
2024-01-12 更新

CATFace: Cross-Attribute-Guided Transformer with Self-Attention Distillation for Low-Quality Face Recognition

Authors:Niloufar Alipour Talemi, Hossein Kashiani, Nasser M. Nasrabadi

Although face recognition (FR) has achieved great success in recent years, it is still challenging to accurately recognize faces in low-quality images due to the obscured facial details. Nevertheless, it is often feasible to make predictions about specific soft biometric (SB) attributes, such as gender, and baldness even in dealing with low-quality images. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-branch neural network that leverages SB attribute information to boost the performance of FR. To this end, we propose a cross-attribute-guided transformer fusion (CATF) module that effectively captures the long-range dependencies and relationships between FR and SB feature representations. The synergy created by the reciprocal flow of information in the dual cross-attention operations of the proposed CATF module enhances the performance of FR. Furthermore, we introduce a novel self-attention distillation framework that effectively highlights crucial facial regions, such as landmarks by aligning low-quality images with those of their high-quality counterparts in the feature space. The proposed self-attention distillation regularizes our network to learn a unified quality-invariant feature representation in unconstrained environments. We conduct extensive experiments on various FR benchmarks varying in quality. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our FR method compared to state-of-the-art FR studies.
PDF Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (T-BIOM), 2024


Data-Agnostic Face Image Synthesis Detection Using Bayesian CNNs

Authors:Roberto Leyva, Victor Sanchez, Gregory Epiphaniou, Carsten Maple

Face image synthesis detection is considerably gaining attention because of the potential negative impact on society that this type of synthetic data brings. In this paper, we propose a data-agnostic solution to detect the face image synthesis process. Specifically, our solution is based on an anomaly detection framework that requires only real data to learn the inference process. It is therefore data-agnostic in the sense that it requires no synthetic face images. The solution uses the posterior probability with respect to the reference data to determine if new samples are synthetic or not. Our evaluation results using different synthesizers show that our solution is very competitive against the state-of-the-art, which requires synthetic data for training.


Detecting Face Synthesis Using a Concealed Fusion Model

Authors:Roberto Leyva, Victor Sanchez, Gregory Epiphaniou, Carsten Maple

Face image synthesis is gaining more attention in computer security due to concerns about its potential negative impacts, including those related to fake biometrics. Hence, building models that can detect the synthesized face images is an important challenge to tackle. In this paper, we propose a fusion-based strategy to detect face image synthesis while providing resiliency to several attacks. The proposed strategy uses a late fusion of the outputs computed by several undisclosed models by relying on random polynomial coefficients and exponents to conceal a new feature space. Unlike existing concealing solutions, our strategy requires no quantization, which helps to preserve the feature space. Our experiments reveal that our strategy achieves state-of-the-art performance while providing protection against poisoning, perturbation, backdoor, and reverse model attacks.


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