2024-01-17 更新

TriNeRFLet: A Wavelet Based Multiscale Triplane NeRF Representation

Authors:Rajaei Khatib, Raja Giryes

In recent years, the neural radiance field (NeRF) model has gained popularity due to its ability to recover complex 3D scenes. Following its success, many approaches proposed different NeRF representations in order to further improve both runtime and performance. One such example is Triplane, in which NeRF is represented using three 2D feature planes. This enables easily using existing 2D neural networks in this framework, e.g., to generate the three planes. Despite its advantage, the triplane representation lagged behind in its 3D recovery quality compared to NeRF solutions. In this work, we propose TriNeRFLet, a 2D wavelet-based multiscale triplane representation for NeRF, which closes the 3D recovery performance gap and is competitive with current state-of-the-art methods. Building upon the triplane framework, we also propose a novel super-resolution (SR) technique that combines a diffusion model with TriNeRFLet for improving NeRF resolution.
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Forging Vision Foundation Models for Autonomous Driving: Challenges, Methodologies, and Opportunities

Authors:Xu Yan, Haiming Zhang, Yingjie Cai, Jingming Guo, Weichao Qiu, Bin Gao, Kaiqiang Zhou, Yue Zhao, Huan Jin, Jiantao Gao, Zhen Li, Lihui Jiang, Wei Zhang, Hongbo Zhang, Dengxin Dai, Bingbing Liu

The rise of large foundation models, trained on extensive datasets, is revolutionizing the field of AI. Models such as SAM, DALL-E2, and GPT-4 showcase their adaptability by extracting intricate patterns and performing effectively across diverse tasks, thereby serving as potent building blocks for a wide range of AI applications. Autonomous driving, a vibrant front in AI applications, remains challenged by the lack of dedicated vision foundation models (VFMs). The scarcity of comprehensive training data, the need for multi-sensor integration, and the diverse task-specific architectures pose significant obstacles to the development of VFMs in this field. This paper delves into the critical challenge of forging VFMs tailored specifically for autonomous driving, while also outlining future directions. Through a systematic analysis of over 250 papers, we dissect essential techniques for VFM development, including data preparation, pre-training strategies, and downstream task adaptation. Moreover, we explore key advancements such as NeRF, diffusion models, 3D Gaussian Splatting, and world models, presenting a comprehensive roadmap for future research. To empower researchers, we have built and maintained, an open-access repository constantly updated with the latest advancements in forging VFMs for autonomous driving.
PDF Github Repo:


ProvNeRF: Modeling per Point Provenance in NeRFs as a Stochastic Process

Authors:Kiyohiro Nakayama, Mikaela Angelina Uy, Yang You, Ke Li, Leonidas Guibas

Neural radiance fields (NeRFs) have gained popularity across various applications. However, they face challenges in the sparse view setting, lacking sufficient constraints from volume rendering. Reconstructing and understanding a 3D scene from sparse and unconstrained cameras is a long-standing problem in classical computer vision with diverse applications. While recent works have explored NeRFs in sparse, unconstrained view scenarios, their focus has been primarily on enhancing reconstruction and novel view synthesis. Our approach takes a broader perspective by posing the question: “from where has each point been seen?” — which gates how well we can understand and reconstruct it. In other words, we aim to determine the origin or provenance of each 3D point and its associated information under sparse, unconstrained views. We introduce ProvNeRF, a model that enriches a traditional NeRF representation by incorporating per-point provenance, modeling likely source locations for each point. We achieve this by extending implicit maximum likelihood estimation (IMLE) for stochastic processes. Notably, our method is compatible with any pre-trained NeRF model and the associated training camera poses. We demonstrate that modeling per-point provenance offers several advantages, including uncertainty estimation, criteria-based view selection, and improved novel view synthesis, compared to state-of-the-art methods.


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