2024-01-04 更新

GOAT-Bench: Safety Insights to Large Multimodal Models through Meme-Based Social Abuse

Authors:Hongzhan Lin, Ziyang Luo, Bo Wang, Ruichao Yang, Jing Ma

The exponential growth of social media has profoundly transformed how information is created, disseminated, and absorbed, exceeding any precedent in the digital age. Regrettably, this explosion has also spawned a significant increase in the online abuse of memes. Evaluating the negative impact of memes is notably challenging, owing to their often subtle and implicit meanings, which are not directly conveyed through the overt text and imagery. In light of this, large multimodal models (LMMs) have emerged as a focal point of interest due to their remarkable capabilities in handling diverse multimodal tasks. In response to this development, our paper aims to thoroughly examine the capacity of various LMMs (e.g. GPT-4V) to discern and respond to the nuanced aspects of social abuse manifested in memes. We introduce the comprehensive meme benchmark, GOAT-Bench, comprising over 6K varied memes encapsulating themes such as implicit hate speech, sexism, and cyberbullying, etc. Utilizing GOAT-Bench, we delve into the ability of LMMs to accurately assess hatefulness, misogyny, offensiveness, sarcasm, and harmful content. Our extensive experiments across a range of LMMs reveal that current models still exhibit a deficiency in safety awareness, showing insensitivity to various forms of implicit abuse. We posit that this shortfall represents a critical impediment to the realization of safe artificial intelligence. The GOAT-Bench and accompanying resources are publicly accessible at https://goatlmm.github.io/, contributing to ongoing research in this vital field.
PDF Work in progress


Glance and Focus: Memory Prompting for Multi-Event Video Question Answering

Authors:Ziyi Bai, Ruiping Wang, Xilin Chen

Video Question Answering (VideoQA) has emerged as a vital tool to evaluate agents’ ability to understand human daily behaviors. Despite the recent success of large vision language models in many multi-modal tasks, complex situation reasoning over videos involving multiple human-object interaction events still remains challenging. In contrast, humans can easily tackle it by using a series of episode memories as anchors to quickly locate question-related key moments for reasoning. To mimic this effective reasoning strategy, we propose the Glance-Focus model. One simple way is to apply an action detection model to predict a set of actions as key memories. However, these actions within a closed set vocabulary are hard to generalize to various video domains. Instead of that, we train an Encoder-Decoder to generate a set of dynamic event memories at the glancing stage. Apart from using supervised bipartite matching to obtain the event memories, we further design an unsupervised memory generation method to get rid of dependence on event annotations. Next, at the focusing stage, these event memories act as a bridge to establish the correlation between the questions with high-level event concepts and low-level lengthy video content. Given the question, the model first focuses on the generated key event memory, then focuses on the most relevant moment for reasoning through our designed multi-level cross-attention mechanism. We conduct extensive experiments on four Multi-Event VideoQA benchmarks including STAR, EgoTaskQA, AGQA, and NExT-QA. Our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art results, surpassing current large models in various challenging reasoning tasks. The code and models are available at https://github.com/ByZ0e/Glance-Focus.
PDF Accepted in NeurIPS 2023


MLIP: Medical Language-Image Pre-training with Masked Local Representation Learning

Authors:Jiarun Liu, Hong-Yu Zhou, Cheng Li, Weijian Huang, Hao Yang, Yong Liang, Shanshan Wang

Existing contrastive language-image pre-training aims to learn a joint representation by matching abundant image-text pairs. However, the number of image-text pairs in medical datasets is usually orders of magnitude smaller than that in natural datasets. Besides, medical image-text pairs often involve numerous complex fine-grained correspondences. This paper aims to enhance the data efficiency by introducing multiple-to-multiple local relationship modeling to capture denser supervisions. More specifically, we propose a Medical Language-Image Pre-training (MLIP) framework, which exploits the limited image-text medical data more efficiently through patch-sentence matching. Furthermore, we introduce a masked contrastive learning strategy with semantic integrity estimation to reduce redundancy in images while preserving the underlying semantics. Our evaluation results show that MLIP outperforms previous work in zero/few-shot classification and few-shot segmentation tasks by a large margin.
PDF 5 pages, 3 figures


PLLaMa: An Open-source Large Language Model for Plant Science

Authors:Xianjun Yang, Junfeng Gao, Wenxin Xue, Erik Alexandersson

Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited remarkable capabilities in understanding and interacting with natural language across various sectors. However, their effectiveness is limited in specialized areas requiring high accuracy, such as plant science, due to a lack of specific expertise in these fields. This paper introduces PLLaMa, an open-source language model that evolved from LLaMa-2. It’s enhanced with a comprehensive database, comprising more than 1.5 million scholarly articles in plant science. This development significantly enriches PLLaMa with extensive knowledge and proficiency in plant and agricultural sciences. Our initial tests, involving specific datasets related to plants and agriculture, show that PLLaMa substantially improves its understanding of plant science-related topics. Moreover, we have formed an international panel of professionals, including plant scientists, agricultural engineers, and plant breeders. This team plays a crucial role in verifying the accuracy of PLLaMa’s responses to various academic inquiries, ensuring its effective and reliable application in the field. To support further research and development, we have made the model’s checkpoints and source codes accessible to the scientific community. These resources are available for download at \url{https://github.com/Xianjun-Yang/PLLaMa}.
PDF Work in progress


