heterogeneous League Reinforcement Learning (PHLRL) method to address large-scale heterogeneous cooperation problems. PHLRL maintains a record of various policies that agents have explored during their training and establishes a heterogeneous league consisting of diverse policies to aid in future policy optimization. Furthermore, we design a prioritized policy gradient approach to compensate for the gap caused by differences in the number of different types of agents. Next, we use Unreal Engine to design a large-scale heterogeneous cooperation benchmark named Large-Scale Multiagent Operation (LSMO), which is a complex two-team competition scenario that requires collaboration from both ground and airborne agents. We use experiments to show that PHLRL outperforms state-of-the-art methods, including QTRAN and QPLEX in LSMO.


Long and Short-Term Constraints Driven Safe Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving

Authors:Xuemin Hu, Pan Chen, Yijun Wen, Bo Tang, Long Chen

Reinforcement learning (RL) has been widely used in decision-making tasks, but it cannot guarantee the agent’s safety in the training process due to the requirements of interaction with the environment, which seriously limits its industrial applications such as autonomous driving. Safe RL methods are developed to handle this issue by constraining the expected safety violation costs as a training objective, but they still permit unsafe state occurrence, which is unacceptable in autonomous driving tasks. Moreover, these methods are difficult to achieve a balance between the cost and return expectations, which leads to learning performance degradation for the algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm based on the long and short-term constraints (LSTC) for safe RL. The short-term constraint aims to guarantee the short-term state safety that the vehicle explores, while the long-term constraint ensures the overall safety of the vehicle throughout the decision-making process. In addition, we develop a safe RL method with dual-constraint optimization based on the Lagrange multiplier to optimize the training process for end-to-end autonomous driving. Comprehensive experiments were conducted on the MetaDrive simulator. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves higher safety in continuous state and action tasks, and exhibits higher exploration performance in long-distance decision-making tasks compared with state-of-the-art methods.


Image Deraining via Self-supervised Reinforcement Learning

Authors:He-Hao Liao, Yan-Tsung Peng, Wen-Tao Chu, Ping-Chun Hsieh, Chung-Chi Tsai

The quality of images captured outdoors is often affected by the weather. One factor that interferes with sight is rain, which can obstruct the view of observers and computer vision applications that rely on those images. The work aims to recover rain images by removing rain streaks via Self-supervised Reinforcement Learning (RL) for image deraining (SRL-Derain). We locate rain streak pixels from the input rain image via dictionary learning and use pixel-wise RL agents to take multiple inpainting actions to remove rain progressively. To our knowledge, this work is the first attempt where self-supervised RL is applied to image deraining. Experimental results on several benchmark image-deraining datasets show that the proposed SRL-Derain performs favorably against state-of-the-art few-shot and self-supervised deraining and denoising methods.


Robustness and Visual Explanation for Black Box Image, Video, and ECG Signal Classification with Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Soumyendu Sarkar, Ashwin Ramesh Babu, Sajad Mousavi, Vineet Gundecha, Avisek Naug, Sahand Ghorbanpour

We present a generic Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework optimized for crafting adversarial attacks on different model types spanning from ECG signal analysis (1D), image classification (2D), and video classification (3D). The framework focuses on identifying sensitive regions and inducing misclassifications with minimal distortions and various distortion types. The novel RL method outperforms state-of-the-art methods for all three applications, proving its efficiency. Our RL approach produces superior localization masks, enhancing interpretability for image classification and ECG analysis models. For applications such as ECG analysis, our platform highlights critical ECG segments for clinicians while ensuring resilience against prevalent distortions. This comprehensive tool aims to bolster both resilience with adversarial training and transparency across varied applications and data types.
PDF AAAI Proceedings reference: https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/30579


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