Towards a Foundation Purchasing Model: Pretrained Generative Autoregression on Transaction Sequences

Authors:Piotr Skalski, David Sutton, Stuart Burrell, Iker Perez, Jason Wong

Machine learning models underpin many modern financial systems for use cases such as fraud detection and churn prediction. Most are based on supervised learning with hand-engineered features, which relies heavily on the availability of labelled data. Large self-supervised generative models have shown tremendous success in natural language processing and computer vision, yet so far they haven’t been adapted to multivariate time series of financial transactions. In this paper, we present a generative pretraining method that can be used to obtain contextualised embeddings of financial transactions. Benchmarks on public datasets demonstrate that it outperforms state-of-the-art self-supervised methods on a range of downstream tasks. We additionally perform large-scale pretraining of an embedding model using a corpus of data from 180 issuing banks containing 5.1 billion transactions and apply it to the card fraud detection problem on hold-out datasets. The embedding model significantly improves value detection rate at high precision thresholds and transfers well to out-of-domain distributions.


WordArt Designer API: User-Driven Artistic Typography Synthesis with Large Language Models on ModelScope

Authors:Jun-Yan He, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Chenyang Li, Jingdong Sun, Wangmeng Xiang, Yusen Hu, Xianhui Lin, Xiaoyang Kang, Zengke Jin, Bin Luo, Yifeng Geng, Xuansong Xie, Jingren Zhou

This paper introduces the WordArt Designer API, a novel framework for user-driven artistic typography synthesis utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) on ModelScope. We address the challenge of simplifying artistic typography for non-professionals by offering a dynamic, adaptive, and computationally efficient alternative to traditional rigid templates. Our approach leverages the power of LLMs to understand and interpret user input, facilitating a more intuitive design process. We demonstrate through various case studies how users can articulate their aesthetic preferences and functional requirements, which the system then translates into unique and creative typographic designs. Our evaluations indicate significant improvements in user satisfaction, design flexibility, and creative expression over existing systems. The WordArt Designer API not only democratizes the art of typography but also opens up new possibilities for personalized digital communication and design.
PDF Spotlight Paper from the Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design at the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023). 5 pages, 5 figures


Evaluating Large Language Models in Semantic Parsing for Conversational Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs

Authors:Phillip Schneider, Manuel Klettner, Kristiina Jokinen, Elena Simperl, Florian Matthes

Conversational question answering systems often rely on semantic parsing to enable interactive information retrieval, which involves the generation of structured database queries from a natural language input. For information-seeking conversations about facts stored within a knowledge graph, dialogue utterances are transformed into graph queries in a process that is called knowledge-based conversational question answering. This paper evaluates the performance of large language models that have not been explicitly pre-trained on this task. Through a series of experiments on an extensive benchmark dataset, we compare models of varying sizes with different prompting techniques and identify common issue types in the generated output. Our results demonstrate that large language models are capable of generating graph queries from dialogues, with significant improvements achievable through few-shot prompting and fine-tuning techniques, especially for smaller models that exhibit lower zero-shot performance.
PDF Accepted to ICAART 2024


Cross-target Stance Detection by Exploiting Target Analytical Perspectives

Authors:Daijun Ding, Rong Chen, Bowen Zhang, Xu Huang, Li Dong, Xiaowen Zhao, Ge Song, Liwen Jing

Cross-target stance detection (CTSD) is an important task, which infers the attitude of the destination target by utilizing annotated data derived from the source target. One important approach in CTSD is to extract domain-invariant features to bridge the knowledge gap between multiple targets. However, the analysis of informal and short text structure, and implicit expressions, complicate the extraction of domain-invariant knowledge. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Perspective Prompt-Tuning (MPPT) model for CTSD that uses the analysis perspective as a bridge to transfer knowledge. First, we develop a two-stage instruct-based chain-of-thought method (TsCoT) to elicit target analysis perspectives and provide natural language explanations (NLEs) from multiple viewpoints by formulating instructions based on large language model (LLM). Second, we propose a multi-perspective prompt-tuning framework (MultiPLN) to fuse the NLEs into the stance predictor. Extensive experiments results demonstrate the superiority of MPPT against the state-of-the-art baseline methods.


Detours for Navigating Instructional Videos

Authors:Kumar Ashutosh, Zihui Xue, Tushar Nagarajan, Kristen Grauman

We introduce the video detours problem for navigating instructional videos. Given a source video and a natural language query asking to alter the how-to video’s current path of execution in a certain way, the goal is to find a related ‘’detour video’’ that satisfies the requested alteration. To address this challenge, we propose VidDetours, a novel video-language approach that learns to retrieve the targeted temporal segments from a large repository of how-to’s using video-and-text conditioned queries. Furthermore, we devise a language-based pipeline that exploits how-to video narration text to create weakly supervised training data. We demonstrate our idea applied to the domain of how-to cooking videos, where a user can detour from their current recipe to find steps with alternate ingredients, tools, and techniques. Validating on a ground truth annotated dataset of 16K samples, we show our model’s significant improvements over best available methods for video retrieval and question answering, with recall rates exceeding the state of the art by 35%.
PDF Technical report


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